Froggy Pot
Ай бұрын
Assemble with Care | Part 1
Penguin Cafe
2 ай бұрын
Dawn of the Damned - Playthrough
@David_Kyte 4 күн бұрын
I forget how this game IS kind of a fever dream, sometimes. And Lemon milk sounds kind of awful when you consider it'd curdle and everything.
@peachponcho 3 күн бұрын
@@David_Kyte Oh god I forgot about the curdling 😭 I learned lemon and milk curdle the hard way when making tea one time. I was like man the milk is looking real weird and my fiancé had to explain I’d curdled the milk 😅
@valhallions 12 күн бұрын
Oh my gosh thank you so much for playing! It means alot to us and we Always love your playthroughs😁 I hope you had fun ❤️
@peachponcho 12 күн бұрын
@@valhallions I had so much fun!! I wanted to play through more of it but was wiped from work 😩 I looooved the little scene you get when you click the “do not click” option lol. I did it off camera and wished I’d done it while recording! The game was an absolute joy to play 💖
@valhallions 12 күн бұрын
@@peachponcho lol i was very impressed with how you resisted the do not click button lol
@David_Kyte 12 күн бұрын
So I tried posting this and it wouldn't take, so let's try again. Good timing for posting a vid, Peach! I've got something to watch besides the weather on the news. They say Milton will be bringing in its worst in around 2 hours... I'm managing so far, but, eh.. Go look at where Saint Petersburg is on the map compared to that storm track. I'll let you know, of course.
@valhallions 12 күн бұрын
Stay safe❤️
@peachponcho 12 күн бұрын
@@David_Kyte Oh my god, I hope the storm moves further south 😥 Please, please stay as safe as you can. I’m glad I could give you a small distraction at least ❤️
@David_Kyte 11 күн бұрын
Well, we made it alive and with my house intact. No water or power though, and mobile internet is spotty.
@peachponcho 11 күн бұрын
@@David_Kyte I’m so, so glad!!! I hope your water and power come back on soon!
@David_Kyte 7 күн бұрын
Water and Power are back. Internet is out. All the stories you read about gas shortages are not exaggerations. Waited in a 3 hour, 6 block long line for gas so my car and my generator had some gasoline. Fortunately, this isn't like Hurricane Irma, where I had no power for 15 days... I look forward to your next Video, where I hope to be back to being able to watch like normal.
@David_Kyte 18 күн бұрын
If that was at me, about Florida, I'm just fine Peach. We managed, surprisingly. Although I'm in Tampa Bay, so some of my neighbors across town didn't do so hot. Yeah.... I'm glad you had a good trip! Denver is such a fun city. Or at least it was to this flat-Florida Dweller! All the national parks and monuments and natural landscapes out west are just so amazing to me. Then again though, I realize people are amazed by the beach that.....i haven't been to in ...maybe a year? I wonder if that beach is there now, actually.... They're gonna need a LOT of help rebuilding. Same with up in the mountains, too. You manage to sleep ok in hotels, and away from home and all that? We talked about how you were worried about that. And sign me up for anything with baby hippos!
@David_Kyte 18 күн бұрын
Found a place in Denver that has Ube Horchata, is that what you were looking for? Ube is a purple asian Yam, so it's...a very purple drink. That would be a fusion of Asian and Latin food there.
@peachponcho 17 күн бұрын
Yes! I remembered you mentioning that you lived in Florida and was worried sick!! I'm so glad to hear you and your family are okay ❤ The mountains were beautiful - they're massive! It's certainly a very, very different landscape than I'm used too! That's okay - I'm amazed by the ocean and the mountains! Living in Arkansas will do that to you I guess lol. The damage is horrendous ;; I've been watching videos in those areas in it's so heartbreaking to see how many people were affected. I was pretty stressed out the first night in the hotel but after that I felt much better! I managed to get okay sleep. The baby hippo was getting close to outgrowing his dad! The dad is a little king and very small for a male hippo. The was a chai drink with chocolate and cinnamon. From all of my looking I can only assume it was a drink they made there? It was at Urban Egg in Colorado Springs!
@David_Kyte 16 күн бұрын
@@peachponcho Gosh, thank you for even sparing a second to feel worry over lil ol' me. ❤ I was most worried about a power outage, but thankfully didn't happen. My job selling food sure was busy before and afterwards though... We drove through Arkansas on our way home from the trip we were on last month. I have to tell you, Windmills and Highway patrol was about all I could vouch for having seen. Oh, and a couple Love's truckstops, heh. ...and..Man oh man, I just looked up that place's menu. Not that I will ever have a reason to be in that neck of the woods, but...chocolate AND Chai? I hadn't considered that combination, but sign me up! I am a tea person, so maybe I can recreate it. Hmm....
@David_Kyte 16 күн бұрын
@@peachponcho History Repeats itself; I'm in the path of Milton, too. Basically right in the bullseye of that forecast cone. I'll let you know how it is when we make it out the other side.
@peachponcho 14 күн бұрын
@@David_Kyte Lol, lots and lots of Love's truck stops. They're my favorite gas stations on road trips. There are lots of beautiful places to hike, caves, and waterfalls! The rest of Arkansas is uhhh not great to say the least. Northwest Arkansas around Fayetteville is awesome! So is Eureka Springs! They're like little oasis's. If you figure out how to make a good chocolate and chai drink you'll have to give me the recipe! It was so amazing ;; ❤ I just saw today that Milton was upgraded to a category 5. That's so insane. We only get tornadoes here so I'm not familiar with hurricanes but from everything I've read it seems like it's going to be absolute horrendous. And of course I was worried! I'm going to be three times as worried this time 😖 Definitely let me know how you guys make it out!! Be safe!
@leon2432 19 күн бұрын
@leon2432 19 күн бұрын
I think the whole point was like "oh there must be a twist or something I'm missing here" as she gets into more graphic detail and we are just in suspense waiting for the big reveal and then she subverts expectations by having there be a twist- just not the one we wanted or asked for ; _ ;
@peachponcho 17 күн бұрын
@@leon2432 I was in PAIN reading it 😭
@CrypticPara 28 күн бұрын
Another coffee talk enjoyer!
@peachponcho 28 күн бұрын
@@CrypticPara Yes!! Coffee Talk is amazing! I’m really looking forward to finally getting to the second Coffee Talk 😁
@CrypticPara 28 күн бұрын
@@peachponcho please do! Neil in Coffee Talk ep 1 will always be my favorite!!
@Dr.delirium_ Ай бұрын
We love ourselves a small side of existential crisis
@David_Kyte Ай бұрын
I've got a backlog of your vids to watch, since I took a roadtrip, but where better than to start with a spot of existential crisis? I work retail, I have existential crises every time I put my nametag on...
@David_Kyte Ай бұрын
This game does a good job on touching on a couple things we all deal with, I think. And I hear you on the dream home situation for the future. I never thought we'd be homeowners, but let me tell you, even if it's not the dream farm full of animals and gardens that you maybe dream of, it's a huge improvement to your outlook, not having to consider a landlord, or somebody not renewing your lease, or whatever... Frog, boiling in pot? Like I said about working in retail.....yeah, sounds about right. Getting stuck and not knowing how to get out of a wrong turn or a dead end...entirely too relatable. I think we all need folks that will talk us back off the ledge, or out of the pot, or out of the maze.
@peachponcho Ай бұрын
@@David_Kyte God, it would be so nice not dealing with leases and raised rent 😮‍💨My goal is for our next place to be a house with a fenced in back yard for our dog Finch. I definitely related to Froggy a LOT. Especially when I had been at my current job for a while. The monotony started to set in and the existential crises were close behind. I'm glad I've been consistent enough with my uploads for you to have a backlog 😄 I hope your road trip was fun!! My fiancé and I are actually about to go on a roadtrip soon as well!
@David_Kyte Ай бұрын
@@peachponcho We have a little fenced in yard; our little teenaged dog runs and plays. Except it's Florida, so she melts so she doesn't stay outside long. Road trip, eh? Well, hopefully you aren't as crazy as we are. We went all the way from one side of the country to the other and back in 15 days. If you need places to stay, some places are really terrifying, but if you find recently-built Courtyards by Marriot, they are usually ok. (Not a plug...we legit had problems with things like messy rooms and broken AC other places, and 3 out of 3 Courtyards were at least a B+) And yeah, Palm Springs was legit 122 degrees when we drove through it. I do not recommend 122 degrees, girl! Felt like I'd left the oven open, just...outside.
@peachponcho Ай бұрын
@@David_Kyte Oh, god 122 degrees is crazy!! We're visiting Colorado so we'll be experiencing the opposite temperatures lol. We're planning driving the 14-15 hours there in one go, but will only be staying a couple days. That sounds like such an epic roadtrip! Looking at hotels has been the worst! I didn't realize how expensive they are. I have a lot of issues around staying anywhere but my home and have horrible anxiety around bed bugs, mold, or my brain convincing me things aren't clean so I'm nervous to go to cheap on a hotel ;-; I think I've found a couple decent places so fingers crossed!
@peachponcho 24 күн бұрын
@@David_Kyte I’ve been seeing a lot of stuff in the news lately about the hurricane that’s about to hit Florida. It looks so bad - I hope you and your family are safe!!
@leon2432 Ай бұрын
honestly "this is why i could never be a voice actress" is a banger title LOL maybe it could have been "why i could never be a VA"
@peachponcho Ай бұрын
Damn, that would have been so good
@Dr.delirium_ Ай бұрын
What warzone are you in that in that short of a clip three tarrs run past you
@peachponcho Ай бұрын
Lol, right? That's why I had to just leave those poor slimes behind 😔
@Addyboss125 Ай бұрын
I've only played this game once, my girlfriend had it on her switch and i played i took it to work with me to get thru my overnight
@peachponcho Ай бұрын
I've played it once before on my switch in college! I think I was just procrastinating homework though lol
@leon2432 Ай бұрын
hello i am Viewer! today i haven't done much, really. besides more introspection, farm work, some doodling. LOVE this game and your stories you've been telling so far up to this point!!
@David_Kyte Ай бұрын
The summary for Freya should include "always found laughing in a corner." Washington State law says no smoking in public....cop comes equipped with his own ashtray. There ain't no way the typical Seattle Coffeehouse is going to let somebody smoke in there, good heavens. Also, now that I think about it....these folks don't even remotely ever talk about or even reference the weather. Like sure, we get it, Raining in Seattle is a trope amongst tropes. (Play any of the Shadowrun Games, and you'll see it's ALWAYS raining.) But they really should've given him like a police rain slicker to be wearing. Otherwise he'd be dripping everywhere after a night in the perpetual rain. Or it would've been a good thing to add to dialogue.
@peachponcho Ай бұрын
I didn't even notice he brought his own ashtray!! That's actually so wild lol. The more I play the game the more odd it is that the rain is never mentioned or included in any of the game details. It definitely would have been neat if they had included mention of it or added it to the character art.
@David_Kyte 2 ай бұрын
My mother's got Dementia with hoarding problems. My partner and I had to take weeks to clean out her house to sell it when I moved her in with family that could help her better than I could. I appreciate that someone thought to make this game, but it hits too close to home for me. I'll let it play in the background so you get a view though, Peach.
@peachponcho Ай бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear that!! I completely understand wanting to skip out on this one ;-; It's a heavy topic for sure. Going through my mom's stuff was a bit different but I still know the whole process is awful and upsetting. Tomorrow will be Coffee Talk part 2, so it'll be a much more lighthearted video! 💛
@leon2432 2 ай бұрын
IM NOT COMPLETELY THROUGH THIS VIDEO YT BUT I MUST COMMENT ON THE LATTE ART PART. love it. and i love the beautiful heart we made together by frantically etching this cup aslkdjasdkj you deserve worse Baileys !!! draw a penis if he orders latte art again (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
@peachponcho 2 ай бұрын
I was so freaking tempted LMAO I was so determined to make a good heart though aslkdfjsal;dkfj I'm glad you appreciated it 😅❤
@David_Kyte 2 ай бұрын
Oh, and it's "uh-rai" for the pronunciation of awry. ...and Yeah, as somebody who took ONE creative writing class and couldn't keep up...a month ain't a lot of time for nothin'. Especially with a day job! (I may have let this run through the whole way when I went to work so you got a view, then came back to watch it after my shift, cough.)
@peachponcho 2 ай бұрын
Awe, that's so sweet 😭❤ That's so little time! People will do challenges like nanowrimo where they try to write a manuscript in a month, but I have no idea how. I stopped all my creative little projects when I got a job since I just didn't have the energy anymore.
@David_Kyte 2 ай бұрын
@@peachponcho I remember you being, I guess, 'relieved' of course to have the job starting, but I hate for all of us, that stuff that makes life more than "just existing" goes by the wayside like that. Adjust your schedule for what you're doing here, Peach; if one less video here and there means you have time for you, and no burnout from life, then I'm sure we'd all stand behind that idea.
@peachponcho 2 ай бұрын
@@David_Kyte Getting a job was a huge relief! I do like my job too it's just very draining. I'm actually going to adjust my work schedule so I can have more free time! I should be working 4 days instead of 5 which will be so so nice. I'm hoping the extra free time will help me feel less drained and I can have more time and energy for things I enjoy.
@David_Kyte 2 ай бұрын
Seattle, a city filled with dreams and madness.... too bad the dreams AND the madness are both somehow a strange, lethal disease that ends up sending you to Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital where you die of the hiccups! (I think I've watched too much Grey's Anatomy, I see the space needle I expect an Ellen Pompeo voiceover) Ha, you did touch on the one thing that kind of wears on me about this game, the text-typing sound kind of wears you out after a while. Just because there's SO MUCH of it. Love this game, besides that. I know we've talked about it before, but I think it's the first one that I've played before you stream it.
@peachponcho 2 ай бұрын
Oh, my goodness one of my siblings was OBSESSED with Grey's Anatomy growing up! They binged watched it in the living all the time with me mom. They said they get the reference lol. I'll see if I can't get that turned down maybe! I could definitely see that wearing on someone! I recorded part 2 yesterday so I'll test it when I record part 3.
@David_Kyte 2 ай бұрын
@peachponcho for the record it doesn't wear on Me in your recording. I hear your voice just find over it. I meant more when I played it myself.
@David_Kyte 2 ай бұрын
Hey, look at you, you went over 50 subs!
@peachponcho 2 ай бұрын
I know!! That's so wild to me! But super neat <3
@David_Kyte 2 ай бұрын
Yay, new computer! I had a problem with my gamepass account and my Microsoft account not being the same thing at one point. I had to switch accounts in Windows, it wasn't intuitive, the MS store wants to always switch accounts on me... but yeah. Edit to add: The original phonograph had a couple different ways to play sounds from it. They were all basically running a needle upon something that went around, but some weren't flat. The Graphophone that Alexander Graham Bell trademarked used wax-covered cardboard cylinders, for example. Thomas Edison did invent the phonograph in 1877, his company did make some that looked sort of like what you see in the game, but Graham Bell improved upon it and made better cylinders, from what I can tell. I think they started with cylinders because music boxes and player pianos used some similar sorts of things already. This game's date (on receipts and correspondence) is set in 1890, which was right around when people started the switch over from cylinders to flat disks. Obviously the flat vinyl discs were popular for a very long time after that.
@peachponcho 2 ай бұрын
@@David_Kyte I could switch accounts on windows, but I wasn’t sure about redownloading my editing and recording software on another account. Or I could just put the capture on my external drive and then switch accounts back???? I’ll have to fiddle with it. Luckily, I have a huuuge backlog of games on Steam and! That’s so interesting!! I’d never seen a phonograph before but it was super cool to see it in action! That adds so much to the setting of the game too
@David_Kyte 2 ай бұрын
@@peachponcho It's also interesting to read about Edison and Bell vis a vis the fact that there's always been talk that they both stole ideas from other folks, or that they got the credit that was due to others. It indirectly touches this game, now that I think about it, because of the way so many women intellectuals of the time that would've had their ideas stolen. Or they would have been treated like the main character gets treated in this game, what with the whole "we only teach serious MALE students, go home lady and be a wife." schtick. While Edison was, in general not a great person, and Graham Bell didn't "supposedly" steal from a woman or maybe actually anything from anyone (there really isn't concrete evidence that he did steal from anybody, just rumors and grumbles) ....back then would've really been terrible for anybody who happened to be female AND academic.
@peachponcho 2 ай бұрын
Yes!! I completed the game (the final part will be out next week!) and I think it really dials into being a woman academic during this time! Such a beautiful game with a lovely story, but it's definitely bittersweet.
@David_Kyte 2 ай бұрын
Peach, have you played either of the Coffee Talk series yet? That's one I DID actually play, rather than just watch you play. It's on gamepass, I think? Kind of topically similar, except you're the barista, not on the customer-side of the counter. With you on the black tea, though; I humor myself that I'm channeling a Scottish Great-great grandmother when I've "accidentally" had my fourth cup of tea. Harney and Sons. Go look 'em up, lots of crazy good flavors.
@David_Kyte 2 ай бұрын
And screw the people who aren't here for 50 minute videos. Yeah, I said it. Although this game was charming, in a "this-is-too-relatable-and-almost-stress-inducing" kind of way.
@peachponcho 2 ай бұрын
I actually did play the first Coffee Talk a few years back! I looooved it and have been meaning to play Coffee Talk 2 for a while. I've actually been considering recording both games since I could use a refresher on the first one. I'll definitely look them up!! I've grown up drinking hot tea since my mom drank but here lately I've really been trying to explore new teas! Any favorite flavors I should keep an eye out for?
@David_Kyte 2 ай бұрын
@@peachponcho I am somebody who brews their tea for even longer than it's supposed to be steeping, because I like a tea strong enough the spoon stands up, y'know? As Harney and sons teas, they have some tea bags but I normally buy their loose leaf little tins. They go a very long way. They are a very English tea kind of company. I have always loved their Tower of London Black tea (It's black currant and vanilla and honey flavored black tea,) and their regular Black Currant tea is good too. I just recently bought their Victorian London Fog and it's amazing. It's a strong Earl Grey with lavender flowers, so it's very fragrant. If it's your thing, they are also known for their cinnamon spice tea. Some stores carry them on their shelves (here in Florida I get them at Target or the Fresh Market) but I have bought their teas direct from them; I think their shipping is still reasonable if you buy several and are willing to wait a bit for them to show up.
@peachponcho 2 ай бұрын
@@David_Kyte I'm I steep my tea waaaay over the recommended time 90% of the time. I love me a strong cup of tea. I realized looking at the website that my fiancé had actually gotten me some of their earl grey from Kroger a little while back and I really loved it! I'll definitely check out the Victorian London Fog. I tried a lavender tea recently and really enjoyed it so lavender + earl grey sounds amazing! Thank you again for the recommendation. I spent a ridiculous amount of time looking through their teas this morning 😅
@leon2432 2 ай бұрын
I ADORE HOW THEY CONVEYED THE AWKWARDNESS IN THIS GAME and how they set up the little phone menu, and having it timed- made it feel so alive !!! love it!!!
@peachponcho 2 ай бұрын
THE TIMED PHONE MENU WAS SO REALISTIC! It kept interrupting me lol. It never even let me finish my coffee!
@valhallions 2 ай бұрын
Nice game and great vid😁 Nice to see you back into Visual Novels as well 👍🏻 Keep up the great work!
@leon2432 3 ай бұрын
@peachponcho 3 ай бұрын
@notsokatt 3 ай бұрын
I love this series so much!!! Its so colorful and your vibes are so lighthearted and chill.
@peachponcho 3 ай бұрын
Aaaa thank you so much!! That's so kind! ❤❤ Botany Manor is sooo good
@David_Kyte 3 ай бұрын
Your videos are such a pleasant thing to have going as background throughout my day! My ADHD attention span gets me off on a tangent after even just a few moments, so I may end up not fully paying attention....but your voice and vibe (and of course the games you pick to play and narrate) are what I'm here for, and I love it! Probably get more out of some of these games from watching you than if I were to play it myself, actually.
@peachponcho 3 ай бұрын
You're are so freaking kind oh my gosh 😭❤ That really means a lot to me!! I also mostly listen to videos as background but I also have ADHD so that may be part of it lol
@leon2432 3 ай бұрын
everytime you say "duckie" I keep getting a nostalgia beam launched into me LOL
@peachponcho 3 ай бұрын
Same 🥺❤
@mistyradiant823 3 ай бұрын
played through most of this game a while ago, it was a true delight. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
@David_Kyte 3 ай бұрын
OMG, Cats and CUTE HATS?! Sign me up, NOW missy!
@peachponcho 3 ай бұрын
Going to have the ultimate hat collection by the end of the game 😎
@leon2432 3 ай бұрын
THE ENDING O_O what a perfect place to end it on!! im really getting into this little game!!
@David_Kyte 3 ай бұрын
My best friend grew up in Maine. It is SO different from the insanely built-up neck of the woods where she and I live now; I definitely could do with living in the middle of an orchard in the middle of nowhere though.... I probably haven't thought about chloroplasts in a couple of decades, sheesh. This is quite a different sort of game from what I end up seeing out there other places. I think if we all played some games that require more than just mashing buttons, it'd probably be a good thing. Helps that this is fairly peaceful, too.
@David_Kyte 3 ай бұрын
I don't know about you, but (when a game doesn't have a demo anyway) I don't end up believing any hype from anybody. I learned my lesson with No Man's Sky; that game sent out so many red flags. It's a shame they ended up fixing it with enough patches, but bad launches can kill a game. I never preorder anymore, and I usually wait for something to go on sale. While I'm thinking about it: Thank you for mentioning the Game Pass. I am also guilty of waiting for games to show up there before I try them. It's saved me from some poor purchases, in the past.. and my Steam library is already too full of games I never ended up playing very much!
@peachponcho 3 ай бұрын
I don't think I've ever preordered anything actually! I feel weird signing up to play anything with no reviews. I also only started playing demos this past year. So far almost all of the demos I've played that have been released have been really good! I loooved Loddlenaut when I played the demo and it was everything I hoped it would be when it released. I'm lucky my fiancé has game pass so that's how I play a good portion of the games I do. I have an ungodly amount of games on both Steam and and I'm awful at playing through games I already own 😅 I have the attention span of a squirrel lol
@David_Kyte 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I MAY have watched more of YOU playing Citizen Sleeper than I actually played of it, myself....but Game Pass makes that ok! Kinda funny though, considering searching for that game is what made the algorithms send your channel my way... (Maybe I just like your narration better than my internal narration? Whatcha gon' do?)
@peachponcho 3 ай бұрын
@@David_Kyte Awe, I didn't realize that's the series you found my channel with!! I'm so glad you enjoy my narration ;; ❤❤ It's something I still struggle with and get self conscious about so that makes me feel so much better! There are a ton of games I prefer watching other people play. Especially horror games! I love watching them but find playing them myself way too stressful lol
@David_Kyte 4 ай бұрын
Hey, look who it is! We wondered where you'd got to.... So terribly sorry to hear about your Mother and the entire family situation you got going on. Hopefully stuff will work out great for you guys soon.
@peachponcho 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much ❤❤ Despite all of the grief and difficulties I'm actually doing pretty well all things considered! I didn't mention it in the video but my partner and I got engaged at the start of this year! In between all of the bad there's been good too. I'm happy to finally be back - I've really missed making videos. Currently I'm planning to have a video up every Wednesday at 1pm!
@valhallions 4 ай бұрын
Hey Welcome back!!!! Well done on picking up recording again 😁 looking forward to seeing what else you do. We dont have a home theatre unfortunately 😅
@leon2432 4 ай бұрын
┗( T﹏T )┛ but a fecal creature... LKJASDKJASD so excited to listen while i draw! :D
@leon2432 4 ай бұрын
B) i have a home theater and for sure two in the front and two in back 1000% . the sounds just not right otherwise !!!
@tannerhughbanks6087 4 ай бұрын
So glad to have you back! 🎉
@peachponcho Жыл бұрын
Hey everyone! So this video was a little tricky for me. I really related to the characters in ways I didn’t really touch on or fully discuss in the video since I wasn’t sure how personal I wanted to get. If I sound awkward or uncomfortable in places that’s probably why. I also missed a whole section of dialogue with May talking about her parents that I really feel adds more to her character. This is a seriously wonderful game and I think you should check it out for yourself if you’re in the right headspace for it ❤
@leon2432 Жыл бұрын
With the ending discussion; yes the game is honestly pretty devastating to play for someone who deals with grieving with loving someone who passed away from suicide. It's almost like the main protagonist was given a gift that no one in this world would ever get the chance to have; to go back. Teeters into supernatural territory. But in that same way, its sort of satisfying for me that she got to have that and get that good ending. The game also edges on making you feel a sense of "blame" for missing her messages. (what you said about self blame and wanting to go back was very poignant and im super surprised by how well worded it was when you were just saying things off the cuff!) But I also think there's a more charitable interpretation of just being mindful of the warning signs. It's just, like you said, you can only be so alert for the loved ones in your life. I like the story of the two a lot, and I like the realistic depictions of both characters- and how we both can relate to both aksdjasd its a very taboo sorta subject realm that I like to see media on, and I feel like they didnt do too bad of a job!! super duper love the art and music c: thank you for taking my recc and playing!!!!
@peachponcho Жыл бұрын
I appreciated the recommendation and I’m so happy you enjoyed the video!! I’m so glad you felt I worded that well!! I was really struggling putting my thoughts and feelings into words. I do think at points I was perhaps a little unfair? to the intention of the game. I think my own personal experiences and biases slipped in a little there. As I think I probably overly hit on in the video, I worry a lot about people blaming themselves but obviously I don’t the the game was trying to imply that you’re responsible for that sort of thing. But yeah, I think you’re right! It works well as a sort of “watch for signs” game that reminds people to maybe be more mindful of their loved ones. I do love that there was the happy ending too 😭 It would have destroyed me if there wasn’t since I genuinely loved both the characters so much.
@leon2432 Жыл бұрын
;0; SO WILD TO BE WATCHING A KZbin VIDEO AND BE DIRECTLY TALKED TO ALSKDJASD i love it, soooo excited to watch! c:
@peachponcho Жыл бұрын
Lol, I remember when I first started doing videos I thought about just literally addressing you in them 😂 That way I’d be able to talk more naturally and not think so much about other people perceiving me.
@David_Kyte Жыл бұрын
Woo, look who's back! Hope that Job isn't kicking your butt still.
@peachponcho Жыл бұрын
Not quite as much lol 😅 Definitely much more manageable now!
@petetehpandag0d Жыл бұрын
i like this game
@Iknow177 11 ай бұрын
@petetehpandag0d 11 ай бұрын
@exoticloudent7564 Жыл бұрын
I love this
@David_Kyte Жыл бұрын
So glad for you and the Job hunt, Peach. Although early shifts are a drag for this Night Owl... And don't apologize for having an introduction; it's potentially more awkward if it was just 'okay, here's a game.' You don't generate a following without something to feel even just slightly like a community about.
@peachponcho Жыл бұрын
Thank you!! This video is a bit old now so I’ve already started settling into my job, but those early morning shifts are still tough 😭 I really appreciate that feedback! I’m glad the intro doesn’t feel like a drag. Ever since I started my channel I’ve found that one of my favorite things is just interacting and engaging with people through it, so I like using the intro as a way to share more about myself and sort of “visit” with viewers ☺️ Lol, I can definitely see how an abrupt start could be even more awkward 😅
@David_Kyte Жыл бұрын
@@peachponcho Physically demanding and early morning... I used to work in a bakery, and I could never understand how the baker came in at 4 am, was gone by 12, and how that didn't screw up their entire life's schedule.
@peachponcho Жыл бұрын
@@David_Kyte Yes! It’s crazy to me. I thankfully don’t have any shifts earlier than 6am but I still have to get up no later than 5am. It leaves a lot of time after work but then I’m usually too exhausted to get much done 😩
@wandaflowers7743 Жыл бұрын
@haileysmith2381 Жыл бұрын
My name is Alex 😁😂 .
@David_Kyte Жыл бұрын
Here you go again, playing a game on my "hmm, I wonder if I should pull the trigger on this?" list.
@peachponcho Жыл бұрын
Lol, happy to help!! 😄I've waited a while to play it and so far it's really living up to the high expectations I had!
@leon2432 Жыл бұрын
OKAY SO I SKIPPED AHEAD ON THE HOVER TIMELINE LIKE "omg please please tell me the mature filter actually got rid of Nyah's Scene" and then all i SEE IS THE BIG PINK CENSORED THUMBNAIL AND I'M LIKE "OH, OH NO"
@peachponcho Жыл бұрын
Okay, but like I'm still wondering if that was me or the game!! With Brattan's route I used the mature filter, but then after I finished the recordings I went back and removed the filter to see what would change. I didn't see any changes! So I think I just didn't think to turn the mature filter back on, which raises the question - does the mature filter change anything??? was I bamboozled?? or was I the fool all along?
@leon2432 Жыл бұрын
2:53 lasjdasd nothing like a little accidental jumpscare
@leon2432 Жыл бұрын
8:18 omg demetri you elderly stupid man
@leon2432 Жыл бұрын
@leon2432 Жыл бұрын
26:58 yeah!! Personally, I see it like- why do kind acts need to be selfless in order to be "good"? Why are we not allowed to care or prioritize ourselves? If being kind makes the person happy, and you happy- then its a win win! I think it leads into a bigger topic of labelling what makes something "selfish." I understand like, self-prioritization (or doing self indulgent activities) in excess can lead to someone is greedy and selfish, but I think only valuing the absolute opposite of that behavior is equally unhealthy. People need to care about themselves as much as others!
@leon2432 Жыл бұрын
@peachponcho Жыл бұрын
I legit jumped!!! And alksdfjsalfdj THE WORDING. I was blushing soooo hard >////< It was a valuable lesson that I can't read smut out loud because I just laugh nervously lol