How to Install SwitchBot Roller Shade
@omoti128 4 күн бұрын
取り外す際、下からピンを入れても固着してしまっていてなかなか外れないことが多いようです。 付属のピンやクリップだと曲がって負けてしまうので、細いドライバーなりアーレンキーなり、曲がらない硬いものを差し込んで下から何度か叩いて押し込むと外れました。
@richarddennington 11 күн бұрын
Hi what is the 12v terminal for, thanks
@matroska80 12 күн бұрын
Is it Matter over Thread?
@cybermodstudio9380 3 күн бұрын
Only Matter over Wi-Fi
@rs-hs1cd 12 күн бұрын
@utkusarac 15 күн бұрын
Thank you, very easy 👍
@師岡-u4q 18 күн бұрын
たまたま交換前にこの動画のコメントを確認してからやったけど同じくピンではビクともせず。。 メガネ用のマイナスで下からトンカチで突き上げたら取れました。 これは不具合というかとっとと考え直して取り外し方を変えないと作成会社の怠慢と取られても仕方ないね。。。
@yoshi838 19 күн бұрын
@Bubaglobalj 19 күн бұрын
I don't understand what you mean by "tap the power button via the app and check whether it works". Do I point the universal remote towards the device? Or is the hub itself doing it?
@mayumimayumi3746 23 күн бұрын
くーー。こちらのコメントをもっと早くみればよかった… 見事に外れなくて無理やり取ることになってしまった…🥲 ご臨終…
@Sciencefriend 25 күн бұрын
How to activate Bluetooth to do a recalibration, please?
@ケビン-x4q 26 күн бұрын
@therealdanishshah Ай бұрын
My number 1 attachment is very different from this. I need the same. What do I do?
@検索画像 Ай бұрын
セパレーターのこと説明書に書いてない? 爪だとまず開けるの無理だしそこは説明書にも書いて欲しい ちなみに一度開けると爪でも開けられるようになった 交換時は爪なしで大丈夫かも
@カスケ-v3h Ай бұрын
焦りました。😅両面テープごとむしり取るしか、、、😱 カナヅチでコンコンで取れた😭 ポッチがスムーズに動かないこと&穴の垂直にターゲットがあるとは限らないこと ピンより極細マイナスドライバー🪛が有効ですね。☝️
@annaswinney2418 Ай бұрын
This video is not about curtains with grommets😥
@のもくろニッキ Ай бұрын
他コメントにもありますが、 メガネ用のマイナスドライバーを壁側に先端が向くように、穴に差し込んでトンカチで軽く叩いてください。これでびくともしなかったのが、一発で取れました。ありがとうございました!
@ねりごま-i2l Ай бұрын
カッターだと硬すぎて切れないです。 最初から切っておいてほしい
@mtodak1 Ай бұрын
Where can we buy these accessories ?
@switchbotsupport9112 Ай бұрын
Hi, there. Please contact us via SwitchBot App -> Profile -> Support ->Feedback for more details.
@まるさささ Ай бұрын
@jacklewy4378 Ай бұрын
Don't buy switchbot lock, the locks get out of calibration and jam. For me, the first time after 3 months. Now the lock is constantly jammed and every second use it has to be recalibrated. Support responds once a week, and the refund granted is just a constant promise that they will do it and then that they are checking what is going on with it and so on forever. If you get a copy from the 30-day return, you may have a problem adding the lock to your account. I'm writing this everywhere as a warning against this lock and a company that doesn't care about its customers. Read on the Internet that many people have problems with this lock.
@jacklewy4378 Ай бұрын
Don't buy switchbot lock, the locks get out of calibration and jam. For me, the first time after 3 months. Now the lock is constantly jammed and every second use it has to be recalibrated. Support responds once a week, and the refund granted is just a constant promise that they will do it and then that they are checking what is going on with it and so on forever. If you get a copy from the 30-day return, you may have a problem adding the lock to your account. I'm writing this everywhere as a warning against this lock and a company that doesn't care about its customers. Read on the Internet that many people have problems with this lock.
@jacklewy4378 Ай бұрын
Don't buy switchbot lock, the locks get out of calibration and jam. For me, the first time after 3 months. Now the lock is constantly jammed and every second use it has to be recalibrated. Support responds once a week, and the refund granted is just a constant promise that they will do it and then that they are checking what is going on with it and so on forever. If you get a copy from the 30-day return, you may have a problem adding the lock to your account. I'm writing this everywhere as a warning against this lock and a company that doesn't care about its customers. Read on the Internet that many people have problems with this lock.
@jacklewy4378 Ай бұрын
Don't buy, the locks get out of calibration and jam. For me, the first time after 3 months. Now the lock is constantly jammed and every second use it has to be recalibrated. Support responds once a week, and the refund granted is just a constant promise that they will do it and then that they are checking what is going on with it and so on forever. If you get a copy from the 30-day return, you may have a problem adding the lock to your account.
@bisvizstudio1242 2 ай бұрын
I don't understand how an update make the app worse. I can't even control my bot from far away right now because the damn hub isn't connected to the bot. This shit's ridiculous
@francisluglio6611 2 ай бұрын
This doesn't seem very hands free at all.
@Nenad-ICXC-Shuput-GFAMMA 2 ай бұрын
Compared to all others, it very much is. Especially when you don't have to clean it after every mop and vac. And empty dirty water that stinks and add new clean water. Once a month. Minimal cleaning of the robot is great. I love mine. Have had many others. This one is definitely rules them all.
@francisluglio6611 Ай бұрын
@@Nenad-ICXC-Shuput-GFAMMA I'm just being overly critical. I had ordered one before i made this comment. Now that I have it, I have a few criticisms but I love it. No other robot would have made my life this much easier.
@Zerofighter416 2 ай бұрын
穴の中の押し下げ機構が固着して、取れなくなるケースが多いみたいです。 私も初めはSIMカード交換用のピンでやりましたが、固くてピンが負けてしまい外せませんでした。 仕方なく細いピンポンチとミニハンマーでコンコン叩いたところ、あっさり外すことができました。
@暁-r8b 2 ай бұрын
@randomness1999 2 ай бұрын
How do you install the accessory to help with the bump on a telescoping rod? The quiet drift feature doesn’t work well over the bump.
@田邊宏道 2 ай бұрын
購入させてもらいました 質問ですが、本体に磁石をつけた後、茶色の紙を剥がすと、ベタベタした(両面テープ?)が残るのは、問題ないですか?
@fuirucotton8198 2 ай бұрын
1.連続で主電源(壁スイッチなど)をON/OFF8回操作し、操作の間隔は2秒とします。 俺バカだったわwwwこれ秒間4回の超早業でスイッチカチカチカチカチするもんだと思ってめっちゃ壁スイッチこすってたわ
@ミュウミュウジィジミュウミュウジィジ 2 ай бұрын
@TH-pl2jd 2 ай бұрын
@森一朗太 3 ай бұрын
@loclc 3 ай бұрын
引っ越しで 排水分岐チューブを置いてきてしまったんですが、別売してないのかなあ?
@sebastianlupijr.7187 3 ай бұрын
Any reason for no sound? Or a mention of a button on the unit in the instructions or did I just miss that?
@lionelh152 3 ай бұрын
On v1-2-2-0 ( august 2024) for android. Be in same wifi network 2 ,5Ghz before beginning add SB hub 2 to google home. From main house name page-> press termperature/humidity value relative to you hub2 -> on top right press gear icon ->press menu name " configuration matter" ->SB generaye a code to use with google home when add register hub 2 device to another compatible device ( hub 2 can t do that nest hub can do that).the matter code is a predefine number ( not random ) that we can find on a glue paper on the right side of hub 2 device.
@euivanw 3 ай бұрын
I already have been trying that, but it doesn't work.
@naijababyyy 3 ай бұрын
i couldn’t get my battery cover open to save my life. you did it so easily
@DimitriTechOfficial 3 ай бұрын
This doesnt work! When i get to the stage of testing unlocking it goes the opposite way!
@harumi9166 4 ай бұрын
@hp30mp0 4 ай бұрын
@vaniviper 4 ай бұрын
What is this video for? To let you know that there is this unavailable accessorie which should come included in the pack that actually makes this smart lock usefull for most locks??Waste of time...
@bestankit88 4 ай бұрын
Hi, great video, SwitchBot suggests using their own cleaning solution but have you found any alternative, after shipping + customs it becomes very expensive.
@willyNYC4U 4 ай бұрын
Can I add multiple fire sticks?
@willyNYC4U 4 ай бұрын
Can I add multiple TVs for different rooms ?
@7m2qzq920 5 ай бұрын
@糞偶愚瑠 5 ай бұрын
三角オープナーもピンも捨ててしまって電池交換の時に焦りましたが、ピンはiPhoneのsimトレーのピンで、オープナーはマイナスドライバーで代用出来ました。 何ならオープナーはスプーンでも大丈夫でした笑
@willyNYC4U 5 ай бұрын
Can I use multiple tv’s and fire sticks ? Does it have the ability to set different rooms ?
@The135Cesar 5 ай бұрын
I'm the first comment 👀 Looks like a great remote! Would love to try it out. Maybe I'll get lucky and score a free one?
@日出子緑川 5 ай бұрын