Creating A Campaign   The Twist
2 жыл бұрын
Creating A Campaign   The Scene
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D&D Quick Tips #9
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Creating A Campaign - Get Random
Creating A Campaign   No Railroads
Creating A Campaign P1 The Villain
D&D Quick Tips #8
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Are the D&D Postcards Worth Buying
D&D Quick Tips #7
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D&D Quick Tips 6
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D&D Quick Tips 5
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AD&D 1e Create Characters Fast
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D&D Quick Tips 4
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D&D Quick Tips #3
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D&D Quick Tips 2
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D&D Quick Tips 1
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AD&D 1e Who Goes First - Initiative
AD&D 1e Combat Actions
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Why I Play Gnomes
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Silent Bones Trailer
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@GrognardPiper Күн бұрын
What about the repeating 20’s?
@TheCastleKeeper 13 күн бұрын
You failed to mention declaration phase, and weapon speed factor, and reaction/attacking adjustments - all which factor into what segment you go on. Also, characters using a reach weapon, like a pole arm, that is set to receive a charge goes first out of order. And missiles are launched at the start of the round, but are not resolved until the end of the round.
@Joshuazx 18 күн бұрын
Hit points represent, albeit abstractly, wounds and injuries. Why? Because like that shadowrun player who was confused by getting shot, when the game master narrates that YOU GOT SHOT, then for anything else to be true, like having a minor booboo, causes cognitive dissonance.
@kdxneppylyric1627 Ай бұрын
I am building a high elf Eldritch knight now that I am watching this video! Thank you for your in depth details
@Arnsteel634 Ай бұрын
I have that book
@docsavage8640 2 ай бұрын
Straight out of Dragon Magazine, 1983
@doctorlolchicken7478 2 ай бұрын
I never see anyone say this, but the way we did it was their AC became the bonus to your d20 roll. So if you need 10 to hit AC 0 and they have AC 5 then you roll d20+5 and need to get 10 or more. I know it’s exactly the same as subtracting 5 but we found it more intuitive.
@ironbomb6753 2 ай бұрын
We never played Hit Dice like that. The frog would have had 1, 2 or 3 D8's for his hit points. No wonder my dungeons were so tough. 😅 But still, had the frog rolled a 2 on one D8 for its hit points, it would have had -1 hp?
@docsavage8640 2 ай бұрын
Did you forget to apply weapon speed or is that in another video?
@docsavage8640 2 ай бұрын
Great video
@dyabolikalpvp2775 2 ай бұрын
man that sick i wish i had one of those back in the day. I find that even now id rather play older rule sets
@docsavage8640 2 ай бұрын
That's because they're better. By far.
@DaftPhully 3 ай бұрын
This is not !e- it's 2e...right?
@mrjjwwjj 3 ай бұрын
I'm so jealous you have the original books.
@mobilehomelife4028 3 ай бұрын
Extremely helpful, I started with 1E, getting back to it and relearning my favorite edition.
@mobilehomelife4028 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the link, I think I had one of these decades ago but lost it.
@Bluemooism 4 ай бұрын
Square is 3 feet. Segments for figuring out timing rounds for combat.
@leftcoaster67 4 ай бұрын
We had a local RPG magazine, and they made a criticals and fumbles charts. A natural 1 was a fumble, and a 20 was a critical. It was fantastic. Easier than Rolemaster but not as deadly.
@Classic_DM 5 ай бұрын
Keep AD&D alive! Add a few house rules to play clean.
@DrPluton 5 ай бұрын
I pulled out my dice and played along. I made a magic user with 18 intelligence and smiled until I rolled 1 for hit points. Our 1st edition DM allowed us to get maximum at 1st level, but the PHB doesn't have that option.
@Lakron09 5 ай бұрын
For the book tabs. You could probably try heating them up with a hair dryer for a little bit to loosen up the adhesive and see if it comes loose.
@shadowandson3550 5 ай бұрын
Wow thanks,beenlooking for one of these for a long long time
@dereklong801 5 ай бұрын
In 1E you didn't play in segments, you played in rounds. Segments only really came into play in surprise and odd cases like casting time vs. weapon speed to resolve which comes first when the spellcaster is about to get chopped.
@kingforaday8725 6 ай бұрын
Why repair this at all? Leave it as is. Memories of your childhood. Now if this were a garage sale or thrift store pick up go for it. If you are wanting cleaner book these are not terribly expensive on ebay. Regardless some good ideas for book repair.
@jasonjacobson1157 6 ай бұрын
More, please.
@kevinkingmaker7395 7 ай бұрын
Segments, weapon speed, weapon versus armor tables: what a hot mess.
@docsavage8640 2 ай бұрын
If by "hot mess" you mean a system designed over hundreds of hours of play-testing and which actually works and makes sense. So unlike WotC D&D.
@brent2795 7 ай бұрын
thank you for walking me through this. I am just now getting into 1e as a DM and i've been struggling with character creation (i think i have a handle on it now), but this tool is going to be a life saver when I start to run the games soon. I saw it online, but it even said in the description that this tool is too complicated for isn't as long as Craft D&D does a quick breakdown! thank you again!
@damianbyers1 7 ай бұрын
I followed the link but can't see how to order one? Any recommendations? Thx!
@elliotvernon7971 Ай бұрын
You have to make it yourself - print it out on card or stiff paper, laminate it for durability and cut it out, cut out the slots with an exacto knife and there you go. You don’t need a color printer as it prints out black and white.
@Turglayfopa 7 ай бұрын
"Random encounters are for when players go in random directions." Short, simple and good way of explaining when random encounters are appropriate.
@curtisbloes7001 7 ай бұрын
Can someone just do a step by step guide?
@sebbonxxsebbon6824 7 ай бұрын
I played one, he was evil but always put the party first.
@TheEbonn 7 ай бұрын
You say that cover and concealment don't stack because cover implies concealment. What if the creature haa cover behind a wall of force? That would be just cover. Then what if a wizard created an illusion of bushes in front of them. Would that not add concealment? I disagree that they do not stack.
@Alethra-zin666 8 ай бұрын
I think that I can walk 40 ft in about 6 seconds.
@brockenwitch 8 ай бұрын
Great breakdown. Thank you!
@TheEldarGuy 9 ай бұрын
An adjustment to the Defender AC is not (always) the same as adjusting the 'to hit' roll.
@TheEbonn 7 ай бұрын
This is interesting. Can you provide an example scenario where this would matter or take effect?
@TheEldarGuy 7 ай бұрын
@TheEbonn Of course. I can even use an example straight out of the DMG. A Monk ('to hit' AC 0 of 20) is using a bo vs a plate & shield clad target (with an actual AC2). The adjustment of bo vs Base AC 2 is -7. The example says the AC of the target I'd adjusted to -5, and according to matrix, the Monk requires a 20 on the 'to hit' roll. Had that -7 been applied to the attack roll, the target would be nigh invulnerable. There are always things to do in combat to gain adjustments on the 'to hit' roll (charging, flanking, rear attacks, etc). This particularly helps lesser creatures like goblins, kobolds, even orcs against 'tank' PCs. 1st edition uses the combat matrix. Which makes it a little different to the THAC0 systems that followed.
@Wendigo1974 9 ай бұрын
Written directly beneath Table I.B is the following: "Special Note Regarding Fighters' Progression: This table is designed to allow fighters to advance by 5% per level of experience attained, rather than 10% every 2 levels, if you believe that such will be helpful in your particular campaign. If you opt for a per level advancement in combat ability, simply use the table but give a +1 "to hit" bonus to fighters who attain the second level of experience shown in each group of 2 levels, i.e. 1-2, 3-4, etc. You may, of course, elect not to allow per level combat advancement" It's a Gygaxian typo fest as he means to say the table accomodates 10% advancement per two levels but has the situation reversed. That said increasing THACO by one step per level is a valid alternative and not a house-rule you would need to make up.
@twitchster77 9 ай бұрын
It's like 3 frames per minute. >.<' I didn't even know such choppy cameras existed anymore!
@mbohlin01 9 ай бұрын
Killer frogs mate ftw
@mollypalmer656 9 ай бұрын
You make it look so easy! This inspired me to order a lot of D&D books on eBay that have some loose pages... Wish me luck!
@JohnDretired 9 ай бұрын
Not being able to handle THAC0 is essentially admitting that grade 1 math had defeated you.
@Tysto 10 ай бұрын
Old-school systems aren't like modern systems. You don't count squares in combat. Until 3e, movement rate was based on creeping thru a dungeon, looking for traps and secret doors. The only movement rule for combat is "You can move half your movement rate and still attack." That's because virtually anybody can move virtually anywhere in virtually any room in a one-minute combat round.
@dagdamar2000 10 ай бұрын
But the same thing can be said about getting a high ac. As low ac taco .Also that is the basic book if you goto the website the add on are all there.
@prometheusbirdsong4356 10 ай бұрын
I remember seeing these back in the day. Thanks for the reminder of how work intensive 1st edition was to do combat in.
@josephpurdy8390 10 ай бұрын
9:32 Spell casting is usually announced, before rolling for initiative. You could permit spell casters to announce their start to casting later in the round. This would futher complicate the rules, because if the caster announces on a segment prior to their side's actual initiative roll result. The rolls may not permit the casting to start on the announced segment. The default would have to be start on a initiative roll of 1. That means the spell caster attempting to cast must wait, before casting in combat at least 30 seconds. DMG pg 63 Awaiting Action: This is self-explanatory, not an attempt to parley but neither an attack. It is seldom utilized by experienced adventures. DMG pg 65 Spell Casting During Melee The caster cannot begin a spell, interrupt it just prior to completion, run to a different area, and then complete the spell; interruption instantly cancels it.
@josephpurdy8390 10 ай бұрын
Spell casting when you suprise. These segments count towards the spell's casting time. The initial segment is the same regardless. Each suprise segment is one less needed segment to finish the casting. 24 seconds into the fight, and the magic-user is smashing the unaware with a fireball. The monster didn't even realize someone was casting a spell until the 13th second. If they manage to win initiative. An unarmored person may get 24 feet away from where they are standing. They will also be making a spell save for half damage.
@kyberaurora 11 ай бұрын
im working on a game so i can create my own to play with my friends/neighbors and videos like these are so helpful
@absentminded55 11 ай бұрын
I don't understand where you got the 3d6 for initiative. It's just d6 for each party. I suppose it's technically the same thing but unnecessary? Others have alreadu pointed that out. I guess though to add tonit, thr goblin should have 3 segments to attack. He rolled a 5, you rolled a 2. 5-2=3 he gets to attack for each segment.
@AXSLA3 Жыл бұрын
Just one thing, but it's not vital, in long sword entry you should put the modifiers to hit that the weapon has to hit those base armors (that is with no Dex adjustment), while on top of that you see an entry that states "the ROLL you need to hit this AC below", that's the place to put the numbers you wrote down at the right side of long sword. But as you said at the start of this video any mistake is part of the learning process.
@Deathstomper1 Жыл бұрын
I played this for years! I still remembered all the rules. AC, HD all that. What fun!
@tcschenks Жыл бұрын
5:30 The AC Types 2 to 10 are armor class types, not actual AC. 2 = Plate Mail and Shield, not modified armor class.
@duanevp Жыл бұрын
Gygax didn't write bad rules (as such), he wrote rules badly. This section of the DMG has about 6 paragraphs going ON AND ON, explaining the idea of how surprise works, and also includes two examples, and two tables of results. The result is that instead of being clear it seems IMPENETRABLE. :) The second table (on p62) is even INCORRECT. The normal chance of surprise is 1 or 2 on a d6. If you are surprised, then the number rolled EQUALS the number of segments that you are surprised. If the PC's side rolls a 1 then they would be surprised for 1 segment. If they roll a 2 they're surprised for 2 segments. If they roll a 3 through 6 then they are not surprised. Same range of outcomes applies for the other side. The table referenced says in the second to last entry that if the party rolls 1 and the monsters roll 2 that THE PARTY is then surprised. That's both wrong and inaccurate. It's inaccurate because the party IS surprised - just for LESS time than the monsters who rolled a 2. It's wrong because the party side is then able to take 1 segment of surprise action against the monsters - not the other way around. The party is, in that circumstance, therefore surprised for 1 segment, the monsters for 2 segments. A segment goes by with neither side able to take actions because BOTH are surprised for that segment. Then the party gets to act against the monsters for 1 segment because the monsters ARE STILL SURPRISED FOR 1 MORE SEGMENT. Then the last entry reverses the rolls - and gets it all wrong again in the same way and for the same reasons.
@AspenBrightsoul Жыл бұрын
Gygax will never use a simple solution if one that requires reading 7 books, finding the 12 paragraphs talking about it he hid in the DMG, then climbing a mountain exsists.
@leftcoaster67 4 ай бұрын
Inititive was handled with our house rules. (Basically dexterity). Morale, and Surprise we never used because it was just too complicated.