Academy for Justice with Erik Luna
Occupational Licensing in New Hampshire
@ricklong3260 10 күн бұрын
My friend got a dui in Minnesota he blew over at the scene ..arrested then he was asked to blow again at the station he was confused asked about a lawer...ultimately did not blow so his offense was enhanced to a gross misdemeanor had he spoken to an attorney 1), if you are under the limitrd blow...2) if you are over the limit blow......otherwise the offense automatically is enhanced and you lose your license for a year.... HE HAD NO IDEA THAT HE WAS ENHANCING HIS CRIME BY NOT BLOWING..his confusion was evident on the video....MENS REA?
@TheBlindamerica 13 күн бұрын
This type of policing only works in a civil society. An uncivil society with little respect for private property and life requires a military style police force to protect innocents from the chaos. Bring back morality and civility and you can have Andy Griffith again. The level of policing will always reflect the civility of the community. Stop blaming police tactics for an uncivil society; teach your children to love God and love their neighbor and the police can park that big “tank” in the garage.
@belairbeats4896 3 ай бұрын
@M40 3 ай бұрын
Law Enforcement Agencies stopped hiring locally, that's a huge part of the issue. One cannot respect a community in which they do not live in.
@chucay 5 ай бұрын
This is already the case in Japan. America isn't going to move upwards anytime soon.
@delwarmia9393 9 ай бұрын
Like this.
@mrj8166 Жыл бұрын
Robert Peel is UK's father of policing, you mention US statistics, the UK and US are different environments. The quantity of SWAT raids being implied as a problem is vague, rather you should explain why. The 1033 program can be pretty good, it cuts costs for the Agency, recycling old military gear, and that gear being used for certain situations. Honestly, community policing and foot patrols are last thing on the Patrol Division's duties I think, patrolling in a vehicle and standing by for a call. Title isn't exact to the video and respectfully I swear to god, please learn to specify which society, America isn't the only country in the world.
@raynasmr Жыл бұрын
Gee. It appears that Trump had mens rea when he squirreled away America’s most sensitive information.
@jameslipke354 Жыл бұрын
There a good many people that I know that attended college and earned at least an Associates degree or Bachelor's Degree HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR EMPLOYMENT. A college degree is a nice thing to earn and have hanging on your wall, BUT, the framed paperwork in no way makes the degree holders more or less intelligent than anyone else. I worked in the medical field for over 20 years, I do not have a college degree, but I will say this; MANY people that have graduated and become licensed RN's, either don't stay working in the medical field ie hospitals, Minor Emergency Clinics, doctor's offices, assisted living facilities or long term care facilities. All the RN's managed to do was waste their fellow students time, professor's time, prospective employers time and their own time. Being a caregiver is a calling. It is WHO we are as people, not WHAT we do for a living. It can never be about the paycheck. As far as I am concerned, ANY person applying to nursing school IN EVERY STATE SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO WORK ONE YEAR AS A CNA ON A LONG TERM CARE FACILTY AND ONE YEAR WORKING AS A CNA IN A HOSPITAL. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO EXCUSES. How many really crappy nurses have you encountered based solely on how they relate to you or a family member as a patient and your family??? How many have you overheard bitching about this patient or that patient being to "needy or demanding" or telling a patient and/or their family how short of help or short staffed they are with a tone of voice that makes that patient and/or their family feel bad or as if they're interrupting them for asking for assistance? NEVER MAKE THE FACT THE CLINIC, HOSPITAL, ETC IS SHORT STAFFED ANY PATIENT'S PROBLEM. IT SHOULD NEVER EVEN BE SAID TK THEM. We've all worked short, it super sucks, but you have patients to care for so grab another gear. suck it up buttercup and DO YOUR JOB. You can not teach compassion or empathy, even if there is a little bit present. I've worked around nurses I wouldn't let babysit a stuffed animal for the simple fact it's all about the paycheck to them. Thanks for sharing Mike! ~APRIL LIPKE
@AirmanBrown Жыл бұрын
Create a new law you have to throw 4 out
@ThatWeirdPlaceInYT Жыл бұрын
States love big prison populations because it's profitable. Someone always makes money from incarcerating people. Guards and their families live close to the prison and communities are built around the prison. Families of prison put money into these communities when they come to visit their loved ones. Prosecutors can use the numbers of people locked up to show they're "tough on crime". Politicians use those numbers too. Just profit. If prisons weren't such good business, perhaps that would end the incentive to keep prisons so full.
@michaelmallal9101 2 жыл бұрын
Judges in NSW, Oz just make up Mens Rhea. Judges and police claim 'lack of knowledge of the law is no excuse.'
@michaelbradley7621 2 жыл бұрын
Yea our system is ridiculous and focuses purely on punishment and the profit of a few. We treat people like animals and ban them for life for violating any one of god only knows how many obscure laws we have on the books. A huge percentage of Americans now have a criminal record. At least the government and a few wealthy businessmen have plenty of slaves and state money though!
@harveywallbanger1738 2 жыл бұрын
Simple. All forfeited money is taken away from the government agency that stole the money. The money forfeited goes only to people who are defending themselves from that same government agency. Watch the problem go away. ...If it saves one person from an unlawful conviction...
@william1863 2 жыл бұрын
These past Presidents were assholes like the Fed and especially Mr Bernanke. 😡
@avil8686 2 жыл бұрын
He was so wrong on Russia... Russia didn't collapse because of Swift
@william1863 2 жыл бұрын
Russia by Mr Putin is one of the only people who have any decency left and I am an AMERICAN. God ALMIGHTY help us all in the USA my friend but these politicians here NEED TO HANG ALONG WITH WALLSTREET But that we that JUST WANT TO LIVE PEACEFUL LIVES ESCAPE. ✝️
@whitewiz222 2 жыл бұрын
8:55 "And umm, one of the scenarios we laid out at the time was that Russia and China would acquire gold and over time have enough gold to, in effect, discard the dollar and come up with their own gold-backed currency, and then insist on payment in that currency for Chinese manufactured goods and Russia natural resource exports. Nothing that's going to happen tomorrow but over a 5-year scenario if they were pushing in that direction, you couldn't rule that out." .... fast fwd to today, and Russia's ruble is now gold-backed and the insisted-upon currency for their oil and gas natural resources. Way to go gaming, Jimmy.
@koltoncrane3099 2 жыл бұрын
The other issue isn’t just that they stole gold but they made it illegal to own. They could have made gold legal own again a few years after they stole it. That would have ensured people could mine gold and was incentivized. The other issue though is the euro dollar system or offshore banks creating dollars out of thin air with no reserve asset or dollars even. Without preventing that there’s no use trying to have a gold backed currency. Although I think it’s interesting they could have high food inflation after WW2 for a decade and gold not move. I get the government can set the price of gold but if labor or fuel to mine gold goes up you’d think price of gold should reflect the input cost inflation. I think if you want a stable gold currency or back currency it should fluctuate some what shouldn’t it? Or maybe have the government systemically adjust it once a decade to reflect the input costs and other inflation. It’s amazing to think gold could be at $35 for decades while land and other assets go way up.
@koltoncrane3099 2 жыл бұрын
If there was a private market for gold at $42 and there was a risky free arbitrage you’d think the government would be incentivized to legally declare gold was now $42.
@richardb4787 2 жыл бұрын
Letting the banks collapse would have been the best thing to do.
@patrickmcgoohan115 2 жыл бұрын
this was in 2015. 2019 had the repo crisis and run on the t bill with 6 month fed intervention. now it's 2022. . well, gotta hand it to them. heck of a way to induce inflation though.
@kylek1556 2 жыл бұрын
Needs to be 100% backed. If it’s only 40% backed then they’re still 60% criminal
@nambao1358 2 жыл бұрын
You try to give the video more brightness it will be great if you do
@n4t3isgr89 2 жыл бұрын
You remind me of that person that said the US national anthem is racist.
@EcoMann 2 жыл бұрын
The National Rifle Association lobbied state by state for mandatory minimum sentencing.
@ShadowWizard123 3 жыл бұрын
Nobody cares enough to speak out against this. Videos on this subject tend to draw about 100 views. People wake up and say something!
@tracysample6942 3 жыл бұрын
But Fink had a solution. “This is going to sound a little strange,” he acknowledged. “So you’ll have to bear with me.” The Koch network, he said, needed to present its free-market ideology as an apolitical and altruistic reform movement to enhance the quality of life-as “a movement for well-being.” The network should make the case that free markets forged a path to happiness, whereas big government led to tyranny, Fascism, and even Nazism. Arguing that an increase in the minimum wage would cause higher unemployment, Fink told his audience that unemployment in Germany during the nineteen-twenties had led to the rise “of the Third Reich.”
@starbase51shiptestingfacil97 3 жыл бұрын
Civil Asset Forfeiture is actually Fraud (a crime). It mislabels property "The Defendant" in the presence of the owner (act of deception). 'Property is the Defendant' is used in cases where the owner is not available, deceased or outside US jurisdiction. The US constitution does not allow government to seize property without first proving a crime was committed. Seizing property without proving there was a crime, is unlawful and simply theft by the government, hence Unconstitutional. --- Proof of Fraud: Property is seized (theft). No crime charged (irresponsible). Government fails to prove property was involved with a crime (irresponsible). Owner is left trying to prove property was not involved with a crime even when no crime was charge (injustice). --- Test for Fraud: Why is the property labeled "The Defendant" in the presence of the owner. --- Test for Fraud: Why didn't the government prove property was involved with a crime before seizing the property? --- Test for Fraud: Why is the owner left to prove property was not involved with a crime when no crime was charged?
@greta6 3 жыл бұрын
Pep is a joke they discriminate against you because of race sexual preference. Bunch of lies and propaganda. SORRY TRUTH HURTS.
@yodaflyz 3 жыл бұрын
Another video where I get to point out that Civil Asset Forfeiture overrides your constitutional rights to "due process or just compensation" when your property gets sized by law enforcement. This is the exact kind of abuse of power that the founding fathers feared. I'd say this law itself is unconstitutional but as Biden who was one of the author's of this law is now president, I guess people no longer care about the constitution anymore. Biden's law is sadly the law of the land today.
@eliasbabich1938 3 жыл бұрын
Sidney your the bestest ... learning a lot...good for the soul for anyone trying to be on the straight and narrow.
@Luka23567 3 жыл бұрын
Wrong bud The role of the police is to protect private property from the poor.
@tsquare427 3 жыл бұрын
whatever happened to the idiots that actually prosecuted this?
@retluoc 3 жыл бұрын
OK, how many people came here because of the movie Hear No Evil, See No Evil? Men's rea is nothing to worry about, it'll just burn when you pee until the antibiotics kick in 😄
@robs2579 3 жыл бұрын
Jim Rickards will always remain as one of the most well articulated thinkers and actors in the field of public and private finance, brilliant man and genius encyclopedic articulation.
@twebb1945 3 жыл бұрын
The accountability of our justice system and even the Executive branch lacks accountability and no one seems to know how to fix any of the problems.
@koltoncrane3099 3 жыл бұрын
That’s funny bush said he was saving a free market system when the feds keep the rate low and it’s not dictated by the market.
@koltoncrane3099 2 жыл бұрын
Here’s the other issue. Yes you could do a gold backed currency with 20% gold. But the point of gold is to hold government accountable. Now if the federal reserve has NEVER been AUDITED why trust them? Ron Paul has tried. Politicians in the 70s saw a room of gold at Fort Knox but nobody knows if we own that Gold etc. the fed may have sold a lot of gold to keep gold down in the seventies and eighties. The other issue is printing. If the government offered $20 in gold coins you could own them and save them. But you can’t. Remember gold is taxed at each transaction. You can’t even do a 1031 exchange but big real estate people can swap properties to avoid taxes. I guess a 20% backing in gold would be fine, but the government should put zero taxes on gold. The constitution says gold is money. But we’ve bastardized the constitution for a century or more. Like estate taxes are direct taxes and the constitution says direct taxes should be apportioned among the states. No one cares about the constitution, but they love to swear to support to look good. It’s all a facade.
@mariacummins432 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks again Jim for the great insight...Cheers!
@nopenope6538 3 жыл бұрын
Could this prick in the front row do something about his ADHD and stop shaking his foot?? FFS! Other than that this is a brilliant lecture that should lay the framework for your macroeconomic thinking.
@laughliketheflowers 3 жыл бұрын
Fascinating! Perhaps he can be a part of the second Trump administration, to re/construct the new/renewed America.
@vesna639 3 жыл бұрын
There are several ways here that outline how the judicial system has been weaponized against The People. It is NOT a matter of the system being weaponized against blacks alone (as BLM & the Demoncrats are trying to distract people into thinking), and Americans across the board urgently need to wake up and realize this.
@redlackawanna 3 жыл бұрын
@onlylonely8894 3 жыл бұрын
Spring 16!
@jeremyjohnson57 3 жыл бұрын
Class 12!!!! What's up Bert!!! I have video on my page with inside events. Love you guys. This program changed my life for real!!!
@onlylonely8894 3 жыл бұрын
Class 16 here!!!!
@bleacherz7503 3 жыл бұрын
This is exactly correct - and now you links why the gov has put students in debt and why medical costs continue to escalate
@trumanhw 4 жыл бұрын
Yet look -- Obama added $3.5T in circulation going from $8T in deposits in 2007 to $11T by 2012 ... 3 years later, you have HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of. homeless people. (great job Obama) ... I'm sure there's NO relationship. Right...?
@karlfigueroa3881 4 жыл бұрын
Langya wala kong naintindihan
@keepingeel7874 4 жыл бұрын
you know what i like more than my new Lamborghini? Knowledge!
@dedeferreira98 4 жыл бұрын
What? I love seing police as a militarezed force. It actually makes me feel safe becaue i know they can protect me from any threat. Foot patrols are a good idea tho
@jasonhay1956 4 жыл бұрын
"The only thing this will force police to do is choose their battles and not beat up and murder only people of color" - Kimberly Smith "These Sniveling Cowardly PIGS are afraid of REVENGE" - Leroy 'Money' Green "Shoot Dead any Cop/Officer who tries to take your belongings" - Nathaniel Jones
@40EntrepreneurDrive 4 жыл бұрын
Nice! I'm sharing this video link in my description as a followup for a similar video I made in case people want to learn more from other's testimonies.