Is EVE Galaxy Conquest Pay to Win?
2 сағат бұрын
CSM Interview   Frozen Fallout
New Eden News 09.20.YC126
2 ай бұрын
New Eden News YC126.06.26
5 ай бұрын
I Am Not Quitting EVE Online
@CardTiger Сағат бұрын
Awesome video man! As always very informative :)
@thelazy0ne 13 сағат бұрын
Micro transactions of only $200
@FELLCHARONGAMES 19 сағат бұрын
Having played this for a season and a day, I would never play little own invest in a CCP game. All your free to play resources are reset at the end of Season.
@HFAGrey 20 сағат бұрын
Thanks for doing this video and covering the game, I have been enjoying it but there is tons to learn, so your breakdowns are helping!
@Ceipe007 Күн бұрын
I asked in discord but got no reply. Would you mind doing perhaps a short on what determines the ranking on a siege? I thought it was damage first, siege later. But saw it doesn’t always do.
@Ashterothi Күн бұрын
Man I wish I knew...
@shakescan Күн бұрын
Been waiting for a new Galaxy Conquest video from you thanks. I played for free S1. We haven't gotten to S2 here. I spent $20 recently to open the (group that gets to lvl 50) so I'd have speed ups especially for hq next season. We're calling heavily paid players "whales" I'm sure you're right about dragoon, but our shard is saying it and certain commanders are good for clearing lvl 10 pirates in one shot (grinding components) I can't clear lvl 10 pirates yet. I did mostly a lot of siege damage S1, and learned some killing. I do lvl 9 tiles now. Thank you for the content!
@Ashterothi Күн бұрын
It is still a legendary ship, it is still good, but it isn't the end all be all. I would still take a Dram over a Dragoon. The biggest reason why people like the Dragoon is because they can guarantee red stars
@shakescan 20 сағат бұрын
I'm in #28. We had a very well known character Bob here, that rerolled in 33. Reportedly started a corp there as Caldari. Bob player has an excellent sense of humor. No idea what's going on in 33. I'll reroll end of season in the likely new instance. Totally enjoy your videos. I played for free until yesterday. I bought into Era and considering subscribe 1 month to open 20 dominance cache we won. Say hello to Bob. He was AA. I was PH, now KoT. Bob was admirable as enemy pvp it was constantly wondering what he got up too. I watch your vids very carefully about this game. I honestly felt a tiny bid bad about investing $20 total on ERA, and considering a month subscription. I see what you're saying. We have at least 1 5 star apoc on our server. My fellows said it was a whale, $2000. Now I see the math. I develop slowly. I understand the system better now. Thank you. Yes, megacyte. I've sold a lot of greens and blues, made a bunch of epic and a few legendary, now have exactly 5 megacyte lol. Take care. I check your channel every day.
@jwoellhof Күн бұрын
Can someone tell me how to find the fleet formation of guriatas pirate fleets? The scan gives the formation of the pirates that occupy the hex if you are capturing the hex, but not the fleet of guristas that you are trying to exterminate.
@Ashterothi Күн бұрын
You can't. The only thing you can do is send in a fleet to see what they got.
@NiksSofa Күн бұрын
Hey, guess what numpty has bought 3x1 month of gametine at exact time it was most expensive and didn't know about the trick thing.
@NickMaloney-d8e 2 күн бұрын
Goons are coming for you in Frontier haha, musta fucked up! in b4 ya hate the new eve,
@shakescan 3 күн бұрын
Hey! Time to make a new Galaxy Conquest video!!! 😂
@SuperiorFanBase 4 күн бұрын
"And convert into real world value" is where they lost me. No good comes of these words, only perverse incentives.
@jim01q 6 күн бұрын
We are not here for Galaxy Crap-fest
@Redishere 9 күн бұрын
There is a 67.8% chance this game will be on coffeezilla one day 😂
@evilmotorsports5076 9 күн бұрын
Sounds like living in a wormhole but with extra steps. Pass.
@interstellarvulpes7789 9 күн бұрын
I like the idea of frontiers in theory, I think needing fuel for ships is somewhat backwards. I imagine in an advanced future ships would need fuel but rarely, like nuclear powered ships. Maybe once every decade or two but they shouldn't need constant fueling like a car.
@Ashterothi 6 күн бұрын
Eh. Fuel is heavy, transporting it is inefficient. Future colonists will likely want to produce fuel as they go if possible.
@SuperiorFanBase 4 күн бұрын
​@@Ashterothi yes! However, they will either be able to source the fuel readily (ie scooping solar plasma) or their fuel will be self-sustaining (ie thorium salt breeder reactors), these ships are massive and it would be needlessly cumbersome to have to top off at the petrol every few hours. Think of how sibmarines and aircraft carriers are all nuclear powered now.
@Lord0fTheCheese 9 күн бұрын
I think the Frontier has a lot of promise. Just don't know if I want to dedicate as much time/energy as I have/do in Eve Online
@conrad2381 9 күн бұрын
Holiday Eve tunes. Need a look lofi version of that.
@toddpatton1750 10 күн бұрын
WH is nowhere as profitable as CH. I think your statement is very misleading that this is the best event of the year for ISK and items.
@Ashterothi 10 күн бұрын
CCP has in the past stated they tune WN to be the most per year. That _might_ have changed.
@Gamerznation704 10 күн бұрын
Was super suprised when I looked over and Vangaurd efforts accounted for 40% suppression on the guristas side. Now in the Angel Deployment, they are up against the powers of DammFam, which generally the militia help out in regards to the insurgency. May be the first one in a while the Angels loose potentially, thanks to vangaurd actually.
@EmptyAccountYoutube 10 күн бұрын
They banned everyone in Wyn on Eve Online and Eve Echoes. They banned 120 users in Eve Echoes, and the number banned in EO is still unknown. They did away with the Amarr Mafia, and all corporations supporting the Wyn.
@Ashterothi 10 күн бұрын
@EmptyAccountYoutube 10 күн бұрын
@Ashterothi they banned the Wyn. The Amarr Mafia is no more.
@higarra 11 күн бұрын
@VoylesGames 10 күн бұрын
EVE's famous salute has a YT "Translate to English" 🤣
@jameswohler985 12 күн бұрын
Zephyr plus rare quirks you get David Bowie tribute. I have seen once in 5 years of exploration.
@jameswohler985 13 күн бұрын
I miss the BP copies. Scanning for newbies is the easiest as they probably are around the starter system. One scan and you are done.
@paladinrpg 13 күн бұрын
The good thing is the Winter Nexus event's diversity of sites and the AIR Daily Goals sync up very nicely at least.
@Sithric-w9e 13 күн бұрын
Most of my corp mates who were excited about Vanguard lost the thread early on. I get they want 'us" to 'help" shape the game, but many feel like it was 'released" too early in alpha.
@evilmotorsports5076 13 күн бұрын
At first glance I was annoyed with the AIR Daily goals being cut from 8 to 4 however I can live with it based on being able to use Evermarks to "buy" the task. 3 out of my 4 PI alts only fly a Squall, Nereus, and Gallente Shuttle. If I even have corp and alliance logos purchased for them, it's only for 3 ships. With the exception of my brand new PI toon all of them have well over 100k Evermarks. Every day is a 50-50 chance I can do both tasks without the bribe.
@GeneralZod_23 13 күн бұрын
I just started the game, and I have a question. What is the difference between eliminating a target and capturing? What are the benefits of each?
@Ashterothi 13 күн бұрын
you eliminate pirates you capture cells, they are two totally different tasks. You can capture a cell without engaging the pirates and vice versa.
@Jeff55369 13 күн бұрын
The thing that's kind of sad about the vanguard issue you brought up, is it seems fairly easy to fix from a game design aspect, as long as they're willing to make some adjustments. They seem like they want to push forward with cod style instanced maps, but I think they'll struggle with that approach if they're not bringing something revolutionary to the fps space I've been advocating for a while (since even before vanguard was announced) that the maps should be dynamic simcity-esc built maps that actually exist in the EVE Online game world. At least for the ones that are ground side, the maps in citadels would be pretty static, but even there where ever you give players room to build (offices) they should have dynamic spaces. Because the citadels would be mostly static, they'd be a great place to start. They're large enough to provide multiple play styles, solo pvp in lawless areas of the station, team death match pvp for territory control in capturing citadels, pve missions (rogue drones, pirates, find the cat, ect. - basically anything you could do in a game like cyberpunk should be theoretically available in the open world station environment.) Once you have a good handle on the citadels, you could expand out to other structures, skyhooks, npc stations, ect. Then moving onto ground based maps, this would be more challenging because you need to take into account the various environments available. Barren, temperate, lava, ice, and moons all are environments the player can walk around outside on the surface of the planet. Gas, Storm, Oceanic, and Plasma have environments that wouldn't condone that. So you'd need a set of interior tile sets for that second group of planets players could move around in. Those structures could be reused with the first set of planets, just with the ability to egress to the outside world. CCP could create a simple sim city builder to release to the player base, and when they create various size cities, those cities could be distributed in various places around New Eden. Then at a later date, the sim city builder could be placed into PI to give that system more depth and a more involved game play loop. This would mean every PI installation would be different, giving players true dynamic maps to play on. True, a lot of them would be pretty similar with similar buildings, but they would be in new locations, unless you're fighting at the same location all the time. By having that huge variety of locations, you create an environment that would emulate a planeside style game without having to necessarily have maps that are that large. Since the locations are physically separated by large distances in between with nothing overly interesting between those locations, there's not a huge reason to simulate the entire area, but the pois should exist. Furthermore, mission locations could be generated based on the planet texture, much in the way a game like Rimworld would. This is possibly where maps like the crashed ship map could be slotted in, but i'd still want some variety on those types of maps, since not every crashed ship would be in the same type of environment, nor would be be broken apart in the exact same way. Also, more low hanging fruit is we need shipyards with EVE recognizable ships in them. Corvettes, frigates and destroyers would be the bread and butter here, not only because they're smaller and faster to detail, but because they can be reused. Shipyard, hanger, on a planet, derelict in space, ect. It would be really easy to drop an EVE ship in a map, or even have it fly in during the match to dock and unload cargo. EVE ships are an infinitely repeatable asset they can drop into any map and it's kind of foolish not to include them as a game play feature. If CCP ever wants to do player housing, giving players a free corvette to live out of would be the way to go (until the player decides to upgrade.)
@micahfranks7003 14 күн бұрын
this might be a stupid question, but what happens when the season ends? do we start over?
@Ashterothi 14 күн бұрын
You lose all levels and pretty much anything you spent isk on. You keep your inventory and unlocks.
@micahfranks7003 14 күн бұрын
Hey, we are in the same corp! that is neat
@sinmaan7568 14 күн бұрын
How can you auto build an outpost? I only sometimes have the option...
@Ashterothi 14 күн бұрын
It should be an option when joining a rally. It may need to be a Siege rally?
@NotRazvanStan 14 күн бұрын
its an option when you join a rally... BUT make sure its ok to do that... because sometimes you dont want outposts in front of a gate you want to protect but you want to put defences as turrets or disruption fields...
@Ashterothi 14 күн бұрын
@@NotRazvanStan Excellent point!
@shakescan 14 күн бұрын
Helpful. I didn't know about wings, I thought they were multiple groups of ships in fleet. I noticed you are good at reading details on ships and commanders. I'd like to make large cards of each commander and ship, so I can spread them out and easily see each. I totally have the keyword list you posted weeks ago. Good work thank you. I just got those types of currency from jita today. Thanks for explaining. I logged on lunchtime today and we took jita. I learned a lot from this video. Totally understood everything you were talking about, but that filled in a lot of details.
@NotRazvanStan 14 күн бұрын
Capacitor does not matter in PvE, if you look in the combat log you will see it counts it as full (patch notes from 15.11) - When initiating combat against escort fleets of NPC stations/stargates, fleet capacitor will now by default considered as 100 despite of actual value.
@Ashterothi 14 күн бұрын
Well I'll be...
@Wirespeed91 13 күн бұрын
The other day, I lost a fight to capture a lv8 tile that I would normally win. It was because my capacitor was low and reducing my damage by like 40% So... no, cap does matter at least in some PVE
@NotRazvanStan 13 күн бұрын
That is weird … Report it to the Devs as a bug it should really not happend.
@anthonyg3217 12 күн бұрын
@@Wirespeed91was the tile owned by a player?
@shakescan 14 күн бұрын
Tks for videos. My corp took jita today.
@Loneaxe 15 күн бұрын
Man this videos has to come out faster XD
@deboor7542 15 күн бұрын
More EVE Galaxy Conquest content. Finally. Great job!
@EmptyAccountYoutube 15 күн бұрын
It great Eve made this game. But because I'm on a Vortex tablet, it freezes, locks up and is laggy. I was told it runs good on iPad but I'm not buying another tablet just for one game. So I go back to EE and EO on GeForce emulator.
@Ashterothi 15 күн бұрын
It crashes all the time on my ipad mini. My Galaxy S22 runs it great. Bluestacks works but does crash pretty regularly. I assume memory overload.
@EmptyAccountYoutube 15 күн бұрын
@Ashterothi ok thanks
@mikehajdu6154 15 күн бұрын
Vanguard is absolute GARBAGE! Stick what you do well.
@suratt5774 16 күн бұрын
Can confirm, Maelstrom runs between 5-30ish FPS on my near spec machine - and it's purely the weather.
@haroldjayhoover5370 16 күн бұрын
Since you only mentioned the word "skin" (or variations of it) thirty-nine times, I am inclined to ask you to please report to the nearest Concord office for incarceration.
@Punchanello 17 күн бұрын
Always skipping over your best puns... Blaque ... Always kind of into blaque ops... Eh?!? What other kinda of ops would he lead??
@Ashterothi 16 күн бұрын
Yup. Pretty sure it is intentional :D
@Redishere 17 күн бұрын
Huge props for these skips mate! ill make sure to like and comment Amazing Educational Useful Entertaining in return.
@ReustersPlace 17 күн бұрын
Sorry I’m late but I just found this, do we believe that the Jove, the Drifters , the Trig and the Deathless are all bad guys? Or do we believe that one or more of them are trying to save the universe? I’ll be really upset if my -9 drifter standings are with possible good guys lol
@Ashterothi 17 күн бұрын
Drifters are the bad guy. In EVE there arguably isn't a good guy :D
@ReustersPlace 17 күн бұрын
Based on this it appears the deathless are trying to stop Upwell, and we know the SoE is part of them. But aren’t they dealing with the deathless? I’m so confused, SNAFU
@ReustersPlace 17 күн бұрын
@ but wouldn’t it be shocking to find out the drifters are the sleepers trying to keep capsuleers from going the way of the Jove/Sleepers…
@bigdogzone3177 18 күн бұрын
You cant be industrialists unless you have like 10 accounts it dosen't pay that kind of isk anymore to pay itself and at 20$ a month for each account it's not worth it !
@Ashterothi 17 күн бұрын
I have one character focused on industry