4 ай бұрын
5 ай бұрын
7 ай бұрын
@puni1004 9 күн бұрын
BTTF好きから辿り着きました 主さん、ありがとう いとうれし、こころよし。
@deloreanallday4897 9 күн бұрын
@chrispompano 12 күн бұрын
3:00 I have been studying the Delorean Tail Lights, & I want to tell you something that no other Delorean owners know about in the U.S. or Europe! Someday, I will tell everyone! The LED bulbs are not designed to replace the incandescent bulb since they can not reproduce light 360 degrees or 3 Dimensional inside the housing & onto the reflector, to evenly distribute light through the lens optics & fully fill the lamp housing with light for maximum lighting output. This is the science of photometrics & why LED bulbs do not work correctly in a lamp housing made for an incandescent bulb. I can see in your tail lights, shadows & bright spots inside your rear tail lights..... The best & most technological bulb that was ever made to replace the 1157 & 1156 style of bulb used for the Delorean front & rear lights, was a bulb made specially for Honda by Stanley Electric of Japan. These bulbs are very well engineered by Stanley Electric only for 1991-2000 Honda......... Use Honda Bulbs for front & rear lights for better visibility & safety. Honda 34906-SL0-A01 Bulb, (12V43/3Cp) Honda 34903-SF1-A01 Bulb, (12V 45CP) The genuine Honda bulb, Must be marked Stanley Japan! Also, in the center tail light, remove the top diffuser lens that is attached onto that inside/inner lens insert. The top lens is called a Reflex/Retro-reflector & was by mistake by Lotus who designed & manufactured the tail lights for Delorean. By removing the top lens from the inserted lens which looks like this ( \_ ) you will have more even light output. If you want to add external Retrorelective Tape for safety & for Japan safety lighting regulations, there are types of Black Color Retroreflective tape that can be applied to the black plastic tail light lens frame, or apply Black Retroreflective Tape over the black body moulding. It is also a good idea to cut open each reflector from the rear of the tail light & use a good quality aluminum - chrome spray paint to restore the reflector for most light output. Also, paint inside of the center reflector with aluminum paint, or use aluminum foil that is used for cooking & apply to rear of center light to make a reflector that is missing from the original design to make it brighter. This will restore the aluminum reflector coating that has deteriorated & is 45 years old. 😋 Also be sure your electrical grounds & 12v supply & connections are very good. Also be sure to upgrade the alternator to a high performance alternator which many Delorean owners do.
@deloreanallday4897 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for the wonderful information. Share information with Japanese owners to upgrade Delorian. I respect the depth of your passion and love for Delorean.
@chrispompano 6 күн бұрын
​ @deloreanallday4897 ​ Happy you got my info. It applies to any older car that uses metallized aluminum reflectors & others that used vapor deposited aluminum starting in the 1980's but even that aluminum coating oxidizes microscopically at a photometric level after 20-30yrs. & loss in reflectance. Newer cars vapor deposited aluminum reflectors have an optically clear silica coating applied during manufacturing. There are companies that do restore these coatings but not worth the expensive cost vs. using high solids micro powder aluminum chrome like spray paint. The trick is to have a bright color aluminum color but diffuse & dull reflector, not a mirror finish. Best to take #OOOO fine steel wool to both give a shiny but dull finish so as to not have a mirror reflection of the bulbs filament & create hot spots of light shinning thru the lens. Another trick is to use a hobby sand blaster to finely etch the top of the bulb to further soften the look of the bulb & look of the very bright filament. The goal is too make even light shinning thru the lens optics!!!!!!😎. ​ For example... look at this other Stanley Electric of Japan bulb that is so bright, it uses an applied opaque ceramic coating too diffuse the bright light from the filament that would make a bright spot of light coming thru the lens! 😎😂This is another bulb that could work, but will also draw more electrical amps. & also will have more heat if used contantly. You will need to upgrade the wiring to the lights & be sure it doesn't run too hot inside each lamp housing. The bulb is Stanley BP4825W 12V 35W/5W NO3. This same bulb is made by Stanley & called Raybrig R115 12V 35W/5W. There is another way to use an acid etch glass to dull the top of the glass bulb. I am sure it might be sold in Japan. Its used for hobby industry & is called Amour Etch Glass Etching Creme. I would first use the better Honda bulb I list above as it was specially designed to meet Honda's engineering specifications! The best idea & modification for safety for the Delorean tail lights, was to make All 3 lights work as both running marker lights & brake lights so everyone can see the Delorean at night, just like you also did!😎 Another couple of ideas I had was to either install an amber bulb inside the Reverse Light & also wire-it into the turn signal, to have 2 Rear Turn Signal Lights! 😎 Or use amber lens spray paint to make a Reverse Light amber in color! The special lens paint is made in Japan called: Vans Orange Lens Spray Paint by Dia-Wyte LTD. This paint could also be used to maybe paint the Honda bulb I mentioned previously & would need tested for heat, but if used to tint/paint a bulb used for the turn signal bulb used to convert the Reverse Lights into extra Turn Signal Lights, I think it would be o.k. since those bulbs would not build up too much heat!!!! Or there is also Amber/Orange film to apply onto the car lens's to change the Clear Reverse Lights lens into Amber! Then you will need to figure out a complicated wiring technique to make both rear Turn Signals & now amber Reverse Lights, work both as Amber Reverse Lights & Turn Signals!!!!! Probably the use of relays & diodes isolating turn signal from reverse lights. Amber Reverse Lights are legal in some states in the U.S., New Zealand, Australia, & maybe Japan for older cars. Or, you can find a similar device like this very bright hidden Reverse Light called : VLEDS LP-R Reverse Light Plate Light Bar! Its very bright! I think I might buy DeloreanTail Lights & make videos to show Delorean owners what to do in Lighting Modifications! 😎😋😋😋😎 Maybe some day I will buy a Delorean, but my health is bad..... If I can explain any of what I wrote if it is confusing, I will try.
@deloreanallday4897 Күн бұрын
I'm looking forward to the video you created. Please leave a comment when you are done.
@cope8216 Ай бұрын
@deloreanallday4897 Ай бұрын
違うんです… 本当はデロリアンに乗ってお洒落で優雅な動画を撮りたいんです。 レリーズシリンダーの取り付けは千年パズル組まされてる気分に近かったですが、たぶんこれは私が普段から整備をする仕事をしていないからだと思います。 デロリアン買えるといいですね!
@cope8216 Ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@deloreanallday4897 職業病でしょうか、私には楽しい整備動画に見えます。優雅に見える表舞台の裏には、実際には多くの苦労が隠されており、その対比が他の動画を引き立てる、素晴らしいコンテンツだと思います。
@VincentTrang-f5e 5 ай бұрын
Hello from america. I'm a delorean owner as well. Can you send me the link to where you got the phone mount and cupholder?
@deloreanallday4897 5 ай бұрын
Hello! phone mount amzn.asia/d/05RJyNhe cupholder amzn.asia/d/0837fvYw
@nkfilms5050 7 ай бұрын
動画待っておりました! その後の進捗ですがデロリアンオーナーズクラブに加入し、会長はじめオーナーの方々とお話しし、現在都内のショップにてデロリアンの購入の交渉中です😅 こういった現実的な動画はとてもニーズあると思うので今後も楽しみにしています!
@deloreanallday4897 7 ай бұрын
@nkfilms5050 7 ай бұрын
@@deloreanallday4897 はい!オーナーズクラブのミーティングなどでお会いする機会ありましたらその際はよろしくお願いします。
@cope8216 7 ай бұрын
普通に走れるだけで幸せを感じられる車だと思う。普通に走る事ができればだけど。。。 生半可な気持ちで買えば、地獄を見ることになる。この動画でその一端を見る事が出来ました。ありがとうございます。
@deloreanallday4897 7 ай бұрын
@nkfilms5050 9 ай бұрын
はじめまして。 デロリアン を購入しようと貯金頑張っている者です! ショップで購入するか並行輸入しか方法がないかと思っていたのですがこちらのチャンネルを拝見しまして少し希望が持てました。 とりあえずデロリアン オーナーズクラブに入るのが最優先でしょうか?
@deloreanallday4897 9 ай бұрын
まずはオーナーズクラブに入って、色々なオーナーのお話を聞くのがいいでしょう。 デロリアン界隈は非常に狭いコミュニティなので、ショップに流れているデロリアンが 良い個体かどうか、知っている人がいたりします。 デロリアンはスタイリッシュなデザインの反面、車としては非常に不合理な作りをしています。その不合理性を理解した上でのメンテナンスが必要なのですが、そうした知識はショップよりもオーナーの方がよく知っています。まずはオーナーの話を聞いた上で良い個体を見分けることが大事です。 資金作り、良い個体との出会い。 これが、短期間でデロリアンを手放さずに済む方法です。 余談ですが、もし何か動画にして欲しい内容があれば教えてください。 良い情報を発信して、1人でもオーナーが増えると嬉しいので。
@nkfilms5050 9 ай бұрын
@@deloreanallday4897 返信ありがとうございます。デロリアン に関しては調べれば調べるほど不思議な車だなと思っておりました。 オーナーズクラブの入り方がイマイチわからないのですが直接会長の方にお電話した方がよろしいでしょうか? 都内でも数カ所デロリアン を扱ってるショップをみたりしますが外に野ざらしにされてたり、よく見ると後輪がパンクしてたりお店のオブジェみたいな扱いされていて手を出しにくいなと思っていました。デロリアン 基本的に外見綺麗なので騙されてしまいます笑 デロリアン は幼少期から是非とも乗りたい車でした。一生付き合っていきたい車だと思っています! 見たい動画ですが、デロリアン を購入するにあたっての要注意箇所の紹介、いい個体と悪い個体の違い、実際起きてしまったトラブルのまとめ、デロリアン オーナー同士の談義、などでしょうか。
@deloreanallday4897 9 ай бұрын
オーナーズクラブは主にフェイスブックで活動していますので、そちから入会するのをおすすめします。 検索したらすぐに出てきます。 見たい動画は貴重な意見として参考にさせていただきます。 故障歴については近々動画にしたいと思っていました。
@cope8216 10 ай бұрын
@deloreanallday4897 10 ай бұрын
私も何度も諦めようとしたのですが、どうしても諦め切れなかったので、諦めることを諦めました。 私は結果的に様々な幸運に恵まれましたが、買う決心をしたときは同じく1000万円を覚悟していました。私の手法は時間はかかりますが、何も特別なことはしていませんし、何なら時間さえかければ理論的には誰でも実現できる方法です。 貯蓄は勉強や筋トレと似ていて一朝一夕とはいきませんが、継続したら確実に効果がでます。 焦らず少しずつ気長に頑張ってください。 応援しています。
@cope8216 10 ай бұрын
資金面は何とかなりそうですが、私の知り合いには、助言が受けられ長年DMC-12を所有しているオーナーがいないという問題。DMC-12を手放そうとしているオーナーもいない。先ずそのハードルをどうやって越えられるか 😅 3:09
@deloreanallday4897 10 ай бұрын
@cope8216 10 ай бұрын
@@deloreanallday4897 ありがとうございます。入会してみます。
@cope8216 10 ай бұрын
@@deloreanallday4897 グループへ入会申請させて頂きました。オススメありがとうございます。
@VincentTrang-f5e Жыл бұрын
Hello from america! I'm surprised that there are delorean owners in japan. Because japanese cars are famous for their reliability and practicality. A delorean is just the opposite
@deloreanallday4897 Жыл бұрын
Hello.There are a few people in Japan who love cars like this. However, the love is very deep lol
@VincentTrang-f5e Жыл бұрын
@@deloreanallday4897 I understand. I am a delorean owner as well. My family all have Hondas and toyotas. They don't understand it. Its a deep love for the car.
@deloreanallday4897 Жыл бұрын
Honda and Toyota are also great companies. However, efficiency is not the only appeal of cars. Have a good DeLorean life together!
@VincentTrang-f5e Жыл бұрын
How long have you owned your car for? Ive had my delorean for about a year now. Do you find it to be reliable ?
@deloreanallday4897 Жыл бұрын
It's been 4 years since I bought DeLorean. A lot of breakdowns have occurred so far. The DeLorean is a defective car, so many individuals have some kind of breakdown. If you leave it unattended, you will not be able to drive or you will have to pay a lot of repair costs. Have a reliable mechanic inspect it and repair it continuously. Above all, it is important for yourself to understand the structure of DeLorean.
@VincentTrang-f5e Жыл бұрын
@deloreanallday4897 I agree. I live in Seattle, USA. My mechanic is Toby Peterson. Maybe you've heard of him. He is famous in the delorean community and he makes and sells many upgade parts for the car. I know about all the problems of the car but I still love it. It is surprising to me that there are delorean owners in japan, because japanese cars are famous for reliability and efficiency and a delorean is just the opposite. It is a car you truly have to love to own.
@VincentTrang-f5e Жыл бұрын
How did you get your delorean into nihon ?
@deloreanallday4897 Жыл бұрын
I bought it from a Japanese owner.
@でろりあんだいすき Жыл бұрын
@deloreanallday4897 Жыл бұрын
@murasan3319 Жыл бұрын
私もお邪魔して拝見させていただきたい。笑 映画大好きなので、ずっとオーナーさんのお話聞いていたい。 高評価押させてもらいます
@deloreanallday4897 Жыл бұрын
@あまずステ Жыл бұрын
@DRodd_L Жыл бұрын
@サイヤン-y1h Жыл бұрын
@kiss_a_ten Жыл бұрын
@deloreanallday4897 Жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます! タイトルにデロリアンと入れておきます。
@kiss_a_ten Жыл бұрын
@@deloreanallday4897 有り難うございます!お手数おかけします!
@user-zi2ol6xm7w Жыл бұрын
@deloreanallday4897 Жыл бұрын
エンジン始動に関してはフューエルポンプの劣化が原因だったようで、交換したら私の個体も1発でかかるようになりました! セルモーターも交換したらより元気になりそうなので、そのうち替えようと考えてます😁
@user-ph1xh7fs5r 3 жыл бұрын
Playing on repeat now ✨
@deloreanallday4897 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your repeat!
@user-ph1xh7fs5r 3 жыл бұрын
Love the camera shots and views
@餃子の王将に魂を売った男 3 жыл бұрын
@VMilcat 3 жыл бұрын
This sound track is amaaaazing, really can lead you towards a focused status, a good companion for mentally demanding tasks, Thanks DJ まめぴよ!!! Wonder if you can make a 52 minutes version as well lol