@ellosteve 4 күн бұрын
first half too good
@bloonder1 5 күн бұрын
I was wondering why I was struggling with the Boothill clear when I did it so easily the first time. Turns out he's missing his whole planar set. Also, just a bit longer until Moze can join the boys.
@vecker_vecker 11 күн бұрын
Why harmony trailblazer? It’s better to replace her with rm
@bloonder1 16 күн бұрын
RUAN MEI IS DEAD 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🦊(this took, no joke, like 50 attempts to get max score with jiaoqiu. the one time i did with ruan mei, she got 40k on the first attempt with even less investment than in the vid. himeko is using jing yuan relics here. she didn't have to with ruan mei)
@jvrbwn6232 19 күн бұрын
I rarely see people use DHIL nowadays
@bloonder1 19 күн бұрын
I just think it's funny that Himeko/Herta keeps working.
@Songbird76-s2g 25 күн бұрын
Not Robin dominating the Harmony delegation in these showcases😭
@bloonder1 25 күн бұрын
Robin is a cheat-code for AS. It's her world, and she's welcoming us into it.
@Gaurang_Karande 26 күн бұрын
I think you should have used March 7th instead of Himeko for Super Break and put Gallagher on Multiplication for more turns for March 7th. And since you are using Dance Dance Dance on HMC you should used ER rope. Since E2 only affects ER for first 3 turns after that getting HMC Ult is a pain in ass. Himeko got kind of wasted imo. But Dan IL run was pretty good
@bloonder1 28 күн бұрын
Some March misplays, but this is like my 5th time ever using her. She really technical and really fun. Definitely gonna use more of her in the future. That team worked better than I thought lmao.
@biscy03 28 күн бұрын
Damn! That IL run was actually too good. SP who frfr
@Sampoforeverrrr 29 күн бұрын
ratio dominates aventurine... O_o
@bloonder1 28 күн бұрын
The Sampo pfp makes this better.
@ZorkSolid 29 күн бұрын
run gallager with vonwaq and post ops lightcone so he have ult early, make boothill target the fire hand and then use gallger ult to break it giving boothill 1 stack early so he can kill the other hand and delay the core
@biscy03 Ай бұрын
Rat Urine sure is a name choice 😭One of the names of all time...
@raindrop9396 29 күн бұрын
Funny enough raturine is also their ship name so imagine someone saying “oh yeah man I love raturine”😭💀
@biscy03 29 күн бұрын
@@raindrop9396 I actually thought their ship name was Ratiorine 😭 or I've seen some say Aventio. Raturine is so funny 😂💀
@raindrop9396 29 күн бұрын
@@biscy03 Yeah they’re all the names of the ship but my fav is raturine so I just call them that😂
@rgd9945 Ай бұрын
you tryin too much...
@zedo-vn Ай бұрын
I thought my Dr Ratio wasnt strong enough so I used Acheron on node 2 but I cant get enough points. Your Dr Ratio has the same stats as mine, it inspired me to use him and finally I can beat diff 4
@wandersonvitor3054 29 күн бұрын
Do you have Robin?
@descendo24 29 күн бұрын
Yeah did you use robin? Also curious Mines stats were a lot higher but without robin the best score i could get was 2700 with gui and sparkle (160+ spd almost 200 cdmg)
@zedo-vn 29 күн бұрын
@@wandersonvitor3054 well yes I do
@zedo-vn 29 күн бұрын
@@descendo24 Im not sure about Sparkle because I only tried her in a few turns and then left the battle
@ria_san Ай бұрын
I have so many questions about those builds.. 1. Too much SPD on Gall. 2. Gall scales his healing with his BE, so you should focus on BE>SPD in substats. 3. What the fuck does he wear XD It's literally by one piece from each possible set, WTF. 4. He wants 2pc SPD set and 2pc BE set with planar 2pc BE/EER set. 5. At least 200% BE on Gall. 6. Also, for main stats of planar set he needs: ATK sphere for more burst DMG or HP for more survivability, as you prefer. Break DMG doesn't benefit from fire DMG. 7. Himeko also has wrong set on her.. I mean, yes, she in fact uses fua, BUT, SHE DOESN'T RELY ON THEM NOR HER DMG IS NOT ABOUT THOSE. As she wants 4pc pyro set, as many pyro DMG as you can get on her, not fua set. 8. She also has wrong boots. She wants ATK, not SPD. So ATK boots. 9. She also has too little CR and CDMG. Aim for at least 70/150 crit ratio on her. 10. She also has wrong planar sphere on her.. You want mostly Iner Salsotto on her, for extra CR and her fua DMG bonus. 11. As for Caelus.. Same case with his Imaginary DMG. BE also doesn't benefit with Imaginary DMG. It doesn't benefit from ANY type of DMG in general. 12. SPD is fine, he doesn't need more, just to proc the 2pc planar set. 13. However.. he prefers EER rope than than the BE one to spam bursts. And you should focus on BE>SPD in substats. 14. He also needs the BE 4* cone one. For example, Memories of the Past that your Mei has on her. 15. Definitely too much effect RES on him.. He's not the main DPS, so he doesn't need it. 16. As for main stats, Caelus wants: DEF/HP body for more survivability, SPD boots, (so it's correct here), also DEF/HP planar sphere, just like Gall. 17. Too little BE on him, aim for at least 200%, and you'll see, your gameplay will be much more consistent, comfy, effective and you're gonna clear way much faster. 18. Also, he has fine set, but since your Mei doesn't have 4pc Messenger, switch Caelus to it, and your Mei to Watchmaker. 19. Now I just noticed that Caelus doesn't have Imaginary, but Pyro sphere- WTF, man. Let alone, throw it into the trashbin and give him DEF/HP one for survivability or if you want more DMG with his skill, choose the ATK one, but not DMG type one. Never on BE characters. 20. And lastly, but not least, your Mei.. Welp, as I said, only 4pc Watchmaker on her. 21. Too much crit rate on her. Actually, cr on her in general. She's a support, you know. She doesn't hit at all, and as I said, Break DMG doesn't crit. 22. Focus more on BE on her, and her SPD is fine, so mostly the BE. Aim for at least 200% as with any other BE character. The rest is fine. Hope I helped ^^
@bloonder1 Ай бұрын
Damn, bro gave a whole account analysis. No such thing as too much speed. Gallagher is just fine how he is. He just wants speed, BE isn't that important when he's with HMC and Ruan Mei who give him like 80+ for free. Sets don't matter as much as subs. And they can clear all content even without it. Especially on a Super Break team when the only thing that matters is speed and BE, hence, the non-consequential Elemental% orbs. HMC and Ruan Mei are so cracked that anyone, no matter how bad the build is, is still going to clear this AS, even without focusing on BE. This just exemplifies that. Himeko is mainly used in PF, and the build requirements in that mode are so low, so I never updated her build. Also, you can't really dog on someone's relics when it's all rng; that's why I use rainbow sets. This is an F2P account. Are they ideal? Of course not, but it doesn't matter as much as you think it does.
@ria_san 29 күн бұрын
@@bloonder1XDDDDD LMAO, first of all, kid got offended by good advices XD Second of all, am playing this game since launch, so like I kinda know better xd Did I say your builds are trash? NO XD I just gave you good advices, 'cause you ever heard of something like stat cap, kid? :) Yes, having too much speed is useless when your Gall has no BE, LMAO. There's a cap for every stat in those games ;) Meaning for your monkey brain: too much of one stat means bad :) Means you won't deal millions of DMG if you're overcapped on one of em. Also, there's one specific SPD requirement for every character which is 150 ;) No need for more, but since you did, your BE suffered, lol. Ok, but since you're 13-year-old brat and started barking at someone older who just tried to help you in any way, Imma say it since you insist on it so much, yes, your builds are trash, too much SPD, wrong sets on characters or even worse which is having NO sets at all but just fucking put by one piece from each set which is yikes XDDD Even having wrong cones on characters, lol. Just kid, get your lazy fucking ass some advice from wiser ones and seek help. Like mental help xd It's not normal to yell at someone older who just wanted to help XD
@ria_san 29 күн бұрын
@@bloonder1Oh, also forgot, you brat, am a woman for you, not „bro”, so get some respect for elders, thanks ;) Just stop barking and admit you're a newbie at this game, lol
@ericlin702 28 күн бұрын
so many contradictions 1. like blooder said, too much speed is not an issue 2. the healing buff from BE has a limit, and speed makes him get his ult faster, improving his healing, so both have value 3. bloonder's 3rd line 4.that's what he wants, but not everyone is lucky enough to get 6 useful relics of the current set for every character they own 5. "at least" is a bit harsh, seeing as the increase from 199% to 200% BE is nearly nothing 6. "Break DMG doesn't benefit from fire DMG" but his ultimate and BA both benefit from fire dmg AND atk, yet you recommend atk and bash fire dmg, such horrible logic 7. fire dmg and dmg% buff are additive with each other, so diminishing returns occur if you have too much of either, REMEMBER HOW YOU SAID SHE DOESN'T RELY ON FUA 8. ATK boots are for fua, speed is for when she can't spam her fua, so she can get more turns and use her skill more often for dmg. SEE HOW YOU RECOMMEND ATK OVER SPD DESPITE THE FACT YOU SAID HER FUAS AREN'T RELIABLE, a contradiction 9. her CR is fine 10. salsotto only affects fuas and ult, while glamoth buffs every attack 11. seeing as how caelus survived until the end, his build is fine, its not like hp is gonna effect his superbreak 12. you literally don't need to include this point 13. he can maintain a 100% uptime with backup dancer without an EER rope, so its sort of useless, speed = more turns = more superbreak dmg 14. he doesn't NEED it, and not everyone is lucky enough to get multiple copies 15. the strength of a superbreak team is that everyone does dmg, he isn't the main DPS, but he still a DPS, his dmg per turn is actually higher than himekos, and effect res can be used on anyone, since it prevents cc and dmg loss 16. other than the planar which you mentioned in a previous point, the 16th point isn't needed 17. why u complaining about a 7% BE difference, the dmg increase is literally 1%, not to mention superbreak dmg is naturally consistent, comfy, effective, and usually leads to quick clears anyways 18. mei with watch maker is worse than htb, since she ults less frequently than him 19. literally go edit the 11th point then instead of making a new one, and dmg and atk both buff dmg, having either is fine 20. you literally mentioned hackerspace, but say "only 4pc Watchmaker", another contradiction 21. "too much cr" not everyone can get crit-free relics, and crit rolls are bound to happen 22. at least 200% BE on EVERY BE character is extreme hard to very luck dependent, 200% seems to be your magic number despite the fact nothing in htb, gallagher, or rm's kit that said you HAVE TO go over that amount, not to mention ruan mei wants an EER rope, so trying for 200% is even harder your advice not only contradicts itself but is also quite harsh (and sometimes just flat out wrong)
@Lilytheblighted 28 күн бұрын
My god, bro did all the analysis even tho this is comp is working
@bloonder1 Ай бұрын
Who needs Skill Points anyway?
@tungtranduc5334 Ай бұрын
Dude y could have got 80k clear with Robin and RM switch place 😔
@Charlodden Ай бұрын
@history.fictionologist Ай бұрын
the rodent pee team🗿
@bloonder1 Ай бұрын
Managed to get Jiaoqiu early, but for some reason he likes fireworks instead of cooking, and I don't know why. This AS is better than the last one, but it still sucks. Doomsday Beast is well-designed; Kafka can go to hell.
@blueberrycrepes Ай бұрын
I’d take AS Kafka over AS Argenti any day of the week 😩
@AzcaRatti-xf4up Ай бұрын
I agreed the last one was too hard especially Argenti almost impossible to penetrate his shield
@bawls3223 Ай бұрын
who can i replace robin with ... 😭😭 i lost my 50/50 last time
@bloonder1 Ай бұрын
Technically, it would be Asta, but I tried it with her, and it was 6+ cycles. So unless your other side can hard-carry, Jing Yuan might not be the best pick. His teams can't really use this MoC buff well.
@ochocantoro2639 Ай бұрын
thank u i finally got that last star
@annett3038 Ай бұрын
Glad to see my boi JY❤
@Toukhyy_ Ай бұрын
Is his signature bad? Why is it unfortunate?
@bloonder1 Ай бұрын
No, I meant that with his signature, he gets 5 cycles. But with Cosmos he needs 6 cycles. I just like to clear without using his signature lightcone.
@bloonder1 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, Jing Yuan needs 1 extra cycle to clear with Cosmos, so I had to use his signature :(
@whynotluvas Ай бұрын
Wouldn't Ruan Mei be better at 2nd half? Cuz the weakness break efficiency would create more Himeko FuA
@bloonder1 Ай бұрын
She definitely would be, but I use her so much with that team that I just wanted to use something different. Also, they can full-clear even without her, and the Jing Yuan side is the one that needs more damage, since it's not mainly lightning weak.
@whynotluvas Ай бұрын
@@bloonder1 Oh okay 😊
@JesusLopez-tb2ki 2 ай бұрын
Nice jing yuan, my build sucks
@orixjs9972 2 ай бұрын
jingyuan superbreak is interesting👀 i want to try it but my gallagher is e0 and i haven't build harmony trailblazer😅
@waverton1234 2 ай бұрын
I tried to run jingyuan too, but the way his ll works is way too annoying
@pokedude3221 2 ай бұрын
it feels pretty good seeing working teams that look achievable. thanks for the video!
@bloonder1 2 ай бұрын
Thx! I always go out of my way to try to clear with F2P builds because I find it more fun, even though I have Jing Yuan and Ratio's LC.
@dhann_i8 2 ай бұрын
This is literal hell for f2p jingyuan, i'm currently stuck with 6k points. Jingyuan feels shit because how bad his toughness reduction is against aoe. I think e6 serval gonna do better job with this new mode
@bloonder1 2 ай бұрын
I have another vid with Super Break Jing Yuan that does much better.
@sennetleroux7492 2 ай бұрын
I also passed with these teams, except for Tingyun. Even tho my Jing Yuan has lightcone and I changed Tingyun for Topaz
@cornflakebutsilly 2 ай бұрын
Playing dr ratio with 0 debuffs is crazy, i got 3506 points with the same team but with pela instead of tingyun
@bloonder1 2 ай бұрын
My only built debuffer is Guin, and she's E0. I couldn't make it work with her, so I just embraced true gamba.
@cornflakebutsilly 2 ай бұрын
@@bloonder1 time to build pela :>
@shalebe4746 2 ай бұрын
RatUrine help 💀💀
@history.fictionologist 2 ай бұрын
@Deez-dj5gv 2 ай бұрын
Can i use sparkle instead of robin?
@bloonder1 2 ай бұрын
Sparkle is probably better than Robin for this, tbh. But Super Break Jing Yuan is better than this if you can afford to run it.
@blueberrycrepes 2 ай бұрын
This mode is hoyoverse's "roll for break dps or bust" ultimatum. Currently stuck at 6450 points with my Jing Yuan/Ratio...
@bloonder1 2 ай бұрын
SuperBreak Xueyi might honestly be better than Jing Yuan for this. Ratio's requirements are pretty high. But you could slap Dance3x on Tingyun if you have an extra.
@lumina6012 2 ай бұрын
Of course the endgame Mode that comes with a break character will be break focused...it's just like moc and pf with any other character release.
@pamud9348 2 ай бұрын
You can use himeko instead of Dr. Ratio. I got 3400 with Himeko, Galangher, HMC and RM. Well RM and HMC are the MVPs in this team
@waverton1234 2 ай бұрын
You don't need a break dps, Jingyuan's kit is just unfortunate
@bloonder1 2 ай бұрын
After several attempts, I understand AS a little more now, but I still think it's poorly done and my least favorite mode.
@history.fictionologist 2 ай бұрын
for me its pf bcs i cant even 1 star stage 3 but in AS i can atleast 2 star both stage 3&4
@kaseyatakahashi9753 2 ай бұрын
damn JY sucks
@sereia7995 2 ай бұрын
he can't use the blessings in this new game mode that well unlike certain purple haired electro dps and he still did pretty decent. idk what are on about
@kaseyatakahashi9753 2 ай бұрын
@@sereia7995 if you think this is decent, you do you. This is just complete garbage level of score for me so he suck
@lilacfairies 2 ай бұрын
this game mode buffs are literally made for acheron or kafka dot.....try using acheron in pure fiction follow up atk buff and youll see who sucked there
@bloonder1 2 ай бұрын
Jing Yuan might be the worst DPS for AS, simply because all his damage and toughness are tied to Lightning Lord, which is a fixed speed in a mode where action value is the most important. That being said, he can do decently well with SuperBreak HMC and Ruan Mei.
@kaseyatakahashi9753 2 ай бұрын
@@lilacfairies already did and easy 40 k
@aoikokomi8625 2 ай бұрын
glad boothill side can cover the rest
@bloonder1 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, he definitely makes pretty quick work in this mode.
@bloonder1 2 ай бұрын
Jing Yuan with Cosmos can do it with 100 fewer points, but this mode fucking sucks, so I didn't wanna do it again.
@xandysiuveita6823 2 ай бұрын
Why this luka does SO MANY DAMAGE?
@TheBritishCigarette 2 ай бұрын
The power of break effect dots
@bloonder1 2 ай бұрын
Break Effect build with Ruan Mei and the turbulence.
@akirakotomine 2 ай бұрын
Que hace Lukas exactamente?
@bloonder1 2 ай бұрын
Se reduce el "Toughness" del enemigo más rápido para Boothill.
@user-mq3xs7ci4q 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video!
@PorkyBMO 3 ай бұрын
That IL comp looked so fun, ulting basically every cycle so you don't have to spend so many skill points was insane, I'm probably gonna try it out but I'm still missing Tingyun on my acc😅😅
@addixx4838 3 ай бұрын
I wish my JY was this strong 😩 I currently only have the battlepass erudition LC S1 (28% flat dmg increase).. Cosmos S5 I might be able to afford. You think the Cosmos S5 LC might help me achieve a damage increase? Relic wise my JY is 140 speed, 2.8k ATK and 72cr/166cd so I think only thing I lack is better LC? Cheers and nice clear!
@Ingridzinhawn 3 ай бұрын
It depends on your jing yuan's team, I used mine with speed boots, but after I got sparkle I easily put attack boots on, if you're going to use it with robin or sparkle, try attack boots with the help of ting yun's energy you can get more stacks anyway, this was a gross difference that transformed my jing yuan, I also took his LC and the e1 I already had, but until then I had been using BREAKFAST as Cosmos hadn't even been released, I think the cosmos is better than breakfast, and without the critical damage from the LC my build would be 65cr/180cd, I always wanted a little more chance but when I see that you don't want to crit I put fu xuan on team, If you want to take a look at my sweetheart my ID is 604812813, and if you want to see when I did 400k damage with him in this current moc, the print is on my twitter @iingridaires
@addixx4838 3 ай бұрын
@@Ingridzinhawn Unfortunately I don't have sparkle, only Robin but thank you very much for your insigh, appreciate
@bloonder1 3 ай бұрын
Atk boots on JingYuan makes a huge difference. Using Sparkle, Bronya and Asta make it work. Cosmos is a very good lightcone. His signature LC usually only makes him clear one cycle faster, for reference.
@blueberrycrepes 3 ай бұрын
I love Stelle so much but Caelus just has so much more fruit in his poses/voice lines uuuuuu
@skywardeity444 4 ай бұрын
@martincalcos7341 4 ай бұрын
English VA, unwatchable 😭
@oddhooligans9848 4 ай бұрын
@toastbagelss 4 ай бұрын
@twofrogsonawire6013 4 ай бұрын
@bubbles000 4 ай бұрын
AM I JUST BAD.... :/