Stupid Dumb Ben 10 Meme
28 күн бұрын
@itzyaboyguzma5992 Сағат бұрын
The predator alien I have an issue with is Armadillo's predator Slamworm. Armadillo's DNA wasn't in the Omnitrix until Ultimate Alien, Malware took the Omnitrix core copy which would most likely told them which aliens Ben could have access to and Kyber went hunting for predator DNA back when Ben was 11 so there is zero chance they would have known to get that specific predator, let alone go out of there way to go to a Galaxy 2.5 million lightyears away. That was always a massive plot hole in my opinion when it comes to sci-fi shows that try to travel between galaxies. Even with faster-than-light travel that it would still take over half a millenia to go there and back and that's if you're going by Star Trek's warp system which at warp 9.99 is only 8333 times the speed of light. So unless Azmuth invented an an engine that can make a ship go 3 million or more times the speed of light and invented a ship that could handle going that fast traveling between galaxies is only a pipe dream.
@nightmarefreddykrueger121 3 сағат бұрын
Always found it weird that the supposed predators of the aliens that Ben has were always nonsentient animals
@sadyeet2784 7 сағат бұрын
Predators are not something that can kill and eat something else, they are animals that actively hunt and eat something else. The "natural predators" just mean that that specific species is from the same place and naturally hunts and consumes that species, but I think Khyber selected these species because of their versatility, it doesn't change the fact that these specific species consume certain others. For example Humans can kill and eat cats, we are physically able to do so, but we do not so we are not natural predators to cats, but cheetahs hunt and eat gazelles so they are natural predators to gazelles, and have adaptations to better hunt gazelles, with their speed, but that fact doesn't make them incapable of hunting other species if trained to do so like Zed was. The Crabdozers orbit around Pyros, ocassionally crashing down and feeding on any animals they find including the Pyronites, but not exclusively on Pyronites. Crabdozers have adapted tough hides to survive the crash down, and are fireproof to survive the harsh heats of Pyros and any attacks species from Pyros hit them with, they naturally eat Pyronites, so they are a natural predator. The fact that Crabdozers orbit Pyros could lead them to crashing into other planets, perhaps that planet that Khyber got the DNA from is a planet in the same system of Pyros, and Khyber searched on that planet due to the high chance that a Crabdozer could crash there, and it is a much safer place to hunt a Crabdozer than on the surface of Pyros
@altu8590 16 сағат бұрын
I'm pretty sure I know how predators work
@g_men2121 17 сағат бұрын
Who says "hit different" anymore? It makes no sense
@darkmaciek999 21 сағат бұрын
4:48 He actually touched Omnitrix before being turned back to normal and Ben transforming into Kickhawk
@CertifiedSpitposter Күн бұрын
Hopefully spitter appears in the final chapter to save the day, hes the only one strong enough
@georgemilkovich8791 Күн бұрын
I see people pointing out small bits and pieces, but no one really pointing out that in the videos as they go on his ultimates are less oh war evolution and moreso what would they naturally possibly evolve into
@yungmaui4876 2 күн бұрын
When I was a kid I got a Cartoon Network promo cd from a magazine and the doctor animo episode with the pterodactyl was on it, I watched the shit out of it😂
@skull5981 2 күн бұрын
@FontaineLovers 2 күн бұрын
i swear it looks better when i was a kid 🤣
@vbarreiro 3 күн бұрын
Also, the implication that literally none of the aliens on Ben’s playlist at the time who were capable of defeating massive villains and had incredible powers, were apex predators themselves, was always ludicrous to me. There is no way that Humongosaur in its home world is typically a prey animal. It’s just not believable to me.
@TheAbondonedCircus 3 күн бұрын
The reboot isnt canon to onmiverse so you cant use that.
@LucyWest370 3 күн бұрын
@ghostman169OO 3 күн бұрын
Very insightful
@qasimahmad6748 3 күн бұрын
I love how LGBTQ force changes into characters. You guys use every criteria to be hypocritic, ignorant, and inconsistent to shove and enforce your ideal. Just utter bullshit. 1. So first you make your entire argument that alien species don't have genitalia so cannot be characterized but then proceed to use them characterize Ben. if they cannot be characterised, you can't make an argument here. if Vaxasaurian's biology is 'technically' undefined, then you cannot claim there's no gender because u r then contradicting what u just said by defining a characteristics. FFS. 2. You fail to understand the system. the omnitrix uses the DNA of aliens to transform ben. that's it. it just rewrites the asomatic genetic code. it does not change the sex of the transformer like Ben who is a male who even comes back to his original form. gender and sex are 2 different things. you can blabber on about gender but Ben's sex remains the same no matter what he transforms into. 3. I love the mental gymnastics around alien X. its amazing how you will grasp on every straw to make your bullshit claim. there's clearly a male and a female joining to create a baby. kevin literally makes the joke with young ben as they're travelling to one. I wonder how ignorant you are to not factor that. 4. its sentimental FFS. Ben felt sad about loosing feedback. You're just injecting shit to support your claim. that's literally just fallacy. there is no concrete proof to this. you're grasping at straws here. 5. Hold on. so by your definition. if being transgender requires a complete restructuring of the DNA, than by that logic you are lying out of your ass about your gender. so which is it then? Biology or behaviorology? choose one and stick to it. 6. Ben transforms based on the DNA the omnitrix has. He can't switch genders by selecting the female option. Again point 1. You are injecting things and changing how the system works to make your claim. 7. The creators behind the show being LGBTQ does not make the character LGBTQ. So to conclude, your entire point is that if even if it quacks like a duck, talks like a duck, acts like a duck, its not a duck??!!!! I mean great what and amazing argument. Ben is a male. he is a biological male who acts and identifies as a male. He likes girls. End off. The aliens he transforms into does not change his gender.
@mattt115 3 күн бұрын
Lol what is this ????
@mattt115 3 күн бұрын
You are making no point in any of this video😂😂😂😂😂😂
@KirigiriKirin 3 күн бұрын
@@mattt115 If you can't see the points being made then I think you failed to understand what was being said. Others very clearly got the message-
@mattt115 3 күн бұрын
@@KirigiriKirin nah Ur just saying nothing lol
@KirigiriKirin 3 күн бұрын
@@mattt115 Quite clearly not. You can continue to be ignorant and provocative all you want, but you clicked on this video, and that pushes my video out to others, so I am exclusively benefitting.
@mattt115 3 күн бұрын
@@KirigiriKirin I'm just saying there no clear point of this . Nothing in this justified what is going on in the real world I mean ben 10 even has 1 chick who's into dogs Like sorry love ben 10 but don't go on bout it lol just cuz it in TV Don't mean it's right or wrong or we enjoy it just cause we love the show
@ModernoFlux 4 күн бұрын
Religious people make up so much crap and excuses for their bullshit biased, and try to excuse it with their unprovable God
@TheAbondonedCircus 3 күн бұрын
Notice how pathetic you look, they were mentioned one and never again, yet here you are coping for no reason.