The Game Awards 2024 are Trash
28 күн бұрын
@YTfearsTruth 7 минут бұрын
Americans believe that saving ppl from disasters is a socialist thing and they capitalists shouldn't do it😂😂
@YCHTT 7 минут бұрын
@0:20 6.8 with Chinese measurement & 7.1 with American measurement. And the earthquake was in a remote place in Mt. Everest
@yzhang9265 17 минут бұрын
Thank you for sharing these mate.
@dwwd-i4r 21 минут бұрын
American solers only fight wars and kill people around the world. They are too busy to help their own people.
@TomDrez 24 минут бұрын
Basically just stupid individualism vs proper education and organization done right, nothing else too see here
@lewislau3002 34 минут бұрын
@spidey5324 51 минут бұрын
Just so you know, Americans soldiers are sitting idle in the military bases!!!
@CKO88 54 минут бұрын
Used to have sympathy for people who gone through disaster in the world. But since Trump and Biden took over and begun to destroy the world. I stop feel bad for America!
@wanlilei7219 57 минут бұрын
By the way, it is over 4000m altitude, freezing cold winter. Most people have difficulty breathing due to the thinner oxygen.
@HaderYepping 40 минут бұрын
take care bro
@wanlilei7219 Сағат бұрын
Buddy, one thing needs to be clarified: The USA" 's fire is likely not "wildfire" but by some arsonist. Looking back, Albuquerque, NM, was covered by the heavy smog that drifted from California SINCE 2010, not before. I asked firefighters, and one assured me my guess. Is it too weird that the USA suffers forest fires every year, and many areas are affected, while in other places worldwide, how rare are such heavy fires to happen "naturally?"
@victorwong4938 Сағат бұрын
Unlike PLA, the army of the superpower is not suppose to deal with any American natural disasters, it is designed only to fight wars and to beat up other countries around the world, good luck to Americans.
@wawuluiwa4647 Сағат бұрын
See this video you will know: USA military is for wars only , China military is for people!! 100% TRUE !! 🔥🗽Vs🐲🔥
@nomoreyt00 Сағат бұрын
Hader said it exactly - stop all the wars and spend that cash on infrastructure. Why do they care what happens in other countries? Fix the mass shootings, homelessness, and the infrastructure.
@yuenstanley-g5v Сағат бұрын
American's only know how to make trouble around the world. Nothing else are good. Stupid American's. No water😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@yuenstanley-g5v Сағат бұрын
Well said😂😂
@Dyson_Lin Сағат бұрын
The Chinese government focuses on the people. The US government focuses on wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. That makes the difference. I live in Taiwan. I feel that the US government is trying to start a new war in Taiwan. I hope that mainland China and Taiwan will reunite peacefully. We don't need another war!
@HaderYepping Сағат бұрын
@wawuluiwa4647 Сағат бұрын
If possible, make sure all your old and new videos with Chinese subtitles translations ! You will be very famous very fast if you also linked them to Chinese medias!!🔥🐲👀🐲🔥
@HaderYepping Сағат бұрын
ummmmm. I'm lazy I will my best 🤣🤣
@HydeTom 32 секунд бұрын
He is already famous in china, especially in the video about BMW,As long as you insist on telling the truth, you will be welcomed by everyone.
@Dyson_Lin Сағат бұрын
I found an easy way to predict big quakes. Please use Google Translate if you need to. 我是台灣地震預測研究所所長林湧森。我測量空氣電壓而預測地震。 幾年前,我發現也能用 IRIS 的地震前訊號或儀器當機預測地震。 IRIS 在全球各地有2000多個觀測站,其儀器用來偵測地震後訊號,以快速測報已經發生的地震。 幾年前,我發現 IRIS 的儀器除了地震後訊號之外,也能偵測到地震前訊號。 2020年,我在土耳其有幾個使用空氣2號的地震預測站。當時空氣2號偵測到大山丘訊號,是大地震前兆。而且我注意到 IRIS 在土耳其西部和東部的兩個觀測站分別偵測到垂直線地震前訊號。於是我準確預測了土耳其西部、東部各一個大地震。 奇怪的是,從此 IRIS 在土耳其西部和東部的那兩個觀測站就消失了。可能是 IRIS 或土耳其的政府或地質學家為了不讓我繼續準確預測地震,而從此關閉或隱匿那兩個觀測站。 我的英文名字是 Dyson Lin。當時土耳其的新聞媒體都在報導 Dyson Lin 準確預測了兩個大地震。我的 Twitter 帳號幾天內漲粉20萬人。 然後,Twitter 就永久封禁我的帳號了。估計是有太多人惡意舉報我。 即使 Twitter 老闆換成馬斯克後,也一樣無視我的申訴,拒絕解除封禁。 諷刺的是,自從 Twitter 封禁我的帳號以後,許多土耳其人在 Twitter 上假冒我。 Twitter 允許他們的假 Dyson Lin 帳號,卻永久封禁我的真 Dyson Lin 帳號。 此外,我注意到 IRIS 的儀器當機也能預測地震。我的解釋是:IRIS 的儀器過於精密,所以會被大地震前的特別大的空氣電壓影響而當機,也就是沒有訊號。 最近,中國西藏日喀則發生了大地震: 2025-01-07 09:05 UTC+8 Xizang, China 中國西藏日喀則 Musgs 7.1 IRIS 在全球有2000多個觀測站,所以我一般是在大地震發生後才去看附近的 IRIS 觀測站在大地震前有沒有當機或是出現地震前訊號。請各位網友時常注意自己附近的 IRIS 觀測站是否當機了,可在幾天甚至幾個月前就事先預測附近將發生大地震。 中國西藏日喀則發生了大地震以後,我依循往例檢視了其附近的3個 IRIS 觀測站的訊號,發現距離震央最近的 IRIS EVN - EvK2CNR Pyramid Laboratory - Mount 觀測站的儀器從 2024-12-30 10:00 UTC 到 2025-01-06 08:00 UTC 持續當機了好幾天,是 2025-01-07 09:05 UTC+8 (2025-01-07 01:05 UTC) Xizang, China 中國西藏日喀則 Musgs 7.1 的地震前兆。 2025-01-03 曾短暫出現一些訊號,但是當天的大部分時間都是當機。 2025-01-07 的大訊號是中國西藏日喀則 Musgs 7.1 的地震後訊號。 請注意:中國的時區是 UTC+8,而 IRIS 使用的時區是 UTC。 我附上這幾天的訊號圖,請自行逐一驗證。 一整天都沒訊號,或是訊號圖中出現空白,都是我說的當機。
@SchuarJavert Сағат бұрын
“No money…no honey”. Or you may prefer “no money…no talk”. The American government cares only for its oligarchs, not its peasantry. 😂😂😂
@truthpengo4260 Сағат бұрын
Only the brave speak the truth, good job Harder.
@iamyt87 2 сағат бұрын
@cuteandfunnyearthlings2863 2 сағат бұрын
50k american army are stationed in US military base in japan.
@cuteandfunnyearthlings2863 2 сағат бұрын
They turned off the water just like the maui fire before they stopped allowing water to fight the fire.
@叶青岚 2 сағат бұрын
Los Angeles is to the United States like what Shanghai and Shenzhen are to China, Osaka is to Japan, and Saint Petersburg is to Russia. Imagine these representative cities of their respective countries being destroyed by a fire to such an extent. While the Kardashian family never turns off their water taps all day, firefighters are desperately searching for hydrants that can provide water, many of whom are prisoners from the jails. Although this fire is a natural disaster, it is more of a man-made disaster. When celebrities and politicians lament their million-dollar mansions being burned down, they might be happily vacationing in their overseas properties, while ordinary people are facing the desperate state of being homeless. Bro I know that this video will probably be unpopular with Americans and they might think you have a biased political stance, but the fact remains. The efficiency of disaster relief in China is something that those who haven't experienced it can hardly believe, even though there are many video materials that can prove it.
@wontononionslicer1004 2 сағат бұрын
my man, subtitles?! Gaining connections 😊😊
@HaderYepping 2 сағат бұрын
when I saw the Ad-limit , I just put it the sub , making sure the best way watch this video.
@tetchai1 2 сағат бұрын
Thank you for sharing .
@liteupcandle1 2 сағат бұрын
what! you even got Chinese subtitles now what a surprise!
@bknghiem 2 сағат бұрын
no water and any water they get is going through pipes that are old as heck and maybe lead pipes too. And you need to boil it.. ie Flint michigan water crisis
@HaderYepping 3 сағат бұрын
"I don’t make any money from creating this video, and ads are limited, bro. So, please like and subscribe to this video!"
@杨波-f6f 4 сағат бұрын
Good video,love from china
@米开朗菠萝 6 сағат бұрын
From artistic perspective, it is evident that some people have cut corners, Chinese workers are very hardworking and responsible
@Mycatsbirthdayparty 11 сағат бұрын
Alexa, play Light It Up by Major Lazer 🔥🔥🔥
@JJZZ-q6y 14 сағат бұрын
@恁北就是魯耶 14 сағат бұрын
Hope god has mercy on them.
@simonchenchen 15 сағат бұрын
@mikewang7955 16 сағат бұрын
Save your people, do not waste money on weapons. LA people are crying now.
@chaosli9040 18 сағат бұрын
They only hire 1 Indian, its that Indian that goes on and hires all his family and friends and their neighbors,
@HaderYepping 17 сағат бұрын
@leongsong5756 18 сағат бұрын
lets dance with the fire
@karayursa 20 сағат бұрын
what an beautiful land a scape 😂 looks like god is truly great!
@nomoreyt00 20 сағат бұрын
This is the best channel for rage comedy. Can't get enough of this 👌
@shadowyt3384 20 сағат бұрын
Hey fool !!! Indians only works software development projects not manufacturing sectors. Stupid idiots always thinking so bad. Indians are brilliant in Software development. Chinese are brilliant in hardware sector. Americans are idiots they don't know what going on.🤫🤫🤫🤫😱😱😱😱
@karayursa Күн бұрын
this girl is on fire ! ooooh lol
@KevNpton Күн бұрын
His model won’t have variable thrust across three engines, so won’t be as agile as the real thing.
@reptilexcq2 Күн бұрын
This proves USA can now ONLY make toys, not real aircrafts LOL! They're declining bro.
@yaoypl Күн бұрын
This guy is something! He built a little 3D-printed J-36 model and just proved China's design works like a charm. The Pentagon may want to talk to him now. 🤣
@wawuluiwa4647 Күн бұрын
She is ON Fire!🔥👀🔥
@探索与发现 Күн бұрын
Ed Sheeran "I See Fire"😂
@tonbopro Күн бұрын
哈哈哈! My fist is burning Red!…. Shining Finger!
@JC.72 Күн бұрын
Up ahead is Guanyin Temple Once it was bustling with worshippers, before it was ruined by that fire, then the temple was rebuilt, but what good is it to rebuilt a temple if the goodwill of men has been burnt to ashes. Quote from Black Myth Wukong: The Keeper Chapter 1