@nwp7712 7 күн бұрын
@jukefishron 7 күн бұрын
@@nwp7712 thanks bro. Don't recognize the username but ye...
@liam8709 Ай бұрын
ggs, i was crescent in game, it was a good scrim! we had a couple internal issues during suravasa (the chat was not fully a joke lol) and we were still doing tryouts and testing different tank rotations but you guys' mental was really good even after the first 2 maps. also, just cuz it was brought up in your comms during gib, i was having small 1 second lag spikes throughout the scrim every 20 seconds or so (you can see it on my pov in the replay viewer), it's a frequent problem that i can't fix and just some days it happens. hope we can scrim again soon! :)
@jukefishron Ай бұрын
@nwpot Ай бұрын
Ggs was johnsmith74 this was on my recommended lol
@liamedge3484 2 ай бұрын
@11:28 you're so fucking clutch dude
@biggie5471 2 ай бұрын
@liamedge3484 2 ай бұрын
1st attack- - do your best to save rock until monkey is committed and already used bubble. Your team as enough damage to break bubble before he has jump cd again, so if you can rock him out of his disengage, then he's a much easier kill. You do this once, but the mei wall fucks u. You did the right thing there, so just be patient with rocks. Rocking while monkey is already in the air is 1: a hard shot and 2: not usually going to get him into a punishable position. Otherwise good spacing and angles, I would use shield to cuck the ashe even harder than you were doing, its either shield her or be selfish with shield but I'm 99% sure shielding ashe is best choice here bc they have monkey tracer lucio kiri, can't really block too much 2nd attack - I like the rotation, but again, your rock is your trump card to their monkey comp, don't waste rock on tracer unless its cleanup or you're really feeling yourself - And as soon as you use rock, their monkey dives and your team has one less stun to answer with - good split to pressure cart and their backline, separating monkey from the rest of his team is absolutely the answer on these long sightlines - good cleanup and rotations to finish out the point 3rd attack - I really don't think that all going highground is the play here, as a winston player, all I have to do is wait for the sig to walk a step too far and then I get pretty much free jump on the backline. Yes, your ana should be thinking about high ground on most maps, but on this point, against this comp, its kinda pointless. They have free access onto high ground with their movement abilities. My best advice for the rotation is to go right side and then into the tunnel. That way, if they wanted to engage, they either have to engage through a small window where your cc can kill them instantly, or wait until y'all walk out. Their comp wins with open space 100% of the time, so don't give it to them - good job not arguing with your team tho, very useful skill - and you made the right call next fight - good rotation to catch them off guard, great pick onto ashe, and good clean up into cap 1st defense - good starting position, but once cart starts going under bridge, its best to play the back corner of that high ground with the stairs. It makes you less easy to engage on and allows better sightlines for your supports - so with widow instead of echo, your job is to slow down their engages and make as much open space for your widow as possible. You do this by blocking off ashe's sightlines and demanding their team's resources to deal with you on their backline. If the monkey has to peel for their ana, then the monkey can't engage with tracer on your widow. They had the advantage in open space last time because they had control over much more of the map when they were on defense. This time they're more restricted in how they engage and the distances they engage, so take advantage of that - unfortunately, with your death where the cart is, you don't really have time to set up an appropriate re-engage on 1st. You were supposed to be the one slowing down their engages and controlling angles, so they were able to snowball and cap 1st. I disagree with the point touch, I think it would have been better to stabilize on 2nd once your widow died - 3v4 on a recontest with no ults and no angles = wasted life 2nd defense - I think the best choice would be to swap, but I'm not coach I'm just a guy so I'll do my best to tell you what I see with what you've got - pressure on ashe was good, trade on ashe was not worth it. If you pressure the ashe out, you can either peek and pressure through window, maybe get a pick on kiri, or rotate back main and play with team - huge cc onto monkey, thats exactly what y'all are supposed to do. unlucky that you couldn't secure the kill, but the more times you counter those engages, the higher the chance of securing the kill and winning the fight. ---*** that was a sick ass rock*** - I like your starting position on this fight, good punish on the monkey. I think widow with the team is the right call - good body block, good ult, I'm pretty sure you can crouch to fly down instead of looking, but thats nitpicking - good punish on ashe, your team kinda fell apart imo. They should have just cc'ed and disengaged the monkey dive. couldn't really see what was going on or if you could/should have helped them - staggered yourself so you couldn't set up on 3rd, it was a judgement call and I wasn't there, so that's a learning curve with your team 3rd defense - since you staggered, your best chance is to stay close together. Just like on your attack, they have free access to the high ground whenever you're not there. Ideally, you all play low ground inside with mega for the same reasons I said to play inside on your attack - your mechanics and one shot combos on sig are v good - good positioning and good hold on last I know you already know most of this stuff intellectually, but I find that when I rewatch and see notes, it helps me a lot to internalize those tips in my next games. Its the difference between "wow I should have done that differently" and then going to next fight vs "hey i remember this situation, I remember what I should do here" anyways, good games, I enjoy doing this
@liamedge3484 2 ай бұрын
Sorry homie, I'm just a tank player not a dps dude
@jukefishron 2 ай бұрын
@@liamedge3484 haha it's cool bro I was a ringer here. My dps tends to be a couple tiers lower than tank but not by a lot. Same goes for support. Back in the non role queue days I could play whatever the team needed. Pretty much pride myself on still being flexible.
@liamedge3484 2 ай бұрын
@jukefishron brother I wish for the days I could swap to pharah and stomp on some kids. I rly wished they transitioned away from role lock
@liamedge3484 3 ай бұрын
1st defense - I would start stairs, it gives you closer range and more cover when they're just starting to move cart. Yes its your job to make sure the widow doesn't hit shots, but its not your job to keep your team from getting hit--don't waste shield on stopping your team from getting shot, use your shield and dmg to prevent the widow from taking angles and potentially hitting shots -who ever called you out for moving back was right, you didn't need to take space, but you could have done a lot in keeping them stuck on stairs for the rest of your team to whittle down. you could have also done work to manage any respawns that were coming back. you basically gave them 5 seconds of free time to do anything they wanted while you took a different angle -on point retouch, you just gotta trust your bap to heal you as you touch point, you looked too scared and enemy sig took advantage of that -case in point, your team got 2 huge kills almost immediately after point cap. if they didn't get cap then you would have been up 5v3 2nd def - dont waste your shield on useless poke from sig, there are more important targets to use shield on (widow), taking some poke is good for your healer's ult charge, and saving shield will help you win the sig 1v1 harder -you're doing good and winning the sig mirror in the micro sense, but by giving them so much space when you walk up the hill, its allowing their team to pressure yours and support enemy sig more than your team can support you. S key is good in the sig match up, but this was a little too much imo -this goes into what I said in first map: you're demanding too many resources from your team for them to be effective ***Rewatch entire first section of point and find when you first started backing up is when other team started winning. this was because your team had to rotate off high ground to help you win the tank battle, that they didn't have the right space to take cover and they got picked off by their snipers -you did EXACTLY what you needed to on retake, good positioning, good angle denial, good target priority -idk why you didn't flux with illiari ult, you could have shielded in the air to block rock and gotten a 4k--the fight ended fine, but it was just a bit clunky 1st attack -good attention to cart, widow, and cleanup, would have liked to had you shield widow under so that there was no chance she gets a shot off -you should def be pushing the sig once their widow dies, its exactly what he did to you 2nd attack - you don't push cart in this scenario, your job is to control angles and those angles 99% of the time are off cart - you're pushed way too far forward to get second cap, should have just disengaged and gotten back in line with your supps 3rd attack -they really just gave you this one ngl
@jukefishron 3 ай бұрын
@@liamedge3484 thanks for the clear feedback. There are some places I disagree but overal it's very good feedback
@liamedge3484 3 ай бұрын
-Yall look really good on this rein comp, only notes would be micro stuff--make sure you abuse hammer hitbox to give yourself more range, on corners when you have advantage make sure you put more of your shield out so your team (Cassidy) can swing farther out to keep hitting shots -there were a few times where yall are calling focus ram when there are much better targets--watch second point back -third point first fight: "Why did I die so fast?" 🤣🤣 -idk why yall are trying to force point here, your comp wins when you can get close and your dps can get angles, their comp wins when they can keep you at a distance. So going point here is useless because you're just playing into their win condition -I'm genuinely concerned if you think that point fight was bullshit--even with the missed charge--would NOT have been a won fight, my brother in christ -slow down on your sig rocks, looks like you're rushing like its your last chance to hit the shot--also you went way too deep when they fluxed it looks like you've got some major issues expecting your team to care you when its in the best interest for them to do literally anything else. Focus on playing without demanding as many resources ESPECIALLY on sig: play corners better, dont use shield until fight starts, make sure you're spacing yourself appropriately given your team comp and the map.
@liamedge3484 3 ай бұрын
Good Micro, you look really comfortable on queen Great Comms, everyone did a good job calling targets, plans, and ults Macro is ok, yall won bc I think this other team is worse than yall at all levels, but I would have yall look through this vod and identify for yourselves what you could improve on
@liamedge3484 3 ай бұрын
You're pretty good with counterattacking on this map, you do a good job letting the other team make mistakes and then punishing them. But you and your team could have a much higher tempo--at least 3 times your kiri waited just a second too long to kitsune, when yall would have won the fight. Look to punish mistakes when they appear, but giving them space to engage the way they want to without having a definite and set up kill box is not the way to go here. 4th point specific: 1. could have wrapped on their rotation to point, used kiri ult if necessary 2. could have set up on point and set up killbox on platform before they get to point with angles and ults if necessary instead, yall give them point for free and take an L because you got grav'ed on YOUR rotation you guys have superior positioning advantage for like 15 seconds and yall don't do anything with it. Against a better team, you would get rolled HARD on this point
@liamedge3484 3 ай бұрын
Good god, for the love of christ stop wasting your bubble on winston. Like 60% of all your bubbles for this whole game were forced out early/misplaced/mistimed. Dont EVER engage without bubble (except when targets are instantly killable or you have primal), and similarly: DONT WASTE YOUR BUBBLE BEFORE AN ENGAGE. and do some primal practice that shit gave me eye cancer
@liamedge3484 3 ай бұрын
You're taking a lot of resources from your healers midfight while not doing too much (first fight diving onto ana) you should be setting up in places that are close, but within LOS of your heals, but BEHIND cover. On first fight specifically, you could have played tower or far right in order to play slow enough for your Juno to come back. Once she's back, coordinate with juno and genji to dive backline. I see a lot of solo dives--which is really not how you play this comp AND it takes resources from the rest of your team to keep you alive.
@JustLuckyYT Жыл бұрын
sirquit royale :)
@tileyy2005 3 жыл бұрын
Holy shit look mom I’m on TV
@tileyy2005 3 жыл бұрын
Great content as usual :>
@jukefishron 3 жыл бұрын
Senk u tiles
@Zinvy 3 жыл бұрын