Surrendering to God 210512.mpg
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Festival of Praise CCR Attard 28/06/2005
Is-Sejħa t'Alla Għalik 39
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@Vincentbyers-fg4ob Жыл бұрын
If someone who took your wedding feast money and gave it to you back lilttle byblilttle in six years time thatvis stealing from young couple so he be OK financially and you have to run after your moneyboverseas thztvis stealing acts of the devil right you call a father that no ej ,and also his family knows what he is and never tell him he is bad but side eith him aslies side eith him as ifGod Manyvhavecfamilyblike thzt who take what is notvthrirs and pretend they zre churchgoers who pretend they have personal God whoserve them not they serve him but servevthemselves quite theives ifGof is just then they be justified the victims asGodvis perfect just notvlikeeople theyvuse their positions to control others by their evil ways controlfreaks they always want to win and then after many long years they tellvyou if you trust in men youare cursed byGod they're troublemakers who wants to rulecovervothers as they have no love for fami.8es but usecpower over you and others sovtheyvthinkvthey are someone Body not any body,those who the world think others are less and a nobody Godcwill fight for persons who others use andcdeamenbandclaughbin your face fromSarahAbraham'sxeifecwecknow who laughs lastvlzugh the best as in Sarah thst servant girl laughed at her for giving Abraham a son Ishmzel butSarahcwasctold zt ninety nine she will born a son and Isaacs meansclaughtercas she laughed alot asGod gave a son at an impossible age toshow thst he cando all even the impossible in a womb thstvhad nobperiod at that age asGod can do whatever pleases him no one can onlyGod toGod not looks but heart and soul I used to feed at 14yrs old what the world called vegetable as I helped a cousin nun whowas nurse and this lady in bed was no communication at all ,needed to be fed by time each day When she was fully she would close her mouth tight shut meaning she is full,many others later on in nursing did the same when we fed them ,they did not communicate we cou.dctell thryare full thry close thrir mouth tghitly shut and when thry checked their insulin level thry were wuite well, andcthrir fami,y member used to say " ibknow you fed my eife today as her sugar level is well thecresult of being good gets results thst are good even eith action of good and bad,lies are found out that they are lies pretend they fo love you not true they're found out even by their own children they're bad as eisdom is vindicated by its history even those who uses the young toserve them eithlut experience of others whoact all holy by perfect words they are soresentfuleven of your 8nlerfect words they want yo gear then they even try you what a sickini gvpersons they're not mothers zt all users they're written as hell itself they make you dick to your stomach very bad instead of joy they make you sick to your stomach notvlike mothers so kind and last toserve and love and love no they're users and even hate you,they alwaysxfi d fault todemean uou always want more and more the very best as if sick they're sowanting users they beco e loose the good of being true and kind jakky thry become as if dick they are not healthy hood human beings but false jakky you can read their body language not true at allbjust false jakky characters,uoung dinglevmothers youbmeet tell you now it is not clothescanymore but the children and school and you see their children wellcdressed and when you ask them who takes care of your two children when you go to work ,they say no one,I have no one and these are kids you know who grew up with no one to love them but being familyborvknowvthem from school eith uourvkids grew up yousmile when yousee them not make you sick because you see love Before your eyes but others you do not like to see and they you becausevitvis not nice and true they relationship they want more better as if users not nice and true so you see how sad thry make you while those who hadcproblems they solve by being true to their kids even alone better they say then have a bad man around with problems instead of love and help strained relationships as they find fault ,always want better znd more nevercsatisfied as selfish and around them selves the world in valve their ego's of thinking theyare better than others,think they are so great and trouble makers they are not kind and true a kind person others says he,shevhas a good soul this person as many are told what they truly are behind their back in your face they smile but behind your back if you turn around suddenly you're their clenched teeth as if wolves and they're found out even a person who go toask advice from psychologist the psychologist say to your daughter your mum is very emotionally strong as you tell even family doctor the truth andche is a good father himself and teach you domething you never known or heard, what you tell him what other person is doing tovyou znd your husband and children ,ge would say ' thzt person is a pathological lier " you know what makes hate joulousy is a sickness even if you givecthem geaven a widowctold me,still thry hate you when very joulous as if devil incarnate they're always wants more and more ascif consumed with joulousy and cannot stand others better than them as if others better than them do not have problems to solve and you fo not want to becin their problems shies ztETC I took a course to find less betrervofgicechiurs than nursing as nursing needs 24hrs care so I studied, customer care loyalty course and the lecturer to,d me personally her own story privately shectaught me alot by her sincerity I still think she is very d I ritual person so kind and true and she tol.d us put on thevother person shoes ,then you know how tobunderstand and help in customer care to give bedt service who hss emergency first as if you are in thzt person shoes in front of you at desk andcitvis called empathy, Godv had empathy,has rmpathybin us andvhe acts accordingly to that moment person need in you in me ,I found out itvis him working through me ,when my mothervin law fell first time his father was going pale too asvhecfid not know what to do with her pain as it took a longvyime for her to be without extreme pain so he got so pale as with dearvold age too zoni could seek ofGod acting in me us both but when always us that helped and others in fami,yare always thry boasting about them and us as bring flies youbknow whyGod says those whoserve and helpnin need are always dependable God give merits in book of life each and those whoalways gain because thryare huge and bevli.ttle you will gain gere but punishment zt the door thstvis why many o,dcdear seniour citizens says,8 wish to fie so they rest in peace as thdy know,knew all along thzt children never out come their parents in love and others are loved because they have status and thdy dide eith the best not the least but the least they find who in Maltese we say how loud they are but like the samaria thdy help the loud persons who,e the very elite do not mix with trash as if trash ,a president said in. Malta people ofCospicua you know them right there what they are and thdy truly help you in need yes a loud woman helped in our street as she made sure other eidow is safe evry morning so to make sure she ring ger bell when she does not see the widow so many want want want if you fon't thry hate you written they pretend they need be loved and others are sotrue you know they are true kind persons notboerfect for you ,why should they be perfect for me but nice kind to their fami,y and hum ble
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob Жыл бұрын
Thank you drJohn .mallia ,God bless you and extended family forever znd hope this message today finds you well dear
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob Жыл бұрын
Grazzi Mulej Gesu,tatalenti ta Dr John li tant habbna u ghallimna ,grazzi mil- qalb ,u grazzivta zewgi,ghax hu kien ix-xoghol ,jahdem ghall familja ,jien id- dar u nista I mur ghat taghlim ,u dmiri li nghid lilu li taghllimt ,ghax jahdem ghalina il- missier jiennkellhi il- hin ghat taghllim ,grazzinmil qalb ta dawn hafna irgiel twajba ,li tantvhadmu ghalina il- nisa ,biex zhna qadna id- dar,I gawd l- ulied ,mil qalb grazziGesu li tajtna tant irgiel twajba ghalina il- mara ta dar ,grazzi kollha mil- qalb hafna ukoll❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob Жыл бұрын
Hu hsiebu lilDrJohn Malllia,grazzinmil qalb ta tabib bhalldak ghallimna hafna Jinsab fejn jinsab drJohn hsiebu Madonna ta sahha ta dawl ta sahha ,wensu u atieh hafna ferh ta sema Madonna u Gesu u missier taghna lkoll
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob Жыл бұрын
Ghadek haj itlob ghall uliedna please bishop Grech biex jiltaqaw mal persuna ta Gesu u jhobbuh iktar minnha ituh joy u praise uliedna
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob Жыл бұрын
! Ispirtu santu iitiek il joy
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob Жыл бұрын
E dry human person comes from recreation father whose t his only belo ed son to save us from eternal death thst is whyvhe took alldins of the world upon himself so to be of fsthdtBod creator of all good things we allcame
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob Жыл бұрын
Greatcteachervof catholic carismatic in manyvlanguages his books whst anbintelkect but so loving k8ndclikexavmotherMaryvhisclove forvthose who were notvloved byvthrir mother like mo dignorVictorGrech a fsther gigure tovthose whovhad no father gjgure tovlive boysxdovmondignorGrech was there forcthose ehovhurt donmuch thryvtook drugsctovgeal thrirvmodt deep hurtvof notvknowing lovecofchumsncfather,thst js why we should trllbour children youchavecoerfect fatherGod uoyr creator andcholy motherMary uourcoerfect mother ofcallbmotbers not me gervoray as shecis yourvoerfect motherhoky.mztupyvofcslkvtitles shecgas advocate of sinners tell her evrything as dhecis yourvperfect mother and givectime yoxsee answrr tovyour needs gorcgercyocgind do,ution yovyoyrcproblems as shecneed goidxpeople ofvbokdxeillvyovgrlpvuou kerpctaljingcyocger constantly never givevipvon holybmotherNmary as bedtvperfect mother ho,y motber allvtiles shechas asxgobi rercede forcyou ,me andxfon't ask yo grt ascothers nedd a another heart needs another too😊l meraklu il- nifs ho,yvtaAlla fijna u nghixu dak meraklu li nghjxu to readon we arechumans notcani als zni als have no reasoning of whatvtoact in lovevthey arecfaithful yovthose whofeedcthem we yoobhavecto becfaithful to the oarents that fed us to grow when we wdre babues children teenagers and perheps dtill vokk although they are vetysenilur vitizens need so much help themselves yetvtry harder yo serve you i dreadcof you serbving them
@jeffreyspiteri7561 Жыл бұрын
Gesu ahsilni biddem tijak emm zmien kemm jattakka xxitan. Kull sahta idur lura antd min bata.
@noraalberto7785 Жыл бұрын
Great Son of God!!! From heaven please pray for our CCR
@antoinescicluna7588 Жыл бұрын
Fr. Elija itlob ghalina mis sema
@lourdesportelli6565 5 жыл бұрын
Mulej qaddes likonsagrati tieghek. Grazzi mulej nitolbok ibghat haddiema flghalqa tieghek u berikna
@cakecom 5 жыл бұрын
@fortunebonello3128 2 жыл бұрын
Why, years back he healed me and my daughter
@cakecom 2 жыл бұрын
@@fortunebonello3128 anke tar River of love jgħidu l-istess
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob Жыл бұрын
😢what we learned is school of the King of kings for free yes? Yes and we know thst relationship are ups and downs so ofcourse we please Jesus to truly forgive and also pray for all we know who xtill live and those who passed away then it be true love as Jesus as Jesus hurt alot too to love us and truly my mother in law did love us alot it was the ugly one thst wanted to divide us but we pleased Jesus so we truly made peace and she truly said " you zre not cruel,when there is need to help you came to help,thst was her last eords to me she passed away soon afterGodcrest her soul in eternal peace and she did sing God songs zt chior by heart znd she did love us in her heart and mind onlyGod knows how fair she was as she made xure thry zre three children the same loved yes and of course she loved her two daughters znd she did say she was wrong thzt is true znd my father in law knew I loved her and he gave me her hold necklace eith a cross after the cross we grt reward of joy so let's be honest we do hate to be divided as we know evry person has loved us and disappointed us even parents loved us alot and they made mistakes after all humans we zre not God's
@patrickcamenzuli9832 6 жыл бұрын
Our God is awesome
@glengrixti 8 жыл бұрын
Dear Fr. Elija your teachings are truly from heaven. Thank you so much and these videos should be translated also in english so that the world would hear the beautiful word of Christ.
@MrJo-mv4hn 8 жыл бұрын
@carmelpule6954 8 жыл бұрын
During his last visit to Malta, I went to see him off at the airport, and it was an interesting short conversation about the difference in religious mentality in the local and the Australian Community where he served. He said that we cannot solve all social problems but we all must have a go and give a helping hand, then he left me saying, Carmel, we should all be closer to each other even with our differences and diversities . Once he told me that some Bishop he worked with had asked him if he had any secrets he kept to himself and his answer was, " Well I am not perfect, but all I did was reversible and repaired!" Pity we lost him, rest in peace, Bishop Joe.
@carmelpule6954 8 жыл бұрын
I knew his father Laurence and his grandfather Fonzu Grech. HIs grandfather was a boat builder, our traditional type, who had his workshop in the street where we lived, and he trusted me at a young age to cut the planks for his boats. Bishop Joe came up through real life, mixing with all sort of people and what is more he lost his father at a very young age. He was a practical compassionate man and he was conscious of the fact that the world changes and we have to change with it and we have to embrace other ideas, people's ideas , if we are to live in peace. Pity that he left this world a little too early.
@vellasqaz 9 жыл бұрын
Very much missed Bishop Joe - Rest in Peace
@MichElle-sd6gj 9 жыл бұрын
Gracias infinitas!
@kennethmahoney1239 9 жыл бұрын
Min jisma, irifletti u jaghmel ghlih dan li qed niposta hawnhekk jghamilkhom hafna gid spiriteali u jghinkhom fil-hajja nisranija taghkhom
@MrPlcar 11 жыл бұрын
Ing. John Pace and Fr. Pawlu Pace S.J. are greedy, rich, evil MEN. Who Murdered Grand Master Jacques De Molay? The King of France, his Thugs, the Pope and his Thugs. The Catholic Church is ruled by Mobs as are all EU Countries. Murderous Thugs but the Sacred and Holy Templars will defeat them!!! Non Nobis Domine Sed Nomine Tua Gloriam!!!
@MrPlcar 11 жыл бұрын
BRAINWASHING, carried out by the Powerful, rich, greedy Orator - Dr. John Bonnici Mallia - who protects murderous thugs who murdered John Psaila, Nikki Azzopardi, Romeo Romano, The Lion, The Caqwess, Ray Pace, and many, many others. This genocide continues backed by the Maltese Evil State and the Catholic Church. We have to admire these rich, greedy, people who sack people, injustice, unjust transfers, stop promotions, and do a lot of evil. These Charismatics are a mob led by an evil MAN!!!
@reetahz4315 7 жыл бұрын
you are right i had some personal bad experience with this group and one should note that the persons who try to counsel are not qualified but just to gossip and inflate their ego. One should be referred to professionals who are qualified. I wonder if dr john bonnici is blind to these things going under his nose.It is a great responsibility when one lets such people around. Quality is more important than numbers. This happened to me personally I can vouch same.
@MrPlcar 11 жыл бұрын
Thugs rule each country in the EU. Democracy is a fairy tale. The Thugs in each country are above the law, omnipotent and protected by powerfull people.
@MrPlcar 11 жыл бұрын
Who killed Romano? Who killed the Lion? who killed John Psaila? Who killed Reno Azzopardi? The many unsolved murders. These thugs have not been caught. These thugs are still free and preparing for other murders. You can be next. I am telling you this so you know when they kill me. These thugs are omnipotent and protected by powerfull Maltese Persons. Hodor.
@MrPlcar 11 жыл бұрын
when Consiglio and the mental hospital thugs decide that all means are permitted to fight paul target then their evil becomes indistinghuishible from the evil that they set out to destroy. And when you look too long into the Abyss, the Abyss also gazes into you. The Thugs will kill me to prove that psychotics cannot be healed. ma' jfiequx.
@TheMetropolis1980 11 жыл бұрын
Nisma lil Fr Elija dejjem nitghallem hafna. Bniedem mimli gherf u li ghandu minjiera x'joffri lill-poplu. Nissugerixxi u nirrakomanda lil kulhadd jisimghu.
@emanuelmicallef11 11 жыл бұрын
Well done Patri Elija. Families for Christ is a Catholic community in the service of Christ to the family. It organises several activities during the year. If you are interested to know more, send an email to [email protected]
@toniocatania 12 жыл бұрын
Grazzi ta dan it tghalim , grazzi mill qalb
@toniocatania 12 жыл бұрын
@LiturgicalChants 12 жыл бұрын
Maltese sounds EXACTLY like arabic !!! whew.. I can't believe it... I usually know arabs who are Orthodox or Eastern Catholic..Latin Catholics who speak arabic..Spain had them in the past. There are spanish liturgical books for a visigothic mass in arabic, but this was 1000 years ago. Malta must have interesting history !
@PaulBenger 12 жыл бұрын
I'm trying to find contact details for David Matthews can anyone help?
@jadlea 13 жыл бұрын
Glorja lil Mulej. Meta se jkun hemm praise and worship festival iehor? Prosit lil kulhad. Hallelulia
@muvi71 14 жыл бұрын
prosit ghax xoghol li taghmlu ghal mulej u grazzi ghax bis sahha takhom t wasslu il kelma ta alla ghal dawk kollha li ma jifthux il bibbja .
@Trischiadbest 14 жыл бұрын
Grazzi għal min upload-jahom hawnhekk :) Sbieħ ħafna u għandhom ħafna meaning sabiħ u tajjeb. Naf certa li jagħmlu ħafna ħafna ġid lil min jarahom u jirrifletti fuq dak li hemm miktub fil-video :) Grazzi u Proset :) Trischia :)