Enoch and the 666
Ай бұрын
Enoch The Time Traveler
Ай бұрын
The True Mission of The Creator
Signs From God That Aren't AI
The New Messiah
2 ай бұрын
How Satan Controls the Earth
You Will Be Held Accountable
@KIRA_G4CH4 23 сағат бұрын
Thank you for helping turn our hearts to Jesus Christ and Our Perfect Creator! Please pray for me Joseph E, my wife Sarah E and my daughter Joanna and my family please! ❤❤❤ much love to you brother
@runee60 3 күн бұрын
If it was blasphemy then mostly likely Jude and Peter would not have quoted from it or referred to it.
@Dobetter15 3 күн бұрын
An add every five seconds get a grip
@BrittaniThomas-bx3ik The BOOK 📖 OF ENOCH says fallen angels taught men the forbidden knowledge of ROOT CUTTING ✂️. ------ The BIBLE 📖 SAYS ADAM 🧬 is FIRST 🥇🏆 POSITION FALLEN ANGELIC NEPHILIM GARDENER SON OF GOD 🧬 TEACHING the world 🌎 ROOT CUTTING ✂️. ----- WHICH BOOK 📚 IS telling the TRUTH ⁉️ ❓ ⁉️ ⁉️ ⁉️ ---+ TENACIOUS 💢 🔥 😡 🔥 💢 THORN LEON
@MrBlakesta123 6 күн бұрын
This is hogwash, 130:25 as he’s reading the names of the damned angels, azazel is listed the 10th and the 21st. Let me guess god just makes mistakes like that all a sudden.
@winniesmithspeaksfaithfulp983 10 күн бұрын
Amazing, the book of Enouch, i can see why they remove it from the bible. I am blessed by this link, i also gain info and wisdom about many things.
@paulgibson359 11 күн бұрын
Good thing we have a warrior king for a God who has more angels than our adversary. And once the dragon makes his move upon his elect in earnest, our God will step out from behind the Shekina vail by sending his angels to begin translocating us to heal, preach and baptise hiding believers in the Spirit, of the way. This is the harpazo. No escape rapture. Reread Acts chapter 8 knowing Philip was translocated by the angel to and from the Ethiopian. Acts 8:39 And coming up out of the water the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip and he was no more seen by the Ethiopian. Caught away here is harpazo. Vs40 But, Philip was "found" at Azotus. Same harpazo angel took Peter out of Herod's prison by the same Shekina cloud of harpazo. Same harpazo took Paul and Silas out of a locked jail and placed the back In the temple preaching Christ ressurection. This is the coming Spirit of Elijah working again in power. No rapture, however the harpazo in to Shekina clouds of miracles is real. And soon will begin, as a theif in the night the Lord's angel will wake you and say gird youself, "arise" and come with me. Keep up the good work
@thomassims4701 15 күн бұрын
It's time to get radical for JESUS 🌎 ❤
@thomassims4701 14 күн бұрын
@kayde868 did I 😂
@jackymarcel4108 16 күн бұрын
Lee David Brown Frank Lopez Eric
@MichaelAndresen-wr2kz 20 күн бұрын
Enoch means angel annucki means arch angel Figure it out how history has lied. If you're saying pretty scary then you should never of used dark lightning and thunder for occults through religion watchers are not fallen. Guess what FALLEN...
@alyciadiehl4537 21 күн бұрын
Thank you
@faithinGod-h8v 22 күн бұрын
thank you
@billybadass3056 22 күн бұрын
((5:21~5:48))pretty much sums up why this book isn't in the Bible... you don't get much closer to blasphemy then that
@BW9971 27 күн бұрын
If the bible is so important, then why are there 60 books missing from it? The Book of Enoch should be in the bible. Enoch is the one that God took up to Heaven in physical form. (Human form). I am just trying to understand. This world is so confusing.
@SerbianSync 27 күн бұрын
Do you have Discord brother?
@EV-2024- 29 күн бұрын
Enoch was the first prophet in the bible who prophesied about Jesus Christ, - See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones ( Jude :1:14)
@EV-2024- 29 күн бұрын
One day you will find it was not fiction but then it will be too late.
@BrittaniThomas-bx3ik 5 күн бұрын
Who said the book of Enoch is fiction
@@BrittaniThomas-bx3ik The BOOK 📖 OF ENOCH says fallen angels taught men the forbidden knowledge of ROOT CUTTING ✂️. ------ The BIBLE 📖 SAYS ADAM 🧬 is FIRST 🥇🏆 POSITION FALLEN ANGELIC NEPHILIM GARDENER SON OF GOD 🧬 TEACHING the world 🌎 ROOT CUTTING ✂️. ----- WHICH BOOK 📚 IS telling the TRUTH ⁉️ ❓ ⁉️ ⁉️ ⁉️ ---+ TENACIOUS 💢 🔥 😡 🔥 💢 THORN LEON
@goldnrulejoe Ай бұрын
$11 a month for no commercials
@J_Mc314 Ай бұрын
@@goldnrulejoe yeah fuck that! Bring back old school KZbin!! KZbin was way better back when everything wasn't monetized and a Short!
@billybadass3056 22 күн бұрын
@@J_Mc314 you ppl seriously never heard of ad block?? wow
@J_Mc314 22 күн бұрын
@@billybadass3056 Come on man. Do they block monetized ads on KZbin? Noway??
@thelittlegoose2220 Ай бұрын
This guy is not well
@alongcamejones309 Ай бұрын
666 was Nero Caesar
@jean-rochdion4898 Ай бұрын
nothing to do a human or super natural stuff!!! Look at the "magic square of the Sun" it always been about the Sun!!
@ahole5407 Ай бұрын
Who else is fed up with KZbin forcing all of these commercials 🙄
@alanshaw6161 29 күн бұрын
They beat me down with all the commercials until I couldn’t take it and I paid them for a one year.
@ErikTheCueist 26 күн бұрын
@@alanshaw6161get ad blocker I’ve been using it for years and it works like a charm
@stevenpaydon7175 26 күн бұрын
Me!!!!!! It’s the shitification of KZbin! It’s just getting worse and worse.
@jonesy2111 23 күн бұрын
Can’t stand them
@nestaismail9189 11 күн бұрын
Dude social media has become the new cable TV, commercials morethan content .
@tdrtdr2 Ай бұрын
...GET OUT OF JERUSALEM BEFORE APRIL 9TH 2025!! ANYONE CAN USE THE FOLLOWING CONTENTS OF THE FOLLOWING VIDEO TO RAISE MONEY FOR THEIR CHURCH, SYNAGOGUE, OR COMMUNITY OR WHATEVER THEY WISH... THIS IS FREE TO THE PUBLIC SO EVERYBODY SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE! CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO!! It's not fancy. If you just want to use the information and make your own video of course DO IT!!🙏🙏🙏 PLEASE TEST THESE SCRIPTURES? Revelation 3:3 Jesus says, "if you watch, I will not come on you thief, and you will know the hour I will come upon you" SO WE ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW AND WE'RE SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT TO WATCH FOR! HE TOLD US WHAT TO WATCH FOR, TOO! HE TOLD US TO WATCH FOR THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS! COME AND LEARN THE TRUTH!! This is all for free. You don't have to hit our cash app because we don't have a cash app... We don't have a KZbin channel either. WE DON'T HAVE A 501C3 CORPORATION AND WE'RE NOT ASKING YOU TO PUT ANY MONEY IN OUR PLATE WHATSOEVER... WE HAVE ENOUGH TO LAST US TILL JESUS COMES TRUST ME! 🙏🤣 WE DON'T WANT ANYTHING FROM ANYBODY... We're offering you the truth... Take this information to your pastor... YESHUA/JESUS IS COMING ON THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS OF 2028 AND WE CAN PROVE THIS FROM HIS OWN WORD AND LAW EVEN. HE CANNOT BREAK HIS OWN LAW. So there's no debate. If you come on the page and you say "JESUS SAYS you're not supposed to know the day and hour" well now you're blaspheming the words of Jesus because we just showed you the words of Jesus and he says you're supposed to know what to watch for. So if you come on and start to argue in any fashion we're just going to block you and move on because we don't have time for this. ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE THE ANTICHRIST IS GOING TO REAR HIS UGLY HEAD ON APRIL 9TH 2025 EXACTLY 1,260 DAYS BEFORE THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS OF 2028! IF YOU HAVE FAMILY IN JERUSALEM YOU BETTER TELL THEM TO GET OUT NOW! #Yeshua #maranatha #feastoftrumpets THE TRUTH IS BEING MADE KNOWN! COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF!!👇 facebook.com/share/p/SvcAVXzhACQjyqtE/?mibextid=oFDknk
@paulgibson359 Ай бұрын
If you are to know this, at this time, you will read it. Mine is as Ezekiel to tell of it. The "rapture" is a harpazo. This IS the work of the Father through the power of the Elijah Spirit, which is the works demonstrated by Yahshua, after his baptism in to the Spirit of Elijah. It is a works operating within the Shekina clouds of the Glory of God. The clouds of Shekina glory conceals all "works" of miracles from the prying eyes of the fallen within the darkness of the 2nd heaven. This will RETURN very soon. This is the works Daniel saw men operating in during the time of antichrist at the last few verses in Daniel chapter 12. Daniel described this as the elect "shining" as the stars of heaven during this work. This "shining is brought to us by angels appearing in God's Shekina cloud, and by the command "arise" taking an elect "up" in to the Shekina cloud with the angel, and in the blink of an eye, translocating both to somewhere across the earth, where both will appear out of nowhere, as Jesus did, when he showed up in the room with the disciples after the ressurection. The text says Jesus breathed on them, but more accurately he "infused" himself in them, passing his ressurection body through them so they would know what to expect after the Spirit of the Elijah fire fell upon them on the coming day of Pentecost. Jesus in Matthew 24, didn't say we would depart this planet when we "arose" in to his cloud with him at his return. Most don't realize Jesus could actually appear to thousands all at once, yet individually in his omniscient manner if he so chose. However Jesus has chosen to partner us with his holy angels, appearing to individual elect, very soon AGAIN, working mighty signs and miracles to the faithful during the great and terrible day of the wrath of the great Lord God Almighty. Most of the elect will be either in prayer, or sleeping when the angel of the Lord appears in them room, to take them on assignments. They will speak the command "arise" and the person will be enshrouded in God's Shekina glory and instantly be translocated to where they will preach Jesus ressurection, laying on hands and baptising recipients in to the Holy Spirit. The recipients will hear the speaking in their own language, just as all those devout gathered in Jerusalem each heard the 120 glorifying God each in his own tongue. This the fulfillment of the prophet Zephaniah declaring when God brings his kingdom he will restore a pure tongue to his people. This reverses the curse brought upon man at the tower of Babel. Reread Acts chapter 8 knowing Philip was translocated by his angel to the Ethiopian treasurer, and after baptising him, translocated Philip away from him from right before his eyes. From Acts8:39 And coming up out of the water the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip and he was no more seen by the Ethiopian treasurer. Caught away here is harpazo, same word Jesus used in Matthew 24, and same word Paul used in 2nd Thessalonians. Next verse, vs40, But Philip was "found" at Azotus preaching. This treasurer went back to queen Candace of Ethiopia and baptised her in to the Holy Spirit, and is why Ethiopia was the first safe haven for the early church. The next evidence of this Spirit of Elijah harpazo work, is found in Acts also, after Peter was imprisoned by Herod. Same description, the angel of the Lord appeared unto Peter, and same command was given, "arise" gird youself and come with me. Peter was translocated outside of the prison. No doubt this was Peter's very first harpazo, because the text says Peter thought he had still been asleep and dreaming. Same harpazo took Paul and Silas from a locked jail with two gaurds standing outside the door and placed them back in the temple preaching Christ ressurection. Same harpazo saved Jesus, when the angry mob would have thrown him over a high cliff. The text says Jesus "passed through" them, and they whist not where he went. God knows every heart. There will be no " praying through" down in front of the church alters for the Power of this work. It will be easy. Any who is willing to fight antichrist God will know, and he will send his angel, and wake you, saying "arise" and translocate youto where you will take no thought for what you say, the Spirit will speak through you. And notice in Revelation chapters 7 and 14, the sons of thunder were prevented from calling down lightning upon their adversaries back then. But that was just the beginning of the age of grace. Today that age is passed, and all flesh is judged, and any adversary today of antichrist armies, will be destroyed by fire just as described in Revelation
@danielpockrus Ай бұрын
666 is also a carbon atom. We are made of carbon.
@carolynnegron3930 Ай бұрын
Hey Travis, it would be good to have prayer before and after on the videos, just a suggestion, prayers for knowledge and understanding of His word. ❤
@paulgibson359 Ай бұрын
Oops, I was number 8 on likes. Hopefully you read these comments good man. Absolutely true, no coincidences. A big however, Isaiah 65:24 is now available from the Spirit, to give evidence that the Alpha and Omega, is preparing our every next second out before his people. Isaiah 65:24 reads AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS, THAT BEFORE THEY CALL, I WILL ANSWER; AND WHILE THEY ARE YET SPEAKING I WILL HEAR. This is KERIOS time. Look up what kind of time kerios describes in the Greek language. It means the same as the logos of the WORD, instantly becoming Rhema living WORD. Ask the Lord to "interject" in to your day, a word or a phrase, on the tv, or on a video your watching, at the exact moment you are personally saying or addressing that very same thing. Daily I "remind" myself, thankyou Lord, bringing the exact timing of "coincidental" words arriving the exact second I am typing, saying or thinking of that word thing or subject. Only the Alpha and Omega, can create exactly to the second 4 or 5 or more of these "coincidences" out before us daily. This is to prove now is that age before us right now. And to prove what that age is ,is manifesting in the very next verse in Isaiah 65:25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock; and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my Holy mountain, saith the Lord. Ask the Lord to prove to you by " these timely "coincidences" that will happen daily so frequently it wil be self evident it is way more often than happenstanc of 50-50 odds. I'm a 78 yo watchman in the order of prophesor Ezekiel. The Spirit would have you learn, the RETURN of the works of the Spirit of Elijah will soon begin anew in his elect. This is the true Harpazo, not some rapturo escape. Instead it will be with the power Elijah showed by the ability to call fire or lightening down from heaven upon the armies of antichrist. Jesus only rebuked the sons of thunder, because it was not for their time. Revelation declares it is for our time. Jesus told his disciples John the Baptist was that return of the Spirit of Elijah prophesied by the prophets. But that they would not understand until that fire came upon them on Pentecost. The early church operated under this power. Reread Acts chapter eight, knowing the angel of the Lord, awoke Philip and commanded he "arise" and go.... the angel translocated Philip to the Ethiopian. Reading from Acts8:39, And coming up out of the water the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip and he was no more seen by the Ethiopian. Caught away here is the same word Jesus used in Matthew 24, Harpazo, when he said those working in the earth for the kingdom of heaven at his return would be working as they would be "Harpazoed" by the command of their angel to "arise, and come with me. After Philip finished baptising the Ethiopian the angel as the Spirit of the Lord collected in to the Shekina cloud, and translocated Philip away from right before the eyes of that treasurer to Queen Candace of Ethiopia. This is why Ethiopia was the first region of safe haven for early Christians. Back to Acts8:40 But, Philip was "found" at Azotus preaching throughout the cities unto Caesarea. The same harpazo is described where Peter is rescued by his angel from Herod's prison. Same description, the angel arrived and awakened Peter with the same command "arise" and come with me. This command engulfs the elect in to the Shekina cloud of heavenly glory, which shields from the view of the evil ones in the second heaven from seeing God work in the earth. Shekina is the clouds jesus spoke of, and Paul spoke of 2nd Thess. This is how Paul and Silas were taken from a locked cell with two gaurds standing outside the door and placed them back in the temple preaching Christ and his ressurection. Same harpazo Shekina cloud removed Jesus from the angry mob, who would have shoved over a cliff. This fulfilled the passage that the Messiah would have angels given charge over him lest he dash his foot on a stone. The text says, but Jesus "passed through" them, and they whist not not where he had gone. The Shekina cloud translocates the elect, to where we are to encourage, lay hands on heal and baptise hiding believers in to the the Holy Spirit. The recipients of these visits will hear the preaching in thier on language, just as all of the devout from many nations heard those 120 glorifying God each in their own language on Pentecost. This is the fulfillment of the prophesy of Zephaniah, when the kingdom of God comes to the earth, the Lord will again create a pure language. This is the reverse of the curse of confusion of the languages brought upon man at the tower of Babel. Very soon, in the midst of great trounles across the entire world, the angel of the lord, will appear to those elected to this work, and wake them, saying get dressed, command them to "arise", thereby enclosing them within the Shekina clouds and translocate them to their assignments in the blink of an eye. When assignments completed, translocate them back for rest and restored strength, before awakened again at the appropriate time for next assignments. Daniel spoke of this, when he said ma y would do mighty works fighting antichrist , and shine as the stars of heaven. This shine is as the Shekina glory enshouding the angelic appearances when this all RETURNS during the latter rain of the outpouring of the Living Waters which will prepare the final great harvest. There are more souls living on earth today than all previous souls born upon the earth since the time of Adam. Surely the clusters of sould upon the vine are full. MARANATHA, but not before the coming of that great and mighty day of the wrath of the great and Mighty Lord God Almigty
@songhero5372 Ай бұрын
Brother I heard God for the first time tell me Luke 10 :19 being new to all this I had to look it up !!! Then he said sometime later these are the first fruits ,I still dont think I understand this but Im working on understanding
@nobaloneymahoney7940 Ай бұрын
Tuning in🎉
@saladdays180s9 Ай бұрын
Do you know what The Vetruvian Man is? This is a quiz. Think about this carefully, because God is watching. Once you give up, I have some ways of telling you but even more self-evident would be demonstrating and showing you. From there, your understanding of what you've been oscillating around in scripture will knit well with all this. and the Bible will come alive. You may get further with what I've been blessed with than I can. I'm to handle myself like Paul. Yep, that Paul.
@joynpride9094 Ай бұрын
Love the channel but Travis all the prophets pointed to the millennial reign and the new Jerusalem . Paul absolutely knew about it .he also knew about the lawless one of the end times .
@joynpride9094 Ай бұрын
Paul was also led by the spirit . And it doesn’t contradict . Rev says we will be priest and the rest of the dead will not live until after the 1,000 years . Not only us in this generation will be in millennial. We will be priest and kings ..
@joynpride9094 Ай бұрын
Thessal 4 isn’t about a rapture. Yah will likely preserve certain few and at the 2nd coming will call them to the air . And all will see . We HAVE to listen to the prophets of the Old testament Jesus said . All scriptures is divinely inspired by the spirit .
@peterhook2258 Ай бұрын
Indeed, we do all live on it...Peace.
@joynpride9094 Ай бұрын
Also the “Jew-ish nation of today which is rev 2:9 and also rev 3:9 is the khazars look that up .
@cryptixdaemon7236 Ай бұрын
Firstly, YAHWEH and isn't capable of giving up just like He isn't capable of lying, for He is what He is, Holy, Holy, Holy and cannot be anything else but true to Himself, His very nature and character and there is no higher authority than Him. He is Life and the Truth, whatever He speaks will come to pass. He is not a creature, but the Everlasting who created everything for His purpose and for His glory. Whatever He sets out to accomplish will be accomplished exactly as He said and as He foretold and nothing can get in His way or stop that from happening. He knew exactly what would happen even before it did, for He knows the end from the beginning, He sees it all and knows it all and nothing is ever hidden from His sight. What He told Adam & Eve and the Serpent in the garden of Eden was going to happen, that the woman's seed will crush his head and that everything He prophesied will come to pass. He knew that He would send the flood to wipe out nearly everyone , except to those He found righteous to continue His plan, for even they where known by Him even before the foundation of the Earth. He Himself who knew no sin was going to put on human flesh to become sin for us so that whomsoever believed in His only begotten Son of man, the Son of God, the last Adam to set things right where the first Adam failed to prove that there is no one but Him alone that could overcome sin, took it upon Himself out of love and mercy to shed His blood and to give His life for sinners that would believe in Him unto death and that would worship Him with their lives and give it all up for Him, for that is the test to sift the real ones from the fake ones, where those who endured until the end and passed the test will be rewarded exceedingly with riches beyond this world awaiting for them as co-rulers of His everlasting Kingdom on the new Earth, where He will make all things new. They that will rise to Him upon His return will be everlasting beings that rules with Him with powers and abilities far beyond what we can comprehend. Secondly, Lucifer wants to prove to all creation that he can prove that YAHWEH is a liar and that He cannot keep His promises when he turns His crown creation against Him and to defile His name that way thereby as to make Him unfit to rule and thereby prevent Him from executing His greater plans, preventing justice from taking place and getting rid of evil where he would rule as a god becoming like God, for even he knows that he cannot be greater than He. In his blind prideful arrogance, he thought he could do that, but was already defeated at the cross and now he knows his time is short and running out, still he will not quit and press on to take as many souls down with him as he can. YAHWEH Almighty will reclaim everything and everyone back to Him that belongs to Him, but most importantly, that truly wants to be with Him and their lives are a testimony that proves it. Everyone who rejected His plan of Salvation will be rejected by Him and be condemned to everlasting fire and darkness for that was their choice, not His.
@--SP0OKY-- Ай бұрын
Yahweh is the name of a desert storm demon that eats people in a certain part of Iraq even to this very day. They have to give offering to pass through his area or they will surely be devoured as many have by the "hungry sand". The name you look for is Jesus or Yeshua, both are him.
@joynpride9094 Ай бұрын
Also Travis 1 Corinthians 15:51 says we shall not all die but some will meet him in the air right ? After tribulation
@joynpride9094 Ай бұрын
““But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days.”” ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭12‬:‭13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Heard you say only our generation will be in the millennial but what does this mean ? I think all the prophets pointed to this time and told people of their time this because we all have chance to be in the kingdom .
@KyleEnoch-y2w Ай бұрын
Fellow Cheesehead here! #DontchaKnow
@danielpockrus Ай бұрын
I mainly feel like the gum on The bottom of somebody's shoes.
@danielpockrus Ай бұрын
Solfegio do ra so la ti do. Frequency is the key. It why they destroyed all the bells.
@starrywisdom Ай бұрын
Have you considered that Jesus said he was there in the beginning and will be there in the end. He said only God is good and he is not God. He was probably not Adam or Eve, so that only leaves the serpent. He gave knowledge and understanding to mankind against God's wishes. God knew humans were not ready for this knowledge and it would bring about the world we have now. Jesus also told the story of the prodigal son who rebelled against his father, but returned and was forgiven. In the Revelation only Jesus could break the seals. Jesus came to earth to redeem himself after rebelling against the Father in Heaven. Only he can break the Seals because he died in the hands of mankind, when he only sought to enlighten them. In the end, he will be the only one who can pass judgment. The deification of Jesus is a false gospel. He is a son of God not the only son of God. He said we are all gods, if you recall. The Enuma Elish is where this creation story comes from. Compare the god Enki to the serpent. Enki may well have been Enoch. Enoch and Elijah never died, but were taken into Heaven. All men are doomed to die. Jesus said Elijah was John the Baptist, when asked by his disciples. It would not surprise me if Jesus was Enoch.
@gingerferguson9281 Ай бұрын
Thank you for posting. Telegram had a link to your channel. Took me all day to listen between chores. It has been on my bucket list for a while now. Bless you
@TheEyes4truth Ай бұрын
Enoch unlocks the master 🔑 so to speak!!!. 👍 🔥
@erikamontoya2595 Ай бұрын
Travis thank you for your enthusiasm and information i will subscribe 😊
@cryptixdaemon7236 Ай бұрын
What's this about
@tammypadgett7396 Ай бұрын
Brother it's 8/11/24 I'm looking in the heavens and I see a scroll with hands on it
@joynpride9094 Ай бұрын
Hey could taking his name in vain also mean not appreciating using and valuing his Real NAME . YHWH. Our creator has a name . The ineffable name doctrine tried to change this
@Edward-yc5nc Ай бұрын
I have done and he knows Enough said Hello Lord Jesus
@tammypadgett7396 Ай бұрын
The Kenanites are the named families funding all this evil. The illuminati, Mason's, etc are all a part of this. We are truly strangers in a strange world
@tammypadgett7396 Ай бұрын
You know we fought in heavens war. We stood with Yahweh against Lucifer it is why we are the elect. We were his loyal, true children. We all had to be born of woman to be redeemed back to the father.
@--SP0OKY-- Ай бұрын
Yahweh is either the name of one of the 1.fallen angels 2. one of their children (demons) or 3. just another of the many names lucifer gave himself to confuse you and get you to worship him unkowingly... Only Yeshua (Jesus) is God of the trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) He never spoke praise for yahweh. Don't pray to anyone or anything else, you might put your soul in danger of Judgement.
@tammypadgett7396 Ай бұрын
Remember Yahweh has many many mysteries that not even the Angels know. He is incredibly genius. I know to be an absolute that I will stand toe to toe with Satan and Declare Yeshua King Of King And Lord Of Lords. I know this. Yahweh has me hidden till that time. Many mysteries.
@tammypadgett7396 Ай бұрын
I'm going to drop a truth bomb on you. The sin in the garden was not eating fruit from the forbidden tree it was SEX. Lucifer seduced eve and she begot cain then she showed adam and begot able. They are twins . Their first sacrifice was on the same day TWINS. Throughout the bible Yahweh references the fact that cain is the son of lucifer. He was getting in the DNA trying to foul up the plan of Yeshua being born of woman. Think about this....The fig leaf is symbolic of covering right?...If eating fruit were the sin it would be across their lips...It was covering their sexual parts. The Kenanites are our enemy and they are the people running everything in this world for their father Lucifer.