so I got my first tattoo...VLOG
another bikini try on haul
2 жыл бұрын
i'm moving vlog *stressful
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Finally sharing my truth
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Aesthetic Lingerie Try On Haul
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finding my solitude
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My Sanctuary
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3 жыл бұрын
2020- the year I fell in love
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A Groovy 70s Lookbook
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@mandy81841 19 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing this!! I needed to hear this. I am sorry you went through this. I went through something similar that ended 3 weeks ago and I feel crazy.
@Stcoadrdfo 2 ай бұрын
You sound like you are in England. Gaslighting is punishable by 5 years in your country.
@bouncereightyone9337 4 ай бұрын
Hey girl, thank you for sharing your story. I feel gratefull for you share this agrivating experience for us to learn from and for you as part of your healing. The same with my experience is that i too have this traumatic connection with places, towns or objects wich were connected to the abuser. It goes much deeper, with fysical memories (if i undress for example) but also the whole surroundings of the area where we lived is contaminated with it. I hope some day you can be in the town where you lived without reliving it all. If you have these kind of 'memorie capacity', it shows you really indulge in experience, so much that a feeling-surrounding connection establishes. With good and nice phases in your life, the surrounding makes you feel extra good, but the downside of this, can also occur. Therefore it is extra important to protect yourself against bad people and experience. Take care and thanks again for this video. ❤
@chrissythomas5803 4 ай бұрын
How long were you with this guy?
@FoRealzTho 6 ай бұрын
i miss you elena
@tumbleweed1234 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. It does really help to hear these things. I am not sure my ex is a full on sociopath but he does tick a lot of the boxes. However, he also has issues with drugs, alcoholism, and other untherapised mental health issues like bpd. But apparently a therapist once even told him he might be a sociopath. Anyways, we were together for three month this summer. I was glad I got out of it so soon. we had the most fairytale, movie-esque story ever. Everything was so special and he made me feel like no one ever did before. The hopeless romantic in me wanted to try it although I knew he had a lot of issues that would make it difficult. But he made me believe it could work. That he wanted to be better. That he truly loved me. Looking back, it was certainly a lot of lovebombing going on in the early stage. He told me he loved me quite early in. First, I hesitated but then I went all in, for the story, for the deep love I felt, and the most incredible sex I ever had. But then it started to shift. His emotions got uncontrollable and I suffered from his inability to regulate them. He turned against me after a while, and shifted his emotions from being deep love to questioning the very foundation of our relationship. Leaving me insecure and hurt. This happened more and more frequently and I got lost in it. He made me question my sanity, made me feel I was the one doing things wrong. But luckily I wasn't alone and my friends supported me. Helped me stay sane and get out of it. When we broke up a while ago I watched your video for the first time. Now I made the mistake to let him back into my life, just for one night but all the pain came back up and he manipulated me into thinking I was in the wrong when I tried to communicate my feelings. It was insane how easy he can get into my head and make me feel unstable and crazy. But I ended it now. Once and forever (hopefully). It has to be over as much as I'd love to love him, I know he won't be giving me what I need and just destroy my sense of self. Your video really proofs why it's good I let him go and close that door. He'll always just takes what he needs from me and there will never be space or care for my own emotions with him. As much as I wished for a happy ending or even just to keep the good sex, people that suffer from these personality disorders who doesn't seek help, will destroy you. I was doing really well before I met him and before I met him again. Now I feel so much pain and heartbreak again. To anyone watching this because they are in an emotionally abusive relationship or out of one and they try to get back in contact - get out of there if you can and always rely on your friends for a reality check. No matter how charming someone is, how good with words, or even in bed - it's not worth losing your mind and feeling the pain of loving someone who can't seem to love you back the same way. Take care ❤ (sorry for the long comment, but it feels so good to share this story! Thanks again for the video and all the comments and making it possible for people to feel understood and seeing they are not the only ones) ❤
@germanicusfortunov3385 8 ай бұрын
I'm a 52 year old male. When I was a kid there was 1 fat kid; now we're all fat (including myself). What's the difference? Mental health is the difference. We are fat because we have unprocessed trauma from childhood. Good luck
@miapinacolada 8 ай бұрын
I was with a sociopath for 1 year. I tried to leave him since about 2 months into the relationship. I didn’t know he was a sociopath till recently (almost 4 years after I finally left him). I met someone who said that they know him and said that he had tied a girl up and put her in the closet and broke her arm and that he’s a sociopath and in the relationship I intuitively knew that he was like that. I had this gut feeling like I could see what he’s capable of but I had this sense like not me, never me. Almost like this weird bond and I didn’t know what to believe. He would lock me in a room if I wanted to leave him or throw all my clothes around the apartment if I was trying to pack to leave. I was so physically tired that I had no strength and had no where to go. I ended up getting pregnant and ran away for good and had to give my baby up for adoption to keep him far away from my son. He would hide in the bushes at my dads and wait till I left the house to run up on me and he at one point tried to push his way into my house and I had to fight him off when I was pregnant. During the relationship there was a lot of crying saying he’d change, saying he loves me and fear that I would leave him. If I made him food he would act like it was an insult that I made him food and he would comment on my clothing style as well. He never wanted me gone, he would repetitively text me if I went to spend time with my family. He was extremely sexual, like sudden urges. He would gamble all of my money, he would say something and then say that I said it but I was smarter than to believe I had said it. I would say no u said that, ur the one who just said that. I would then say ur f ing crazy, leave me alone, I’m leaving because it would come on so suddenly and I was going insane with the highs and lows, I was in constant fight or flight. My family thought he was great and didn’t understand what the problem was. No one understood what was really going on. The trauma haunts me but it’s been almost 4 years and life’s looking brighter again but the depression has been constant ever since. Anyone else who has gone through this type of situation just know ur not alone and that there are ppl out here who understand how traumatizing that was for u 💔 if this sounds like a situation you’re in then u need to run and never communicate to that person again
@ddww880 8 ай бұрын
I had few girlfriends who were sweet and lovley for outside world but narcissist controlling and sneaky flirting in privet But i can easy spot them go to relation and crush their ego and ignor them. And later they all make victims themselves for public. Such as sweet hurted angels omg . dont believe in everything you see. Is funny to see how womans cry and try to rescue relationship with only handsom man but dont care about less attractive man . thats a real empathy haha
@kaitlyngrace7663 9 ай бұрын
My experience with a sociopath, he manipulated me into thinking he would provide for me and help me with my rent, knowing that I was struggling and then he came over and stole money from me and then blocked me because that’s what they do they manipulate until they get what they want and then you’re disregarded and yes, I had to file a police report and before all of this happened I remember him telling me that he was not drama she only wanted to help just everything that he’s actually the opposite of. He WAS drama he liked seeing me struggle and he took advantage of me because that’s what they do. Life is a game to them they do not feel bad for you at all, and they cause TRAUMA they do not come in your life to love you they only come into your life for LESSONS
@teralecole316 9 ай бұрын
Psychological warfare is no joke. It will be obvious to everyone that you’re situation is toxic, but no outsider outside of your relationship will understand the various degrees of psychopathy we’re experiencing. It’s incredibly insidious. It’s not just “oh he’s just being crappy bc he lost a job promotion!” The abusers base level is at its core, evil. Every single thing they do is to manipulate, including something as simple as saying “Hello!”
@stormieinapril9626 7 ай бұрын
So true. I have unfortunately been coming across so many abusers. It has completely wrecked me. I’m afraid of people and suspicious of everybody. It’s devastating
@GabrielKadmon 11 ай бұрын
Youre manipulating them into thinking they're just as attractive as thin women because you know deep down if they remain unattractive, you will then have less competition to get a high status guy. Female manipulation is insane.
@carlosnunez415 11 ай бұрын
Fat girls in school used to bully me all the time! I hate them
@glitter216 11 ай бұрын
Didn't know how to comment. You made me cry. I needed to hear this. I was giving up on myself. Felt I didn't deserve to wear beautiful clothes. I hide in big baggy black jumpers and jeans. Ide eat more Because why I bother. I've had none stop abuse in outside society. I had high school girls call me piggy... That's when I gained confidence to wear an pink top with squins. I have people say she eats too much McDonald's.. Or OMG she is ugly. I can go on and on. Not a day I don't get some form of abuse. I lost a baby back in 2012 full term. And it broke me so much I ate for comfort. You see I been bullied my whole life I've always had weight problems. Before I fell pregnant with the baby ide lost I lost so much weight I got to size 10. UK size. I was so proud to hit that mile stone. I suffered so much in life cause of my weight. I have children now all very young... But I still am battling with my weight. I'm size 20 it's so hard to lose when had 3 children. yesterday I started dieting and making the differ not for me. For my babies. And to all that judged me fat shaming me. Last laugh on you cause I got the courage to actually be a pure decent person. Least I can make a change and prove to you ignorant people you are vile... Be kind
@stelasenna9927 Жыл бұрын
Omg I just prayed for you. Heartbreaking.
@reidjohnson6974 Жыл бұрын
Omg i am so proud of you, never knew you were a youtuber thats so awesome!!
@isojosi Жыл бұрын
I've been through something like this and I believe you ❤️
@billyd1436 Жыл бұрын
My heart is with you. I have been through two of these relationships, and I understand what one must endure, both while in the relationship, and after as we seek support and people just do not understand, Please take care of yourself, you are magnificent. My love to you --
@ulfaazylah3068 Жыл бұрын
i feel you 💔 i used to scroll on my instagram seeing people relationship, i feel jealous, cause i never get treaten right to be his woman, im only exist when he needs intimate things
@sophiaellertson2622 Жыл бұрын
Holy crap the same exact thing happened with me and my ex about the ex girlfriend incident you mentioned in the beginning
@Mr.Meme1885 Жыл бұрын
Here's reality: confidence and a nice personality is meaningless to women, if you are not handsome.
@kdubb7159 Жыл бұрын
I am convinced to think that im in a situation with a sociopath especially when this person has stated in more than one occasion that they was a sociopath. When you care for someone you dont just belittle someone you care for always judging everything I do and how Im not doing it right. When i get dressed up to see her asking why did I get all dressed up and everyone has the choice to say what they want to there partners but always getting irritated with this or that to have an attutude and making things that person not willing to communicate when that is all I have been doing... 😔
@Light-jc3fj Жыл бұрын
And check out their parents/ upbringing because the apple never falls far from the tree.
@crusty3731 Жыл бұрын
Me @ random women in nightclub toilets
@Cellia836 Жыл бұрын
You are not offended anyone, when you are just speaking the truth. That is not slender at all. If people can't handle the truth, that's their problem. I have dated a sociopath and it was awful. I hate him for everything he has ever done to me. Sociopath's are devil in the flesh. Mine did a lot of what you're talking about in your video here. Thank you so much for this video!
@mariamihaleva3430 Жыл бұрын
I am shocked, my sociopathic ex too made me speak with his mother on the phone. He was the first one to want a relationship with me quickly. He then beggin joking and started criticising me slowly. He even joked about breaking up with me. After a while he beggin to leave and come back in my life. Each time he used fake promises and gifts to get back in my life. It took me 2 years to realise that he was a sociopath.
@Maziko_Lee Жыл бұрын
Is this why fat women give the dirtiest looks? Then they get angry at curvy twenty-year-olds for wearing miniskirts? 🤣 Gross.
@askaryarullin Жыл бұрын
What annoys me about fat girls is the deception. Especially online. When you meet her for a coffee, you're like, fuck this isn't what it says on the tin...
@leornachman8253 Жыл бұрын
I'm 37 never had a girlfriend or anything because I'm too ugly
@Lola-2027 Жыл бұрын
You are so sweet..Thank you for this video
@rachaelfutch7525 Жыл бұрын
my story is just as bad if not worse and i'm just now putting a end to it
@travisolson9190 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes that’s how people were raised, and these abusive traits are honestly how they learned to handle stress.
@Fururu333 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I have been in an abusive relationship with someone that had the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, and I also saw narcissistic and borderline traits in him. Relationships like this are breaking your spirit. I have seen the lowest of the low. So I recognise your pain. I am happy you got out as well and have been working on your trauma. I’m a year out now, had therapy and I still am affected by it. I’m glad you have been able to recognise it for what it was: abuse. It starts with seeing and then admitting that. For me it helped me to read a lot about abusive relationships and about cluster b disorders, to understand what I’ve been going through. I wish you the best.
@CarlosAugustoMendozaSanchez Жыл бұрын
That doesn't sound like a sociopath, you are just diagnosing based on emotional facts not being rational.
@kazikmajster5650 Жыл бұрын
*What's outside represents what's on the inside.*
@FyaCharismaTarot Жыл бұрын
The Sociopath I met said the EXACT same thing about the “suicidal” ex 😤😞
@Sassysonia1234 Жыл бұрын
What they forget to mention is the part where they make the ex suicidal 🙄
@seans625 Жыл бұрын
I like fat girls if she aint 280 she aint a lady
@Hambar7 Жыл бұрын
I know what you were dealing with . Sending love 💕
@catherineaherne9841 Жыл бұрын
Been with a sociopath. The smiling when they hurt you. Sadistic. But remember they are weak and broken. I hear your pain. They are fools. Well done for speaking out.
@DJEkilibrium Жыл бұрын
They are not fools, they are actually very Smart people. It's not my fault women love Dark Triad males
@John-pl8fe Жыл бұрын
Facts women do like looks. That's why they scan. Money definately second!!
@Jets1713 Жыл бұрын
Wow, an attractive girl is making us ugly people feel better. We all know your just doing it for likes and simp money.
@WRCSeb Жыл бұрын
Wish more people were like this
@andrewjohnson204 Жыл бұрын
It's all about what's inside the man? So doesn't matter what height he is? OK with him being 10cm shorter than you? Tell the truth
@andrewjohnson204 Жыл бұрын
19 is "pretty old" to get into first relationship?!?!?! Wtf. Lookup old
@manosijthehero3686 Жыл бұрын
What about me? I am a 21 year old guy who never had a girlfriend or even get my first kiss yet. Is it weird?
@oceanwater2wave Жыл бұрын
The moment I saw your face… I think we all know this… Your energy! Definitely an Empath… at least!
@observations4229 Жыл бұрын
Omg! I got that suicidal argument too
@wustenfuchs3285 Жыл бұрын
I'm 24, haven't been able to have relationship with anyone and its getting near the end. I have 2 months till 25 and than I'm ending it I cant live like this anymore
@manosijthehero3686 Жыл бұрын
Same here. I am a 21 year old guy who never had a girlfriend and never been kissed. I am turning 22 in December and it makes me sad.
@banashabo7246 Жыл бұрын
thnx for sharing this, it's a big deal to find someone on KZbin telling exactly what you've been through and dealt with, it's an awful experience and even though everyone is telling me that it's only an experience and I'll learn from it I wouldn 't wish it for my worst enemy. so emotionally and mentally draining and the worst thing is that my life stopped entirely while I live in some fucked up city in the middle east and literally can't afford this! still can't believe the price I paid for falling in love with the wrong person who was in my case a psychopath.