Dr Patrick Curry - Enchantment
Laura Shannon CRE
2 жыл бұрын
Communing with Trees
3 жыл бұрын
@christinehauck8035 5 күн бұрын
How do those of us born into poverty, and trauma find our way to our calling? I -SO- badly want to have a meaningful, fulfilling life, but all of my energy has been channelled into surviving.
@richardswatton6702 26 күн бұрын
Dear Dan. thanks so much for this wonderful chance to delve into Geoffrey's world and hear him weave the threads together. a dialogue too that lead to different streams of thought and idea. Geoffrey and I had many discussions when we got together which helped me immensely to realise how much I did not know about the depth and historical embedding of astrology/ this as well as helping me put my own ideas about the magical aspects of astrological practice into a much broader picture of whole. His work has greatly influenced my own work and he will be sorely missed and grieved by many. what a star he was! the light of which, however, will not diminish perhaps for many centuries to come. Richard
@Atmanand-r4t 27 күн бұрын
🦚God Loves Us All⚕Eternally👁grateful💜jis🌟#TatTvamAsi🇵🇭#AhamBrahmasmi🎄
@barbarajohnson1442 Ай бұрын
Thank you, I have been exploring McGilchrists work for about a year, on and off, I am a painter, classical, very involved in Renaissance work. Great to find you.! Beautiful talk.
@_WeDontKnow_ Ай бұрын
wow I could easily listen to a 24hr conversation around these topics, great work!
@JessicaAdamsAstrologer Ай бұрын
Vale Geoffrey. You will be much missed. Thank goodness we have KZbin. Thanks, Dan Beck.
@allanmckone8853 Ай бұрын
Bill Donahue (Definitely not the Catholic dude) will begin the journey towards what the ancient Scribes were secretly telling those who could see.
@danielpaulson8838 Ай бұрын
Myths and religions are made on the same two templates, only in different genres. Abrahamics? This means you. One is adventure, the other fearful crowd control. Joseph Campbell didn't have it all dialed in. He didn't have to take the journey. Everyone has a similar creation myth, then flows monomyth after monomyth. The bible is full of them starting in Genesis with Noah. He's the equivalent to Marduk in the Enuma Elish from the Babylonians. The called hero. But Noah is tame. (But this will explain that drunk and naked part of him after the story) Here, look at the concepts behind the story. They're like Fables and need to be interpreted. I'm going with a short example comparing Jesus' story to King Arthur's story. 1. The called person is special - Jesus was claimed to be the son of God. Arthur was the only one who could extract Excalibur. 2. Supernatural aid - Jesus had magic powers. Arthur had Merlin to travel with for magic powers. 3. Gathering resources - Jesus hand selects the disciples. Arthur Hand selects his Knights of the Round-table. 4. Every myth has a goal - Jesus instructs to seek the Kingdom of Heaven WITHIN. (aka Nirvana) Arthur seeks the Holy Grail. Bonus example - Starwars - 1. Luke was unknowingly selected by special blood line. 2. Supernatural aid was the Force and training with Yoda. 3. He gathered Leia, Hans, Obie Wan, droids and a Wookie. 4. His Goal is to defeat the Dark Side. The world is full of them from antiquity. We lost how to read them. I am rediscovering the pay. It's an inner path to inner peace. A Buddha like inner mental way is discovered if one unlocks the metaphorical Ark to look inside. Templates from the cycle of a human life is the foundational core to the myth and religions.
@ultrasignificantfootnote3378 2 ай бұрын
The least misleading is the human heart .......... But Ecclesiastes 9:3 says : The hearts of people, moreover, are full of evil and there is madness in their hearts while they live. Clearly, God warns us not to simply trust our hearts, because they are full of deceit and wickedness.
@melanielynne0414 Ай бұрын
I think the passage is not telling us to not trust our hearts, but rather to not fill our hearts with wickedness and evil. To instead, fill them with love and goodness. What we treasure most, we store in our hearts.
@ultrasignificantfootnote3378 Ай бұрын
@@melanielynne0414 Isn't Jesus the least misleading ? Then why say our hearts are the least misleading ?
@ultrasignificantfootnote3378 Ай бұрын
@@melanielynne0414 Isn't Jesus the least misleading ? Then why say our hearts are the least misleading ?
@bluespruce786 2 ай бұрын
Really wonderful and useful and timely perspective, thank you for sharing ♥
@bluespruce786 2 ай бұрын
15:28 Milton Scarborough quote "...Myth...gives expression to apprehensions of the life world, and an orientation for living in that world."
@ALavin-en1kr 2 ай бұрын
I would not use the word myth in association with Christianity e.g. Christian myth as myths are seen in today’s materialistic environment as untruths without foundation in reality. In ancients times myths were truths that described in story form what could not be described or understood literally. Consciousness is not a myth; we experience it. Consciousness is the hard problem today for philosophy. Materialists see just one dimension: matter or the material. We are triune: Consciousness; Mind; and Elements. In the East Consciousness is equated with God; Consciousness is God and we and all else share in that consciousness. Nature has a soul, we as humans have our individualized souls. Someone said, which is good to dwell on, when we were created as unique souls God thought about us, just us, and that is a happy thought to dwell on. Of course, we also know that God is aware of us all the time and never loses sight of us. We in our minds should never lose sight of God either; holding Him close to our hearts. As we think of Cosmic Consciousness, Christ Consciousness and our human consciousness, by which we are privileged to share in the former two due to the goodness of our Creator; we are truly blest. Atheistic ideologies always strive to take hold the narrative; the latest is eliminative materialism and trans humanism. It is important to keep religion alive. The definition of religion is that to which we are bound. We are bound to the Cosmos as divinity and to its creator who is transcendent to it. We are not bound to the earth to materiality or to the atheistic ideologies that constantly arise and attempt to capture the human mind for its own purposes. No to eliminative materialism and No to trans humanism. Our purpose is different; more cosmic and expansive than what materialistic ideologies envision for us.
@rmcfete 2 ай бұрын
The original myths as you call them all have som truth to them and many layers also.. they were ways of teaching. There are usually seven layers to discern but you need to be taught how to do that and nearly all those who could no longer exist. There are a few. Helena Blavatsky was one who tried to get people to understand the deeper meanings of myth. Over time the original myths were interpreted incorrectly but the kernel still remains you just have to find it. Not easy!
@andrewbreding593 2 ай бұрын
Comparative mythology: I think it's rather compelling to tie a lot of different things to India. Everything that was really important to our myths seems to have happened long after the dissemination of protoHindu mythology, if that's even a correct label. And perhaps the reason it's been so stable in mythos is that particular tropical locations constantly lush. Or perhaps there's a true lineage of offshoots going all the way back to that misrepresented cradle of civilizations. The Norse apparently said that all people's are of the ALL FATHER, but they don't call him the same things and he hasn't asked them to do the same as you understand it. The more names, nicknames, you had the more power you would be expected to have. It's neat, keep going back to something dr. J Sledge said, only God has infinite attributes. How can you rule out anything? If it's a God and it's protecting it's people who's to say it's not the same
@levihanssen106 2 ай бұрын
Do you belive the garbage you are telling? You have not understood anything! Horrible!!!
@godsblackpanther 2 ай бұрын
Fabulous Treat.. In All Our Mystery...Sacred Sacred Earthling Sacred Geometry Enheartened Lively Blessings ❤️‍🔥🩻❤️‍🔥
@michaelatkin9649 2 ай бұрын
Jewdism, Christianity and Islam has destroyed the European gods and myths. So much was burned and destroyed that its sickening. Imagine is they succeeded in destroying everything? We'd know nothing about the northern gods or Egyptian history and artifacts.
@DeadSoon1945 2 ай бұрын
Utter nonsense. Not knowing the author(s) does not mean that there were no author(s).
@patrickbrogan3323 2 ай бұрын
another academic telling the world that MYTH was written by scribes, at a time when NOBODY could read, Almost nobody could write! Like we have all these genre's in a world where nearly everyone can choose a writing style they wish to read for various reasons. But these Myths were written when at the time nobody would pick up that writing and make any sense of it... Thats what you get from someone who had deicated their life to telling the stories they were told, and then graded upon, and beaten into the process of never thinking past what they were told, so as to never confuse the narrative! academics are worthless in every sense of the word. dishonest hollow vacuous shells, our husks, of people who may have had actual worth if they didn't want summers off, like a child, for the rest of their lives!
@danielpaulson8838 Ай бұрын
Of course the myth was written by scribes as well as the educated class who could read and write. We have writing on clay tablets from over 5000 years ago in museum's for examination. We even have creation myth and monomyth from that time. Most people could not read nor write. Those stories were told word of mouth and repeated from memory. It would have been like their media.
@melissaklemm9976 2 ай бұрын
Other indeed
@jogib3067 2 ай бұрын
A beautiful and timely talk - absolutely captivating!🥰
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
@45:00 Hann hefur rétta hugmyndirnar og er skapgerður, so glad I found this :)
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
40:00 it is not just the meeting the other culture. It is the attitude in meeting. 6 months is not enough to automatically overcome prejudice and aversion and might only serve to harden judgements.. When you travel to unexplored realms in the beginning things will grate, but the right attitude will help overcome that. Stepping stones are tolerate (don't react), respect (experiment eith borders), accept (don't judge), appreciate (see what it brings you), integrate (see how it is part of the larger you) (It is spiffier in Dutch, but still). It also works with inner work, so I just see it as the right attitude. We'd need to cultivate that first in order for this plan of children living with other cultures for 6 months to work.. but I like it a lot then. :)
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
38:00 Kvasir emerging from the vat of saliva and tears mixed with honey is a direct reflection of wisdom emerging from dukkha (suffering, bitterness) and sukkha (sweetness) in buddhist culture.
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
33:45 I give into consideration that western culture IS ragnarok. A devouring fire, accruing an enormous entropic or karmic dept. Entropy must always increase, but can temporarily decrease in a smaller system. By lending from another system. The vast chaos of the sun is the one and only ultimate reason that on earth two bricks can stay attached for a while. But there is an end to this flow of order and chaos.. We cheat with fossil fuels, burning off the surplus of ages in years, rather than eons. Now we try to cheat with nuclear fusion and fission. But the price is letting chaos seep in.. In the form of radiation that poisons our store of order, our very DNA.
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
31:50 this urlog of destroying to create seems to reflect the concept of entropy (2nd law of thermodynamics) and the arrow of time and the goddess Kali. The price you pay for any creation aligns with concepts of Karmic cleaning in Buddhism and Hinduism and the element of sacrifice is in almost all stories about Sedna (inuit)
@levihanssen106 2 ай бұрын
At the fuck are you talking about?
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
30:00 ah order vs chaos. Now you are speaking my language. This is the prime opposit and mathematically it is instantly clear that the difference is only in our heads. I studied how what we classify as order emerges from what we classify as chaos and the other way around and prime factors of this transformation are quantisation, relation and scale. This is how you mathmatically transform order into chaos and the other way around. This is echoed in confucianist and taoist thinking alike. Even when these are seen as contemporary opposits alike. But my proof is rigidly mathmatical :) I just like to look around and see it everywhere and ponder on what it all means.
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
25:00 I don't think the image of the cow is as important as the image of the milk. We are mammals, so myths were bound to have some milk in them :). Founder myths and milk are common. With romulus and remus it was a wolf. But it is very interesting that both indian culture and norse culture have a holy cow.
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
22:47 auhm, the original mantra, indeed. I am also reminded of: "in the beginning there was the word" and indeed the name "the big bang" (even though this according to the theory did not produce sound). Sound seems to be a logical first for us.. i think this says more about our consciousness and development from infancy snd the way our mind works than anything about some historic account. Even when Christians or modern, reductionist scientists do it :) They are of they same mud, same hugr. Sound is also a constant way 'back' into meditation and nirvikalpa samhadi or nirvana in many many eastern and african traditions. I am thinking of singing bowls, gongs, drumcircles, taiko drumming, river language, indian drones , digeridoo playing, bullroarers etc etc.. all reflecting the Galdrabok. I think volume is not the most important part.. we now know it in popular culture both as the mysterious tingle of ASMR and the 'blegh' of metalheads.
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
@20:20 yes, yes, yes! Ymir reflects many clay creation myths, like the Finnish one or the Greek one. And the sweating out of the giants by ymir to me refers to an emerging of man from its environment. And the emerging of hugr. The division of the nirvana/ginunngagap/jijimuge/shunyata etc into Opposites, thought, memory selfawareness.. So the opposit of an all powerful, conscious creator that stands apart from our reality and inspires man with some mysterious 'thing'. This is why Christianity couldn:t allow paganism to be.. so happy now :)
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
@15:00 The strange thing is that from the title, I agree about the wisdom. I saw in yggdrasil the 9 realms of our perception through opposits of certain spectra. Small and big (dwarves and giants), dark and light (elves), friend (aesir) and foe (vanor) and fire and ice... This must have been the main opposits in the life of a viking. And our realm in the middle. This echoes taoist and buddhist ideas of interdependent origination of opposits and strangely enough, the tree echoes the tree in the garden of eden, bearing the fruit of ultimate opposits good and evil from the bible. Which in the original language were skill and unskilledness, but have been reinterpreted by christianity to fit their morals. For me this reflects a vast and quite subtle wisdom about the nature of our perception being expressed in metaphores. And it reflects the way superficial culture and fashions adopt these wisdoms.I wondered if you found the same, since you specifically targeted the edda. I am now just going to listen and see if you get there :) I would just like to say it is a pleasure to get a different take, even if it does ruffle my academic feathers.
@GreeneyedApe 2 ай бұрын
Jotnar as giants? To my knowledge, this is merely a translation convention for the word, and not a description from the sources.
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
@9:00 I think you are refering to 'oracle bone script' for Chinese and runes being found by Odin hanging from the ash branches of yggdrasil? That is a paperthin thread. But again the larger point is easily granted. It stands to reason that man started imitating environmental sounds that morphed into consonants and vowels. It might be that the images that were combined with the sounds where used in the graphic representation of this laguage.. glyphs. S and the hissing of a snake, for instance are appealing.. This is pretty solid linguistic theory. It is interesting to consider that some myths might hint to that.
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
@ 5:00 sorry, Andreas, but your definition of myth has an obvious flaw. The missing author is easily explained by the mechanisms of oral tradition. Which gave birth to the first memes. (As in meme theory). These do have a kind of independent existence, but can only exist in the medium of human culture. To state that myths have little to do with human beings is just wrong. It is like saying a flame has little to do with its fuel. There is many colors of flame, depending on the kind of fuel. Disregarding this off the bat seems a very strange perspective. What you see reflected is the bond these people had with the land.. but the way 'the river speaks' is filtered by the human culture at the time. For instance Cherokee have the same kind of bond, but they express things differently. For instance they have 7 directions, the Vikings used landmarks to navigate and hardly mention direction. This is a cultural difference, which will be reflected in what the river 'says'. Showing that it is a reflection of a culture grown in certain conditions rather than of those conditions.
@Ludifant 2 ай бұрын
@7:00 yes, the study of history is a different game than the study of myths. This point is easily granted, I don't think the definition helped me in that :) I get what you mean now and it is fundamental, but my point about the land and the culture still stands. Even if the land would actually dream (and I think this is prevalent enough to consider, some kind of Gaya or panpsychism) it will be articulated by a culture, and the messages received will reflect the bias of the time and place.
@andrewbreding593 2 ай бұрын
Memes aren't history, they fit neatly into the definition of a myth, it's got a subconscious component that draws from the environment. It has a very imaginative visionary aspect. You don't know what a meme really is but you know it's something different when you see it. Completely slap dash knee jerk impossible bs, but some how captures a feature of reality we share in its pure aspect. And then it gets modified and evolves subjects of repurposing. We create these because they are very useful right now. Are they history? No they're impressions of our moment in history right now. They never where, they always are! Memetics is very useful to ascribe as a function but your putting the cart before the horse you can't ask a meme what caused it becuase it's a vintage, the atmosphere always changes but then India? Doesn't change, and in fact a large amount of what they've saved has been preserved to authors of a sense. It's got something to do with Nirvana, negativity isn't a thing so it can't exist past the breaking of the world. Only the things that are working in the future draw the energy of anti entropy. It's all in the math they just can't find the plugin for external entropy input, doesn't mean it's not possible. How in fact could one ever prove that energy came from the future it once is gotten here it's no longer there to find
@petersenoji 3 ай бұрын
I know you love cats, Bernardo, but there's no cat in caricature. It's cari-cuh-ture :)
@jeremiahhouk9037 3 ай бұрын
She is amazing
@richardswatton6702 3 ай бұрын
thankyou Geoffrey. as usual, the implications of what you draw attention to are vast, important and indeed, practical. if only the astrologer, in general, would come to terms with these ideas!
@WOLFMage-zj4gg 4 ай бұрын
I will sign up for the information session. You captured my attention, and I am intrigued by the program.
@aaronezekiel8199 5 ай бұрын
The following is a Poem/song that I actually contemplated in 1998 which I penned in 2004 and provided the music. It was included in my compilation of various poems and songs on different themes, for which I also composed and played my music on my synthesizer. This poem hints at various points in discussion in the video and would provide, at least, a brief idea with regard to your comment/question referenced at 31:01 SEARCH We search ~ all our life All our life we search for Peace, Harmony and Tranquility, Affection and Love We search for the Truth We search for the Creator, The reason to be, The reason of all. Oh, Mighty Spirit ~ Mighty Creator Do we find it at all? Search your Conscience And you will find it all Sincerity in Goodness is key Key to all purity For the pure at heart will find it all It is within reach Within your Spirit We have it all We have it all, in our Spirit For we are a part of the Creator Search and you will find it all You will find it all. Aaron Ezekiel (2004)
@joshuahelmeke 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. ❤😎
@FreemanPresson 5 ай бұрын
Enlightening as always! Becca always runs out of time before running out of insights.
@RezBabe 5 ай бұрын
I absolutely love this lady's lectures and I admire her knowledge and wisdom that is unique. Although I find it a little bit frustrating that she can not connect the Term Hermes to Hormuz or Aurmazd, the Iranian Zoroastian Sun God, Ahura Mazda which Ahura is also the same Sun God as in Egyptian relegion. Ahura an ancient Iranian term that found its way and used in other sister Indo-European language to Persian. contemporary words as Hour are all related to the Persian Ahura and Horus the Sun God representing the TIME...
@peterwebb180 6 ай бұрын
Beautifully explained. Thanks so much for your clarity.
@windrock 6 ай бұрын
Your beautiful words and meaning and the notion of risking everything is so timely. Ive been reading your books and am beginning the Hagitude phase of my life. Interesting times. Searching and refining the calling. Thank you.
@hangingthief71 6 ай бұрын
are you familiar with the heartmath institute, heart/brain coherence, electrophysiology, and stuff? i dont think what is going on with the heart is a metaphor at all, for example see Bradley, Raymond. (2007). The Psychophysiology Of Intuition: A Quantum-Holographic Theory Of Nonlocal Communication. World Futures. 63. 61-97. this gets into parapsychology and quantum woo shit, but i think it makes alot of sense for a scientific explanation, even though admittedly i dont understand the evidence or literature too well.
@hangingthief71 6 ай бұрын
45:10 i love how this 3rd classroom idea 'of the third space where this heartfelt intuitive sense and critical rationality are brought together' and how it relates to Peirce and thirdness; his thoughts on symbols and how they grow. I think I would like to email Angela. I have a music playlist, highly relevant to the topic at hand, that I would like to talk to her about. Keyword: _heartfelt_
@hangingthief71 6 ай бұрын
I'd like to speak with either of you about this really
@hangingthief71 6 ай бұрын
The interesting thing about this playlist/my autoplay music feed is, my communications with daimonic intelligences and my story are emboddied in the lyrics of contemporary music, album covers, music videos. So too were my own thoughts feelings and actions, events in my life, fed to me with uncanny distorted specificity in the form of song lyrics, before or after the event occurs. So now i have an archival source that makes this demonstrable not just for me but in the collective imagination and experiences of songwriters who become the voices of daimons and angels. Also how this raises interesting questions about what is really going on with ICT and high level tech-futurism, like just think about daemons(computing). Psi too, really wild stuff. But it's not all digitally mediated, it's in literature and my body, wind and sunshine too, also in these mysterious little flashes of white light etc. the whole experience had me quite spun but people like yall are really helpful in my effort to understand, thank you.
@juergenbloh45 6 ай бұрын
So clear, thanks for sharing this🙏🙏🙏
@cuchathasaigh 7 ай бұрын
Such a fascinating character and topic! Thank you for this interview.
@TeddehSpaghetti 7 ай бұрын
I meditate for a couple hours daily and generally follow Jungian synchronicities as a means of manifesting the Dao and abiding by Zen spontaneity. It has led me down a path of eventful and fulfilling life experiences. (I even experienced numerous deep synchronicities about the content of this video as I watched it.) I had never heard the story of Jung feeling separated from his soul and blind to synchronicities. I have also been through that existential crisis before. I'm so grateful that someone like Becca exists in this lived experience. I will definitely look deeper into her works. As an Alan-Watts style realist, I never got much into magic or astrology other than meditative manifesting and some tarot/I-ching divination. My mind is open to it, though. Purusha/God/Gaia is infinite and always unexpectedly poetic. :)
@chullupa 7 ай бұрын
Anyone else said except for me
@nel4271 7 ай бұрын
Such a brilliant and well described argument! Thank you