Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.
I want students to learn to use the resources around them. I want them to read something or see something they are interested in and follow up on it.
I want my students to score high.
Second channel sose yoneekians:- youtube.com/@soseyoneekians?si=oy2ND7FnMzU8JXwY
विजेता जीतने के लिए कुछ अलग नही करते बल्कि वे चीजो को अलग तरीके से करते है |
जो मजिंलो को पाने की चाहत रखते है,
वो समंदरो पर भी पत्थरों के पुल बना देते है ।
Htet / ctet paper 2 s.st preparation+ previous year questions solution with notes
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