[EUROSATORY24] Ground Warden
14 күн бұрын
Eurosatory 2024: booth presentation
[ILA24] Stand presentation
28 күн бұрын
Missile Design UK - Meet the Team
MBDA 2023
2 ай бұрын
2024 MBDA Annual Press Conference
@HayMaker-tv2dm 5 күн бұрын
Waiting for a multi calibre rocket artillery program from MBDA! Honestly Europe needs to take imediate action on a Rocket artillery system with multi calibre rockets and multirole functions from a 50km 166mm to a 254mm 160km range and a heavier 324mm 250km rocket and ofcourse a TBM tactical ballistic missile with a good range and a 520mm to 620mm and a 500km to 700km range with a decent 250kg warhead at least or a 360kg for good effects on target, i really hope and ask every time for a European advanced rocket artillery program honestly Europe have huge capabilities gaps on this field, and the TBM tactical ballistic missile are unexistent, just ridicolous! Thats shameful to Europe
@user-uj7sz5xp4w 11 күн бұрын
@wanderingsoul3431 12 күн бұрын
@io9883 13 күн бұрын
Je pense que le produit que MBDA doit développer maintenant est un système portable d’intégration de bombes drones à micro-conteneurs qui peut être exploité à distance et installé sur de gros avions de transport ou des sous-marins.
@user-ej4up5ev8c 15 күн бұрын
Honestly, that's pretty badass. I don't want to be the tank driver when that thing hits.
@clyaameziane7779 16 күн бұрын
Cool 🤩
@warthundershowcasing8905 17 күн бұрын
@HayMaker-tv2dm 22 күн бұрын
MBDA need to be more bolder in the loitering munitions field and specialy start a jointly develop new multi calibre Rocket Artillery for long range engagement from 110mm 15kg WH 20km/range, 122/128mm (25kg) WH 40km , 166mm 50kg WH (60km), 254mm (125kg) warhead 160km) and a heavy 324mm (250-300kg) and a 250km range and ofcourse a TBM in the 560 to 630mm with a (500kg) WH and a 360 to 500km range and capable of carrying cluster type munitions and the latest in supersonic dive reentry and evoidance of countermeasures or AA to EW. What happen to the Fire -Shadow loitering heavy munition tested and ready for prodution and just dissapear, that was one of the worst decisions,if the British had cold feet MBDA should continue and now would be the biggest gainer in orders from praticly everywhere in the globe, even MBDA inc America have the granade drone and other easily converted type of drones that can carry a 2.5kg hollow charge or a 3.6kg HE Frag munition, i hope the Aquila high altitude hypersonic ICBM or TBM interceptor missile get to the development fase right now and have a short developing cicle, the Israel IAI Arrow 3 missiles already won the German high altitude LR interceptor and many countries will go for the stunner missiles from IAI even America! Britain at least invested in the CAMM MR and should go for a long version ER in the 100 to 120km range, because they will get alot of orders, MBDA have been very conservetive and to slow to react, you guys are great but need to be bolder, look at this Enforcer missile that have a 1kg warhead i hope the Viper strike should teach something to MBDA those anemic warheads are not effective, why not upgrade the ERYX to a 1200 to 1500 meter range would praticly take the NLAW, AT4 and all those SR Spike and others missiles direct strong competition, lacks some ambition on MBDA im still a investor in the stock but something have to improve even in the air to surface munitions the AS-30L are retired why MBDA dont already develop a better solution with a increased range, speed with a booster and a decent payload to replace the AS-30L i know why its because you dont have the focus and personel to do it or just have frozen brains, you should focus on European sovereign capacity and America will sell alot of Paveways from II to the IV. MBDA is the best of Europe and you guys project our pride and ambition go big think smart and do lose your focus with others stupidity, he are getting behind 3 world countries what is going on?!
@HayMaker-tv2dm 22 күн бұрын
MBDA need to increase their long range weapons portfólio! Will be amazing for the company and a great capability for Europe industrial military complex that lacks the capabilities of long range Rocket artillery and a TBM tactical ballistic missile, the Aquila Anti ballistic missile is a top prioraty, Israel already won the German high altitude anti ballistic missile defence, and in the loitering munitions MBDA should invest more resources,like the Fire-Shadow extended range munitions was one of the greatest projects that was already tested and ready to enter prodution and dissapear from everywhere i really dont understand those bad decisions now MBDA is far behind again in that thecnology, even MBDA inc in America was working on granade drones that could easily be converted with a 2.5kg hollow charge, MBDA have to be bolder, is disapointing entire Europe have nothing for show complete over taken by Rússia nationalized military complex, its incredible frustrating that they are beating Europe in every single field. Its just criminal behavior from European countries and weak politicians, and just criminal behavior they dont want to make any effort at all this could be the deal that Europe needs employing 1 millions people across Europe in a massive rearmament program and a long term for ever, to increase exports, fill stockpiles and aid our allies, what happen to Europes pride!
@HayMaker-tv2dm 22 күн бұрын
MBDA have to expand more! Principle in the Rocket Artillery guidance jointly developing with a big company or your own Bayern - Chernie with Telson, Roxel or other big companies in the Rocket business, Rocket artillery systems with multiple calibers warheads from 110mm, 122/128mm, 166mm, 254mm (125kg) warhead and a heavier 324mm (250-300kg) warhead, and a supersonic TBM tactical ballistic missile with a good range of 500 to 800km and a shorter range TBM 350 to 500km range, with the latest thecnology, and bring the Fire Shadow loitering munition that was ready to prodution and the project died
@andreaboaretto5609 27 күн бұрын
Good luck guys! Europe lacks nothing in terms of deterrence
@HayMaker-tv2dm 27 күн бұрын
I hope MBDA brings back the heavy loitering munition Fire -Shadow project and a heavy multirole, multicaliber Rocket artillery system jointly develop with another big companies in the chemical area and in rocketry experience, and a TBM tactical ballistic missile MBDA really needs a alternative to the American PSM or even the ATACMS and the Iskander TBM
@Dynamicrs1000 3 ай бұрын
MBDA Supports Israel in Gaza Genocide
@io9883 3 ай бұрын
La portée du missile doit être étendue à 50-200 kilomètres et doit être précise. Peut-il être conçu pour être transporté ou lancé par des drones ou des véhicules sans pilote équipés de plus de 10 missiles à courte ou moyenne portée ? Peut-on concevoir des capacités de frappe de précision et de rechargement automatique ? J'espère que l'entreprise et les ingénieurs pourront le mettre à niveau et l'améliorer dès que possible.
@io9883 3 ай бұрын
En outre, mbda doit augmenter considérablement sa capacité de production locale et introduire une technologie d'usine automatisée pour faire face à l'augmentation des commandes de ces dernières années.
@io9883 3 ай бұрын
J'espère que l'entreprise pourra lancer des œuvres plus innovantes qui transcendent les époques. AASM Hammer devrait envisager de lancer une version améliorée avec une autonomie supérieure à 450 kilomètres. Actuellement, son autonomie n’est que de 50 à 200 kilomètres, ce qui est trop dépassé. Les missiles et avions hypersoniques doivent également être développés rapidement. Les organisations et les ingénieurs ont besoin d'encouragements, mais je ne pense pas qu'il soit approprié de publier en ligne ce qui se passe au sein de l'entreprise. Je veux dire, je n’ai jamais vu une entreprise d’armement américaine/chinoise/russe/japonaise faire ça. Les Français ne valorisent-ils pas la vie privée des entreprises ? …
@io9883 3 ай бұрын
Si possible, il est nécessaire d’acquérir dès que possible un plus grand nombre de petits et moyens fabricants d’armes innovantes afin de promouvoir une mise à niveau plus rapide et une production de masse des technologies et produits connexes (drones autonomes, véhicules sans pilote, robots sous-marins sans pilote, etc.).
@phuketbungalowinfo2757 3 ай бұрын
EUROPEAN Champion in productions of WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION MADE IN GERMANY ... I feel ASHAMED for my country and hope Putin knows not ALL Germans standing behind the politics of this sick Government and their PRO UKRAINIAN WAR Politics.... I also hope the facility is really PACKED with the management when Putin decides to RE-act on your aggression plans. NATO started the WAR ...
@educateyourself2599 5 ай бұрын
Are you crazy guys ?
@HayMaker-tv2dm 7 ай бұрын
Weak warhead!!! Thats ridicolous, what the hell is just like the EU never go all the way, maybe can make a hole in a meter of armour but every test that i see is just pure nonsense, no anti structure capability and explosive force, such a failure
@HayMaker-tv2dm 7 ай бұрын
To small of a warhead! It will never be a major missile in anti armour, Please what is your problem is clear that the warhead is to small and ineffective, ridicolous
@HayMaker-tv2dm 7 ай бұрын
What happen to the Fire-Shadow missile drone?! You guys have a great idea and just decided to stop developing a system that right now i bet was being employed all over the world, a great idea with weak people at the board of directors to go ahead with the last finishing touches and further testing, it was a amazing system that MBDA have lost to short eye site and small cojones
@HayMaker-tv2dm 10 ай бұрын
You are doing a good job! But please you need more surface to surface weapons and rocketry and cost efective solutions for the foot soldier, please focus on a new GMLRS system and a tactical missile like the old French pluton but with triple the range and a new type of smart munition in the class range of the agm- 65 maverick and the SDB 100 kilo filing warhead and 300 kilo full load, believe me it will be instant best sellers, invest more in ground system update the eryx to 1km or more you people have to think like soldiers not like rat labs who dont know nothing about war look at Elbit and other Israel companies they have veterans experience and think outside the box
@phuketbungalowinfo2757 3 ай бұрын
hey arsehole... why not moving to UKRAINE to the Front???? They need more ppl like YOU directly in the trenches instead in KZbin having big mouthes about weapons of mass destructions killing thousands of people... However.... WHEN it starts, i hope your friends and family are not dead imidiately....so they can witness the HORROR you are loving
@jeanluc25170 Жыл бұрын
bravo P.O. !!!!
@christopherblair6636 Жыл бұрын
merci pour cette présentation
@christopherblair6636 Жыл бұрын
super video
@mr.silver.6288 Жыл бұрын
Très cool.... Je viens d'Irak et je t'aime
@spyvar599 Жыл бұрын
@umff2000 Жыл бұрын
super vidéo !
@fabienleguen Жыл бұрын
Sujet et vidéo sympas merci ! Pour les MilGeek et les NavGeek, ça aurait été top d'indiquer la désignation du système d'armes et du navire et de décrire sommairement leurs caractéristiques publiques. Vu les images, ça à l'air d'être le système de lancement de l'Exocet MM40 block 3, sur le navire d'attaque rapide anti-surface Lieutenant Vlachakos de la classe Roussen.
@christopherblair6636 Жыл бұрын
merci pour le complément !
@davidrobertson5700 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for letting me get the first comment on a beautiful missile. May they down many Russian aircraft
@zahnatom Жыл бұрын
I'll consider buying MBDA products the next time I need an air to air missile
@Dan-pi6dx 8 ай бұрын
@deathskunk3 Жыл бұрын
Great company with a fantastic customer service always my #1 store to go for whenever I'm out of missile systems
@joostvanwijk3842 Жыл бұрын
That sound is terrifying
@JonMartinYXD Жыл бұрын
Indeed, not something you want to hear coming. I'm almost positive that's the sound of the optical fibre spooling out.
@joostvanwijk3842 Жыл бұрын
@@JonMartinYXD I think you are right.
@SwissOnlineLeo Жыл бұрын
Matsimus was there
@pauligrisan4865 Жыл бұрын
Ukraine need that
@nathanielwhite8769 Жыл бұрын
The CV90 Mk.4, to my mind, a no brainier! for the British Army as a Replacement for the Worrier IFV.
@Nick_Goblin Жыл бұрын
God the CV90 is so beautiful
@michaspringphul Жыл бұрын
It seems to have a quite small range, due to its cable based guiding system.
@lsq7833 Жыл бұрын
5km is not a small range at all.
@michaspringphul Жыл бұрын
@@lsq7833 the cable can be 5km long?
@alexb1974 Жыл бұрын
@@michaspringphul more
@linkme2dnet Жыл бұрын
@@michaspringphul this is Akeron MP w. 5km range. There is another version LP with a 15km range being tested.
@justamicrowave2572 Жыл бұрын
Wire-guiding doesn’t really limit the range of an atgm as much as you think. They usually have about as range as their laser-guided counterparts.
@hourbee5535 Жыл бұрын
Send to Ukraine’s territorial defence for proper evaluation.
@SHAAAaaaOLiiiiN Жыл бұрын
You meant for Ukraine's innocent people killing? You have to stop with this Zelensky propaganda, please.
@Yuki_Ika7 Жыл бұрын
agreed, also by chance are you also from r/NonCredibleDefense? Anyway i think CV90's would make a great edition to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!
@kristofferhellstrom Жыл бұрын
It's already been proven in battle
@kashmirha Жыл бұрын
Not enough info.
@erikdavidantonio5368 Жыл бұрын
What a weak missile, it must be the "Enforcer" that MBDA offered to the Brazilian Army. I think you can blow up a fridge. 🤔
@lsq7833 Жыл бұрын
I have no idea what an "enforcer" missile is supposed to be, but that "weak" missile pierces 1200mm of armor, genius.
@justamicrowave2572 Жыл бұрын
@@lsq7833 The enforcer is a shoulder-launched atgm also offered by MBDA. It is meant to be used against lightly-armored targets, which is probably why the person in the original comment is trashing it. That being said, the missile in the video is NOT an enforcer.
@HinFoo Жыл бұрын
as mentioned in the title its the Akeron missile
@Paterrrr Жыл бұрын
First, it is the akeron missile, and then in demonstration of a system not related with the warhead, you simply don't use a costly system when it's useless.
@HayMaker-tv2dm 7 ай бұрын
I agree and i know about weapons more than any troll around, this warhead is just ridicolous small, this missile will go nowhere! I will never equip a force with that warhead is just so weak that maybe make sense to make a small hole but thats not all that counts anti stucture i see test that those missiles have done nothing
@sejauhtimurdaribarat7085 Жыл бұрын
my opinion MBDA is a most great Defence Company Production in Europe