XY Group is the best. 14 members with unique personalities. A rock band group with diverse talents such as dancing and singing. I would like you to listen to XY's charming song title "Crazy Love". When you listen to this song, you will be drawn into a transparent and mysterious world. The 14 members are wonderful people. I want more people around the world to listen to Crazy Love. I want you to like XY.
ラヴィットだけじゃなく どんどんバラエティに進出して そのうちドラマにもオファー ないかなー…って思ってる♪ そういえば今夜のバズリズムに No No Girls出演って公式で 見たけどあのNo No Girlsだよね? オーディション中なのにすげぇなって思ったけど他でもこういう ことあるんだろうか… (関係ない話でm(_ _)m)