Kaela 昨天的PJS中也有提到她覺得自己現在非常幸運,因為現在cover公司給她的安排目前都是跟遊戲相關的不論是今年或是明年”全部”都是遊戲相關的,當然也有觀眾問未來如果安排較多偶像活動給她多過於遊戲怎麼辦,Kaela 也有說: emm… we will see la But for now, I think I have so many stuff and meeting about the game that great 而且她目前是有打算要做到Kaela become grandmaEla的😂😂😂 話說我昨晚做了一個夢,in the future, hololive become two parts, one called HoloIdol, other one called HoloGamer, Both have Japan parts and Oversea parts, then Kaela is the manager and CEO for the HoloGamer oversea parts 😂😂😂😂😂Is that sounds very real huh 😂😂😂😂