Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: A Memoriam
Lol Concord
7 сағат бұрын
September Plans
14 сағат бұрын
@Djep1taph Күн бұрын
Thanks for the memories
@supermatcat24 2 күн бұрын
not as good as stick ranger ngl
@Tenfey 5 күн бұрын
I've always been disappointed that future iterations of the game didn't keep the cool Space Station aesthetic.
@-Eclipse14- 5 күн бұрын
Same here, though it does give a great surprise to those playing it the first time.
@Tenfey 5 күн бұрын
@@-Eclipse14- I like that it establishes the mix of Fantasy and Sci-Fi that the sequels all included.
@themasterdoge2 7 күн бұрын
you should after this make an ffiv playthrough
@-Eclipse14- 7 күн бұрын
I'll consider it, but it won't be for some time. Don't wanna burn myself out running the same series all the time.
@OldDuck79 10 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video. I had an issue where I wasn’t given the medallion - as I progressed too far without visiting the castle. Thanks for clarifying this.
@Altqu3st 11 күн бұрын
Awesome video bro
@mopbrothers 11 күн бұрын
I always found it interesting how some boss fights in this game were just triggered by walking over some invisible line. Most RPGs show the boss on the map before engaging in the fight, but this game sometimes doesn’t do that which is sort of exciting as it surprises you suddenly!
@-Eclipse14- 11 күн бұрын
I feel like a part of that is due to either map or data limitations, which can be excused. The first Phantasy Star did it the most, to my knowledge; apart from a few tell-tale signs on a few bosses, they'll show up out of nowhere as you run around a blind maze.
@mopbrothers 11 күн бұрын
@@-Eclipse14- I know it was due to hard limitations, but I like it. It keeps you wondering.
@mopbrothers 11 күн бұрын
Played this game a lot growing up. Great music and graphics.
@godshardchronicles 11 күн бұрын
Love this game! Thanks for uploading the Let's Play of it.
@psychmyst 12 күн бұрын
If you could get slow to hit, it makes destroying the crab much easier!
@IOSARBX 12 күн бұрын
-Eclipse14-, cool content bro
@MatthiaGryffine 13 күн бұрын
Hang in there!
@Tenfey 15 күн бұрын
Bahamut understands the majesty of Rat Tail, son
@Djep1taph 17 күн бұрын
Them wizards be cosmic horrors. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
@-Eclipse14- 17 күн бұрын
Don't forget their tendency to commit brain extractions in the original D&D. Easily one of the most sadistic enemies ever made, right next to DQII's Gold Batboon.
@Tenfey 17 күн бұрын
The Ice Cave is never a nice cave, son
@Tenfey 19 күн бұрын
Can't be a true Hero until you get that Rat Tail, son
@drakarthus 20 күн бұрын
bruh, they really named the boss "Knight Arousal" of all things lmfao
@-Eclipse14- 19 күн бұрын
Truly one of the boss names of all time.
@EZFlames 22 күн бұрын
Wooden armor is wild 🤣 Edge out here walking around like Groot.
@MatthiaGryffine 23 күн бұрын
I played the Pixel Remaster last year and the fact that you can walk in lava is ridiculous
@Djep1taph 23 күн бұрын
I always remember to bring my lava shoes on my walk to work for this very reason. The floor is lava!
@Tenfey 23 күн бұрын
I have to head straight to that Rat Tail, son
@Tenfey 24 күн бұрын
The most beautifully named town in all of Final Fantasy, son
@retroentertainmenttv9805 25 күн бұрын
I died countless times being turned into stone by the peacock. We spent days drawing maps in the 90s.
@Tenfey 26 күн бұрын
From what I understand, due to one of the many programming bugs in this game, the second and third character slots get targeted more often. Since a lot of players leave Maria in the back row, this often leads to Gus having far more HP than the other party members.
@Tenfey 28 күн бұрын
Minwu, the Hero we don't deserve.
@Tenfey 28 күн бұрын
Taking on Final Fantasy II is a proper commitment, son
@-Eclipse14- 28 күн бұрын
No kidding. My largest LP to date and it's not close.
@stutterin_stick239 28 күн бұрын
Hey bud great content 😊 just know that im here watching love the gameplay!
@noahriding5780 28 күн бұрын
Have you tried any of the modded versions of this game? They have versions of them where they are completely changed. Sometimes they call it hacked. Anyway fun stuff.
@-Eclipse14- 28 күн бұрын
I know they're everywhere, but I never really give them a serious effort. Fan translations are a different story, however, which allowed me a greenlight to do FFII over a year ago.
@Tenfey 29 күн бұрын
I remember the Nintendo Power Final Fantasy players guide specifically badmouthing the PURE spell, considering how many pure potions you could buy with 4000 G
@Tenfey Ай бұрын
I know the human instinct is to hoard items, but using a House can be quite satisfying
@-Eclipse14- Ай бұрын
It's not really hoarding as it is never thinking about them at all. Hell, I usually forget I have them about 90% of the time. Plus, there's the whole MP debacle in this one...
@Tenfey Ай бұрын
0:48 Now you can't take the Brave Blade, son
@retroentertainmenttv9805 Ай бұрын
awesome game
@Tenfey Ай бұрын
6:52 The True FF1 Experience, son
@CranberryFo Ай бұрын
The jab against Dragon Quest was something introduced by the English localization team, or perhaps Nintendo censoring. The Japanese version the grave was for "リンク", Link, even in the Famicom version. I have this mental image of Nintendo being like "Oh no you don't take a shot at our character! You go bash on Dragon Quest instead!" Honestly, I like the little harmless localization changes. Like giving the dancer in Corneria a name. It gives personaliity to otherwise personality-less NPCs. I always liked the vendors in Dragon Warrior's English version where they want to sell you radishes or someone claiming they have no tomatoes today. I remember those lines almost as well as "But thou must". Now, let's get back to Teol! He gets critcal hit for 7 damage, gets paralyzed, and STILL dodges the next attack WHILE paralized. This guy is a freaking legend! In addition to multiple 1 HP KO's, he doesn't even let paralysis stop him! He's quickly becoming my favorite member of your party.
@-Eclipse14- Ай бұрын
Reading this actually clears a few holes, as I saw an incomplete fan translation of the WonderSwan Color version also give the grave as "Link", which seemed bizarre as (at the time) Square wasn't considering merging with Enix and the only connection the system had with Nintendo was Yokoi's initial designs. That said, I don't think it was censorship from NoA's part; I remember reading the first Dragon Quest was produced so overabundantly due to a Nintendo Power campaign, that it was literally given away at some point and the sequels had much lower printings. I could see the localizers jabbing it for that reason alone.
@CranberryFo Ай бұрын
Teol stares down the arachnid, his dagger gleaming in the sunlight, not concerned with such details that he's in an underground cave. The arachnid bares its fangs, ready to deliver it's poionous strike. Unintimidated by the creature's display, Teol gently runs his finger along the blade. A blade several others, even Ogres, have already fallen to. A blade that has saved the lives of his friends many times. Raising his hand as Edge is about to step forward, Teol stops the young thief from acting. Knowing the situation must be dire if Teol wishes to handle this himself, Edge steps back and takes cover behind a nearby boulder. Teol marches to the Arachnid, lifts his knife and speaks out to the monster in a low voice. "You are already dead." The intensity of his attack broke all attempts to scale it, registering only a 1 on all known scales. But those who were there can attest that the impact was akin to a bomb exploding. The very foundation of the Marsh Cave trembled, causing Eathquakes to be felt as far north as the old castle, where the king who most definitely, aboslutely, probably, is not Astos, looked up in alarm as his pristine castle quickly began to buckle. Stones fell, roofs collased, and the reputable castle was from then on out in ruins. Back in the Marsh Cave, no trace remained of the Arachnid. His allies emerging from their hiding places behind solid boulders, cautiously rejoined Teol as he walked back to his place in the battle formation, spinning his dagger a few times before returning it to it's sheath. Another day, another victim, one who was already dead before Teol even took his first step, one who just didn't know it yet..
@Tenfey Ай бұрын
Black Mage did all the work
@CranberryFo Ай бұрын
I have this mental image of your 4 Light Warriors here being on a baseball team, and having the most strike-outs in the league. They are definitey in a slump for their accuracy!
@-Eclipse14- Ай бұрын
Even with that distinction, they'd still hit better than the White Sox this year.
@CranberryFo Ай бұрын
@@-Eclipse14- Ouch! Even Zest is going to need a Cure4 for that burn!
@ScottW967 Ай бұрын
I might be overleveled, but the last time I played this game was 2009 or 2010. I can’t remember what’s next 🤷
@Tenfey Ай бұрын
I would say the FF1 Fighter could be described as 'Zesty'
@Djep1taph Ай бұрын
Orge Battle 64!
@-Eclipse14- Ай бұрын
Now that's a game I remember AND have!
@Djep1taph Ай бұрын
Lightning 2 is awesome!
@noahriding5780 Ай бұрын
I used to like to do a red mage, a white mage, and then a black mage with the other 1 being... anything else.
@noahriding5780 Ай бұрын
Wow. I've never heard of this one or seen it. Interesting. I always liked RPGs. Although now I'm old. But one thing I like about these really old games is that you can let kids play them without having to worry if they'll see porn or things they shouldn't see that are in newer games.
@godshardchronicles 11 күн бұрын
Highly recommend this game. It's a classic.
@noahriding5780 Ай бұрын
I remember playing this as a kid. And it was the first real game I ever played for Nintendo. Thanks for covering it. My only complaint was that I wished the game were longer and bigger map.
@-Eclipse14- Ай бұрын
Likewise, I recall this game being the first one I ever had a controller in hands playing. Of course, I didn't do much and wouldn't beat it on my own for an age afterward, but it certainly shaped me in more ways than one. And yeah, I could agree on that, in a sense. Several open areas that could have had something, but only so much could be crammed into a cartridge. At least the GBA and PSP versions added extra content.
@whenspinning Ай бұрын
Really enjoying this series. Keep it up!
@CranberryFo Ай бұрын
The re-arranging of your party when you get status aiments, especialy with how common poison is, is absolutely infurating in this version. I was so tried of constantly having to re-order the party every time I got poisoned.
@-Eclipse14- Ай бұрын
It's honestly the only part of the game I do hate. I can see it for KO and Petrification, but Poison? It's kind of a joke (outside not being able to cure it, of course).
@CranberryFo Ай бұрын
Teol takes out the last pirate. He summoned his inner Ogre slaying prowress to take down the pirate. "This is payback for criticaling me! You are already dead!" So, I have an explanation for the sharks appearing on your ship. They were the original Sharknadoes. Passing tornado plucked sharks out of the sea, a rare natural phenomina. The shark just happens to land on your deck as you passed. So the shark does what any confused and disoriented sea creature would do after being involuntarily proped through the stratosphere. It picks a fight to the death. The unique way upon which FF1 sharks board your boat would decades later inspire a series of cheesy movies. You said after this there's only 1 frustrating part of the game. I know EXACTLY which part you are talking about! And it involves Ice! If your next episode or 2 are going to be "grinding" episodes, you might consider pushing up the message rate so you can get through it faster.
@Djep1taph Ай бұрын
Ahahahaha plumbers don't wear ties 😂
@-Eclipse14- Ай бұрын
May we never forget its release to modern systems.
@CranberryFo Ай бұрын
Teol, the MVP of Ogre battles. Teol stares down that ogre, and says "You are already dead". Swings his humble knife for 1 damage, and slays the foe more than twice his size Ogres cower at his unexplainable power. A mage who's butter knife fells the most powerful of foes. A true champion of combat.
@luckyrockmore2796 Ай бұрын
Get a gdemu bro, all the games!
@MatthiaGryffine Ай бұрын
You are certainly brave to play this game. At least the party doesn't do as much infighting as they do in the remake.
@-Eclipse14- Ай бұрын
Sometimes, it's okay to see the early roots. This is one such example.