What the Hell Just Happened?
14 күн бұрын
Last Look: Can We Trust the Polls?
Living in Two Worlds
Ай бұрын
The Healthy Amount of Hooch
2 ай бұрын
New Habits in Our Old Age
2 ай бұрын
Biden's Foreign Policy Legacy
The Elites vs… the Elites?
Putin Meets Kim pt. 2: The Pariahs
Congo and the Coup Contagion
@tinamenard5320 Күн бұрын
The most thorough reporter/author EVER. She works hard for all that info she puts in her books. And you can count on the information to be truth. God protect her.
@lisadelfava9293 4 күн бұрын
The border scared everyone.
@IL-948 6 күн бұрын
She was excited about the vaccines 🤔
@MariaSantana-ul5wd 7 күн бұрын
With high level IT stepping down due to AI concerns, we can believe transhumanism will not end well. Human beings being sinful combined with machines with no conscience. The further we are removed from God's Word and design, the more we will plummet in the end.
@charleswest6372 8 күн бұрын
I hate the Pentagon.
@syfieldsjr1576 10 күн бұрын
You can read it in my book! Geez, I wish she would shut up about her book!
@syfieldsjr1576 10 күн бұрын
It’s hard to take her seriously, because she won’t shut up about her book! Also, her mouth does not stop. I only believe about 10% of what she’s saying.
@southsea.boy74 10 күн бұрын
Still legit in 2024.
@infinity_0071 13 күн бұрын
I'm surprised to see that whatever he is saying make senses 😮😮😮😮
@Snowden.Edward 15 күн бұрын
After the post-Cold War, the US's foreign policy is the most absurd and reckless one. However, during the Cold War era, despite knowing the reality and establishment of Pakistan, the US's military and financial aid continued unabashed, which eventually led to their annihilation. Furthermore, the hideous establishment of Pakistan doesn't want a stable and prosperous Afghanistan because they think if any government take place in Afghanistan, eventually they will question the legitimacy of the Durand line, which is evident simultaneously putting them at odds with the Chinese.
@robertjames7982 18 күн бұрын
Trump's election practically ensures China will be the dominant power in the world over the next ten years. America's decline will now be accelerated.
@Soundapple 20 күн бұрын
Rest assured; hawkish deep state bureaucrats are known for transparency and telling the truth. I mean why wouldn’t they?
@Ole-h5w 22 күн бұрын
In 2021 the level of democracy in Ukraine was on par with Sri Lanka and Liberia. There never was any democracy in Ukraine.
@Voe198 22 күн бұрын
the american democratic party is a conservative party. Watching this is just depressing.
@allenmclemore332 22 күн бұрын
Rachel Cobitfor is the most entertaining panelist. I describe her opinions as "clueless." If she is advising the Democrats, their cause is doomed. 🎉
@alephnot000 23 күн бұрын
This sounds like a violation of human rights and blatantly un-American and unconstitutional. Darpa tech should not be turned on the US population.
@alephnot000 23 күн бұрын
This makes me wonder if wokeism is a darpa program
@armageddon1403 23 күн бұрын
"How involved is DARPA in the threat of ISIS" Considering the fact that ISIS is a joint venture of ISrael and USA and DARPA helped create ISIS I would say that DARPA doesnt view ISIS as a threat but as a tool. Israel Intelligence Service =ISIS
@armageddon1403 23 күн бұрын
Annie just said DARPA´s inventions of fake vaccines is good. I almost fainted.
@armageddon1403 23 күн бұрын
DARPA is a Zionist organisation
@armageddon1403 24 күн бұрын
Of course the Jason scientists was created by a Jew!
@leopoldom.jr.dulguime3314 27 күн бұрын
Who cares about this puppet politicians when it is the Cabal and the Galactic Federation of Planets orchestrating and managing the politics of Earth ?
@5DogMa 27 күн бұрын
This was great. Thank you for this great effort. I hope this is seen by many more.
@chu_bakka 28 күн бұрын
They created all these wonderful communication, entertainment and tracking hand-held devices we all carry and that the hunter/killer drones can home in on if they decide you are the enemy.
@vickieskinn9641 28 күн бұрын
Sorry can't support any of these propagandists . I won't be voting for the puppet crime family. Lies lies. Obama care almost killed me. Coovd killed and yes, we lived it. We all know the lies. And we have not forgotten. Time for change.
@abdulmajidbadini5871 Ай бұрын
Very knowledgeable discussin but nationalities question in pakistan qho has their thousands of history and resources distribution on federal units panjab sind Balochistan and pashtunkhwa. Resources must get units only 3 powers must be with center than can aerve countrt it is not real federal and democratic country
@forwarddrive4066 Ай бұрын
Whatever technology we have today, the Government & Scientists have had 15 yrs. Prior
@chrissemenko628 Ай бұрын
And DARPA has its dirty fingers in the C-19 shots. I pity ANYONE with that stuff in their bodies. So sad ....
@Pond770 Ай бұрын
DARPA primary objective slow down technological advancement that doesn’t benefit US
@Dogatemyhomework927 Ай бұрын
I was in Hong Kong when the British controlled it. China said they would leave it the same when they took over.. they didn’t. They busted heads instead..
@CannabisCarl Ай бұрын
@Clare-qo5jv Ай бұрын
Humanity has lost its way.
@CKB-vi8nw Ай бұрын
You notice they use the helping the wounded soldiers scenario through out the video. Who else are they “helping”???
@jccusell Ай бұрын
What are the realistic Palestinian whishes exactly? Name the 3 most important ones. And if these are fulfilled, then peace is imminent?
@cocothesea Ай бұрын
How informative, thank you. A few thoughts: A man’s world created a large group all about what, weapons and dominating? A womin’s world would create a large group To End All Crime Everywhere. The BEST way to benefit the "civilian population" is to End Crime. Nazi scientists also worked hard to advance technology; that’s not the point. All those programs, all our technology, all that energy are being wasted. Which brain are you mapping? The femel brain or the male brain? One functions better than the other. Brain implants have not been needed since around 2010. You can now connect to a humin brain (and body) wirelessly. I term it 24-7 Surveillance. Femelkind becoming, at least, 50% of our soldiers and officers and military leaders is the BEST way to build a smarter, stronger military.
@KayalvizhiPalanikumar Ай бұрын
Min jin guang shan please rule the country , i beg you, we prayed you, we are small massess child, we dont know anything, we cant do this and anything
@KayalvizhiPalanikumar Ай бұрын
Sir we are made to rule this country now and former birth universe and future thirunelveli, we are normal people, we cant be as a bait of all means sir, we all cant withstand brahma suvadi , please rule or die, dont with anger make us to rule please rule the country i beg you not even one among massess
@FarbotBurunetNia Ай бұрын
Thank you Ray Swarru. Farbot Nia
@rmsea6429 Ай бұрын
Asserting the trustworthiness of DARPA to Americans Citizens is specious at best, when 22% of Americans say they trust the government in Washington to do what is right “just about always” (2%) or “most of the time” (21%). Last year, 16% said they trusted the government just about always or most of the time, which was among the lowest measures in nearly seven decades of polling. DARPA is a sub-unit of the US government as are the distrusted DOJ, CIA, and FBI. If only 16% of Americans trust the government, how can you say that DARPA is trusted when it’s an arm part of the government?
@Dewayne-j2z Ай бұрын
@barriocubalindo 2 ай бұрын
I have bought Annie Jacobsen's book. I am impressed with her way of writing. I have studied nuclear war scenarios for decades. I already know what she has written is true. But I ask her this question. She has said Australia NZ and I added Argentina is safe. I ask this critical question about Australia. Due to Pine Gap, Northwest Cape Tindale B52 Base QLD, Australia has always been a NUKE target...FACT. Pine Gap is a targeting platform for land-based ICBM targets and even more importantly Submarine targeting in Perth station and Tindale all part of the USA nuclear triad. Moreover, any US Navy ships in port in Australia will be hit because of a nuclear payload. Can Ms. Jacobson answer my question? How safe then is Australia and possibly a fallout in NZ? I would like to know her opinion. May I also remind Ms. Jacobson about Russia's dead hand computer system that will launch all automatically all she has if the Russian leadership is decapitated? About North Korea- according to TED POSTOL of MIT. Russia supplied North Korea with rebadged Topol M missiles which were Russia's former top-of-the-line nuke missiles. This means North Korea can hit America as hard as America can hit North Korea.
@infonyourmark 2 ай бұрын
Clear Language so everyone can understand 😊
@veryinteresting2208 2 ай бұрын
He was right 7 years ago. How things have changed.
@fenianpf 2 ай бұрын
Us doing the same ain’t we
@psycleen 2 ай бұрын
@kirrausanov 2 ай бұрын
Panowie Kukuła, Hołownia, Kosiniak-Kamysz, Skrzypczak i oczywiście Państwo Sikorscy-Applebaum... - to samozwańczy "eksperci" od Wschodu, którzy cierpią na wielkopańsko-sarmackie kompleksy wyższości wobec Rosji i Rosjan czego nawet nie ukrywają. Ten "prometeizm", zaściankowa mania wielkości śmieszy i jednocześnie przeraża. Ich bohaterska buńczuczność i zakrapiana drwiną arogancja przypomina mi wypowiedzenie wojny Japonii przez Polski Rząd Emigracyjny w Londynie 11 grudnia 1941. Iście szwoleżerska brawura tej decyzji zapisała się złotymi zgłoskami w historii II WŚ obok deklaracji wojny Stanom Zjednoczonym i Wielkiej Brytanii przez pozbawione dostępu do morza Węgry czy Słowację w 1941 roku, akt wojny wypowiedziany III Rzeszy przez rząd San Marino w 1944 roku bądź przyłączenie się plemienia Kwazulu w RPA do koalicji antyhitlerowskiej w 1943 roku. Spodziewałem się, że w imieniu prezydenta Dudy... i prezydenta Zeleńskiego - będziemy zaproszeni na uroczyste podpisanie aktu kapitulacji Rosji w... Perejesławiu. Nie chcę nikogo rozczarowywać ale obecnie Polska jest traktowana w politycznych elitach Rosji nie jako podmiot ale instrument Waszyngtonu. Nic więcej. Polscy politycy zanim zaczniecie wnikać w istotę stosunków Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej i Rosji, proszę się uważnie przyjrzeć naszym POPiSowym mężom stanu "po kelnersku" stojącym na baczność nie tylko przed (nie mniej karykaturalnym od Breżniewa) Bidenem ale nawet przed drugorzędnymi, leniwie żującumi gumę anglojęzycznymi urzędasami. Przytoczę "ekspertom" humorystyczną i otrzeźwiającą metaforę: Idzie mrówka przez most u boku słonia i z dumą krzyczy: "Słoniu, ale ten most się pod nami ugina!" Trudno nazwać Polskę krajem niepodległym, skoro na naszym terytorium znajdują się obce bazy wojskowe (pamiętacie jeszcze "Fort Trump"? :-) ... o eksterytorialnym "ośrodku krzewienia zachodnich wartości cywilizacyjnych" i klasycznym przykładzie naszej suwerenności w Kiejkutach nie wspominając. Ponoć Putin nigdy nie wybaczy Polsce pomarańczowej rewolucji??? Nie zajęcie Moskwy przez Żółkiewskiego w 1610 roku? Nie wojny napoleońskie? Nie ”Cud nad Wisłą”? A ja myślałem, że do dziś Putin nie wybaczył Polakom ”gestu Kozakiewicza” na Olimpiadzie w Moskwie w 1980 roku. Mówią oni o Rosji w oderwaniu od ogólnej sytuacji geopolitycznej na świecie. Nie dociera do nich oczywista prawda, że - z moralnego punktu widzenia - cynizm i wyrachowanie Putina w niczym się nie różni od hypokryzji Bidena i jego minionów w Paryżu, Londynie , Berlinie a nawet w Brukseli. Nasi eksperci lubują się w wylewaniu wszelakich pomyjów na Rosję/Rosjan. Jeżeli chcecie ujrzeć ludzi walających się "w gównie" zapraszam nie, nie, nie do Moskwy czy St Petersburga ale do nowojorskiego metra, na ulice Chicago, Seatle czy nawet San Francisco. Uwielbiają oni przeginać "przysłowiowa pałę" w kwestii Katynia. Film Wajdy "Katyń" był w szerokiej dystrybucji w "totalitarnej" Rosji, natomiast film Smarzowskiego "Wołyń" do dziś jest zakazany w naszej "braterskiej" Ukrainie. Wszyscy bez wyjątku ani słowem nie wspominają o przeszytych na wskroś nazistowską ideologią herosach z "Azova", "Ajdara", "S14", "Тоrnado"... i banderowcach z "Prawego Sektora". Ci wytatuowani od stóp do głów hitlerowskimi symbolami siepacze leczą się dziś... nie uwierzycie... w niemieckich i izraelskich szpitalach. Synkowie ukraińskich patriotów-prominentów, którzy nie opuścili jeszcze Ukrainy zapytani dlaczego nie wstąpili do wojska odpowiadają, że - w przeciwieństwie do wcielanych prosto z ulicy - on “nie mają wojskowych nawyków i nie nadają do służby w amii. Ukraińskie "elity" wraz z członkami programu ”Kwartał 95” dziś topią swoją depresję i... ukraiński fatalizm w alkoholu z domieszką amfetaminy na tonącym banderowskim "Titanicu". To rosyjskojęzyczne towarzystwo wzajemnej adoracji tworzy rdzeń Partii prezydenta Zieleńskiego, który - tak jak większość z nich - nadal uczy się języka ukraińskiego w trybie przyśpieszonym. Na zakończenie przypomnę polskim politykom... i nie tylko , że tym rosyjskim imperialistom my Polacy (wraz z innymi wschodnioeuropejskimi "untermensch'ami") zawdzięczamy swoje biologiczne istnienie. Mamy 600 000 powodów aby o tym zawsze pamiętać przechadzając się i rozmawiając po polsku na ulicach malowniczych prastarych piastowskich miast: Litzmannstadt, Allenstein, Elbing, Danzig, Gotenhafen, Zoppot, Kolberg, Stolp, Swinemünde, Misdroy, Stettin, Küstrin, Bromberg, Posen, Graudenz, Breslau, Ohlau, Oppeln, Görlitz, Königshütte, Gleiwitz, Kattowitz, Beuthen, Thorn, Glogau, Hirschberg, Liegnitz, Schweidnitz, Glatz, Waldenburg, Grünberg, Hindenburg... tak wspaniałomyślnie przekazanych nam po 1945 roku przez naszych zachodnich sąsiadów. I rest my case.
@oznews1 2 ай бұрын
Ha! 3mins in and you can already see there is only one side to this video 🖕🏻
@CrichtonChristian-l9j 2 ай бұрын
Thompson Thomas Thomas Kenneth Garcia Mark
@kevinjaegli6751 2 ай бұрын
alert and knowlegable citizenry?. bwaaahaaa go to a football game lady. the citizens are drunk on bread circuses and shitty beer. nobody could ever be confused with alert.
@JackSmith-qe5le 2 ай бұрын
Very, very interesting. A Must Watch video for anyone interested in science & engineering, war studies, and the future...