感谢细节介绍!youtube上您讲的是最清楚之一了。听口音也像是家乡人。我还有个问题想请教,如果已经购买的房子,而且有贷款,还能转到Wyoming注册的LLC的名下么?比如我们在华盛顿州买的房子,已经买好了,并且有贷款,然后在华盛顿注册了LLC, 只要chain of title是clear的,就可以转到这个LLC下,当然要和lender打好招呼。但是如果按您介绍,以及您在另外一个视频里介绍的(如何用Wyoming的LLC控股其他州的LLC,再manage各州本地的房子),那么这样的话,Wyoming的LLC本身就是member managed, 股东名字不公开的,那按照我们刚才的例子,无论是吧华盛顿的房子直接转到Wyoming的LLC下,或者是把华盛顿的房子转到华盛顿的LLC, 而用Wyoming的LLC控股华盛顿的LLC,都是很难进行的,因为Wyoming的LLC股东信息不透漏,就无法保持chain of title clear, lender那里就不会同意。是吧?这样的情况有解决办法么?还是说,您介绍的方法,就是适用于全部现金买房?
@annie7453 Жыл бұрын
@WonstarRealty123 Жыл бұрын
An LLC provides the same protection as a corporation against creditors of the business. However, there is some uncertainty as to whether a SMLLC member will receive the same protection from liability that members of an LLC with multiple members receive. While the law is clear in most states, this is still an evolving issue. With single member LLCs, there is some uncertainty as to whether creditors would be limited to a charging order since the rationale for protecting members from other members' personal debts does not apply if there is only one member. Courts in some states have found that the charging order protection doesn't apply with single member LLCs and have allowed creditors to pursue other remedies, including foreclosing on the member's interest or ordering the LLC dissolved.