@kromsnavelfun 7 ай бұрын
You should have had the bin a few days before the worms arrive ready and activated. Cimmercial crap.
@poppyspets Жыл бұрын
I have the same Wormery and worms from Yorkshire Worms - at the moment they live in the kitchen ( from yesterday) until the garage is built. They escaped overnight so I am going to leave a lantern on overnight. I thought maybe searching for food so I’ve fed them a day early and added scraps. I sprayed the soil with water incase too dry. But think they are settling to there new environment- did yours escape? Think I panicked incase I was killing them. Look forward to more videos😊
@philbe88 Жыл бұрын
Hi, congratulations on your new wormery! I had two or three escape on the first night so for the next few nights I left the garage light on and that did the trick. They escape largely because they naturally 'wander' about and need need to get used to this being a good place to be. I've had a few other escapees over the time I've had it but not many, or not many I know about at least. And as long as they are happy, they will start to reproduce.
@terrydabill283 2 жыл бұрын
excellent video thank you it saved me a lot of messing about because I couldn't figure it out. those little plastic ridge things break off so easily that I broke two of mine with minimal effort, the planter seems a bit pointless to me could it be used as another tray? or as some kind of sieve ?, I got the 3 tier with planter but I managed to find someone on FB marketplace 5 mins from me selling a brand new sealed in box ferme du moutta worm box same as in the video for £60, I also got some Yorkshire worms cheers.
@fill_benit3929 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Terry, glad I could help. I am glad to say that 18 months on none of the plastic ridges on the bottom have snapped off, hopefully this will continue. I think the planter section could definitely be used as just another tray, you would just have to be careful what you put in it food wise as it is obviously not as deep as the other trays. With the hot weather this summer nearly all the plants I had in the top have died as the soil to shallow to hold any moisture. I may well be converting mine to just another tray also. Good luck with your Yorkshire worms :)
@daxapanchal9959 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, I see you did this video a year ago Where did you buy your worm form? Do you still have this worm box wormary? What issues did you have and what did you find the solutions? Many thanks.
@fill_benit3929 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, I got mine from recyworm.com/ although I believe you can also buy on Amazon (though more expensive). I do indeed still have the wormery and it is doing very well. My biggest issue at first was stopping others putting new 'food' on a layer that was ready to 'harvest; :) You need to check the base for stray worms periodically but one of the design plusses of this model is that it is harder for worms to drown if they migrate to this area. With the planter, if I pot up again I would put a permeable mat, hessian or similar in the base to retain water.
@fill_benit3929 2 жыл бұрын
My email suggests you have asked about worm numbers but I cant find the comment. I purchased 250g of worms from Yorkshire Worms, but mine have been so happy and reproduced so much there are arguably way too many now so you could probably get less.
@annetttate6714 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks very much for this - it has made my setting up a lot easier. I happen to have ordered exactly the same wormery. Like you, I ordered the worms more 'locally'. They came with the coir brick/s and food. My Moutta wormery was supplied with a number of round 'mats' ( 'proper' woven material, not coir or cardboard). I think they're meant to go on top of the coir or tray? to keep in the moisture? Does anyone know exactly what to do? Also - I too got the planter - and was going to use it for growing lettuce - being on the wormery will keep off slugs and snails and lettuce doesn't need a deep container as it only has shallow roots. I'm wondering though, whether it would be a good idea to put one of those mats underneath the lettuce compost to avoid too much excess water from watering dripping through? I'd be grateful for any thoughts and experience anyone may have. Thanks
@fill_benit3929 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Annett, glad my video helped. For the mats, their website says they are to help retain moisture as you thought. "This natural cover keeps the top layer of your vermicomposter always moist and promotes the development of worms as well as the movement of worms to the surface to find food. It also protects against the cold." Therefore I would guess they go on top of whichever layer your worms are currently in. From experience I think one of those mats under your lettuce would be a good idea as in this hot weather, the plants on the top of mine cant get enough water for exactly the reason that it all drains through too quickly, but then I don't want to drown all the worms below.
@neo21b21b 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your video, it was usefull. I'm going to buy a second-hand Wormbox. Already have a "Wormcafe" since 3 years which is working fine. Have a nice day.
@duncancox2866 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. I realised I'd set mine up incorrectly as I put them in the planter! However they do seem to be thriving but I will adjust to match yours.
@fill_benit3929 2 жыл бұрын
Happy the video can be of help. I do occasionally put the rescued worms from the bottom tray (where the liquid gets released) onto the planter so they can work their way back down. I hope you haven't had too many escapees ! :)
@evarp3818 3 жыл бұрын
Hey how's the worm farm worked out? Very interested in getting one of these myself but reviews and experiences with them are quite limited. Are you planning on adding any more videos? Thanks for making them! They've cleared up a lot of confusion I had regarding how they're set up and work :)
@korzer 3 жыл бұрын
They are good if you set them up properly do some research, take advantage of the vast amount of free information from experienced people.. Moisture level and temp are important.. I think this setup had a good chance to fail with the layer of dry cardboard at the bottom, lack of moisture in the bedding and low temp, most worms would most likely die or try to escape.
@fill_benit3929 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, happy that my video could answer some of your questions. Its working out very well thank you. Worms are happy and reproducing well, and doing their thing with the kitchen waste. I took pictures at certain points to do updates but never got around to doing them. If there is interest I'm happy to do some more videos.
@daxapanchal9959 2 жыл бұрын
Do you still have that worm farm working and what’s been the biggest learning curve?
@stacycann7507 3 жыл бұрын
Smashing thanks again! I can't wait for my worm day and I'm glad to hear you sound as excited as I am 😂 Everyone else thinks I'm mad getting excited about worms
@fill_benit3929 3 жыл бұрын
No, not mad at all ! :D Good luck with your worm day ...exciting !!
@stacycann7507 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for doing this. I have just received mine today and it has puzzled me getting it out the box. I have gone for the 3 tier one with planter too. I couldn't work out which bit the planter was 🤣 Good luck with yours. I plan on keeping mine inside unless I run into any problems of smells or escapees 😆
@fill_benit3929 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Stacy, you've made my day with your comment, so glad the video helped. Oooo, i'd be interested to know how you get on. I did have a few escapees the third night when I turned the lights out in the garage so maybe keep a light on at night for the first full week to get them settled. I'm just impatient :)
@stacycann7507 3 жыл бұрын
@@fill_benit3929 turns out today was worm day. I wasn't expecting them until tomorrow so it's a good job the wormery turned up early too. They're all set up and settling in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can't have any/many escape 🤞🤞
@poppyspets Жыл бұрын
I was pleased to find this video as I’m rubbish at written instructions, and finding a video by a woman. Mine are in the kitchen as the garage isn’t finished yet. Had escapees during the first night and can’t understand how they escaped. There is soil on a green tray but no gaps. So this morning I was picking up worms whilst the kettle boiled for my first coffee lol. Will turn on a lantern tonight. I did panic a bit and added some feed a day early and put some scraps in the green tray incase searching for food. Hopefully won’t cause harm if too early. Hope to see more videos