@Unholy_Brez 3 сағат бұрын
11:12 I’d argue the wood elves suffer from being lore accurate 😭😭
@danny_strange2105 5 сағат бұрын
Great video!!!
@CultistOfkhorne Сағат бұрын
@Coldblooded_3_ 10 сағат бұрын
😮😮😮😮 never knew
@AiisakaTaiiga 11 сағат бұрын
Do you take me for Churl?! (forgot to mention that you have to wait a turn for it to take effect)
@CultistOfkhorne 10 сағат бұрын
Yeah, it was a livestream so I didn't say everything properly, but I put it in the description.
@romashyn4649 13 сағат бұрын
Free knights are cheese. You should pay for them with your salary
@SGProductions87 Күн бұрын
I've decided I will only put it on characters who are flying. That way it always hits unless you try to go through trees or rocks.
@simenskeide5634 Күн бұрын
Bruckner gives immunity to all attrition, how is that not a big deal? Also his temporary skill give massive buffs and debuffs.
@CultistOfkhorne Күн бұрын
Because you take attrition over the end turn, not during your own, and there are already many ways to avoid it, such as going into a settlement, raiding, encamping, moving outside of the region that causes attrition, you don't need a hero to fill that role, especially not a legendary hero.
@shooey-mcmoss 2 күн бұрын
О, я рад за Кислев на его 8 месте. Баба Яга(в смысле Матушка Останкия) может обложить проклятьями врага(и на каждого - уникальный сорт дебаффа, хоть шанс провала магии, что понравится Автору), да и остальные хороши своими мультиклассами
@ioppo-t7z 2 күн бұрын
Hi, can u pls tell me who is the strongest one man army leg lord rn?
@CultistOfkhorne 2 күн бұрын
If you get both the Nemesis Crown and sword of Khaine, probably Taurox, if not, it depends. More than likely a vampire counts legendary lord, Manfred or Isabella, since they are both good melee combatants and amazing spellcasters, but Archaon and Vilitch are also very strong contenders, as well as all of the Cathayan lords.
@Hidacal 2 күн бұрын
This is way too basic and doesnt really explain much at all, beyond the usual dumbass "i read the ui for you". The problem with korne is that he gets a while to get going. You start in the badlands where settlements are far apart and terrain is awful, razing cities gives pitiful income for the first 20-40 turns until the builds them up and bloodletters - your main unit - are kind of dogshit because they take huge casualties against even the most basic enemy troops. You also have to fight most battles manually, which gets old real quick when 95% of them are sieges. After a those 20-40 turns sure you can print money, afford actual armies, delete everyone with minimal losses with chaos warriors. But even then the gameplay is really repetitive and gets dull quick, since you're basically playing only half the game that other factions play.
@CultistOfkhorne 2 күн бұрын
I don't really think you watched the video, I don't even think you played Skarbrand properly at all, maybe one campaign to confirm you don't like it and moved on. By turn 20 the campaign is over, you will have 30 plus armies of bloodhosts, Skarbrand will be rank 50, you will have at the very least tier 4 buildings and tier 4 units, you can clear the badlands in 5 turns, I don't understand what is so spread out about them for you. You also don't get any income from razing settlements, asides from just the post battle loot income from fighting the garrison, so again you nether watched the video nor played Skarbrand. Bloodletters are insanely good in the beginning of the campaign, as they will just mow down any low tier infantry, sure they aren't tanky, but they aren't meant to be, you have to use them properly and not just press right click. If you are taking massive casualties, you ether aren't using your units properly, or are fighting against stronger enemies, in which case you should expect to take damage. I also don't get where you pulled out 95% of all manually fought battles are sieges, that is just something else, we really aren't playing the same game. Look if you don't like Khorne it's fine, I just don't get the need to insult me or make stuff up about why x race is bad and y race is good. Just play what you enjoy and don't feel the need to make up reasons why you don't enjoy something else.
@idiom2805 2 күн бұрын
how are you supposed to counter this in pvp?
@CultistOfkhorne 2 күн бұрын
Ether force the other person to auto resolve, or fight manually battles against him and kill his units.
@idiom2805 2 күн бұрын
@@CultistOfkhorne So, in other words, be better than the player using him, or hope they don't know what they're doing?
@CultistOfkhorne 2 күн бұрын
Kind of, If you force him to auto resolve they just run out of steam after 2 to 3 battles, if you fight battles manually same thing happens, you basically just stall them in a war of attrition, you don't really have to be better or win battles if he isn't attacking you directly, just stop him from chaining victories and you are good.
@alpacaofthemountain8760 3 күн бұрын
Great video! Very helpful
@CultistOfkhorne 3 күн бұрын
Glad it helped!
@PacmanPac-m8y 3 күн бұрын
You could have 1 million million universes. And throughout all of them 1 thing would stay the same: there is no timeline where the skaven, the empire, the chaos dwarves, and normal dwarves are below THE NORSCA. Brettonia is the empire but worse, skaven have the 2nd best ranged roster in the game + undercities for infinite money and being able to make 5 armies out of nowhere that have no upkeep. Chaos dwarves have the best ranged units and artillery in the game as well as the tankieness that comes with being a stunty. And i don't even know what's going on with how broken fealty and college of wizards are for the empire.
@CultistOfkhorne 3 күн бұрын
I have update videos on Dwarfs, Empire and Nurgle if you want to check them out, there were even video cards in those sections for you to follow. And yeah Bretonnia is now a step weaker than both the empire and dwarfs. As for Norsca, I mean you talk like some one who has never played them, they get insane post battle loot by fighting battles and sacking settlements, insane income from ports, and can after 20ish turns just recruit frost trolls in a single turn globally. So basically a full troll doomstack every 2 to 3 turns, and you think that isn't going to be stronger than the lower ranks who will need more time to get their best units, or at that pace while not even being able to compete with their economy. I mean come one, they are unupdated monkeys, but they can conquer the world with ease.
@PacmanPac-m8y 3 күн бұрын
@@CultistOfkhorne Skaven can get ratling guns and warplock jezzails by turn 2. You're right that i never played norsca but they have just been a punching bag faction for a.while and i just didn't notice them being buffed.
@CultistOfkhorne 3 күн бұрын
Ratling gunners are much worse than trolls for the early campaign, and you need to give them the best possible setup to be strong, whereas with trolls you can just right click. Another big problem with the Skaven is they can't support as many armies as Norsca can, so while weapon team armies are strong, you can't have many of them, and Norsca can just spam out armies whenever and wherever they want. I also don't know what you mean by punching bag faction? When played by the A.I. of course they are going to be bad, but when played by the player they are one of the strongest races in the game currently. They are buggy, unpolished, bland, but they are strong.
@PacmanPac-m8y 3 күн бұрын
@@CultistOfkhorne This is not even worth arguing anymore, point is: the skaven have a very strong economy because almost every building makes money, some of the most powerful ranged units in the game by turn 2 ( even if we ignore ratlings you can still get warplocks and bombardiers at the same time), workable frontlines, and nukes. Norsca have max level garrisons that are worse than wulfric's starting army. nuff said goodbye!
@TheSm1thers 4 күн бұрын
1:46 The best thing about capturing Karak Eight Peaks is the excellent buffs to your already dirt cheap and buffed goblins. The campaign buffs are also nice. Getting orc units unlocked I actually consider a downside with Skarsnik cos they just clutter up your recruitment tab.
@Ron_Jambo_ 4 күн бұрын
I thought Chaos Dwarfs were pay to win, then they released Tamurkhan...
@supakornwongburut8010 4 күн бұрын
Thanks bro
@CultistOfkhorne 4 күн бұрын
No problem
@lordsuslik 5 күн бұрын
@prosski7949 6 күн бұрын
Luminark slander. Smh. But with how piddly was the range on auras in WH2, old habits die hard, I suppose. It is just not very intuitive after all these years. Plus, you seem more comfortable with highly mobile armies anyway. ...That said, Lumis got like, 58 speed when upgraded.
@CultistOfkhorne 5 күн бұрын
I'm not really sure what you are trying to say exactly, but luminarks even though they are technically mobile, can be caught by some faster infantry units in the game, so I wouldn't exactly call them mobile. When compared to other artillery, they can definitely move faster, but they can't really kite enemy units, more like get one shoot off before having to run behind your main army, in which case the slow arty with more range is better if not the same.
@prosski7949 5 күн бұрын
​@@CultistOfkhorne That, unlike typical arty, Lumis can keep up with the moving armies. What is this skirmish arty non-sequitur? IIRC, they don't even have fire while moving. There isn't hidden lumi doomstack, you throw, like, two of them into your army - preferably something that already got 20...ish phys resist or wardsave from elsewhere. Then they provide mixed arty-support value. 20% lumi wardsave is not a qualitative change, 50% you stack is. Red line, mages, faction buffs, whatever, there is a bunch of stuff Empire has access to, now. Anyway, this is a dead horse. I think this is a neat thing, not the best thing since sliced bread. I gave it a disproportionate amount of my time now and in the past because it amused me that *literally nobody* talks about this, but this is enough, I think.
@jonasfull 6 күн бұрын
i usually build growth first
@CultistOfkhorne 6 күн бұрын
Honestly the only race where I would build growth now everywhere is the High Elves, and with every one else maybe one or 2 regions in a province. You don't even have to build growth as the Dawi now, as you can build the deeps which have buildings that give you almost as much growth, but also some massive bonuses.
@johnwilson9330 7 күн бұрын
L takes
@mhansenyaboi 7 күн бұрын
wow I came here to see if nurgle is awful or if I'm just bad... the orcs have like 8 armies with waaaaaghh or whatever going and I can't do shit lmao
@CultistOfkhorne 7 күн бұрын
This is a bit outdated, I did a separate video where I reevaluated Nurgle after Thrones of Decay, and now he is somewhere in the middle of the strength ranking, nowhere near as weak as he used to be.
@simpleman3898 7 күн бұрын
So what do you think of doomseekers?
@CultistOfkhorne 7 күн бұрын
They are kind of not that great, they aren't as bad at killing low tier infantry as regular slayers, but they actually struggle to kill anything that is higher tier or has a bonus vs infantry. If you buff them enough they can work and, unlike the non ranged slayers, they can win against worse odds, but I personally dislike using them.
@simpleman3898 7 күн бұрын
This is the fun of this game😂
@darokdeed 7 күн бұрын
Halberds and Greatswords actual trash?! Call the Elector counts! They are at worst situational, i prefer halberds over spearman while fighting range weak factions and greatsword are good flanker units if you wiggle them sneakily through the lines. Guy really put free company in bread and butter, is this some kind of late April fools video.
@CultistOfkhorne 7 күн бұрын
Halberds are the first unit I learned never to recruit as the Empire, as they lose to the very thing they are supposed to be able to kill, ogre bulls kill beat them in a 1v1 situation, and low tier chariots just mow threw them. Same thing happens with spearmen, and the spearmen dish out a lot less damage, but they are worth much less in terms of balance of power, so even if they die it doesn't matter. Greatswords and their 24 speed, well I just wouldn't use them for flanking :P, besides why would you, there is cavalry you can get earlier than them if you are into flanking, and some of it takes less time to recruit than greatswords. As for free company, well they perform rather really well in the early stages of your campaign, so after a certain point they do become obsolete, but I think they are a bit stronger than archers and will last you for longer.
@alpacaofthemountain8760 7 күн бұрын
S. H. O. R. T.
@henrynguyen5343 7 күн бұрын
I don’t even know y I’m watching this. I never play meta and always role play.
@CultistOfkhorne 7 күн бұрын
This isn't really meta to be honest, meta would be just recruit archers and flood the world as fast as possible, but its up to you.
@club00 7 күн бұрын
What's the gameplan for sieges as empire? Seems like they can only rely on cheese or auto-resolve to take a castle.
@CultistOfkhorne 7 күн бұрын
Depends on what you consider cheese, but basically just bring down the towers, bring down the walls and shoot the enemy. Use your master engineers to get hundreds of kills with their grenades, and once they are on a steam tank they can basically solo most garrisons by themselves, if you can heal them.
@TheCaroluss 8 күн бұрын
Bretonnia next pls
@phantomthunder203 8 күн бұрын
I think Pistoliers are a better bread and butter cheap option for early game spam against the Empire's early enemies and Outriders are not nearly as good anymore since the Hochland Scopes nerf and free company militia will struggle against any army with fast war beasts that can pin them down with tanky or hard hitting units right behind them
@CultistOfkhorne 8 күн бұрын
Pistoliers are only really good in Elspeths faction, otherwise they are fairly lackluster with their killing power, just because they waste ammo, they can be good against single entities when you cant get anything better, but outriders perform much better, and you shouldn't write off just because Hotchland scopes are gone. They can still be decently strong in the beginning of the campaign, and will only get stronger as the campaign goes on. I also don't get what you mean by free company militia will struggle with fast units, they are a melee hybrid unit, so they can beat most low tier units such as warhounds, and if there is a large monster or chariots, they can just shoot it.
@phantomthunder203 8 күн бұрын
@@CultistOfkhorne I think that outriders can be very good for the cost after getting a lot of pastures they just arent economically as good as pistoliers early on since the building tier is lower and the cost is less. Ive never had a good time with Free Company without giving them some sort of back up, their melee attack and defense just arent that good without giving them buffs to handle a lot of the dedicated fast melee units in the time it takes for the rest of the army to catch up.
@phantomthunder203 8 күн бұрын
@@CultistOfkhorne And yes I agree pistoliers are the best in Elspeth's faction but even early on before they get buffs like the restocks that make them amazing at dealing with a lot of things the 360 fire is better for skirmishing with anything close to your speed and can be effective at dealing with small armies and low level minor settlements. Vampire Counts and Ogres can do very little until they get their own fast cav. the ammo wasting takes a bit more micro to handle as without the mass restocks a master engineer has very little to keep them in good shape if you dont control the fire at will.
@prosski7949 6 күн бұрын
@@phantomthunder203 Free Company are not my favourite unit, but IIRC if you leave them on guard mode and do not command them to attack, they'll be firing into combat from the second row. This might give better results, if you ever decide to try them again. Also, Volkmar boosts them.
@romashyn4649 8 күн бұрын
Nice work! Haven't seen war wagons doomstack at the end of the video. Is it a mistake?
@CultistOfkhorne 8 күн бұрын
Unfortunately Tretch ran off with them, so I couldn't showcase it :P
@juliancoria4598 8 күн бұрын
Héroes aré the most important unit in the Empire roster. Empire mages aré damn good, life, wild, dead, light and Shadow are the best ones, life and light the ones you 100% always need, increase they cap Allways you can, Empire captain aré good supports for armis with many héroes. Battle pries good in holding, witch hunter good in camping map, in MP aré important for scout and kill enemy héroes. Tanks and the landship aré the other best units, always a good option. The rest of the units are complex to explain whats their role (the video does). But in general, the main diference with the héroes and tanks, its you cant spam 15 of them in the armi and hope it will work. Edit: I belive its even more complex to tell in what context some units aré good ir not, in MP when you dont have the income or time to get what you want, changes many things. Faction busts, potential FOEs, economy in the long term... They all change how you need to think units.
@edwright7356 8 күн бұрын
Is it viable to use 6 hellblaster volley guns instead of 6 ranged infantry units in the standard empire army comp?
@CultistOfkhorne 8 күн бұрын
You could try, I never have, but it might work.
@prosski7949 5 күн бұрын
Kinda, but not really. All the issues of the a skaven weapon team armies, but with drawbacks intensified. Clunkier, more terrain dependent, less summon, exacerbated targeting issues. You know how arty unit sometimes decides to completely re-order themselves when you try to get them to shoot something a bit to the left of their previous target? That is a bitch of a problem to have when there is 30 seconds until zombos collide with your gunline. Handgunners are there not just because they are cheaper.
@onestormgx8948 8 күн бұрын
Man, this is the video i was waiting for 2 years, please make more for other factions, and maybe consider army blueprints to transition from early to mid to late game.
@rattlemebones7413 8 күн бұрын
What should I do now that sudenburg has a flagellant building instead?
@CultistOfkhorne 8 күн бұрын
I haven't played Volkmar in a while, but if you can recruit flagellants, just do that, and see if you can't research the technology to reduce their upkeep cost a bit sooner.
@rattlemebones7413 3 күн бұрын
@@CultistOfkhorne thx
@samueldisturbing761 8 күн бұрын
Behold the calory doomstack
@eduardoribeiroucv9630 8 күн бұрын
Do it for skaven pleasee yes-yes
@LoremasterLiberaster 8 күн бұрын
CA has botched the scopes trait so much that I now use the Traits&Magic mod full time that not only restores scopers to their full glory but also improves massively on other hero traits giving you army-wide buffs
@anteep4900 8 күн бұрын
costa corn?
@Roofus1111 8 күн бұрын
Free company militia… sounds like you can’t get away from slayer pirates 😂
@CultistOfkhorne 8 күн бұрын
The slayer pill is a bit too strong :P
@olafthemoose9413 8 күн бұрын
putting trollhammers in trash is a HOT take. mostly agree with the rest.
@CultistOfkhorne 8 күн бұрын
Maybe it's more of a personal preference, but thunderers are cheaper, you can get them sooner, they almost have the same range, and are good in every situation. Whereas trollhammers are very slow to fire and even though they get a good amount of kills, they lag behind at dishing out damage. I was thinking of placing them as situational, but I can't think of a situation where I would rather have them over thunderes, or regular irondrakes.
@alirezarezaei2976 8 күн бұрын
Basically, empire and the Dwarfs both have a hidden feature that separates their roster into two different groups. Both of these factions have some units that are great in the hands of the player and the others were designed only to piss the player off in the hands of the AI. For example in the Empire roster Luminarc of Hish is the perfect example It was never meant to be a great tool in the hands of the player but rather be a torment for the player in the hands of the AI Slayers, empire knights, great cannons, war wagons, quarellers, gyrocopters, bolt throwers, and Hunters are all fall under the same category They never perform well under the player but since AI creates a lot of armies and spam these in them they do a lot of harm to the player Especially units like Luminarcs and Slayers oh boy how do I hate them
@phantomthunder203 8 күн бұрын
great cannons, quarellers, and gyrocopters are great in the hands of the player maybe you're just bad with them XD
@prosski7949 6 күн бұрын
Slayers are also quite fine as of dwarf rework. A number of other units you listed are also kinda meh in general, but gets boosted significantly by one LL or the other. Emp Knights are given wayfarer by Volkmar, which is a pretty busted trait on cav, for example. Quarrellers are actually a early-mid game staple, but runic LL boosts them a tier upward of that.
@williamtast5657 8 күн бұрын
Would love to see more videos like this. Especially repeating factions with new compositions. Great work on the editing and script.
@CultistOfkhorne 8 күн бұрын
@masaheimoi 8 күн бұрын
Playing as Elsbeth war wagons are actually fairly good doomstack. Having a life mage helps to keep them alive beater than outriders.
@marekstarzyk9355 8 күн бұрын
Nice 🎉
@ChopChopWorkshop 8 күн бұрын
Faster here than the Lightning Strike attack ⚔
@mister_dadstersays_hi7372 8 күн бұрын
Hey, we we're hinted of this vid on the discord, nice.
@romashyn4649 8 күн бұрын
@taurvanath 8 күн бұрын
With the newest update this no longer works since sacking and razing puts you a set distance away from settlements.
@CultistOfkhorne 8 күн бұрын
I mean did you try it, or were you just going off of what someone else said. Because I did try it and it is still possible, what's funny is that it actually makes it so you don't have to use backspace after razing settlements.
@taurvanath 5 күн бұрын
@CultistOfkhorne was in multiplayer so maybe that effected it. I promise you I'm a hard-core Khorne player and I was so sad it didn't work.
@Turkoktonos1 10 күн бұрын
Is Malakai no problem by that time? Btw thanks for the video, Moulder is next campaign.
@CultistOfkhorne 9 күн бұрын
This was actually before Thrones of Decay, so I'm not sure, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
@daradacro23 11 күн бұрын
lol classic CA
@garrettmccullough2249 11 күн бұрын
This is awful. I noticed they kept reforming as usual when I was bombing with my gyrobombers. Definitely not fixed.