Here beneath the starry splendor Give to me your gentle hand; Let me offer words as tender As my tears within your hand. See the darkness rigns unvanquished In the dungeon of my heart And no radiance, only anguish In return, can I impart. And, dear God, I have been yearning To entrust myself to you; For in me a fire is burning And my days are burning too. Underground, the sunlight shunning Is the horror now laid bare; Over rooftops I keep running And I search: where are you, where? Chasing onwards, so I blunder Up and down the steps of pain; As a chord that is torn asunder Do I sing to you again. Here beneath the starry splendor Give to me your gentle hand; Let me offer words as tender As my tears within your hand.
@amazon12567 жыл бұрын
It is such a heartbreaking song, made me crying, this brave man, Hirsch Glik and his brothers and sisters in arms must have their place in our memory for eternity and never never again such crimes against all humanity - Moi, je suis Israël par toujours, bien sur!!! ..
@ascenbach110 жыл бұрын
This is the first time I heard this haunting song of courage. I listened with tears overflowing. May the memory of these young men and women and the exceptional young man who wrote this and other masterpieces during his so brief life be eternal.
@tuintje6010 жыл бұрын
I used to sing this song to my sons as a lullaby. It never fails to touch my heart, it is so beautiful!
@CLCHRD7 жыл бұрын
maybe a bit unsparing for a lullaby, but i guess you're never too young to listen to the sound of antifacism.