@malikkamuki 42 секунд бұрын
This guy should be the president
@laetitiasoto2259 Минут бұрын
Thank you so much for telling the truth as it is. We dont war wars. We don't want people dying. Those governemnts are full of dangerous psychopaths.
@JesseReza-g4l 7 минут бұрын
want? hahaha they've been doing that at least since 2014.
@Time4Peace 9 минут бұрын
Mearsheimer is shifting his rationalization to support his position that the US must be the hegemony. Now realizing that the US can't do alone, he is pushing for liberal hegemony. It means falling under US's leadership to exert hegemony. He is now pushing for another Cold War, liberal democracies vs non liberal democracies (basically China, Russia, Muslim nations and any other nations no toeing the line). The problems? 1. This is tribalism using liberalism as a lightning rod to keep the US supreme in power. It allows the US to decide who are liberal and who are not, for intervention. It's a recipe for vonflicts to wipe humanity off the planet in dangerous confrontations. 2. Liberalism is a construct that can be spun for tribal agenda. Mearsheimer is basically tsrgeting China as illiberal and therefore cannot be allowed to rise as a peer competitor. By UN's assessment, China has improved human rights more than any country in recent decades. It lifted hundreds of millions from poverty, extending to them the right to shelter, food and wellbeing. The Chinese are freer now than 60 years ago to where they want to live, study, work or worship in safety. It has 5-year plans, open to the world to see, to continue to improve every individual's wellbeing. And China is helping other countries to do the same. And it does not interfere in the affairs of other countries. It considers itself as a democracy that is unique to China. Compared these with the US 'liberal' hegemony that engages in regime changes, sanctions, invasions and endless wars. They are not to spread liberalism, as falsely claimed by Mearsheimer, but for pure US's interests which included toppling democratic regimes and installing dictatorships for oil and minerals. Even within the US, it is a plutocracy, as individual Americans are losing out in their rights for education, health and decent living while corporations reap the profits. And where's the tolerance that Mearsheimer claims, both within America and in its foreign policy? 3. This liberal hegemony under the US leadership basically means its allies obey its dictates. It means that the US's interests will always ride over those of its allies, a sure way of losing sovereinty. Mearsheimer is basically an ultra nationalist using realism and now liberalism to make his case. And it's very dangerous and tribal case that can exterminate humanity.
@johnwaliapan3146 10 минут бұрын
We fail to understand the biblical advoce on the ownership of the the the Israelie are fighting for. Israel will still win with God's help . Just wait and see .
@jamescalifornia2964 11 минут бұрын
Trump picked too many duds during his time in the big house - Pompeo was one of the worst.
@CJ-sg3fc 11 минут бұрын
Is Israel a liberal democracy, then?
@johnwaliapan3146 20 минут бұрын
What are you saying about the continuous military and financial support to Hamas and Hezbola.
@francegiacomelli7454 21 минут бұрын
As allways,l.c. L.Wilkerson perfect analysis of the world today !
@BoringDad1272 22 минут бұрын
They will because they Always think they will not be affected.
@philmfwalker1611 26 минут бұрын
De fund them. Keep the Apartide State out of American politics
@pratikcivic 26 минут бұрын
Only US citizens can stop the US gov
@jamescalifornia2964 8 минут бұрын
😩👉 Most U.S. citizen do not even know what the Hell is going on ...
@perryseehoe590 27 минут бұрын
Maybe someone can get an iphone or something into Netanyahus pocket. Stop this madness.
@timyung4143 34 минут бұрын
Prof, u should run for presidency for the sake of your country n the world. The world could sleep better. Too many self serving politicians about as if WWIII could not touch them. They wouldnt "dare"! Well, push a tiger into a tight corner n u be surprised. It's modern madness n for what?
@danoneill2846 34 минут бұрын
@SRHD123-zt5jz 36 минут бұрын
Blinken visited the kinesset and said that he was there as a jew. Monolithic group think much!
@chriswong9158 36 минут бұрын
What Republican US President Nixon fear the most in the 1970's has become to by Demarcated US President: The enemy of my enemy is my friend = under BRICS+ The resources of India, China, Russia & Iran aka Nukes.
@onlytimewilltell204 38 минут бұрын
Provoking war for financial gains for over 300 years globally is what the bankster gangsters know best
@kgyeo1402 39 минут бұрын
Hamas and Hezbollah attacked Israel first. What do you think will happen when Israel lay down it's arms?
@ushathairani7940 40 минут бұрын
Mr Sachs urged so right but it’s not only arrogance but totally greed for the war mongering
@chriswong9158 40 минут бұрын
U.S. liberal hegemony vs China's 5,000 years history: China saw the rise of Roman and the fall of Rome and many others. Who in the future will take their teaching from USA's 300 years history or China's 5,000 year existence. Time to learn from the Egyptians, the Greek, the Viking aka Russian... there is a time to bind and a time to present. India was a stated state until the British invasion making them a Nation.
@SRHD123-zt5jz 41 минут бұрын
Israel's mindset is the bleakest of any nation on the planet
@coldspring624 43 минут бұрын
Biden pushing the envelope against Russia will cause 75 min of nuclear burn and then nothing
@lawrenceralph7481 45 минут бұрын
Worried old white men playing Chicken Little with their nighttime fears. Face the future Sachs.
@simplythebesttowingandreco3217 47 минут бұрын
US is playing along and waiting to join in
@oliverkirkland6541 50 минут бұрын
No problem! As long as it keeps Netanyahu out of jail.
@giulianoardis370 51 минут бұрын
People that cannot live in peace with their nebour it das not deserve a country Israel is one of this country
@roshanhill6009 51 минут бұрын
The states has win no wat since the 1960s
@shellih8302 54 минут бұрын
They are anti-humanity.
@mercyvolks9216 56 минут бұрын
By the same. logic,what is the next move
@chriswong9158 58 минут бұрын
Understand, w/all Prof. Mearsheimer spoke of, Prof. Mearsheimer still love & wishes US go nuclear world war III w/China
@mercyvolks9216 58 минут бұрын
由 Copilot 发送: The decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan was made by President Harry S. Truman, who succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt after his death in April 1945. The primary reasons for this decision included: Ending the War Quickly: The United States wanted to bring World War II to a swift conclusion to avoid further casualties. The battles in the Pacific, such as those on Iwo Jima and Okinawa, had been extremely costly in terms of lives12. Japan’s Unwillingness to Surrender: Despite heavy bombing and a naval blockade, Japan showed no signs of surrendering unconditionally. The U.S. believed that only a dramatic action like the atomic bomb could compel Japan to surrender23. Minimizing Allied Casualties: An invasion of Japan would have resulted in significant Allied casualties. The atomic bomb was seen as a way to avoid a prolonged and bloody invasion3. Geopolitical Considerations: The U.S. also wanted to demonstrate its new military power to the Soviet Union, which was emerging as a post-war rival1. These factors combined led to the decision to use atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945123. If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!
@SilverMonsterCoind Сағат бұрын
As soon as Trump is elected either war ends, or it will be completely funded by Israel and Ukraine and Europe. We will see how long that goes on.
@ellenmccarthy6912 Сағат бұрын
Thank God for professor Sachs. His worldview, his character, his courage, will save us, if we can yet be saved.
@manapeful Сағат бұрын
N. and Z. are the puppets in a much bigger game. I'm sure Prof. Sacks understands what it is about, and who is directing it. Is it time to start calling the players and the game by their real names? If not now, WHEN?
@chriswong9158 Сағат бұрын
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War USA today is succumbing Worldwide.
@hisoverlorduponhigh90 Сағат бұрын
No,not the Israel lobby, but The U.S. Congress will start WW3.
@enigmax15 Сағат бұрын
Israel doesn't need the United States to win, Israel will win with God.. it's in bible prophecy.
@rhondabalzanbastow7783 Сағат бұрын
For those who want to know the truth behind the conflict between Palestine and israel, and what did israel do with the other countries, search and read the following: - What is Sykes-Picot Agreement in 1916? - What is Balfour Declaration that was granted to israel by Britain in 1917? - What is Churchill white paper? - What is Plan Dalet? - What is Suzana Operation? - Why israel attacked Egypt in 1956 and 1967? - Why israel occupied Golan in Syria? - Why israel occupied South Lebanon? - Why israel occupied the West Bank of the Jordanian River? - What is AIPAC organization? - Read "the Protocols of the Elder of Zion" Book. - Read “The Jewish State” book by Herzl. - Read “Why israel Made AIPAC?” Book. KNOW THE HIDDEN TRUTH
@Arkstellar Сағат бұрын
The world's predominant power, and arbiter of global affairs, should have always been the Chinese. China is the only country with the good sense, will, and moral temperament to maintain a harmonious global world order, foster a system of global trade and cooperation, and promote overall economic prosperity for all. Not this rampaging war machine called the United States that's hopped up on its own power and hubris, and has been lighting the world on fire for the past 50 years.
@sourcetext Сағат бұрын
The garden of Eden snd the Holy land are ancient Metaphors for God -Union or Spiritual Enlightenment,they are not geographic locations on the planet Earth. Lots of mowing the lawn ....for nothing , sll for a biased mistranslation ( or a secret agenda to own the world). 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
@anandaurora Сағат бұрын
@anandaurora Сағат бұрын
Israel also knows that a two state solution is unjust and so unsustainable so it believes in war, terror and genocide is its only solution
@FullMoonHill Сағат бұрын
Here is truth. So sad only 12000 views. Millions need to listen to this. Please forward this to your friends and representatives. Listen to Dr Sachs and Dr John Meirsheimer on Ukraine and Gaza. Wake up America.
@bonzodog67lizardking15 Сағат бұрын
Someone needs to take the car keys away from Bibi. He's drunk with power and it's not going to end well.
@chriswong9158 Сағат бұрын
China's non-interference directive of other Nation States, Country... It is and has been their policy since 1950 to present. China last war was 1979, in the meantime USA has been in war with one or others since 1950 to present.
@brianniziol6479 Сағат бұрын
Americans like football and killing people. Everyone knows that.
@effexon Сағат бұрын
baffling is how UK is still telling others what to do without army, with nothing. Perhaps they work for US as errand boy. Still that optics is bad, in international politcis need to be careful if you dont have "muscle" to do it yourself.
@LarryWasser Сағат бұрын
Jill Stein for president.
@anandaurora Сағат бұрын
Israel, greater Israel, Ukraine, encirclicling Russia, China etc. Are US projects to begin with so it is understandable that the puppets running these projects need US to intervene!