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@Cronellishways 23 күн бұрын
Great discussion.
@AndrewLambert-wi8et 2 ай бұрын
@SeanP7195 2 ай бұрын
Canada did everything to not buy this. Even Commie boy ran on a campaign promise not to. I like Canadians (I’m an American), but this was 100% anti American sentiment. It was just vote buying (ohhh, watch me stand down the big American bully….vote for me). At the end of the day, Canada had to swallow its pride (which was never even necessary) and realize, the F-35 is by far the better choice. My camera is Japanese, my car is German, my coffee is Colombian and my chocolate is Swiss. Why? Because some countries are just really good at things and Americans are really, really good at making jets. The fact that Canada almost got stuck with 4th generation fighters (AT A HIGHER PRICE!) for the next 40 years should worry you all.
@SeanP7195 2 ай бұрын
People just simply don’t understand modern air warfare and its capabilities. If we had these things in Vietnam it would have been over in 6 months. No Rambo movies, no Deer Hunter, no nothing (although Vietnam did force the US to clean up its military). One night of intensive bombing from stealth fighters and bombers can wreck a nation. It really can. Imagine what just two B-2 Stealth bombers each with 16 laser guided missiles could do to NYC? Pretty scary. This guy found a way to make a buck and even betrayed his other fellow members who grifted with him (hey, that’s what cons do). But he is a complete and utter fraud.
@SeanP7195 2 ай бұрын
These “experts” will say and do anything to dismiss US Tech. Just like they are paid to by people like China and Russia. They did it with the F-111 (one of the greatest jets ever). It was sleek and super fast at Mach 2.5 and hit everything it targeted. Yet they called it a fat, slow pig. They did it with the F-15 (the single most successful jet of all-time). F-18, B-1, and B-2 even. These people are either stupid and stuck in 1963, paid agitators or both.
@SeanP7195 2 ай бұрын
Oops!! Now you can get one for less than a Rafale and countries are begging for them. They have three factories and the waiting list is 5 plus years.
@SeanP7195 2 ай бұрын
This is where it all began folks. Russian and Chinese propaganda, hired assassin journalists and “experts” in aviation. Over 12 years of this nonsense on the F-35 and the end result is the most advanced and lethal jet mankind has ever seen. And the crazy thing is, it’s about 20 million cheaper than a Eurofighter. Currently there is about a 6 year waiting list on them and other countries are begging for them. Of course they will dismiss that as US influence. Ahh yes, the US who has to pay everyone’s NATO bill and has terribly unfair trade deal with….practically everyone can force you to buy a jet just like that. Sigh…
@zedeco Ай бұрын enjoy you flop plane.
@SeanP7195 2 ай бұрын
It’s scary how easy it is to get someone with very, very little qualifications to get so many people to believe him. He’s a total fraud and has costs billions in his misconceptions and flat out lies.
@zedeco Ай бұрын
Matt Gaetz just exposed that your f-35 is a lemon, More Than Two-Thirds of America's F-35s CAN'T FLY!.
@manj2482 2 ай бұрын
F35 sucks. When was the last armies went to battle on a battlefield. It’s all hit and run now. Guerilla tactics. Economic warfare. You need payload, and maneuverability in a jet.
@kris8165 3 ай бұрын
Western technology... Made to look cool,and to sale based on myths and corporate propaganda attributes Reliability?? Garbage! Non existent 😅
@britishrocklovingyank3491 3 ай бұрын
You can see a stealth with low frequency but you can't lock so what are ya gonna do?
@britishrocklovingyank3491 3 ай бұрын
Wow! This idiot has proven wrong about the F-35 like he has been all his life. What an idiot.
@brianvisek 4 ай бұрын
this didn't age well
@jackdaugaard-hansen4512 4 ай бұрын
Most of the kills of F8 crusader also known as the last gunfighter where with missiles, 7 missile kills to 1 gun kill, the f8 crusader also had a kill ratio of 6 to 1 which is pretty good but the navy version of the f4 phantom that didn’t have a gun had a kill ratio of 13 to 1.
@kymvalleygardensdesign5350 4 ай бұрын
He didn't like the F15 either, anyway, the other aircraft will not know what has hit it as the F35 will have got it from 5 miles away
@rotsen995 4 ай бұрын
13 years later he was right the whole time , f35 have been crashing and my friends in the military tell me that the plane is a waste of tax money!
@WETBACK4TRUMP 4 ай бұрын
Lol cope
@zedeco Ай бұрын
@@WETBACK4TRUMP go watch Matt Gaetz asking why More Than Two-Thirds of America's F-35s CAN'T FLY!
@Dra741 4 ай бұрын
The F-35 has IFS transponders fire missiles best way to Target and the missiles will turn around and go behind the F-35 and shoot down the enemy him and the people that made the F-16 I got to hand it to them it was a masterpiece of Aerospace technology because our allies could afford it they could manufacture it we gave licenses to other countries and they just modified it F-16 is formidable if all the avionics and electronic systems work if they don't they cannot you have to be a good pilot to be able to get the enemy
@JoeParkerAndThePower 4 ай бұрын
I don't know anything about this subject, but I do know a lot about some other things, and I reckon I can tell when a fellow expert has an agenda. The LW radar point in particular is odd. If low-freq radar was so great, why are modern radars centimetric or millimetric? Because frequency and resolving power are directly related quantities. My *guess* is that _if_ Chain Home stations (UK started deploying them, iirc, in the '30s, btw.. 😏) could detect F-35 or other stealth aircraft in theory, they would still have a very hard time distinguishing them from other radar targets, or ground/sea clutter. Why doesn't he mention this, but still keep the point in? Because it's a great rhetorical device. Nearly had me persuaded.. but not quite.
@_.incredible_magnum._291 5 ай бұрын
Not even ten seconds in and this man is already lying🤣
@michaelanderson9140 5 ай бұрын
Oh, this Liar/loser edit: omfg, this channel is literally a Russian troll, look at the other vids.
@safa4786 5 ай бұрын
Sprey is a hack!!! He is not relevant.
@Shamrocks847 6 ай бұрын
I wish this journalist could actually ask good questions
@RugbyPass81 6 ай бұрын
What a load of flying scrap; they've had loads of them catch fire spontaneously in flight and upon takeoff, loads crashing for apparently no reason, one pilot had to eject and as he was floating down, had to watch his F35 flying Lemon cruising off into the distance - that was particualrly embarrassing because the US DoD then had to issue a plea to the public for them to "help us find our kissing aircraft" - it was an expensive over-run, let down of a project, that had simply cost too much money to let fail. Britain has seen the truth of this and has already entered a deap with Japan and Italy to jpintly develop the worlds first 6th Gen jet, the Tempest. Lockheed, Lockheed, Lockheed, you silly, silly bastards 😂
@jerryg53125 6 ай бұрын
This just in........Canada buys 88 F-35"s .Sometimes you just got to wait for it.
@02suraditpengsaeng41 6 ай бұрын
do not let this man design a plane It will end up as Fokker Dr.1000 have pilot callsign "Red Baron"
@bennittotheburrito9606 5 ай бұрын
I’ll happily keep the callsign
@danielmolinar8669 5 ай бұрын
Nah, we building paper planes with this one
@KaneGregory 7 ай бұрын
You look into Sprey’s background you will find he is full of BS!🐂💩👍🏼
@GregWampler-xm8hv 8 ай бұрын
No there's no "problem", no "mistake", no "misunderstanding" everything is running smoothly and according to plan. Well if you're in on the massive cash transfer ($TRILLIONS/year) from your wallet to the oligarchs in charge of the military industrial complex. Folks we spend as much as the rest of the world put together. We have the highest techiest equipment in the world and still can't beat 3rd world countries who don't even have an air force or a Navy or an Army FFS. Over 20 years and still playing in the sandbox over there. Grow a pair people refuse to participate in your own emasculation and headlong rush to slavery. Their pissin' on your leg with a great big smile while the reassure you it's raining.
@GregWampler-xm8hv 8 ай бұрын
Notice LM spokeshole says the purpose of the fart-35 ". . . . . . . . . WAS to . . . . . ". Remember we're listening to a paid operative whose job it is to lie, dissemble, and cover-up to sell this piece of doo doo. If it's so great why all the facts that demonstrate it's anything but. I love that 50 SECOND time limit on afterburner use. How'd ya like to be in actual life or death dogfight and you're trying to keep track of your afterburner time. Must be one of those no extra charge features. Thanks LM. All that high tech sensor fusion well sure if it actually worked but sadly has been a problem for over a decade and still broke. That $600K helmet disaster. Oh and remember to the pukes who will say "Well the F-14/15/16/18 had problems. Sure but in the first few years. This flying brick has been in development for 15+ years FFS. And the military judges it not ready, still so bad, they won't pass it for full scale production. That's THEM saying it.
@GregWampler-xm8hv 8 ай бұрын
The fart-35 is the result of the worlds most criminal procurement process ever seen. Think maybe the fact that we now have a near MONOPOLY system in defense procurement is a big reason the farts 22/35 are now upon us. I've heard much the same coming down the pike for the b-21 T-raider. And no doubt this new gin 6 fighter is gonna be worse if nothing changes. Watch the Aviator and Hughes' (DiCaprio's) speech before he storms out of Brewster's committee hearing. He openly admits to briberies, free booze and broads, but he adds everyone else in the industry does it too. This speech is word for word what Hughes really said. Look it up if ya don't believe me. And yes it would come out that Sen. Brewster was bought and paid for by Pan Am's Juan Trippe, and Hughes' TWA was starting to compete with Pan Am for the international slice of the pie. Trippe used his criminal bribery to try and force Hughes's to cave and be bought out by Trippe. Gee sounds like a lot of crime and graft and bribery and who knows what else.
@GregWampler-xm8hv 8 ай бұрын
Gee folks this is from 10 years ago and sounds like the problems haven't changed all that much. 17 years after it's first flight, entering middle age for a fighter and the piece of shit (why hold back that's what it is) still isn't in full scale production due to a mountain of deficiencies. I like the 50 SECOND limit on afterburner use. Say you guys up there in a life or death dogfight keep a close eye on you afterburner time. And so much more the fact that systems interfere with each other, massive spares shortage, huge deficiency in aircraft availability, the helmet $600K an absolute joke. Oh and they talk performance like more than have of the fart-35 is even functioning. Cut your loses, bale and sell for scrap metal and move on to the next travesty.
@globetrotter7778 8 ай бұрын
Pilots don't need to visually identify their targets before shooting... The 1960s are over and have been for some time...
@GregWampler-xm8hv 8 ай бұрын
Gee who'd a thunk it, a flying barrel with small swept back wings doesn't really maneuver very well. And this getting all hyperventilated over a vtol capability is beyond me. No what folks generals will never risk a $100 MILLION a/c close to the front lines. And if they do they know they have absolute air superiority, then why would they be needed. Good point the pilot is much more important than the airplane. I have an idea why don't we get rid of the pilot. 5 Star General Hap Arnold envisioned pilotless aircraft in the mid 40's. Thank you for the breath of fresh air aka REALITY.
@danielmolinar8669 5 ай бұрын
You do realize that it’s very maneuverable, because of it’s small wings? More like, the F-35 generates lift from the BODY, not just the wings. This isn’t new, nearly every successful military jet in the past 60 years uses this design philosophy. And yes, it can dogfight a mig21 with ease, despite what Sprey claims
@michalgajdos7575 8 ай бұрын
I have been looking for this report years ,as youtube removed it from most channels
@GregWampler-xm8hv 9 ай бұрын
First off that fat , vastly underpowered tub of shit is dog food for an F-16 with it's over 1:1 T/W ratio. You wanna talk nimble. Should have seen the YF-16 before the twats at the pentagon started turning it into a light duty truck. Our company test pilot Neal Anderson would do a 360 over the runway at Carswell and a max performance takeoff was jaw dropping. The fart-35 could do what? Take off. Probably? Well isn't that special. As we Texans know what this actually means, especially in that sweet female smile and southern drawl "Bless it's heart".
@GregWampler-xm8hv 9 ай бұрын
Oh look a usaf col (did see if bird or bottle cap flavor) acting as a pr flak. Got nothing else better to do col.? Actually we never see him flying or truly in control of the aircraft. Given a push and add a jet engine noise is supremely possible right? I mean in Hollywood if the lead in the show does some horrendous move but you never see their face in the act you know a stunt double did the act. Watch for it the next time a 60 year old or so Tom Cruise performs some titanic move. AS an actor I've always liked time but I hate fakes. Worked with the 'Stralians on the F-111C program. Rock solid and not to be bullshitted. Fun lovin', hard drinkin' and their lineage transported British criminals. My kinda people. My group and I got in a few fights in Ft. Worth. God I remember I stupidly took them to Jacksboro thinking we'd "Honky Tonk" Well if that's gettin' your ass well and truly kicked and had a few guns pulled on us, well we Honky Tonked. They returned the favor at their home and pretty much the same except the actual firearms. Great, GREAT guys and amazing country. If I get thrown out of Texas, always a possibility, I'd move to Australia. They know a bad'un when they see one 🙂
@FabrisFanatic 9 ай бұрын
Lol this guy thinks the best way to ID targets is to try staring at them in a slow-moving plane with your eyeballs 100s of meters in the air... as if advanced optics and imaging doesn't exist to give positive IDs on targets so you don't end up accidentally killing friendlies like the A-10 has done a bunch of times.
@danielmolinar8669 5 ай бұрын
You mean to tell me the thousand yard stare ISN’T when you precisely spot a target a thousand yard away with your eye only?
@ezratorr4996 9 ай бұрын
poor goose will not be getting the nemo
@laughing747 11 ай бұрын
ah so thats what it does
@johnackerman8808 11 ай бұрын
None of these criticisms aged well. F35 is the wildly successful. Its just bizarre to watch this now.
@jg3000 5 ай бұрын
Yup. It's in air forces. Is it good? Don't know.
@PoiPoi5189 11 ай бұрын
These guys are morons
@filmdude5058 Жыл бұрын
Funny to see so many fighterjet experts in the comment section, i guess the coping kicked in hard huh😊
@danielmolinar8669 9 ай бұрын
Because Pierre Sprey is an expert himself, right?
@mikrophone8499 Жыл бұрын
This guy was full of shit and now he's in dirt shit. One of the biggest scammers.
@alfredberry1199 Жыл бұрын
Lol nope, f35 is a big fat 🦃🦃😂
@randoperson3596 Жыл бұрын
Pierre spray is a fraud he had no involvement in anything he says he did.
@codaalive5076 Жыл бұрын
He was correct about the price, if my math is correct Germany was offered them at 240 millions each + additional costs in 2022...
@SeanP7195 2 ай бұрын
No, that’s the lifetime of the jet. The actual costs was around 90 million each. A bargain.
@codaalive5076 2 ай бұрын
@@SeanP7195 Tell me what you get for 90 million, do they send entire jet or is it in parts, lacking weapons? I'm asking because every time our deers buy weapons, we get like half of the package for the price before money falls under the table and they forget about it.
@SeanP7195 2 ай бұрын
@@codaalive5076 I don’t know. You’ll have to email your representative
@dmitrykarkov4747 Жыл бұрын
This didn’t age well. Sprey is a fucking clown.
@the-lag-gamerita5446 Жыл бұрын
you should be fucking ashamed of the description. this guy is not, nor has ever been at any point in his existence a "military expert" he's a charlatan and propagandist, he neither founded nor designed any of the aircrafts he claimed to, and does not know anything about the F-35. you have the moral responsability to make this loud and clear at the start of the video.
@filmdude5058 Жыл бұрын
We should believe a keyboard warrior like you?
@bennittotheburrito9606 11 ай бұрын
@@filmdude5058should we believe a fraud with zero credibility or combat experience who’s never flown or engineered a plane lol
@danielmolinar8669 7 ай бұрын
@@filmdude5058 A kindergartner making paper airplanes has more credibility than Sprey tbh
@jameslane7690 Жыл бұрын
Looks like your prediction are somewhat wrong.
@scarfacecapital. Жыл бұрын
Shame they don't make shows like this anymore.
@The_BIG_salad Жыл бұрын
Remember when we retired the Tomcat for COST? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
@AlexanderHL1919 Жыл бұрын
Hey, if it aint the guy who built a career out of lying about his involvement in the development of the A10 and F15. Grifters gonna grift.