@GeorgeT92 6 күн бұрын
Bro fell off
@devoutnation 6 күн бұрын
Never been so on in my life brother 🙂
@maylingng4107 7 күн бұрын
None who you list were eyewitnesses to Jesus. As a matter of fact, no secular eyewitness ever wrote a single word about Jesus. The Jesus story is a fabricated lie to control the ignorant population It is a copy of earlier god myths For example: Mithras born of a virgin around December 25, had 12 disciples, turned water into wine, was killed and resurrected. Sounds familiar? The shroud of Turin is a known forgery. In 1988, scientists dated samples of the shroud and concluded that it was made between 1260 and 1390 AD. This date is much later than the alleged time of Jesus' crucifixion, which is claimed to have occurred in 30 or 33 CE. The Shroud of Turin was tested by three radiocarbon laboratories in 1988: University of Arizona in Tucson Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule in Zurich University of Oxford British Museum: Coordinated the study and provided statistical analysis of the results
@devoutnation 7 күн бұрын
You haven’t seen the new studies on the Shroud of Turin. Which dates it perfectly to the time of Jesus’s death. I encourage you to look it up. A well known atheist (I forget his name) went and studied all the new evidence and cannot refute its legitimacy.
@maylingng4107 7 күн бұрын
@@devoutnation Nonsense. Which reputable laboratory and scientist did the "new study"? List the details of this new study, who, when and where? The 3 laboratories I listed who declared it a fake are some of the most reputable and famous laboratories in the world. All 3 came to the same conclusion using radiometric dating. I know that you are desperate, but without evidence a lie remains a lie.
@devoutnation 7 күн бұрын
@@maylingng4107 www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/17/the-1m-challenge-if-the-turin-shroud-is-a-forgery-show-how-it-was-done after the new research came out, there's a $1,000,000 offer to disprove its authenticity. No one has received the $1m yet.
@maylingng4107 7 күн бұрын
@@devoutnation You have totally sunk your own lying argument. Your evidence is a news paper article from a non-scientist and a creationist loon - David Rolfe, a film-maker? *I asked you who were the scientists who tested this, what and where?* - and you reply with this ridiculous nonsense Rolfe owes $1 million each to the 3 world famous laboratories who proved the fake, and also to a million+ biologists and physicist who validate radiometric dating (including myself who often uses radiometric dating in my job)
@devoutnation 7 күн бұрын
@@maylingng4107 www.mdpi.com/2571-9408/5/2/47 the scientific study. The 1988 study heavily relies on carbon dating, and carbon dating has been proven to have many flaws.
@romanland_ 7 күн бұрын
You dont understand natural selection. Look into it more. I really dont give a crap about darwin or evolution or pushing some anti religious agenda ... but straight up creationism is stupid as hell
@devoutnation 7 күн бұрын
I do understand natural selection. I used to believe it whole-heartedly. Now I don't. We can disagree.
@josephtarr3940 7 күн бұрын
​​@@devoutnationI'm sorry, but it's not a topic to disagree on. You're just objectively wrong. Again, you can be a Christian who believes in God and the afterlife. Nobody is saying you can't. But you are objectively wrong with creation.
@devoutnation 7 күн бұрын
@@josephtarr3940 how did natural selection create life?
@josephtarr3940 7 күн бұрын
@@devoutnation Basically it is the process that causes species to change over time in response to environmental change or competition. Animals change through gentic mutations and there are multiple types of mutations that can occur. Most of these mutations are neutral, a lot are harmful and some are beneficial. Natural selection selects for these changes. And 'create life' is an inaccurate way to describe it. I'd phrase it how has it caused life to evolve.
@devoutnation 7 күн бұрын
@@josephtarr3940 and I agree with with that type of evolution to a degree. But evolution does not explain where life began.
@michaelsmelt5218 8 күн бұрын
"I dont understand something therefore god did it"
@devoutnation 8 күн бұрын
I’ve looked at evidence for both sides and found God more plausible. Was an atheist/agnostic for 38 years brother ❤️
@michaelsmelt5218 7 күн бұрын
@@devoutnation What made you think god is more plausible and and why Christianity but not the others? How do you know you picked the right one
@devoutnation 7 күн бұрын
@@michaelsmelt5218 Fact is I don’t know if I picked the right one. No one can honestly say that they 100% know. I chose Christianity and Jesus because it has the most evidence. Not proof, I can’t prove anything. But the evidence for Jesus points me to believe he really existed and what he said and did were true.
@TheFireGiver 8 күн бұрын
I appreciate you being honest, but i dont understand what you are saying. Evolution absolutely can and does create. Take something like a flying squirrel. If i understand you correctly you believe there was the original squirrel created by God and it evolved the ability to glide. Cant you see how in millions of years that gliding could evolve into a proper flying creature? A flying squirrel that could actually fly would probably look a lot like a bat. So is it in the squirrel or bat genus? Or is it its own thing?
@TheFireGiver 8 күн бұрын
Also, I don't understand your point about fossils. There are 'transitional' species, although you should never think of a species as transitional. Its a meaningless term since every species that has ever existed had been a transitional species. There is no end game for evolution. Really all you have to do is Google transitional species. That was a fair point in like 1880, not today.
@devoutnation 8 күн бұрын
That’s evolution that I believe in. If there’s a squirrel that jumped and started gliding over millions of years sure. My point is evolution doesn’t create the first squirrel.
@maylingng4107 9 күн бұрын
Belief in Christianity or in any other religion is a fool's errand. Why would anyone accept a man-made organization designed to exert tyrannical control over the ignorant population. Christianity started and waged many wars against those who refused to submit. They prosecuted, tortured and murdered non-believers. They have almost eradicated the entire native population of South America. Even today, Christian clergy is complicit in thousands of child molestations and abuse.
@devoutnation 8 күн бұрын
You don’t know the history of Christianity then. Believers in Christ were tortured, crucified, and hunted down for their belief. Jesus’s followers were killed just because they said they saw him after he resurrected. There was no benefit in being a Christian back then. Has Christianity been used to push horrible people’s agendas? Yes. But that’s not on Jesus. That’s on man.
@maylingng4107 7 күн бұрын
@@devoutnation You are incredibly ignorant, but even worse, a complete liar. Here is a chance to redeem yourself: History shows us that Jesus never existed. His story is just a copy of earlier god legends (example: Mithras). The bible claims that Jesus was seen and heard by many thousands and thousands witnessed his miracles. There were more than a dozen historians and writers around Jerusalem in the early first century (most famous being Philo who documented the religion and history of the Jews) *Can you name a single eyewitness to Jesus (OUTSIDE THE MYTHS AND LIES IN THE BIBLE) who mentions one word about Jesus? But there is no eyewitness is there?* *So where is your evidence; history shows that you are a liar!*
@devoutnation 7 күн бұрын
⁠​⁠@@maylingng4107 I made an entire video on this. kzbin.info/www/bejne/ZpCVn6uFaMigsK8si=loDZhl2Gq5SO8IbF but for a short summary. Jesus is talked about in almost every major religion. The Shroud of Turin is a huge piece of physical evidence for Jesus. He was written about by non-Christian philosophers who said exactly what his 12 disciples said. People were willing to die just for their belief in Christ. Psychology shows us that over 90% of people will not die for a lie. Listen, you do not have to agree with me, that’s fine. We can agree to disagree.
@maylingng4107 7 күн бұрын
@@devoutnation Save your preaching of falsehoods for your church. *Which secular author (from the many contemporaries) who was an EYEWITNESS mentions one word about anyone called Jesus? And what did he write? Are you afraid to name him/her? or perhaps none exists* The Shroud of Turin is a fake. Tested by 3 different laboratories (radiometric dating) and it was concluded to 100% certainty that the shroud was manufactured between 1260-1390 CE. The laboratories testing it were in Tucson, Zürich, and Oxford in 1988, by an international team of scientists. *"90% of people will not die for a lie."* Really? The facts are that some people are willing to die for lies perpetrated by your religion or for other religions. Suicide bombers kill themself every day, Monks set themselves on fire. There is no help for those who are deceived by your or any other religion. The old adage has never been truer, and you just proved it with every word you wrote. *“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion”*
@maylingng4107 7 күн бұрын
@@devoutnation *I have a far better tip for your topic of "How to Talk to Non-Believers" and you will get many more to listen: TELL THEM THE TRUTH and dispense with creationist and Christian propaganda.*
@NotNecessarily-ip4vc 9 күн бұрын
Heaven and earth were created but humanity was made. Information origination comes before thermodynamic evolution. Perfect information preservation is only possible in 0D. If 0 = 0 + 0i then 0D = 0D + 0Di.
@josephtarr3940 9 күн бұрын
Meet pakicetus. Pakicetus was an animal which existed during the ypresian period about 50 million years ago. It was about the size of a goat had fur and 4 legs. It's what modern day whales evolved from. So your statement of animals not coming from completely different animals is false. Furthermore if you like... you can look at the ancesters of pakicetus. You seem like a nice guy but dude... creationism has no basis about it whatsoever. You can believe in God, there is no way to disprove him. But evolution has heaps of evidence supporting it.... genetics, vestigial structures, fossil record and comparative anatomy to name a few. I really do urge you to look into proffesor daves videos debunking creationism. It's explained really well and will remove any confusion you should have. If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer 😊
@devoutnation 9 күн бұрын
Thank you, I believe in positive debates. I know ow about the Pakicetus and scientists relate it to whales mostly due to bones in the ear which to me, is a stretch. But let’s just say you were right. How about every other species and genus?
@josephtarr3940 9 күн бұрын
It's not a stretch. An area of the inner ear was enlarged and that is visible only in whales and dolphins. This connects the two animals together in a very reasonable way. Pakicetus also had similar ankle bones to that of animals such as hippos. Molecular proteins and genes link whales to hippos as there closest living ancestors. I mean another example is dinosaurs and birds. Birds evolved from dinosaurs. An intermediate species would be archaeopteryx. Obviously there are many more that show the perfect transition. There's a mutation in chickens which turns there scales in there feet to feathers. So irrefutable evidence scales can transition to feathers. There are many more which I am unaware of and I push you to research them. The fossil record is massive. Problems with fossils though are they are a rare occurrence and tend to only occur when organisms are covered rapidly. Whether that's by a flood, volcanic eruption, or mudflow. So if you're looking for a perfect lineage of all life on earth I'm sorry that's not going to happen. But again... fossils are one piece of many showing that evolution is what has occurred.
@devoutnation 9 күн бұрын
@@josephtarr3940 I agree with you on aspects of evolution. Just not how that’s how everything came to be. There is no creation process in evolution. But as Instated in the video, I do believe in evolution to a degree.
@mrhuman4049 9 күн бұрын
@@devoutnation "There is no creation process in evolution." creation process of what?
@josephtarr3940 9 күн бұрын
@devoutnation I don't know what you mean by 'creation process.' If you're referring to animals not having ancestors that look completely different to them well then that's wrong. I've just given examples. If you're referring to how life came about on the planet then that's not evolution. That's a completely different subject which is known as abiogenesis. I'd also like to point out again that the evidence of evolution does not just stop at fossils. It's as I previously stated, genetics, biological molecues, vestigial structures, comparative anatomy. Other pieces of evidence would be biogeography and you can literally observe evolution directly. So if fossils are your only idea of evidence for evolution then it is a misrepresentation of science.
@TheeChibi 9 күн бұрын
"we would see evolution in fossils more" brother what do you think evolution is??
@mrhuman4049 9 күн бұрын
"think"? nah, that's for smart people
@devoutnation 9 күн бұрын
I said I believe in the evolution of a genus. But I see no evolution evidence of smaller creatures turning into large animals of today, and there would be way more fossil evidence of it if it happened over millions of years.
@TheeChibi 9 күн бұрын
@@devoutnation this just isnt true whatsoever. I really do recomend you take the time to learn what evolution is as a whole, and take a look at specific areas you have trouble believing. Forrest Valkai was a pretty cool dude who has countless videos on stuff you would probably have trouble coming to terms with, and he is a biologist. Or just study it yourself. The answers are out there, you are just not wanting to look at them.
@maylingng4107 9 күн бұрын
@@devoutnation Actually you visited how many museums of natural history? There is more than 1,000 of those in the world, all full of remains of numerous life forms. We have unearthed more than a couple of million fossils, and find new ones every day. How much more do you want? Nothing "turns" into something else. Only a very ignorant person who does not understand evolution would use the "turn into" phrase. I bet you could not even define "evolution". Evolution primarily occurs at the microscopic level, specifically through changes in DNA sequences (mutations) within a population, which are then passed on to future generations, leading to observable changes in traits over time. The first life forms date back about 3.8 billion years. From there 5 billion different species evolved, including you (humans). If ignorance and outright lies could hurt, you would be screaming in agony.
@devoutnation 9 күн бұрын
@@TheeChibi I looked at them when I was an atheist/agnostic. Watch my first video. I’ve only been a Christian for about a year. There are so many things you have to take a leap of faith on with evolution that it became harder for me to believe it over a Creator. Thank you for the recommendations, I will definitely take a look.
@TheeChibi 9 күн бұрын
Evolution=proveable Creationism=fairy tale and lies being taught to kids.
@maylingng4107 9 күн бұрын
The biggest lie on earth.
@TheeChibi 9 күн бұрын
@@maylingng4107 how is evolution the biggest lie on earth😭 its arguably one of the most evidentially backed thing we have discovered.
@jannuary831 9 күн бұрын
A hot topic between agnostic atheists and Christians - evolution. No, it isn’t a hot topic. Many of the greatest evolutionists were, and are Christians. Also, evolution doesn't say that we came from nothing. Religion says that. Evolution is quite clear in saying we don't know from where we came. ''There was a Big Bang and all of a sudden we're here.'' That's cosmology, not evolution. However, I did enjoy your video.
@maylingng4107 9 күн бұрын
No! We scientists understand that we evolved 7 million years ago from an ancestor (ape-like creature) common to humans and chimps. The Big Bang was an event that formed our current universe 13.8 billion years ago. The earth was formed 4.567 billion years ago. The Big Bang had nothing to do with humans. Our species is about 250,000 years old.
@devoutnation 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for commenting. Valid points.
@maylingng4107 9 күн бұрын
"Creation is more accurate than evolution"? Evolution is a fact supported by a warehouse full of evidence. It has been observed in nature and duplicated in the laboratory. Creation is a myth and a lie, with exactly zero evidence. Can you list a single evidence for creation that we can test? Or do you wish to continue just lying?
@devoutnation 9 күн бұрын
You can not replicate God, it's not something humans can test. Can you put love in a test tube? What makes you choose to love someone? Is it just your brain matter and chemicals evolved to a higher form? Does that mean we are just mushy robots? Conscience, feelings, God... all these things can not be replicated in a lab.
@maylingng4107 9 күн бұрын
@@devoutnation Actually you can replicate god, and we did a thousand times. Ignorant people like you have invented more 1,000 different gods. Each god is followed by many people and opposed by the majority of humans on earth. Each god has its own fake story and its own special miracles. *Which is your god, and what is the evidence that it is the only true god?*
@hussein.haydar 9 күн бұрын
Thx bro for explain
@devoutnation 9 күн бұрын
You’re welcome! Thanks for watching.
@WingDiamond 9 күн бұрын
Ummm No!
@devoutnation 9 күн бұрын
@@WingDiamond You can have your own beliefs brother. Just sharing mine ❤️
@maylingng4107 9 күн бұрын
@@devoutnation Belief without evidence is worthless and your belief + $2 will only buy a cup of coffee.
@devoutnation 9 күн бұрын
@@maylingng4107 I believe there is more evidence for Jesus and a Creator over everything from nothing. Check out my non-biblical evidence video! Thank you for your opinion ❤️