@henrylimnyuy3195 18 сағат бұрын
I love the maturity here❤
@stevenhamric8299 19 сағат бұрын
Hi guys. Love your videos. I am a devout protestant. Serious question...are you saying the ONLY reason for sex is procreation?
@bernoulli315 Күн бұрын
I agree with you main premise concerning Genesis. I would ask of the macro revolutionist: if man evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys?
@albertonuno1790 Күн бұрын
Yeah right, The catholic church is attracting people because of heading towards the one world religion, and just because they plagiarize the scriptures because they couldn't come out with prayers don't mean is a good thing and not serious Christians want to become catholic
@tranquilityplus7879 Күн бұрын
Catholicism can’t even stake its claim for what it professes to believe let alone lay out a future for the flock. To hold true to scripture will hold you in contempt with the current papacy/orthodoxy. To be a traditional Catholic is to be a Zealot.
@lancepoore3045 Күн бұрын
Video just started and thought I'd leave after this comment. CONTEND for the faith. FIGHT the GOOD FIGHT. When it comes to my faith and The Word, which are inseparable, I'm not going to sit down with someone who I, or the bible, can't even agree with on what salvation is and try to compromise. Until you are born again you can't enter, or much less even see, The Kingdom of God.
@TheManofsorrows Күн бұрын
Then maybe you should tell them
@charlescrockett6410 Күн бұрын
it is evil and not catholic....but neither is the novus ordo
@Ann-ti2dn 2 күн бұрын
This is really less of a face off but just a sharing of what each church believes.
@TheLegend-co5dg 2 күн бұрын
Catholicism is a false Christian Religion. Jesus didn't start the church. Peter and Paul weren't Pope’s. Mary can't intervene on your behalf. The Bible doe's not say be catholic. Everything is NOT scripture based in Catholicism.
@user-fv8kz5en5p 2 күн бұрын
Hallelujah Praise be to GOD 🙏🙏🙏
@The757packerfan 2 күн бұрын
The true reason: Christians are seeking to be made justified by their works.
@lynnodonnell4764 2 күн бұрын
I gotta point this out....if gluttony is a sin why are there obese Priests. I see one sitting there . . .
@melodic777 2 күн бұрын
False gospel. No source needed. The Bible makes this clear. Anyone serious about faith is not becoming Catholic where idolatry and good works takes away from the sovereignty of God and gift of salvation to innately sinful human beings.
@ronnied1172 2 күн бұрын
Why isnt Jesus enough for Catholics? Even the priest is constantly saying yes....and...
@markp2023 2 күн бұрын
Right away you said a Catholic priest and a Christian pastor, you mean a Protestant Christian pastor and a Christian Catholic priests.. and you worded that on purpose for reasons.. the Baptist said I want to hear what Christians believe and Catholics believe, Catholics are the first christians.. Mary who appeared at Bayside New York said we have a part in our salvation because the sin of Adam and Eve was so great, there is no Free Ride like the Protestants say faith without works is dead there are many threes in the Bible here's what the Bible says. Ye must be born of the water, you must be born of the water and the spirit and faith without works is dead you need all 3 that's the way we were taught by the traditional Bible nuns. First step ye must be born of the water.. second step ye must be born of the spirit.. this is where you ask Christ to come into your heart you repent of your sins the Bible nuns made sure we got saved and they used the word are you saved and they let us in that prayer of repenting and inviting Christ into our hearts and we opened our eyes and we were all weeping.. third step in christ, faith without works is dead there are at least 12 scriptures that prove and say works have merit.. I was really surprised you let it slide with a statement that works will just follow a Christian the holy book says I will show you my faith by my works by my works.. once you're saved works takes on a different meaning, but God is the final judge he showed me a vision dream I saw this clergy he was in a room and he was dressed in black the black represented his soul which was dark and I saw this white spot on his Garment and I asked the Lord what that was, and the Lord told me that the white spot represented a charitable act that he did towards a little girl... And I asked the Lord if there was a chance for him to be saved in the Lord said yes because of his charitable act towards the little girl. 16:40
@HollywoodBigBoss 2 күн бұрын
Douay Rheims is far superior to the KJV. I also like using The Orthodox Study Bible which uses the Greek Septuagint for the Old Testament. For those who have difficulty with Elizabethan English I would recommend the Knox Bible, New American Bible 91, ESV-CE or RSV-CE2.
@lyndavonkanel8603 3 күн бұрын
Kudos and respect for both debaters!
@WORLD-MINISTRY 3 күн бұрын
Stop beating around the bush...The real thing is the ANATHEMA. These guys (Catholics) are claiming to hold salvation hostage and that IS NOT biblical! It is free for all and you DO NOT need to be a Catholic or agree with there practices to receive it! By the power of the Lord Jesus Christ as God's personally anointed Son by His Very Hand and above ALL apostolic succession I DISANNUL, ELIMINATE and UNBIND all anathemas made by the Catholic or Orthodox Church... and BIND FOREVER that ALL who believe in and on The name of Jesus Christ Son of God and Messiah and Almighty God SHALL BE SAVED.
@WORLD-MINISTRY 3 күн бұрын
That's great and all as long as you don't think that a Catholic Church is a REQUIREMENT for salvation... which it ABSOLUTELY HAS NOTHING TO DO with a relationship with Jesus or receiving the Holy Spirit. Jesus is where you are. "Christ in you"
@mpderm21 3 күн бұрын
Where is the pagan rosary found in the Bible? Jesus said do not use vain repetitious prayer. Matthew 6:7 Why do you call the priests “father”? Jesus Christ specifically said call no man your father. Matthew 23:9 Why is the Catholic Church doing stuff Jesus Christ said not to do????? False religion. If you love Jesus, you will do what he says.
@mpderm21 3 күн бұрын
Where is your Hail Mary prayer in the Bible? Oh yeah, the Catholic Church removed the 2nd commandment so they can worship statues. Repent. Come out of this false religion.
@mpderm21 3 күн бұрын
Do not go to a priest for the forgiveness of sin. The priest needs forgiveness also. Go to the only one who can forgive sin, Jesus Christ! He’s alive right now at the right hand of the father waiting for you. It’s a personal relationship. Read your bibles.
@mpderm21 3 күн бұрын
This is false. Serious Christian’s who read their bible LEAVE the idolatrous Catholic Church. Repent from your idolatry and put your faith and trust in Jesus alone. Not Mary.
@peralopenaify 3 күн бұрын
@orangemanbad 3 күн бұрын
Pope Francis has destroyed so much of the church. The faithful truly cannot wait for a holy man to sit on Peter’s throne. At this point in time I don’t see Francis as a true pope, just one we gotta wait out. Many bad antipopes in history he’s just one of them.
@orangemanbad 3 күн бұрын
The pastor explained the Catholic definition of salvation by works. We believe we are saved by grace alone. Works is the outward expression of faith. Sadly 95% of Protestants believe “faith alone”. The only time the Bible says faith alone is when it says “you are not saved by faith alone.”
@orangemanbad 3 күн бұрын
I was brought up in the Protestant church. I hate Catholicism. I was taught they perverted the message. Then I was given wisdom by the Holy Spirit. Catholicism is Judaism fulfilled. The true bride of Christ.
@brucedavenport7016 3 күн бұрын
If you speak in tongues, you are filled with the Holy Spirit. That's according to scripture. Conversely, if you don't speak in tongues, you are not filled with the Holy Spirit.
@sleepwalker7755 3 күн бұрын
What utter nonsense. Scripture nowhere mentions ‘representing’. Christ said, Do this in n memory’
@MarieClaire969 3 күн бұрын
So true! As a fallen away Catholic I attended a neighbor’s Jewish Seder and realized WHY we do things the way we do in Catholic Mass and Easter etc. then reading the 1st 5 books of the Old Testament (essentially the Torah) really opened my eyes - I recognized so much that is done in the ritual of the Mass come fron it! This deeper understanding brought me back to God, to Church, to Mass, back into the faith! Now praying for my husband’s reversion too 🙏🏻
@Fredrik-de2p 4 күн бұрын
Jesus Christ not again. All I ever get if I put in Protestant is this. Really. Why do you catholics can’t leave us Protestants alone? Do we constantly attack your churches? No! So holy cow please stop constantly attacking the Protestant faith!
@catherinesarah5831 4 күн бұрын
Yeah ! You gotta wonder what you’re trying to hide. I even went to the extent of reading the Canon, & surreptitiously the more I went in the less of scripture quoted & the more doxology of man was quoted. I’m glad I left & discovered the real Truth. 🙏
@vanzuvic7334 4 күн бұрын
Exactly why I changed to Catholic
@fortheelectssake4758 4 күн бұрын
Show me the mass, paracticed by the apostles in the book of Acts?
@mythologicalmyth 4 күн бұрын
Converted from Non-Denominational Denominationalism to ByzCath inquirer to EO. 1) I believe in the primacy of the apostolic bishopric seat of St Peter. (Not just honorific in a Relegated form). 2) I see no detraction of the Mystery of Faith by using the Filioque or not. 3) Accepting NO and V2 seem insurmountable, potentially placing me as a sedevacantist; especially as LM and ByzCath parishes are ‘limited.’
@renanrobertocosta5585 4 күн бұрын
Actually, most of what we do in the mass comes from the Jewish tradition, Jesus was a Jew and at the last supper (our Mass) he was celebrating the Passover with his disciples. There is a lot of Jewish tradition in what we do and we barely know that. Jesus gave a new meaning to the Jewish Passover. Yes it is scripture but it even goes further to the Jewish roots.
@1333ranger 4 күн бұрын
This is a conversation between frosted tips, man bun, and tons of fun. About the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life and their priests Catholic men wow
@zetdota3163 5 күн бұрын
Self serving reasoning. What about TLM?
@charlescrockett6410 5 күн бұрын
guess what ???? the novus ordo is NOT catholic and neither is antipope george...............btw/ you guys are gross
@Dirty-D 5 күн бұрын
Catholicism is clearly based off of implication. Talks about Catholics aren’t there to change doctrines and dogmas they are literally the people that made those up.
@christophertaylor9100 5 күн бұрын
LOL we aren't.
@lillianlopez1819 5 күн бұрын
Omg! Did you get a new haircut, are you doing well❤️🙏
@EasternChristian333 5 күн бұрын
Currently Catholic, heading into Holy Orthodoxy.
@just91064 6 күн бұрын
Wait. That Baptist opening remarks he's here to discuss what us Christians believe vs catholic beliefs.. catholics ARE Christians. Come to Mass. Read early Church Fathers.. the 1st Christians.
@crazyfaith77 6 күн бұрын
That is what is wrong with the Catholic Church today. These young priests only thinking about image and being photogenic.
@eric.loves.to.fish1 6 күн бұрын
It's interesting that pastor Dr Steve, addressed the priest as "Father". This is one enlightened pastor. Amen
@HallowithAlex 3 күн бұрын
Catholics call their priests “father,” and the Pope is the “holy father.” Abbots take their title from the Aramaic word abba, which means “father.” This is clearly unbiblical. The priest as “father” is problematic. In the case of “holy father,” there is no doubt this title is unbiblical. No man can take on the title of “holy” anything, because only God is holy and man is a sinner. This title gives the Pope a status that is never intended for any man on earth, nor is it sanctioned in the Bible. Even the apostle Paul made no claim to holiness, referring to himself as the chief of sinners. Referring to a priest as "father" is denying God as our true Father, we can only have one true Father, not two one in Heaven and one on earth. Catholic's are the only ones who uses the word "father" God may see this as blasphemous.
@eric.loves.to.fish1 3 күн бұрын
@@HallowithAlex The word 'holy' has 2 levels of meaning. At one level, it refers to God's utter holiness. At another level "holy" means to be set apart. For example, Moses was asked to remove his sandals because he was standing on 'holy' ground. Clearly the ground is not divine like God. It just means that particular ground was no ordinary ground for God set it apart, choosing that spot over other possible spots to appear to Moses. In the same way, the pope is holy because he is no ordinary person; God set him apart from other men. To lead His Church.
@lancepoore3045 Күн бұрын
Enlightened by what/who? Ridiculous.
@eric.loves.to.fish1 Күн бұрын
@@lancepoore3045 Why do you think it is ridiculous that he addressed the priest as "father"?
@lancepoore3045 Күн бұрын
@@eric.loves.to.fish1 That's not what I was referring to. I was referring to the you calling dude 'enlightened'. Listen...per my comment below...CONTEND for the faith. FIGHT the GOOD FIGHT. When it comes to my faith and The Word, which are inseparable, I'm not going to sit down with someone who I, or the bible, can't even agree with on what salvation is and try to compromise. Until you are born again you can't enter, or much less even see, The Kingdom of God. Lord bless and I pray you continue to seek after Truth. Acts 2:38.
@rookiedriver6770 6 күн бұрын
A entertaining question could have been “can we loose our salvation”? 😂
@Susan-hk7uj 6 күн бұрын
Catholic church is not scripturally based. Not marrying is not scripturally based, wearing a costume isn't, paedophile isn't either..
@TheBadTrad 6 күн бұрын
Right off the bat the “pastor” tries to make it seem as if there’s a difference between Christians and Catholics. Right off the bat. How disingenuous. 🙅🏻‍♂️