A little civ 6, cuz why not?
21 күн бұрын
@emoaf8555 15 күн бұрын
Wait so normal sized male Tav would be bottomed by this twink?
@gorillachronicles 19 күн бұрын
Did this guy just say she was 16 and he had left for college
@nocturna76 19 күн бұрын
16 & 18 isn't that far apart, happens all the time with high school kids when they're in different years, i knew a ton of 18 yr olds IN high school who were dating 16 yr olds who were in the same school with them at the time. i think the romeo & juliet statute is specifically about these relationships
@Essbee3 25 күн бұрын
Another possible way/outcome: I had met Raphael in last light with astarion, and astarion brought up his scars at that point. Raphael said he’d get back to us. Cue me accidentally going up to the temple without astarion in my party… raphael proposes killing yugir but no mention of astarion. Return to camp and astarion was disappointed he wasn’t there, but basically suggested killing the orthon anyways to get in Raphael’s favour. Next long rest, astarion talked to me in the morning saying that Raphael paid him a visit in the night and proposed the deal about reading his scars and I have the option to agree or scold astarion for making the deal without me. Hopefully a helpful FYI in case anyone wondered about another outcome/route
@1Gingerduckling 25 күн бұрын
Oh, Neil did the mo cap for the lycans too?? That's so interesting
@elemmir 26 күн бұрын
"hello mummy" nearly made me choke 😂
@everoposuo 27 күн бұрын
It's just astonishing Hannah never pressed charges and forced the band to change their name as was the case with Darling Thieves (who were originally called I Hate Kate)
@amberh709 Ай бұрын
I think we were all a little scared and a little turned on during this scene 😂
@amberh709 Ай бұрын
He is such a cutie patootie (both Neil and Heisenburg)
@margem8020 Ай бұрын
@ZoeCaleban Ай бұрын
@Vampy-i4l 2 ай бұрын
He looks like jerma
@v3ru586 2 ай бұрын
Astarion feels ace to me. Sure, everyone can romance him, and he's even having intercourse when romanced. But it always felt transactional when I romanced him, the same way romance and intercourse feels to me irl. I let you bang me and you buy me dinner, Astarion bangs Tav, Tav protects astarion. He even has a line where he admits that sex isn't about enjoyment for him, and another one where he mentions the lack of sex with Tav (at least he had when I "romanced" him. I ended up seeing him and my Tav as a happy ace couple once the Abilene paradox got revealed to them)
@aresthevampire3221 2 ай бұрын
This game is so fucked up i love it lmao
@ragedvenom1487 2 ай бұрын
I wonder what would happen if Astarion and Heisenberg were to meet, how would Neil react then?
@petloverspy 2 ай бұрын
@ArDeeMee 2 ай бұрын
„My MOM saw the bear stuff!“ … pffffffft. 😂
@SwedePotato314 2 ай бұрын
The boundary talk before-hand is so refreshing in gaming tbh.
@anhelina2726 3 ай бұрын
what does Bowie's being whipped mean? like i sense there's a sexual innuendo there but what is it
@nocturna76 3 ай бұрын
being 'whipped' is a slang term rather than literal. the idea is that when someone in a relationship is 'whipped' it means that they will do anything to make their partner happy, no matter what. hope that help clears it up! & ty for watching & commenting!
@jenelmendez 3 ай бұрын
Neil and Karl are daddy
@iriska_kiskan7675 3 ай бұрын
Well, to tell the truth, in BG3, all the satellites are pansexual. Even if you're a scary dwarf, the whole camp is ready to love you anyway. And this, to be honest, is not very good. If every member of the party had their own preferences, it would make them more alive or something. For example, DA Inquisition, I used to scold the game that some characters have limited novels. For example, Solas is only for female elves, and Dorian is only for men. But on the other hand, it's even good, it means everyone has their own preferences for race and gender. And Larian has everything available, and this is still with Divinity OS2. Take Fein, for example, he's an undead, he had a wife, why would he need a living mortal man? Of course, thank you for making the characters accessible to any race and gender, but this way they lose their individuality. I'm sorry, it's boiling over) 🤷
@AndrewG-h8c 3 ай бұрын
This character voice was horrible
@ewyna8409 4 ай бұрын
Looking at some of the comments, i find it quite... interesting to see some people coming on a video of Astarion's actor confirming that Astarion is pansexual to claim to know better than the man who played the character for 4 years and that "nuhu, he's 100% gay / would be 100% gay if he wasn't pan". Stephen Rooney said the base concept for Astarion was "medieval Deadpool" (Deadpool is pan btw) and Neil Newbon has said David Bowie (who was bisexual) was one of his inspiration while playing the character. He even romances Astarion with a female character named Bow'ee in his own playthrough. But let's see the arguments generally used to prove he's gay or has a huge preference for men (buckle up it's going to be long) : He talks about "handsome virgin" and "prince-type". Well in the context of the game these are very much gender neutral. Handsome can be used for both men and women, and it is used in game for both, like Minthara calling herself handsome or Karlach calling a female Tav "handsome and talented" for instance. As for the "prince-*type*", nobility titles in game usually default to their masculine form, even for female characters like Duke (not Duchess) Stellmane who is a woman, Duke Wyll who can name a fem Tav Duke (still not Duchess) or Gortash telling a fem Durge that the two of them will rule as Kings (not King and Queen). In that instance Astarion is also talking about what we consider irl as the archetype of a fairy tale prince, just like when he calls Volo a "Damsel". Not to mention in both cases, considering the tone he uses, the context of these lines and in the case of the "prince-type" comment, the other things he says in the very same conversation, he's very likely just being sarcastic anyways. He has slept with more men than women for the past 200 years. Yes and he’s very clear it wasn’t by choice and he didn’t enjoy it. He compares himself to a prostitute and especially as Origin Astarion he can have an interesting chat with Nym and Sorn Orlith at SC where he tells them “I was once in your position, in a way” and when Sorn asks him how it was, all of Astarion’s answers are negative 1/”I try not to think about it any longer”, 2/”Just what I had to do to get by.”, 3/”I was forced into it, but it sounds as if you weren’t” and last but not least 4/”Horrible. Unfathomably so.” He also says himself about these relationships and his conquests things like “I spent two hundred years using my body to lure pretty things back for my Master. What I wanted, how I felt about what I was doing, it never mattered.”, “I've gotten on my back ten thousand times or more, and forgotten half of them.", "Enjoyment ? That didn't come into it. I never had a choice. I have bedded thousands of people. Half of them I barely remember. Most of them didn't even grant me temporary bliss.” or “They weren't lovers... not in the way that you mean. They wanted me more than I wanted them.” Then, since he’s often brought up, and people seem to really like to call him Astarion’s ex-lover, let’s talk about Sebastian. He was not a lover, only a victim. Astarion remembers him because he was one of the first and one of the few who didn’t abuse him and he feels guilty for ruining this nice man’s life, but even so, when meeting him as Origin Astarion there are a few interesting things we can see. First Astarion needs to succeed a DC 18 check to even remember his name or pass a DC 10 check to dig it from Sebastian’s head, all the other options are some variations of “I can’t remember”. And then, the only dialogue option implying he was even attracted to Sebastian is a DC 20 [DECEPTION] check. So, if these relationships are supposed to show a huge preference for men, what he himself says does a pretty good job at showing the opposite to be quite honest… Besides, considering he was picking up his victims in taverns and brothels, it’s not really surprising that a majority of them would be men, regardless of any preference. He probably simply had more opportunities with men than women in that kind of places. Now let’s see what happens during the game. He expresses in various dialogues that he finds both the male and female companions attractive, but his actions seem to lean slightly more towards the ladies actually. He consistently flirts with Shadoheart and Lae’zel the most out of all the companions through all 3 acts, but he can also invite Karlach on a date or Jaheira to a threesome with a romanced player (though to be fair, for the one with Jaheira, i think he's mostly being sarcastic here too). He can sleep with Lae’zel at the Tieffling/Goblin party if the player doesn’t sleep with any of them. She’s the only character outside of the player’s he will actually sleep with during the events of the game. He can also invite Alfira to his tent, and if not romanced he’ll flirt with the girl in the sewers. If he catches the player cheating on him with Mizora, UA will admit that he would’ve been interested in sleeping with her too before, and AA will admit that he’d be interested if she offered, complain that he wasn’t invited to join and ask to be invited if there’s a next time. So he is clearly written and acted as pansexual, he shows attraction towards both men and women and it’s not even clear if he even has a preference. In the end he falls for Tav/Durge no matter what’s in their pants because they’re the first person in 200 years who shows him genuine care and kindness, who isn’t with him only for his body but likes him for who he is and with whom he can form a real, safe and loving relationship.
@nocturna76 4 ай бұрын
Yes, I actually read this entire comment and I appreciate it and agree with just about everything you said so thank you for posting it!
@ewyna8409 4 ай бұрын
@@nocturna76 Thanks for reading all of it. I'll have to admit, it's really bothering me that people keep calling him gay (as in strictly attracted to men) when the people who created and brought him to life have all confirmed he's pansexual, and it is very visible in game that he swings both ways.
@ManubibiWalsh 4 ай бұрын
I’m crying HE’S RIZZING HIMSELF 😂😂😂😂
@mirandawinstead6540 4 ай бұрын
Because at that moment it's what he felt like doing 😊
@the_revanchistlegion 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for uploading this. I was admittedly quite worried when I learned that Raphael was the key to solving Astarion’s scars, as he wasn’t in my party when I encountered Raphael at the Inn or at the Temple entrance…I was already in early Act III by the time I figured it out 🤦‍♂️. I was contemplating whether or not I should reload a save when I saw your video, and thanks to you I won’t have to redo hours upon hours worth of stuff lmao. You just earned yourself a sub, thanks again for uploading this 👍💯
@nocturna76 4 ай бұрын
ty very much for the sub, it is appreciated. & yes, i kept hearing ppl say that him not talking to raph would completely screw up his quest. & he actually NEVER leaves my party, like, ever lol, so i had TWO runs in a row, where even though he was with me, the convo with raph never happened (might be a mod causing it, but no clue which or why, & i hate the thought of removing any of them). yet, in both runs, his quest still worked out & it didn't mess up the romance either, so the game managed to find a way, both times. though i'm still rather annoyed that because of it skipping the convo i missed some astarion dialogues/scenes after the orthon. *sigh* but at least the quest & romance still worked, so i figured i'd post it to help out ppl that were also worried. so glad i could! ty again!
@GrandAngel8000 4 ай бұрын
Well ... while it's evident old Astarion is no more when he ascends, it's also clear he still deeply cares for you in a relationship. Sure, his ego is absolutely HUGE, but he shares it all with someone he does truly care for, in his own twisted way. Ascension Astarion may be rather monstrous, but he's still a caring monster who wants to keep his valued partner safe and happy.
@nocturna76 4 ай бұрын
i just can't ever forgive him making tav a spawn, essentially taking away all of their free will, & flat out refusing to make them a real vampire, (& blatantly lying about giving them his blood after the 'last night alive' scene). especially after what he went through as a spawn. & at the end of the video, when tav asks about freedom (the one thing spawn astarion always treasured above all), what he says in return is clearly a threat, just like cazador would have done to a spawn who didn't even have the previous romantic relationship with him that tav had. so i will never, ever be able to accept/endure him stealing away the free will of someone he supposedly 'loves' as it's the absolute opposite of love to literally enslave someone you claim to care about. but that's just my opinion on the matter, of course.
@stekkc 4 ай бұрын
No. He refuses to complete the process and make you a vampire. He chooses to maintain the ability to compel you, should you not continue to be "wonderfully obedient." Ascended Astarion will eventually tire of you and... Did you not pass the check to read his thoughts of what he thought of you? He WANTS to degrade you.
@GrandAngel8000 4 ай бұрын
@stekkc I did say he is monstrous. With that said, if you break it off with him, does he stop you? No. He is definitely upset but still lets you go.
@Lleq3 4 ай бұрын
@@GrandAngel8000 if you think the ascended astarion-tav relationship is what deeply caring for someone looks like i worry about you
@GrandAngel8000 4 ай бұрын
@Lleq3 Oh yes, I'm sure you worry. Please, don't stop with having such a tender heart. It's desperately needed in this cruel world. No, but really, I do prefer spawn Astarion. He's completely himself and not absolutely twisted by unholy, corruptive power. I would never let him ascend.
@AlbichuDR 4 ай бұрын
I *always* ascend him.
@TimerFunReal 4 ай бұрын
we repeating the cycle abuse with this one
@Lyvianne84 4 ай бұрын
❤I got this in my very first play through and forgot about it!
@Adler_Himself 4 ай бұрын
@thewarsawcat6831 4 ай бұрын
Oh yes. I LOVE Astarion, but I only prefer him as a Spawn. The ascended route is not only evil but also very...sad. A victim turns into tormentor. The circle of brutality closes. Love turns into a sick obsession. Even if I played an evil character, I would never allow the ritual. I like this character too much to hurt him like that. And Tav's behavior is also sad here. Instead of showing that Astarion is great the way he is and doesn't need to be some kind of Vampire Lord, she pushes him into this darkness. Ascending route is vey sad story for Astarion and for his lover. However, Larian did a good job of showing two different paths of a character who has been tortured for so many years.
@nocturna76 4 ай бұрын
couldn't agree more. i wanted the title to reflect the fact that this was something i did just to say i had done it once, & i'll never, ever do it again. what i showed here wasn't even the worst of the things ascended says or does, but i couldn't bear to go back & replay the even worse bits, even to make a vid. & even if i ever did play evil, which i won't, i don't think i'd EVER want to endure how badly he treats tav after ascension, i don't know how anyone could 😥...especially when compared to how sweet & romantic spawn is 🥰
@kosaciecsyberyjski 4 ай бұрын
God astarion isnt a chracter that i like normally but ehs such an ass when hes ascended 😭 wtf
@ciminot1222 4 ай бұрын
Why did you ascend in a good playthrough? Ofcourse you're going to hate it if it doesn't match with your roleplay 😂
@nocturna76 4 ай бұрын
i always do good playthroughs, him ascending will NEVER match my playthrough lol. but the fact that it was a good playthrough isn't my main problem with him ascending. yes killing 7k ppl sucks, especially in a good playthrough, but the thing i absolutely loathe about ascended is the way he treats you when you're romancing him, good playthrough or not. the difference between the way spawn treats you & the way ascended does is what makes me absolutely HATE ascending him, the 7k sacrifices is just adding insult to injury. it's his treatment of tav that is the thing i cannot stomach, good playthrough or not. only did it to try & figure out why anyone would EVER prefer this version of him. even if you're "evil" i don't know how anyone could stand the way his behavior towards "his love" changes soo much. i'd think evil ppl might even kill him for the way he acts. but the reason i insisted on doing a good playthrough (like i always do) despite that is to see if it would have any effect at all on ascended's behavior if helping him ascend is the ONLY evil thing tav ever did. mainly i just wanted to do it & get it out of the way so i never had to do it again. & honestly, even if i could stand doing an evil playthrough, i STILL could NEVER stand the way ascended treats tav 😢
@ciminot1222 4 ай бұрын
@@nocturna76 I understand, the Ascended route (evil routes in general) isn't for everyone. I see people trying to force it and I'm just like don't go there if you don't enjoy it. I don't mean this in any bad way to anyone but I think when people only see it from a perspective of a good aligned character and a lot of self insert, it's hard for people to see Ascended Astarion in any other way in regards to how he treats the player. Especially when the player chooses the dialogue options that match this type of character and then the result is that Astarion acts angrily towards the player but to me it makes logical sense when your values and goals don't line up with him. You're not wrong in any way to not like him this way, I guess I'm just confused sometimes how people approach the game. For me I think Larian did a good job to make things vague enough to leave it up to the player to fill in the blanks to better enable their role-play. I enjoy both paths but that's because I'm really into roleplay so my perspective shifts and the lense through which I look at him (not just him all characters) changes. So when he is evil his values and goals would probably match my characters. Right now I'm doing a good aligned paladin playthrough she would never ascend Astarion but she did kill the 7000 spawn because of her oath. Anyway, I'm rambling, I don't know if I'm making sense either feel free to shit on me 😅
@K.Bbluesword 4 ай бұрын
I play a choatic neutral character sooo
@nocturna76 4 ай бұрын
@@K.Bbluesword yeah i say i play "good," but honestly i'm much more chaotic neutral as well, (i consider that "good, but realistic" & not any paladin-y ridiculous nonsense about "i must kill anything that doesn't agree with my oath" etc). but i consider chaotic neutral a hell of a lot closer to good than evil. i help & save ppl etc, i'm just sassy/sarcastic about it & don't go around singing "guess who's here to save the day" & telling everyone i meet that i'm gonna help them (though i generally do help them lol.) after all, that's the way (spawn) astarion likes his lovers 😘
@Jillbles 4 ай бұрын
​​@@nocturna76I did the exact same thing on my 2nd playthrough. I TRIED to play it dark, but couldn't, but I still went through with my plans to ascend him; I wanted to know. The way he talked to me made me sick. Literally. He went from being my favorite character in the game to one I didn't want to talk to, because whenever I did he made me feel bad. Guilty. Angry. I couldn't even finish the playthrough, so full credit for doing it. I went back to my save at Cazador's and undid it. It'll be a long while, if ever, before I ever ascend him again. I can feel guilty and bad and angry all on my own; I don't need it in my recreational entertainment.
@zarenboug5410 4 ай бұрын
Kamski would win
@amberh709 4 ай бұрын
*Neil and Tom playfully arguing about Neil romancing himself* Theo: 🙂
@jackiea9246 4 ай бұрын
I love how Neil is living out his death by snu snu fantasy 😂 I’m SCREAMING
@jadeddeath02 5 ай бұрын
I absolutely love the dialogue “this is a gift you know, I won’t forget it.” He says the same thing in Act 1 when you let him use you as a sippy cup, lol. But hearing it again in Act 3 made me cry. Still does. 🥹🥹🥹
@halapenopepper 5 ай бұрын
i didn't romance him on my playthrough, but he was never in the party to trigger any conversation with raphael, and i read the necromancy myself... his quest line went totally unbroken and simply skipped ahead. It was a touch confusing in act three suddenly talking about a ritual we never discovered, but the game went on regardless. I think generally, if you want to avoid the mess in the temple of shar or want to do it in a way that doesn't benefit astarion, simply don't let him meet raphael outside
@nocturna76 5 ай бұрын
i was actually infuriated that in my last 2 runs the convo between astarion & raphael never triggered (since astarion never leaves my party.) i always looked forward to the post-yurgir scene where astarion thanks you, & the one where raph comes to camp & tells him about the scars/ritual, & i lose both of those when the convo doesn't trigger, & i loathe losing any astarion content (plus, i never understood why anyone would willingly kill the orthon for raphael anyway, if it weren't to get something in return, for instance, his help? but oh well). i just posted this because ppl were saying that if the star/raph convo didn't happen it would screw up his quest & the romance, & so far, both seem to be working, though i'm still annoyed at losing astarion dialogue thx to the game skipping the convo twice in a row now 🙁
@monicavelazquez818 4 ай бұрын
@@nocturna76so. I did the yurgir quest. Then long rested to trigger Raphael coming to the camp. Then headed to moonrise. But didn’t speak to araj. Did a partial long rest. And the post yurgir confession was triggered. Maybe that could help the next time you do a romanced astarion playthrough. I remember missing out so much because I didn’t do enough long rests. It seems romance scenes are triggered when you head to moonrise. Like Gale and Astarion. Depending which confession you’d like. Post araj or post yurgir. Which I prefer the post yurgir confession. It’s so heartbreaking to hear him to explain how he doesn’t know how to be with someone.
@BoldlyGoing 5 ай бұрын
Interesting... I kept Astarion at camp when we run into Raphy outside the mausoleum so we got to skip that so I could eventually recruit Yurgir the easy way. It did give me the option to tell him about it but I ignored it and by finding the spawn at the tavern and going to the palace, we still pieced it all together. But this is excellent to know! good job 👍
@nocturna76 5 ай бұрын
hmm, astarion has never left my party once since i started playing in december 2020, & he's always my romance interest, so i never know how things work without him lol. so i always have had him talking to raph every single time i've gotten that far, up until my last 2 runs, so i thought it was super-weird when he no longer had that convo in these last 2 runs i did, & ppl were saying all sorts of things, like he was gonna dump me & his quest would be broken, etc, so that's why i posted this, in case others ran into that problem & were worried. 🤔 as for yurgir, i've still done the thing where you make him take himself out & then get him to help you fight raph later, the worst that happens is astarion complains about you not attacking him & you get a -1 approval at first, then get it back just as easily once yurgir is taken care of, but you also get a hilarious convo where you can make astarion awkwardly thank you for helping him, so it's worth it for that temp loss of 1 approval hehe. but that's just another reason i've been soooo annoyed that the scars convo with raph hasn't been triggering for me, cuz then i miss out on the dialogue i just mentioned, since without that convo with raph, astarion literally has no reaction to anything with yurgir (& then it seems to me that it also makes no sense that you'd help raph just cuz he asked, but i digress). but thx for the info!
@dogteeeth 5 ай бұрын
its so interesting seeing the solo interactions with astarion and the drow twins because if you romance him (SPOILERS) in either the ascension ending or the non-ascended ending, if you have sex with the drow siblings afterwards (he isnt ready before) both scenes show that astarion is potentially worse off for it despite what he initially says :(
@nocturna76 5 ай бұрын
yes, the first time i ever interacted with them in the game was while romancing spawn astarion. i spoke to them with him both before & after finishing his quest. i've also seen on another vid what happens with ascended astarion & them. & i agree that it's not something he really is into all that much either way (which is another reason why i believe spawn being "okay" with halsin interjecting himself into your relationship is just a facade to hide how scared he really is of losing tav. then again, nearly everything with astarion is a facade for 90% of the game,) which is why it's so satisfying when you finally start to see the real him when romancing spawnstarion & you get the act 2 confession & the subsequent graveyard scene in act 3 🥰
@Ragneidr 5 ай бұрын
It’s not entirely clear to me why many people consider him too feminine, I don’t see this femininity, facial features, behavior, yes there are moments, but nothing more. and when he takes away his theatricality, he is more masculine than many of the male characters in the camp
@Ragneidr 5 ай бұрын
It’s not entirely clear to me why many people consider him too feminine, I don’t see this femininity, facial features, behavior, yes there are moments, but nothing more. and when he takes away his theatricality, he is more masculine than many of the male characters in the camp
@lee-oe7rr 5 ай бұрын
Imagine heisenberg talking to heisenberg that would be complete chaos
@RowinAlong 5 ай бұрын
The BG3 cast D&D session really casts the Drizzt option in a new light. This really is the game that doesn't stop giving.
@mencobasukses97 5 ай бұрын
this is what elijah did in his spare time after quitting CyberLife
@Wendel.Fernandes_ 5 ай бұрын
What a mediocre and ridiculous character, maybe the actor is wholesome on the other hand.
@Sarah_9132 5 ай бұрын
This was actually pretty sweet, I liked it 🥲
@leafc6744 6 ай бұрын
his smile 🥹🥹
@EVISims 6 ай бұрын
@alexc119 6 ай бұрын
Wait what the hell XD I did both romances and at the party we were all still together, but I never got any cutscenes
@nocturna76 6 ай бұрын
This is from a few months ago.They've changed the endings a lot since then
@HP-sx5gv 6 ай бұрын
Neil is so HOT