The Restoration of Peter
21 күн бұрын
Experiences in the Baptist Ministry
Maybe Today - Heritage Baptist Trio
The Still Small Voice of God
28 күн бұрын
The Unknown God, Acts 17:10-34
We Have Seen Strange Things!
Nineveh Eclipse Nonsense!
The Alberico Family - Live in Me
A History of the King James Bible
False Doctrine! The Gap Theory
Why Don't You Grow Up?
3 ай бұрын
Turning the World Upside Down
Falling Off the Flat Earth!
4 ай бұрын
A Brief History of the Baptists
@skmcpheron 2 күн бұрын
Hello Mr. BILL, 🐞 ladybug here! I listened to this video again and God is amazing, I learned so much today in His Word. Thank you!!! I'm patiently waiting for Saturdays live youtube chat. The Lord Jesus blessed you with teaching abilities for our spiritual growth in Him. Praise the Lord!
@skmcpheron 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for teaching on true Historical Christianity Mr Bill. What a Godsend, so wonderful and thank you Lord Jesus.
@sammcrae8892 4 күн бұрын
And He will save to the uttermost all who believe in His blood atonement for our sins. If you are saved, this is easy to understand, it doesn't even have to be understood; because you KNOW it. But for the unbelieving -- it is hard. Satan has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving world, and this will only become worse as his power grows (over mankind) in the end of the age. The Lord Jesus Christ said: Come, let us reason together. And as it is written: Every Knee Shall Bow, and Every Tongue Confess that Jesus Christ is LORD! No matter if they want to, or not. Today is the day of salvation, for we know not what tomorrow may bring. But only believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save you from your sins and the fires of eternal condemnation, and YOU will be SAVED! It's the free gift of God, and all you have to do is BELIEVE. It has nothing to do with what you can do to deserve it, because none of us deserve anything, but The Lord Jesus Christ offered Himself on the cross to pay for your salvation, and all you have to do is believe and accept the gift of life by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. That is the Gospel. Don't be deceived, many will say that this is not enough, and that you have to add one thing or another; but search and study the Bible; the Gospel is so simple that a child can understand it, and so profound that you could spend a lifetime to plumb the depths of its truth, and never find it all. Get saved, the time is grown short, and perilous. If you want help to study, try Les Feldick here on KZbin, or Chuck Missler, or Allen Nolan. There's many others, but I recommend that you stick with good Bible based Dispensational teachers, because they stick to the basics and accept the Bible as the Words of God. And pay attention to the teachings of Paul, it's all in there. 🙏✝️👑✝️🙏 Hope to see you soon 👀🕊️
@mariodebeer 4 күн бұрын
I heard that voice saw the church and bam!!!!!!It's brother Bill friend of Spennie!!!
@listeningservantsministries. 4 күн бұрын
hey brother bill! i am so sorry i keep missing your livestream! i am so used to it being on Friday that i forget. i need to rewind my internal brother bill livestream clock. but now i do i have a reminder.
@BrotherBill 4 күн бұрын
No worries, but I think you got confused. We have always done it on Saturday. There have only been one or two occasions we did it another night. Thanks for watching anyway!
@listeningservantsministries. 4 күн бұрын
@@BrotherBill then i must have dementia. lol. because i thought it was on Friday. 😂
@NanC777 5 күн бұрын
I love the book of Ruth. Thanks for covering this beautiful story fir us. I pray your back is feeling better, Bro Bill
@NanC777 5 күн бұрын
@BrotherBill 5 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, Nan!
@sammcrae8892 5 күн бұрын
Of course, the Roman church to this day claims that the Waldenses (Albigensians, Bogomils, Hussites, and other Christian groups) were gnostic heretics and while they deserved to be wiped out, it was actually the fault of their own governments that they were targeted, and the popes only agreed to it reluctantly and with sorrow. Since the catholics were the vast majority of those who were educated and had charge of almost all written materials, which they could hide, destroy, or alter at their leisure for over a thousand years; it's truly amazing that we even know of the Waldenses and others historically represented the true Church of Christianity from the beginning and all the way to the reformation which they eventually joined themselves to in order to survive. Of all the crimes and heresies of the Roman Catholic Church, the crusades and massacres against the true Christian believers is the greatest. And their repression of the Bible outside of the clergy is the second. 🙏✝️👑✝️🙏
@carolyngruszka6094 5 күн бұрын
I never really understand all the depth of this book. I usually just read through this without understanding all the spiritual implications
@aarongreenier8794 5 күн бұрын
Very important history that few know, keep doing this important work brother bill we appreciate it very much.
@Derekmartin20 5 күн бұрын
Excellent!! I been wearing my ( Don't make me repeat myself, History) shirt I got from your store. People that know me say it was made for me 😆 🤣.
@BrotherBill 5 күн бұрын
Awesome! I love that one! I wear it myself!
@marinaJD89 5 күн бұрын
Thank you Brother Bill! I watched the replay. The book of Ruth is a very beautiful book rich in prophetic implications & typology including perhaps the Rapture. The story of Ruth beautifully details God's ways. Thank you for taking us through this amazing book! Blessings to you
@kerrylawson7515 6 күн бұрын
10 minutes is a looooong intro, brother.
@BrotherBill 6 күн бұрын
Its to give folk time to gather for the live broadcast. If you are watching after the fact you can just skip over it.
@carriemyers4241 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for this study bro Bill. It really encouraged me!
@GoodNewsMom 9 күн бұрын
Brother Bill, are you a Brider? I was baptized in a non-denomination church, where I just learned the pastor at that time heading the church when I was baptized recently (2 months ago recently) quoted Rick Warren in a sermon he gave. It is a rock-concert church. My husband and I recently joined an IFB church. Do you think I need to get baptized by our new church given this info? Thank you SO MUCH for your time if you can answer this.
@BrotherBill 9 күн бұрын
Hello, Good News Mom! Excellent questions! I am not a Baptist Brider. At least not in the proper sense of the term. Baptist Briders teach that only Baptist believers in properly constituted Baptist churches are the bride of Christ. This is completely false. Any true believer in Christ is part of the bride of Christ and will go to be with Him at the rapture. There will be some from many different denominations there and not all the Baptist will be there. Having said that, I believe that the beliefs traditionally held by the Baptists are the most biblical and that those views are held by some Independent Baptists today. Note I say some, not all. There are folks calling themselves the New IFB today that are preaching false doctrine. There are also Independent Baptist churches that have compromised sound doctrine. Having said all that, there are those who use the term Baptist Brider to describe anyone who believes that only the Baptists hold correct doctrine and that all churches, regardless of the names given them in previous centuries since the time of Christ, were in fact Baptist. This is not a proper use the term Baptist Brider. I believe that many groups for the past 2,000 years held to Baptist doctrine (the Waldenses, about half of the Anabaptists, the Paulicians, other groups) and we are simply a continuation of their lineage. I do hold to this teaching, but do not consider this a Baptist Bride position because I believe there are others who are truly saved. As for getting baptized in your new church, that is really a discussion between you and your pastor. Baptism requires three things to be valid, the right subject, the right method, and the right authority. The subject is the person being baptized. They have to be saved and have given a clear testimony to that effect to the one baptizing them. The method is by immersion in deep water as a symbol and not in order to be saved (baptismal regeneration). The authority is the one baptizing them. The authority rests not in the individual performing the baptism, but in the church that authorized him. The church must be doctrinally sound (Baptist in doctrine). An individual who has not been commissioned by such a church has no authority to baptize (I can't just go out baptizing people on my own). Personally, if I had a person come to me that was baptized in a Rick Warren non-denominational church, I would have to look into the church and ask the person coming to me about that church. I would be concerned about the authority of that church. The likelihood is that the church held some teachings that were false and lacked the biblical authority of a scriptural church. If that was the case they should be rebaptized. I do want to emphasize, though, that is a discussion to have with your pastor. Thanks for the great questions! Hope this helps!
@GoodNewsMom 9 күн бұрын
This very much helps indeed! Thank you so dearly for this thorough reflection and response. I am in research and conversation with my pastor as we speak. I mentioned that I do not believe you are a Brider (having this slide in this video on it, & referencing Matt 28:19), as in my pastor’s first response, he was thinking you might be a Brider. I have heard you more extensively and did not take you to be one, so I think he was perhaps lumping you in that group by mistake. I greatly appreciate your clarification!!!! Praise be to Jesus, and praying for your continued word in Christ and protection for your family.
@1Way2Heaven 9 күн бұрын
It is a joy to learn about Baptist history. I appreciate your explanation of these important people and events.
@GoodNewsMom 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for covering this. Just some thoughts/questions. How can that temple in J’lem truly be the temple of God since God rent the curtain in two of the old temple through Jesus’ death on the cross and the final propitiating sacrifice was made on behalf of all mankind? Also, isn’t the rebuilding of this temple a slap in the face of God since in building it, Israel or the Jews building it are still denying Christ’s messiah-ship and His salvific sacrifice? Would the Lord call this new temple of late they are trying to build worthy of His presence? (I really do not know). Perhaps this temple of God are the bodies of believers/the church? As Jesus compared his own body to the temple (John 2:21) and believers are exhorted that their own body as well as the church body is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16-17 & Eph. 2:21-22). Might I put forth the theory that these shots in the arm which seek to alter our dna (which also shed on others though they may have refused them) are what perhaps fulfill this idea from 2 Thess. 2:4?
@GoodNewsMom 9 күн бұрын
Also, I voted for Trujmp both times, but I’m just conjecturing here: after seeing all that Q mess (and believing it for a little bit), and realizing it was heavily connected with mystery religion, but getting somewhat deep into it, I had come across some videos claiming that Trujmp was a relative of Jesus Christ (somehow) and was tight with some hidden “true” king of England currently holding the crown & power there in secret through being a descendent of Jesus as well. Trujmp was involved in pushing these shots. He also is connected heavily with some new precious metal-backed alternative currency, and “revolutionary” healing pods (which can even supposedly reverse aging along with any disease) along with truly being Tesla’s nephew. As well, working with E Musk, who is obviously associated with nurolink (spelling errors on purpose, btw). Also, his surname is concomitant with the trump blown in 1 Cor. 15:52. Not that it is actually that trumpet, but it shares the name. Also, so many believers follow that man and I could see might be easily deceived by his potential to confirm that covenant written of in Daniel. If anyone is able to do such a treaty in the Middle East, it would be him. So, this is just a conjecture, but that perhaps he is this A/C? Just an idea given all the stuff I have seen on things since 2020.
@BrotherBill 9 күн бұрын
Hello again Good News Mom! You are right, the future temple is part of God's plan, but is an afront to Him! I talk about that a bit in this live stream: kzbin.info2KAYr-xbT-w. The Tribulation temple will be performing Old Testament sacrifices that will never take away sin and reject the efficacy of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Midway through the Tribulation the Anti-Christ will enter the ungodly temple and put a stop to the sacrifice by declaring himself to be god (its final desecration). The temple will fulfill prophecy, but it will not be a good thing! The Jews, at the midpoint of the Tribulation and at nearly the same time as the desecration of the temple, will turn to Christ for salvation through the ministry of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists. In truth the bodies of believers are the temple of God now. That which will be constructed in Jerusalem will be no different than the building that Christ declared was left desolate in Matthew 23:38 and predicted to be destroyed in Matthew 24:2. As for 2 Thessalonians 2:4, I believe this is still future and refers to the actual Anti-Christ entry into the physical temple in Jerusalem. The building will be built as the temple of God, though God will not be present there.
@GoodNewsMom 9 күн бұрын
@@BrotherBill Thank you! Appreciate the livestream link too. Lord willing, later today I’ll watch it. God speed you!
@BrotherBill 9 күн бұрын
I have heard suggestions of Trump being the Anti-Christ. Some also suggest King Charles, the president of Ukraine, and Obama. In the past they said Henry Kissinger, JFK, and even Nikita Khrushchev. 2 Thessalonians 2:8 says, "And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:" In the context of the chapter this revelation of the Anti-Christ follows the removal of the Spirit's influence in the rapture. Because of this, I don't believe anyone will know who the Anti-Christ is until that time. Of course we will be gone in the rapture before that time. To be sure, some folks get quite creative in making arguments for their particular candidate for the Anti-Christ, but I don't think any of them are right. As for Trump, I question the idea that he is a Christian or, for that matter, a true conservative. I consider him to be a business man. He saw the "product" the American people wanted and provided it. I have no problem with that and have voted for him before and will do so again. That does not imply that I think he is godly or that he will "save" America. He is simply the best choice we have available. (My opinion of course.)
@GoodNewsMom 9 күн бұрын
Thank you
@biblebaptistchurch-alexand3228 10 күн бұрын
My pastor and a friend were there!
@BrotherBill 10 күн бұрын
I got to spend some time with Pastor Davis! He seems like a very good man!
@biblebaptistchurch-alexand3228 9 күн бұрын
@@BrotherBill he is. He is always referring to Schubel Sterns, Obadiah Holmes, and other heroes of Baptist heritage. He and you are two peas in a pod!
@JesusIsReal-23 11 күн бұрын
Hey Brother Bill thank you for your ministry you have taught me so much may God bless you. Good word from God. Amen Lord
@mlsmith49 11 күн бұрын
I love hearing about our Baptist history. I am reading "America in Crimson Red" by James R. Beller (Spencer recommended this book). Quite an eye-opener. American history I never knew before. We must thank God for our Baptist brothers and sisters who suffered and died to bring about the freedoms we have so long enjoyed. Love your singing in the Cave Church.
@BrotherBill 11 күн бұрын
"America in Crimson Red" is an excellent book!
@GoodNewsMom 12 күн бұрын
If you have not done so already, I would like to hear a more in depth review of the Alexandrian text history, and the men involved in it. I have read some sources relate it to the Talmudic interpretations of the OT.
@BrotherBill 12 күн бұрын
I will see what I can do, but it won't likely be soon. I will try to keep it in mind though.
@GoodNewsMom 12 күн бұрын
Thank you.