Title: The Capriccio Song (Also known as the Free Thinking Song) Category: Feelings & Emotions Verse one: Looking ahead, I don't like being nostalgic alone I can let go of fame & fortune gently. Even I lose what's mine, later they'll eventually come back to me Unwilling to lay me out to seek. Verse two: Hard to tell if your love is sincere Karma exhausted, I can let it go easily. If your heart wants to change, it will change anyways Hard to persuade you to stay. Bridge: Having desires shows the heart's rich Won't pursue fame and fortune deliberately. Please take back the warm affection Keep it in heart like mellow spirit. Verse three: Save it to go through springs & autumns The heart's also been through joys & sorrows. All my life, let me have a relaxing rhythm With my heart having no longings. (Repeat bridge and verse three)