What Seals Have Opened
2 ай бұрын
The US Govt and  Ezra's Eagle
July 14 My Understanding
2 ай бұрын
The Battle is Here!
3 ай бұрын
Tyre and Sidon  Who are They?
Israel Are His Precious Ones
Our Salvation is Drawing Nigh
The Two Witnesses and The Baby
Ephraim Is in Trouble
6 ай бұрын
The Signs and the Song of Moshe
The Overcomers of the 7 Churches
Nineveh Repents,  Kind of
7 ай бұрын
The Fig Tree Has 4 Years to Fruit
Jacob's Land Grant
7 ай бұрын
First Fruits Honey from the Rock
The Dragon's Flood
7 ай бұрын
Heal Us! Psalm 80
7 ай бұрын
March 24 2024 Lunar Eclipse
8 ай бұрын
The Mark Ezekiel 9
8 ай бұрын
Meat or Milk
8 ай бұрын
The Devil Comet Orion and the Bull
The Ordinance of the Moon
9 ай бұрын
The Terror of the Land of Judah
Isaiah 5 and Ezekiel 37
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Isaiah 9 and 10
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@mylifesjourney...sharonkar7802 2 күн бұрын
I can totally get behind this teaching. The two horns could represent the house of representatives and senate as well. Very interesting study. Blessings and shalom ❤
@thomaskielbania6781 3 күн бұрын
We should talk sister. Eisenhower mean “iron hewer “. Count ten and one and you end up at Obama. Shalom
@thomaskielbania6781 3 күн бұрын
Two horns, Florida and Massachusetts in USA. Kennedy is the first President after Eisenhower. Ironically Trump is running now from Florida! Praise Yah
@mikelandry8489 3 күн бұрын
Seek the truth
@TheWhyisthatso 5 күн бұрын
The "beast" is the carnal mind of humanity....the human "intellect" , also called "lucifer" ( light bringer ). The prideful human intellect that seeks to exalt itself above the Knowledge and Wisdom of God . Other metaphors used in scripture are "Leviathan" ( beast of the sea) and the "Dragon " in Revelation . The "image of the beast" is "AI" ( artificial intelligence ) , that is now being used in various ways to subjugate the ignorant masses of humanity. "AI" is the collective carnal mind of humanity.....the collective consciousness being used to contol the mind ( spirit ) of mankind. "seven heads" = the completion of human government through the seven world ruling empires . ( Egypt , Babylon, Persia , Assyria, Greece, Rome, and ROME still ) Culminating in the "ten horns" ( 10 tribes of Isreal ) .... the Northern Kingdom who is now ten Sovereign nations in the world today.... headed by the USA ( Ephraim ). Prophetic "Isreal".....the "harlot" who rides and controls the "beast"... "mystery, Babylon the great ".
@mikemelcher1705 5 күн бұрын
Check out the UN beast statue, guardian of international peace and security.
@mikemelcher1705 5 күн бұрын
Google UN beast statue, the statue
@TheWhyisthatso 5 күн бұрын
You are worshipping the "beast" NOW ! You worship a false "god"......an "image"......one of your own "imagination". ALL of false "Christianity" ( antichrist ) does ......and this is "idolatry" . "God is Spirit" ( John 4:24 ) .......the word "spirit" in your Bible means the "mind", our CONSCIOUSNESS . "God" is the Mind and Consciousness in all people and in all things created..... not some old man up in the sky somewhere as the false religion of Rome ( antichrist ) teaches .
@TheWhyisthatso 5 күн бұрын
The words "serpent", the "devil" and "Satan" in your Bible are all metaphors for the "CARNAL MIND" of man . There is no evil 'fallen angel' out to get you, or to blame your bad behavior on...... WE are our own worst "enemy" . Jesus was tempted by his own carnal mind......the "devil". The story of his "temptation in the wilderness" is all allegory to show us this . WHO else was in the wilderness with Jesus and "the devil" to write their "conversation" down, word for word ??? "That old serpent called the devil and Satan ( man's own carnal mind ) that DECEIVES the whole world. " ( Revelation 12:9 ) This nation (USA) is prophetic Israel.......we are Ephraim, the leader of all the nations (plural) of Israel today . And my Father is angry because you people called "Christians" worship a false "god".......an "IMAGE", one of your own 'imagination"........and this is "IDOLATRY" . If you think things are bad now, you have not seen anything yet. This nation (USA / ISRAEL) will be down on it's knees begging for forgiveness before it get's better . "God is Spirit" ( John 4:24 ) The word "spirit" in your Bible is also a metaphor for the "mind".......our 'consciousness'. "God" is the Mind and Consciousness in all people and in all things created.......not some old man up in the sky somewhere . This world will not change until the "mind" ( SPIRIT ) of mankind is changed. This is called "repentance" ( Greek = metanoia = to change the mind )..... and this is the ONLY hope of mankind and this is the PROMISE of God throughout the scriptures . People cannot DO what is right, unless and until they can THINK rightly .....this is called "righteousness" . "When Your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS " ( Isaiah 26:9 )
@markmiller488 6 күн бұрын
Something to ponder and seek guidance by The Great Teacher! To my dearest 12, come and sit and I will tell you, in three to four years after my death burial and resurrection I will send to you a man who will speak against everything that I have taught you with regards to our Fathers TANAKH, he will set you straight on everything where I failed you, and Peter you will not be going to the nations as I proclaimed but you will hand the keys over to him, for he shall be the worker of iniquity / lawlessness and he shall have the seal of my approval. Now do you see the image !!!!!! It's all right there, in front of you 👁️👁️
@thomaskielbania6781 3 күн бұрын
Interesting take on Paul! Shalom
@mr.b2107 6 күн бұрын
I was scrolling through videos and got puzzled by the title of this video and the talking about a 4th beast and applying it to today does not make sence! We are under presenty the babylonious beast system that has the 6th head. Revelation 13 is all about the 2 final beast systems. Rev 17 tells us about the mystery Babylon which is the 6th system that becomes not. And it gives understanding that the whole beast systems down through time as it evolves through 7 different heads. The head we are told is made of a foundational power head, its leadership that is high above everyone and everything like a mountain. And it has a king over it. Plus there is 10 separate kings that are apart of the system overall. So the last days take place over quite a long time actually. So when you read in rev 13 about the final 2, its actually beast system 6 and 7. We are at verse 3 of rev 13 that says its being wounded to Death! Thats the world babylonious beast system that falling right now like rev 18 talks about! Matt 24 is Christ giving the order of events of the last days. And verses 4-13 is the events of the 1st beast of rev 13 which is the 6th head beast system. Then verse 14 is about the whole kingdom gospel message that hast to go to all nations of the world. Its a kingdom reign time like what is written in Isaiah 2 and Micah 4. The matt 24, verses 15-30 is about the events of that final beast system. So much more could be said like the birthing and the labor pangs that the world is going through right now as tha beast systems falls and new age birthed as a result of it. There is 5 prophetic endtime scenarios that are happening now at the same time which cause this new age to come in. 1.Revelation 12 sign and the birthing + labor pangs. 2.The 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. 3. Jacobs Trouble which gives way to Jacob's Time. Jeremiah ch. 30. 4. The small kingdom full of uproar. II Esdras 11 and 12. 5. The fall of the babylonious beast system. Rev.18, Jeremiah 50+51, Ezekiel 27.
@fullofgracehomestead 6 күн бұрын
The 4th beast still rules and reigns. Iron is the old iron age.
@fullofgracehomestead 6 күн бұрын
We are to strive for Revelation 19:10!!
@fullofgracehomestead 6 күн бұрын
The earth is physically and spiritually being cleansed and refined! Praise Honor and Glory to THE FATHER CREATOR OF ALL!!
@Gus-nj5rp 6 күн бұрын
🧐 👍
@JulieCouillard 6 күн бұрын
The people in Israel ARE NOT THE ISRAELITES OF SCRIPTURE I would like to share with you the FACT that if you limit yourself to Study Scripture from translations based of the masoretic so called text which is IN FACT but a very poor & corrupted translation WITH INTENT by the enemy done in 900AD who has been PROVEN to be corrupted by many. You will never KNOW what is about to happen on Yahawah's Earth. Because most Bibles When compared to The True Inspired Text which is The Greek Text The Brenton Septuagint is the best translation of The Text which is dated 250BC from which Yashayah HIMSELF read from at His First Coming. When studied, you would know 2 VERY DISTINCT EVENTS are about to place between the coming DAYS & next spring. Without The True Text you will be led astray from proper understanding of Scripture specially concerning Eschatology which is the study of The End Times according to To Holy Text and furthermore most importantly trusting the corrupted modern language of these FAKE Jews in Israel today will keep you from knowing The True Names of Our Creator which we are TOLD to call upon throughout Scripture. The Fact is these Fake Jews today in Israel are Turks who adopted Judaism in the 5th century as a political play you can research this easily, they do not HIDE this FACT Brothers & Sisters. Also at around the same time between 600 & 900AD the invented their Vowel POINT system better known today as modern Hebrew you know the gimales on the letters which changes the phonic of the Language this system is imitating the same PHONIC as the first corruption of the language done in 1BC by the Phoenicians rabbis called Matres Lictionis this was a vowel LETTER system which added letters & attacked specifically the Letters of the Tetragrammaton as written by Moses YHWH they also changed the WA sound to the HU sound if you didn't know the HU sound in modern Hebrew means PROUD it has NOTHING to do within The Names Of Our Creator. Now the masoretic bunch of busy rabbis copied the same phonics as Matres Lictionis so they continued the corruption also did you know at SAME TIME between 600 & 900AD they wrote their SATANIC Talmud which states Our Redeemer is burning in Excrements NOW & it is OK to have sex with a 3 year old CHILD OR LESS !!! They are the ones written about of the synagogue of satan who say they are Jews but ARE NOT without a DOUBT & THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SCRIPTURAL ISRAELITES. They are just as worst as the followers of Muslim Quran which states Mohamed married a 9 year old child & COMMANDS to kill anyone not following their Quran. I do not use ANY translation based of the masoretic FRAUD & I always verify key points in the Septuagint if you take a habit to do so you will see so many differences so much so I cannot mention them all here just to give you A MAJOR one specially concerning The End Times you know in Ezekiel 4:4 when he lies on His Side the masoretic FRAUD says 350 days for Israel & 40 Days for Judah WELL the Septuagint BASED of THE TRUE TEXT says 150 DAYS for Israel & 40 Days for Judah so we are NOW at 190 DAYS TOTAL for the length of The Great Tribulation Brothers & Sisters ! HUGE difference don't you think ? I used to possess a Cepher but I threw it away recently cause my disgust for the FAKE JEWS keeps growing the more I see how much they corrupted The Word. I used the NASB revised version 2020 Because it was done correlating it with The Greek Text and the Dead Sea Scrolls, they corrected it and they have a strongest strong, which is very efficient it is the ONLY translation in English NOT based of the masoretic with a good tool to see very fast the discrepancies I use the NET Bible they at least give you the True Text in the commentary. These busy rabbis basically corrupted EVERYTHING of Yahawah down to the very Alphabet of His Language used for the First 5 Books. Because A very well-hidden FACT is that ONLY the First 5 Books were Actually written in Hebrew ORIGINALLY aside from 2 verses in Matthew. The Rest of Scripture WAS ORIGINALLY written in Greek & Aramaic. So, in the end if you want to pronounce the Name of Our Creator YHWH as written by Moses in 1400BC. We simply add the single one vowel, the Letter A, a misnomer which was never written, between the consonances and we get Y A H A W A H. Yah very well knew, the Corruptions of the busy rabbis HE KNOWS EVERYTHING so these usurpers LIE ALL DAY LONG, so much so that did you know ? All Ancient Hebrew Text always had to Start by The First Letter of the Alphabet cause there is a science to Yahawah's system in the encoding of His Scripture.
@rachaelwatson8882 6 күн бұрын
Yes! Again that's why I love your videos.. You tie the old testament to the new. I'm not nearly as knowledgeable of the old testament not that I'm an expert on the new. Anyways, thank you🙏♥️
@rachaelwatson8882 6 күн бұрын
I have to say I'm so glad you posted! I love your studies... I'm not very good at studying😞 I do try and read occasionally.. anyways I really appreciate you and what Jesus does thru you. It helps me tremendously. I believe what's going on in today's world is coming straight out of revelations. Praying for us all🙏
@sarahderrico5449 16 күн бұрын
Al-aqsa flood. Oct 7th 2023 Can it be a coincidence this was just 2 weeks later?
@footlamp5369 11 күн бұрын
Good point. Thanks for sharing.
@sarahderrico5449 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for this study. Blessings and safety be over you as you stir up the study of truth 💜
@TheMastersHarvest 16 күн бұрын
Please consider this: We can know "when" we are on God's prophetic calendar. It is written in the book of 2nd Esdras. Chapter 11 contains a prophecy that describes a line of American presidents, five of whom are still alive, and two of them are being kept until "the end." All of them are old men. "The end" is fast approaching. Ezra wrote Second Esdras, chapters 11, 12, and 13 many centuries ago, long before the United States existed, yet he accurately describes a line of 15 US presidents starting with Hoover. This 100-year-long prophecy began fulfilling on March 4, 1929. It is now 95% complete. Its perfect fulfillment to this point has established its credibility. Ezra was not guessing. I have condensed the prophecy into a series of short lessons - my gift to you. Please allow me to guide you through them, step by step, and into understanding. Blessings to you and your loved ones.
@dotology 18 күн бұрын
Thank you
@lelamakia 24 күн бұрын
Hello! I’ve been thinking about you often lately and hope everything is going well and that your health is returning to you. ❤❤ Hope to hear from you in a video soon
@footlamp5369 20 күн бұрын
I am well. My oldest son has been battling with depression and anxiety and I have been keeping a quiet vigil and rejoicing that our salvation is drawing nigh. Hugs.
@imjennyonmyblock1755 Ай бұрын
I love your Bible studies so very much! I see pride in mentorship everywhere; Self importance. But not with you! You are genuinely eager to have us experience what you are so overjoyed to discover in your Bible. You are so fun to keep up with. I find myself saying “no don’t focus,…tell me more!” You are by far the best study for me! I am gathering bread crumbs wide and far as if it is sample day at Costco. You are digging deep and discovering treasures as if you are seeing glimpses of heaven that make you dig more fervently than before! I will not miss even one more video ever. Ha! I pray that you are blessed with health, rest, rich nutrition and clarity each day. I pray God’s will and protection over the lives of those who agree with this prayer and you as you agree also! I learn so much from you. Your fruit. ❤️
@anjalE30 Ай бұрын
The 3 heads of the eagle are America, Russia and China
@anjalE30 Ай бұрын
This is all INCORRECT The EAGLE IS The Abomination of Desolation Those who have been known in history as the Barbarians The Holy Roman Empire Those we know in modern times as The NAZIS Whose true identity are - THE HUNS The Scourge of God
@jenisson159 Ай бұрын
The middle head is the Executive. Not the presidents, but the deep st. The executive even makes wa.r without consent of the Legislative.
@jenisson159 Ай бұрын
And the branch that holds the sword is the Judicial branch (depiction of justice as a woman holding scales and sword).The last is the Legislative
@mr.b2107 Ай бұрын
You did Not watch my video on this subject! And you probably didn't find my video because I did Not call it ezras eagle. I called my video, " the hidden biblical USA prophecy" But, it should be referred to as THE small kingdom full of uproar! Because that is what America has become now since Trump separated the USA and specifically Washington DC from the other Heads of the beast system! And That is why America has become The Small Kingdom full of uproar! And technically, you are not looking at some of the fine details in the right way. And America does NOT end! Like it says in chapter 12:18 it looks like it will fail but it gets restored to it's beginning! Even though this prophecy is referred to as a 3 headed kingdom, it says its the worst and the last of a series of 4. But it is also the same that is referred to as the first beast system in revelation 13 that rises from the sea! The whole beast system that evolves down through time has 7 heads. And this one is number 6! So this system which is under the 6th head is the first beast of the final 2 beast systems. Which is explained in revelation 13 and its the last of a series of 4 as explained in II Esdras and even in Daniel. Revelation 17 tells all about the beast system, and how the 6th head system becomes NOT. Which is the first beast in rev 13 that tells us it gets wounded to Death! And II Esdras 11 and 12 tells us partly of how it gets Wounded to death! I could day a lot more on this.
@user-kf6vj7we9v Ай бұрын
I agree that Isaiah 19 is really about America, as well as Ezra's Eagle. I believe that the Revelation 7 is referring to the Church of Philadelphia, the First Fruits Rapture, because we have likely been in the Tribulation since the Dome of the Rock was "set up" in 688/689 AD. I think the First Fruits rapture will only include those who have been faithful and obedient and haven't embraced Dominionism, Zionism and other heresies which have come from the Jesuit Order. The Jesuit's goal isn't a global religion based on Roman Catholicism, but rather it will be based on Islam. There was an unusual sign I received which could very well have been a coincidence, but since everything is so precarious right now, I will include the dates I was shown: Oct 25-30. It will probably sound silly if I explain, but i can if you like.
@LEFTY1506SHILOH Ай бұрын
Lion (Leo), Ox (Taurus), Man (Aquarius), and a flying Eagle (Scorpio); in ancient times: Scorpio was called a eagle. All the eye's roundabout them, are the host of heaven. It makes a cross, in the midst thereof; is the midst of Paradise: the four beast of Revelation (living creatures). They go in one direction, and rest not; Ezekiel's wheels. Hair like women (Virgo), horses prepared for battle (Sagittarius), stings in their tails (Scorpio) teeth like lion's (Leo), faces like men (Aquarius): remember the noise of their wings from Ezekiel; etc... There it is sister.
@LEFTY1506SHILOH Ай бұрын
The firmament, sea of glass; Ezekiel would call it: terrible crystal. Hence crystal ball. 🌈
@bigdaddymike7748 Ай бұрын
False doctrines....many shall be deceived, even the elct. Pray for discernment and yah will show you the truth.
@AntonioMartin-w1e Ай бұрын
Jones John Moore Dorothy Thomas Elizabeth
@karenvalentine2408 Ай бұрын
The Republic of the US was restored, you just dont know it yet.
@dreampurplequeen1 2 ай бұрын
Ephraim was not 1st born
@fullofgracehomestead 2 ай бұрын
Sadly many worship the land of Canaan. No stone left unturned. Why else is every land coming here.
@fullofgracehomestead 2 ай бұрын
The original pilgrims are The House of Israel that returned unto their lands with Judah, aka The Law Giver, Indians. GOD ALMIGHTY is at work!!
@fullofgracehomestead 2 ай бұрын
Wow!!! The City of Peace invaded and claiming it is no longer the friendliest city on earth for the slaughter was great. Now treading down the land…..until GOD ALMIGHTY speaks. They now are running in a great panic. The Lion and the scales are aligning in the heavens!! GLORY ALLELUIA FATHER IS KING!!!
@fullofgracehomestead 2 ай бұрын
The everlasting hills….Appalachia….”Apple at cha”. Reminds me of Apple of GOD ALMIGHTY’S Eye. The ancient mountains, all are running to that location.