This Heart Sutra, rendered in the Sanskrit version and in the female voice, is heavenly, sublime and peaceful. One looks at the matching videos, the sky, the mountains, the stupas, the nature...., with Avalostesvara telling Sariputra: Gate gate para gate, parasamgete, bodhi svaha. You listen to it a hundred times, a million times, one never gets bored with it. This is the supreme Dharma. What more can one ask for! Sadhu sadhu sadhu.
聖母經 萬福瑪利亞,妳充滿聖寵, 主與妳同在, 妳在婦女中受讚頌, 妳的親子耶穌同受讚頌, 天主聖母瑪利亞, 求妳現在和我們臨終時,為我們罪人祈求天主。 阿門 *The Hail Mary Prayer* _Hail Mary, full of grace._ _Our Lord is with thee._ _Blessed art thou among women,_ _and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,Yeshua._ _Virgin Mary, Mother of God,_ _pray for us with the sinning ego,_ _now and at the hour of the death of our vices._ _Amen._ *Ave Maria* _Ave Maria, gratia plena,_ _Dominus tecum,_ _benedicta tu in mulieribus,_ _et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus._ _Virginis Maria mater Dei,_ _ora pro nobis cum peccatoribus ego,_ _nunc, et in hora mortis vitium nostrae._ _āmēn_ (partially from Luke 1:28, 41-42) Ave Maria by André Rieu & Mirusia
龍樹菩薩「準提菩薩開咒偈」opening gāthā 稽首皈依蘇悉地 頭面頂禮七俱胝 我今稱讚大准提 惟願慈悲垂加護 Prostrating to take refuge in the Susiddhi(正教 orthodox teaching). With heads and faces bowed to the seven crores (millions of) buddha. We now are praising the great Cunde. Only wishing what we receive, is her merciful protection. 「準提神咒」 नमः सप्तानाम् सम्यक्सम्बुद्ध कोटीनाम्। तद्यथा। ॐ चले चुले चुन्दे स्वाहा। 南無 颯哆喃 三藐-三菩陀 俱胝喃 | 怛姪他 唵 折隸 主隸 准提 娑婆訶 || *namaḥ saptānāṃ samyaksaṃbuddha koṭīnāṃ* | *tadyathā: oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā* || Means: 南無(皈依/refuge in),颯多南(saptānāṃ 7),三藐三菩陀(正等正覺/perfectly enlightened ones),俱胝南(koṭīnāṃ 億/billions)| 怛侄他(咒曰/thus): 唵(起始),折隸(來come,轉動,林光明翻為遊行尊),主隸(流轉,林光明翻為頂髻尊,或者無義),準提(cunde 清淨/purity),娑婆訶(圓滿 So be it) || Or (Cale cule: playful variations of her name "Cunde") 龍樹菩薩撰寫的偈語「準提菩薩開咒偈」。是用來祈請準提菩薩及其各部護法聖眾降臨。龍樹Nāgārjuna菩薩早已成佛,佛號「妙雲相如來」、「妙雲自在王如來」或「妙雲相佛」。修準提法之前念這偈,更得到龍樹菩薩及其聖眾加持。
@Peace168-vivian18 күн бұрын
@何嘉惠-n5g18 күн бұрын
無意間 聽見 好聽 謝謝分享 願心想事成實現
@Peace168-vivian18 күн бұрын
@fivecents936218 күн бұрын
第一句文法上不通, better rewritten as: āryāvalokiteśvaro, bodhisattvo, gambhīrāṃ (deep) prajñāpāramitācaryāṃ (般若實踐) caramāṇo (行Practising ger.), vyavalokayati (照examine) sma (indeed) pancaskandhāṃs (五蘊), tāṃś (them) ca (and) svābhavaśūnyān (自性空 adj.) paśyati (見see) sma (indeed). Noble Avalokiteśvara, the Bodhisattva, practising the deep 'practice of the perfection of wisdom', examined the five skandhas and saw them empty of self-existence. 聖觀自在 菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照,見 五蘊 (自性)皆空.