Lizard Man Stomp 2024!
2 ай бұрын
@RaleighJason 8 сағат бұрын
Always love your stories. Thank you!
@jajanesaddictions 16 күн бұрын
So hard to listen to this.
@paulmcnamara6325 2 ай бұрын
@A-Train23 2 ай бұрын
So, I hate to break it to you, but psychics are scammers…they just do cold readings, which is just a party trick
@mysteriesmythsandlegends 2 ай бұрын
Sounds like you agree with Houdini.....and Taylor! Thanks for listening :)
@randystone4903 2 ай бұрын
You've got to go to 31 minutes before these valley girls start chatting about Houdini.
@mysteriesmythsandlegends 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for listening Randy!
@A-Train23 3 ай бұрын
Me again 😂. Have y’all done one on Paul McCartney dying in 1966?
@mysteriesmythsandlegends 2 ай бұрын
yes we did!! we covered it in episode 28!
@A-Train23 2 ай бұрын
@@mysteriesmythsandlegends ok, my bad lol. Do the Portland Shanghai Tunnels then ;)
@A-Train23 3 ай бұрын
Ring around the rosie is dark
@A-Train23 3 ай бұрын
I know who I am 😂 let me know if you want other story ideas from the super strange state of Oregon :)
@mysteriesmythsandlegends 3 ай бұрын
yes we want them all!! ty
@A-Train23 3 ай бұрын
@@mysteriesmythsandlegends Shanghai tunnels, bandage man, Neahkahnie mountain buried treasure, db cooper, the edgefield, sooo many ghost ships in Astoria, hot lake hotel, the Oregon vortex aaand, for what it’s worth, I’ve actually seen Bigfoot, so it’s like, real.
@A-Train23 3 ай бұрын
And we blew up a whale once for the first and last time lol
@A-Train23 4 ай бұрын
Quack lol
@mysteriesmythsandlegends 4 ай бұрын
@A-Train23 4 ай бұрын
@@mysteriesmythsandlegends btw, one underrated mystery that I’ve never seen anyone do on here is the old man of crater lake. You should check it out :)
@joannewittenbrook8051 6 ай бұрын
I’ve heard that native Americas referred to blue eyed people as moon-eyed. Also, there is a possibility that Scandinavian people or Vikings ended up in North America.
@vandalismovveganism2222 6 ай бұрын
Ive seen the cult that lives there
@eprohoda 8 ай бұрын
How u doing?,you created good sharing. Mysteries,-
@casper1959 Жыл бұрын
Not sure if you know this. Genesis wrote a song called Squonk on their Album, A Trick of the Tail. It's about this creature. It's a great song and Album.
@4HAR2012 Жыл бұрын
@4HAR2012 Жыл бұрын
@antgeeza Жыл бұрын
The golden apple tale is still unsolved as of the date of this post 😊
@ladyhonor822 Жыл бұрын
@ladyhonor822 Жыл бұрын
@ladyhonor822 Жыл бұрын
@MaskedMan66 Жыл бұрын
The movie is not very long as movies go, and it's always moving, so I don't see how you or anyone else can be bored by it. I wonder what you'd make of the book, considering that the whole second half of it was left out of the movie. Dorothy and the gang went on another journey after the Wizard split in his balloon. The synopsis you gave is unnecessary because everyone knows the story. There were not "countless serious accidents" on the set, there were around four, maybe five. "Wicked" is not connected to this movie, and it's also not by any means the first thing to be inspired by it. The only person connected with the movie who died while it was being made was Bert Lahr's (not "Lair") stunt double, and that was in a traffic accident on his day off. The Winged Monkey actors got nothing worse than broken ankles, which healed. The first day of filming involved the scene with Dorothy meeting the Scarecrow, and no injuries occurred. Betty Danko got many, many injuries in her career as a stuntwoman, and the worst was years before _Wizard,_ when she nearly got her foot bitten off by a mountain lion. As she once said about her career, "I have fallen into ditches, lakes, pools, through trap doors, from piano tops, over chairs and tables, down laundry chutes and stairs. I have fallen over backwards from a height of 25 feet into 32 inches of water and into a pool fully clothed though I can barely swim. I've been yanked around on wires, had pies and knives thrown at me, have lain amid flames of gasoline-all for the sake of Art and a pay check. But I still like it and it enables me to support my mother and myself." Incidentally, Miss Danko did not catch on fire. (Many stunt performers have not fared as well: Milla Jovovich's stunt double on _Resident Evil_ The Final Chapter_ lost her arm while shooting a cycle chase, and Daniel Radcliffe's stuntman on _Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two_ is now paralyzed from the neck down because of a stunt that went wrong.) There was some pioneering work in special FX in this film, but much of it had been experimented on before in other areas of industry, so no, they weren't just saying, "Let's see what happens if we do this." And again, nobody died. Yes, there were unions; the Screen Actors Guild had been established in 1933 by Boris Karloff, and its president at the time that _Wizard_ was made was Ralph Morgan, the brother of Frank Morgan. Buddy Ebsen's make-up (which was only on his face, not on his whole body) did not have lead in it. It was ordinary white greasepaint with aluminum powder dusted over it, like any setting powder. Unfortunately it got into the air and then into his lungs, where it kicked off a bronchial condition he'd been born with. He was in hospital for two weeks, then spent a month at home before getting back to acting; he made two other movies for MGM which were released the same year as _Wizard._ Haley's eye infection cleared up in four days, then he got on with his job. What is "insane" about a teenager making a movie? Thousands have! Come on, the first actress to play Dorothy in a film was nine; her name was Bebe Daniels. I mean, do you expect a child character to be played by an adult? You're talking crazy. Judy Garland had no "dark experiences" on the set, let's get that clear. The worst thing that happened to her was when someone forgot to give her the key to her personal dressing trailer on the day that she was presented with it. The slap had zilch to do with any nonsense like Fleming "not being impressed" or thinking Judy "immature." Usually when she had a giggle fit, which happened a lot, they would just let her get her breath back and then they'd continue. But on this one occasion, they were up against the clock; the studio was about to shut down for the evening and they had to get the shot done. So Fleming gave her a slap (and not a "real hard' slap) to snap her out of it-- and he didn't scream at her either, for any length of time-- and she nailed the next take. She didn't giggle at all, she just smiled a bit. Afterwards, Fleming expressed his regret and told John Lee Mahin to break his nose. Judy kissed his nose instead and forgave him. Also, that was not at the beginning of filming. (If you think _Wizard_ is "extremely long for the time," what do you make of _Gone With the Wind?_ That film came out the same year and clocked in at just three minutes shy of four hours.) Judy's biggest problems in life came in adulthood and were caused by other things than this movie, which she always looked back on with fondness. She never claimed that studio execs gave her any meds while she made _Wizard._ The only medication she used was prescribed by a doctor, and was an appetite suppressant which is still used today. Also, being a minor, she was only allowed to work for four hours a day. You guys really need to do some genuine research; I don't know where you're getting a lot of this kak. Ray Bolger played the Scarecrow, not "Roy Bulger." *He was not mean to Judy* or to anyone else; he had not one mean bone in his body. He was enchanted by Judy, and impressed by how smart she was; she recited "The Raven" by Poe for him completely from memory, and when the film was finished, he made her a present of a first edition woodcut of the poem. By the way, he wasn't old, he was 34 at the time. Again, Judy's addiction to amphetamines (her only drug addiction) came in adulthoods and was caused by things other than _Wizard._ The snow was not asbestos, it was crushed gypsum. Only one member of the cast got cancer later in life, namely Ray, and that was because he smoked all his life. Several exotic birds (an everyday term that refers to birds from lands other than the U.S.A.) were used for the Tin Woodman's intro sequence, which was shot in November of 1938, a month ahead of the Munckinland sequence. So even if any of the Munchkin performers had been in Hollywood by then (which they weren't), they would not have been on that set since they weren't needed for the scene. Watch any edition of the movie, in any format from any year, and as Dorothy, the SWcarecrow, and the Tin Woodman head off into the woods at the end of the scene, you will see a sarus crane, which is a very tall, spindly bird, peck at the ground, raise its head, stand to its full height, and then spread and retract its wings. You can also see it throughout much of the scene before the end of it. The "hanging object" video is a many-times-proven fake created by a KZbinr in 2011. Yes, the lights required for Techniclor film were extremely hot. That was why Fleming ordered them shut off every half hour or so in order for everyone to relax and cool off. It was just how color films were made back then. The folks in _Gone With the Wind_ had to deal with it too, and those on other movies. _Wizard_ was not a special case. Actors have had to wear hot, uncomfortable, confining, make-up and costumes in all degrees of temperature all throughout acting history. That includes today. The movie is not cursed. Many more movies have had far worse things happen, such as the injuries sustained by Olivia Jackson from _Resident Evil_ and David Holmes from _Harry Potter,_ who I mentioned before. Actors and crew have died making other movies. The cast and crew of _The Wizard of Oz_ had it a lot better than some, and they were all proud of what they'd achieved when they saw the finished product. You know nothing about Victor Fleming but you are willing to condemn him as a "bad man?" Listen to what Judy Garland had to say about him: "He’s perfectly marvelous. He has the nicest low voice and the kindest eyes. Besides, he realizes that a girl who is sixteen is practically grown-up. He shows me all the courtesies he would to Hedy Lamarr. That’s very important to me." As for "women in strong leadership roles," what do you call Glinda, a doormat? One final thing: I have never in all my life heard the word "like" used so many times in one sitting!
@jaym1057 Жыл бұрын
🔥 "promo sm"
@tedburycombo2178 Жыл бұрын
Spider People have been on the Earth since the Earth's formation... Murga-mugai I think she is called It's a human torso n head with 8 spider legs...have been seen by many people... nobody reports such sightings of cryptids for fear of ridicule... Murga-mugai is Australian Originee legend Euhlayi/Gamilarai people...
@RaleighJason Жыл бұрын
Congrats on 100 episodes! Love the show.
@RaleighJason Жыл бұрын
Great episode, as always. Merry Christmas!
@RaleighJason Жыл бұрын
Great tour. Thank you!
@RaleighJason 2 жыл бұрын
This was great! Good to see y'all.
@adrianacarchidi3220 2 жыл бұрын
I loved this so much good job guys 🥰
@taylorlively2375 2 жыл бұрын
@garrettwhitehead8279 2 жыл бұрын
Mmm booger
@savannahcarchidi5678 2 жыл бұрын
boggy creek monster <3 6:20
@stevebunovsky7739 2 жыл бұрын
Haha...Hannah Cranna was my old band. You have to understand the world was different in the 90’s and our metrics for success were different than today. Our music was sold nationally and we had a fair bit of attention in music magazines, a record deal, a publishing deal, and were invited to many music festivals like SXSW and CMJ...Spotify didn’t exist when we were an active band....actually, the internet didn’t exist when we started either.
@RaleighJason 2 жыл бұрын
Love the show!
@therusticcollectionebaysto7028 2 жыл бұрын
New sub! Liked 🤗😀✌️
@andrewshanaghan797 2 жыл бұрын
The only mystery here is how woman can talk so much inane drivel for so long without actually saying anything.
@BostonCream959 2 жыл бұрын
What you told about the Island was mostly wrong 😂 you fell for the legends
@jakenorthbriz 2 жыл бұрын
Is it foolish to think that after millions of dollars spent using state of the art resources that maybe the plane isn't anywhere near where Inmersat said it was. It's in my opinion after reading the 300 page official report from the Malaysian government that the notion that the plane did a 180 turn towards Australia is pretty non existent
@0yuvraj 3 жыл бұрын
One theory is that Captain Shah left either killed or incapacitated his co-pilot before depressurising the cabin to kill everyone on board...
@0yuvraj 3 жыл бұрын
It took over 70 years for explorers to find the Titanic...
@garrettwhitehead8279 3 жыл бұрын
I hate the beatles they couldnt even spell beetle right
@glenysdevine381 3 жыл бұрын
They have been seen recently in New Zealand as well. And a recent siting in Hawaii
@glenysdevine381 3 жыл бұрын
In England they are called Woodwoes.
@mysteriesmythsandlegends 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting! We'll have to do some research on that cryptid, maybe it will be in a future episode!
@glenysdevine381 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve seen a Yowie and I believe the small ones still exist, but in way less numbers
@ryanpedersen5722 3 жыл бұрын
Big ones still exist too
@KungfuKumquat 3 жыл бұрын
Just found you guys. So awesome! Keep up the good work.
@savannahcarchidi5678 3 жыл бұрын
Lol the best part is the sound effects