Psychologically, homo sapiens are a miserable bunch. We are inherently dissatisfied, and were it not so, we'd still be living in caves. Consequently, I don't think it's that capitalism makes us miserable; rather it's that capitalism exploits our unhappiness. It offers us relief from our misery, at a price - the opportunity to better one's circumstances through work, and the opportunity to buy things we think will make us happy. Invariably, the things we buy don't make us happy for long. The novelty soon wears off, and we revert to being miserable - and seeking relief via new novelties. Recognising that happiness is a matter of positive contrasts; as opposed to some illusory end state we might achieve if we just accumulate enough stuff - is consistent with ideas of work/life balance, sustainable patterns of consumption, good governance and corporate responsibility.
@djdrogs2 күн бұрын
Of course. But how do we do this while the world is ruled by psychopathic despots and warlords? We may have to fight for the world we want. Including by violent means. Because they are fighting for theirs, with horrific, unflinching violence on a grotesque scale.
@FranklyLate5 күн бұрын
This is what fresh air sounds like
@jamesoquinn91687 күн бұрын
This was heavily cool. I wish it were a more common thing.
@grahampartridge93358 күн бұрын
We need too hear more from this lady
@anotherhuman338 күн бұрын
Anti-capitalists enjoying the fruits of capitalism who would never move to a socialist country :)
@PacificSword5 күн бұрын
You act like there are only two choices here- the polar opposites of free market capitalism or centralized command economy socialism. There are nearly infinite gradations between those two positions and the goal of our society is trying to find the right balance that both promotes freedom and maximizes the social benefit. You're repeating something I've heard dozens and dozens of times, almost verbatim. This tells me your ideas are recycled based on what your tribe wants you to believe. Try to stop the black and white thinking. The world is grey.
@satsatdown9 күн бұрын
meditation cured my depression
@KevenHutchinson-gt1nn11 күн бұрын
I dont agree with everything she says, but I love listening to her. Shes very intelligent and has certainly boosted by knowledge of economics, which im now studying.
@PacificSword5 күн бұрын
Love that. You're engaging with her ideas honestly instead of the tribal reactions most people have. It's hard to do, but I'm trying as well to engage with ideas based on the merit rather than the feelings they give me.
@saskiademoor840012 күн бұрын
Brilliant. About competition and cooperation
@ralffig329712 күн бұрын
@keyboarddancers775114 күн бұрын
Grace needs to get herself onto Lex Fridman's or Chris Williamson's shows. Her voice needs to be heard much more widely. The way she weaves some of her presentations reminds me of James Burke's Connections style. Deeply engaging and informative.
@paulgibbons232014 күн бұрын
It doesn't make millionaires miserable.
@thundercheeks198912 күн бұрын
Lol yes it does. So many of those people are terribly miserable.
@fishernz11 күн бұрын
Yes it does. They all want to be billionaires.
@WaryofExtremes9 күн бұрын
@@thundercheeks1989 Actual studies of happiness and quality of life showed that a 6 figure salary and 7 figures of net worth (in the U.S., maybe 20 years ago) helped with happiness and quality of life a lot. More of each also helped more, but it's diminishing gains after that.
@PacificSword5 күн бұрын
For many of them it does. The attainment of wealth itself becomes the goal and because they're chasing the concept of more, no amount is ever enough.
@paulgibbons23205 күн бұрын
@@PacificSword that is true. I never understood how people continue to be motivated by money.
@danielpye773816 күн бұрын
Capitalism is competitive and has to be for consumers. If I do a bad job and someone does better, well I have to improve.
@Rolo-gn1nk4 күн бұрын
1) She is not talking about "you" 2) She is talking about larger corporate entities that are cozy with governments to avoid competition. What you just said is a fantasy. You either actually dont care or brainwashed. Governments are selling the people they are supposed to represent up the river.
@sagarsumaria611918 күн бұрын
Capitalism - bad, Green Capitalism - good Green Capitalism built on enslaved africans mining minerals for wind turbines - amazingly good. How many supporting this ponzi scam aka green capitalism?
@peteradaniel6 күн бұрын
That’s the problem with green capitalism and green washing. At the heart of it is still the exorbitant and exploitative profit model which got us into this mess in the first place. This is why personally I don’t support green parties or movements which do not fundamentally challenge the corporate/ political oligarchy. There’s a kind of twisted luck with living in the UK because here the Green Party can never be in power because of FPP voting. So essentially they can be transformed into a holistic, leftist protest movement which at its base aligns with the capitalist criticism of its voting block. On the other hand the continental PR voting ensures the greens, through coalition, can become a party in power and therefor are subject to the same levels of corruption commonly found in the state capitalist systems currently governing us.
@jackcleveland117519 күн бұрын
Capitalism is a hoarding sickness.
@davidantonucci116121 күн бұрын
Capitalism hasn’t worked out very well with property has it, all it’s done is made people homeless
@danielpye773816 күн бұрын
No Quite the opposite Who built the homes? If you say “government” think again.
@davidantonucci116113 күн бұрын
@ so why have the stopped building now ?
@ozymandiascakehole358624 күн бұрын
Dit gaat nooit gebeuren. Onze huidige nationale identiteit is gebouwd op een fundering van de "Gouden Eeuw" en "Nederlandse nijverheid en samenwerking". "Zie je? We waren altijd al kapitalisten! Wij hebben het uitgevonden!" is voor veel mensen een sterk genoeg argument voor de status quo. "Onze sterke werkethiek maakte van ons kleine kikkerlandje een wereldmacht" heb ik wel eens voorbij horen komen in onze staatspropaganda, stel je voor dat je dat als Afrikaanse Surinamer moet aanhoren. Als we mensen de waarheid gaan vertellen worden al onze oude binnensteden monumenten voor racisme, kolonialisme, genocide, klassenstrijd en slavernij. Ik denk niet dat de mensen die momenteel de macht hebben die doos van pandora geopend willen hebben. Dit lijntje trekt namelijk helemaal tot de rotte kern van onze organisatie van de samenlevingen en haar instituten.
@ozymandiascakehole358624 күн бұрын
Dit is namelijk niet alleen geschiedenis, maar de objectieve waarheid van het heden. We profiteren nog steeds van kolonialisme, economisch en militair. We verhandelen olie uit bezette gebieden in West Azië, mineralen uit conflictgebieden in Afrika, we verkopen etenswaren uit bezet Palestina, we handelen in producten als katoen, cacao en koffiebonen die gewonnen zijn met dwang- en kinderarbeid. De rijkdom van onze elite en hun machtspositie in de wereld en in ons land is afhankelijk van deze uitbuiting. Het laatste wat zij willen is dat burgers zich bewust worden van deze feiten, want dit zou tot opstand en klassenstrijd kunnen lijden. Ze waren namelijk zo dom om ons te leren dat moord, racisme en diefstal slecht zijn.
@pipster189126 күн бұрын
I think it did, in 2008.
@KrisVandeVijver-j9z26 күн бұрын
Oh, I thought this was going to be standup comedy. Disappointed.
@naturebc26 күн бұрын
Growth is nonsense sold by the religious cultists.
@ahmedalsadik26 күн бұрын
This is performance art, not serious analysis.
@sokratzmmf25 күн бұрын
And capitalism is destroying Earth
@Hugh926 күн бұрын
Forwards and upwards to our unity as a world culture. Endless growth on a finite planet is over.
@nassadloe378827 күн бұрын
Jeugdzorg is dol op huiselijk geweld. Want het levert geld op! Elk gezin met een gewelddadige vader is een goudmijn! Want dan plaatsen de rechters en kinderbescherming graag de kinderen uit huis om vervolgens de gewelddadige vader omgang en gezag te geven. De Nederlandse rechters, jeugdzorg en Kinderbescherming haten het Verdrag van Istanbul, want zij willen niet huiselijk geweld en kinderbescherming voorkomen, aangezien dat minder geld oplevert. Om baangarantie te garanderen beschermen Nederlandse rechters, jeugdzorg en Kinderbescherming graag de plegers van het geweld! All about the money, toch?!
@OJTPhD27 күн бұрын
FACTS: A species of Pine Tree in California is almost 5000 years old - A single organism! A species of jelly fish, Turritopsis dohrnii, is considered immortal! Viruses, so compacted and simplified, stand a chance of being around forever in our infinite universe (i.e., space chemistry). Tube worms feeding off methane have the BEST chance of surviving this 6th Mass extinction! Western economies REQUIRE 3 - 4 percent inflation to remain healthy. MORE risks too much inflation. LESS risks deflation. Deflation is a capitalist country KILLER. Japan has experienced deflation for 30 years. The ONLY reason they are not a failed state is because the Japanese culture is not based on consumerism, as in the west, especially the US. Japan enjoys a 50 percent savings rate during post-WW2 era while the US suffers from a NEGATIVE savings rate across the board. The incoming Trump admin ALREADY added $7Trillion to the national debt and is expecting to add another $15 Trillion in nat'l debt! (In 2000, Clinton left office with a BUDGET SURPLUS and we all got federal TAX REFUNDS soon AFTER Bush Jr. took over - BUSH's name was on the checks so Americans FAILED to connect the dots,as usual). Bush Jr. oversaw the GREAT RECESSION and Trump stands to do FAR, FAR WORSE this time around. After Bush Jr's FAILED presidency, we had the chance to restructure the financial system that only few wanted, including Bernie Sanders. Instead of using bailout money to RESET the entire finance system (as you seem to suggest might be possible but don't mention 'how'), Bush (then Obama continued) to bail out the BANKS who then lobbied for Citizens United which DOOMED the US democracy and the global economy is still threatened more than ever, today. In the '70's, Jimmy Carter attempted to restructure global dependence on fossil fuels and GM even created the first electric car, the EV1. When the WEALTHY ELITE (top 0.1 percent) saw their wealth at risk, they KILLED the EV1 and GM DESTROYED EACH VEHICLE despite the amazing success of their 1970's program! The wealthy elite installed Reagan by rigging the election against Carter and Reagan KILLED the middle class and demolished the unions (roughly 18 percent of work force went below 7 percent unionized work force - killing the trend before it reached critical mass and ensured a middle class that would drive economic growth for 'eternity', as you seem to suggest. MORAL: We are crabs in a barrel - As soon as ONE crab almost makes it out of the barrel to the promised land, other crabs will reach up and drag the wining crab BACK DOWN into the barrel. FREUD might call it the 'death drive'. You might call it BRAINWASHING. I call it 'stupid is as stupid IS! Stupid IS as stupid DESERVES! In the '70's, YOUR parents and grandparents SPIT on us and kicked us for trying to save old growth trees. When global temps avg 110 degrees F, photosynthesis will BREAK DOWN and NOTHING will grow. The arctic permafrost is MELTING and there's enough METHANE stored in the Aleutian (underwater) glaciers to raise global temps another 5 percent (estimated) - IT"S ALREADY HAPPENING, as recent reports show equatorial marshlands are now entering a 1000-year cycle of emissions rather than acting as a carbon sink. The arctic, too, is now officially in this latter category. Today, YOUR kids spit on Great Thunberg for demanding we take responsibility! Generation X FAILED to take the ball we gave them in the '60's and '70's, and GenZ can't survive without a cell phone! How could they possibly survive on Mars? Elon Musk lies about colonizing other planets KNOWING THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN. Rather, the wealthy elite intend to MINE the moon and Mars and asteroids for precious metals using autonomous systems, a feat they will accomplish (perhaps!) by exhausting VERY LAST REMAINING AMOUNT of earth's resources to develop A.i. and Quantum Computers - BUT THEY"RE TOO LATE! In the '70's we put SAVE THE WHALES stickers on our cars and were laughed at but we really meant SAVE THE HUMANS! Humans are driving the 6th MAJOR extinction and Mother earth is about to kick us off her planet! Not even jellyfish are expected to survive, over the next 10,000 years (But the tube worms that thrive on methane will LOVE the new world order!) ASHES to ASHES, dust to dust - You can't dig a bunker deep enough to outrun mother nature. Take heart knowing we return to the stars where we were ALL born anyways!
@justgivemethetruth28 күн бұрын
Does everyone have to have a frickin' tattoo?
@mickiemallorie27 күн бұрын
That's your big takeaway huh?
@justgivemethetruth27 күн бұрын
@@mickiemallorie Do you even know what a takeaway is? When they were handing out brains did you not take yours away?
@misanthropyunhinged26 күн бұрын
seriously shut up
@keyboarddancers775114 күн бұрын
@@justgivemethetruth I was laughing at the pretentious "oh don't look at me" nail polish!🤣😆🤡
@justgivemethetruth14 күн бұрын
@@misanthropyunhinged No one needs to hear from the tattooed defenders of ugliness.
@wernervannieuwenhove63128 күн бұрын
We zijn vandaag een jaar verder. Onze samenleving is verder ontspoord. We hebben nog steeds geen regering, zes maand na de verkiezing. Ook in Frankrijk, Duitsland, Nederland is de situatie uitzichtloos, politiek gezien. We sporen elke dag naar Brussel vanuit Gent. De schrijnende miserie, drugs, krankzinnigheid, uitzichtloosheid, dakloosheid. ... waar zijn we mee bezig? Mensen sterven gewoon op straat. Inderdaad. Akkoord, niemand durft, kan of voelt er nog iets voor om het klimaatprobleem nog maar te benoemen. Straks binnen een week of twee drie legt Donald Trump de eed af, (dat klinkt bijna als een sarcastische grap, als je die man die plechtige eed ziet afleggen, maar bon, het is de realiteit. Dat terzijde. ). In Syrië is deze week Assad gevallen. Wat bedoel ik, internationaal zowel als bij ons is zoveel gaande. De wolligheid van de ecologisten, het lijkt bijna op zich een aberratie voor sommigen. Jammer genoeg, wat er ook gebeurt. De rekening volgt. Hoe langer we wachten, hoe meer deze gepeperd zal zijn. Gelukkig Nieuwjaar iedereen. ❤
@Stinger52229 күн бұрын
So what should we replace it with?
@petereames304129 күн бұрын
Totalitarian Government control lol
@someonenotnoone27 күн бұрын
Instead of capitalism predicated on "finders keepers and cronyism with exchanges" we should have exchanges predicated on Georgism.
@uwayn982924 күн бұрын
Eco socialism lol. Any other system is shit
@tobiastobias241917 күн бұрын
Georgism/geoism Or social democracy/Rijnland model Or a from of market socialism
@uwayn982917 күн бұрын
@@tobiastobias2419 people like you are market fanatics. I bet you can’t even afford to think what a non market economy would be like. Thats exactly what mark fisher is talking about in capitalism realism. You have to let go.
@matthewc16429 күн бұрын
It makes some people miserable. Under socialism everyone is equally miserable.
@justgivemethetruth28 күн бұрын
Under Republican Fascism everone just repeats stupid one-liners instead of thinking.
@matthewc16428 күн бұрын
@justgivemethetruth I'll take Republican fascism over Democrat socialism, communism, can't live life without the government's help bullshit. Woke is dead. DEI, CRT, the alphabet Mafia agendas are dead. Your dysfunctional dystopia was rejected in spades. Cry more.
@jblazer249227 күн бұрын
@@matthewc164 DEI, CRT, the alphabet Mafia agendas? You need to go outside.
@someonenotnoone27 күн бұрын
@@matthewc164 Ben Shapiro doesn't describe reality.
@misanthropyunhinged26 күн бұрын
false, everyone is miserable under capitalism.
@rozaucja861229 күн бұрын
@hooplawithbilliesue814329 күн бұрын
@SiSwitzer29 күн бұрын
This lady is amazing!! She is so concise and to the point, I will absolutely by buying this book!
@WaryofExtremes9 күн бұрын
Lol. That's capitalism. You get to decide what to spend your money on, and her allowed to sell that book. Companies allowed to provide it as an ebook or printed. So, she's basically talking about corruption...which any style of government/economic system can have. At least in some countries, you can quit, whistle blow, etc etc and aren't sent to slave in mines or rot in a gulag if you disagree with the government. I also didn't hear about any people having to sell dead loves ones as human meat, like what happened in some parts of the ussr when widespread flawed agriculture science and bureaucrats running farms caused a massive famine. Letting successful food producers keep owning and running farms has benefits...more than shipping them off to mines does.
@endcorruptioАй бұрын
Worker owned markets, aka economic democracy is the future
@titovalasquesАй бұрын
Even worker owned markets are prone to corruption if they become too big. Sure, you’re spreading the wealth and responsibilities within the organisation but that doesn’t address any of the other problems under capitalism. Just like Libertarians you assume that the rest will fix itself. One major problem is that people aren’t immune to the lure of power the accumulation of money brings which will still exist under worker owned co-ops.
@endcorruptioАй бұрын
@titovalasques true, but imagine the power is spead out amonst 150 million workers, rather than a small group. The dispersion of power without a doubt, would yield much less exploitation, domination, and violation of the masses, than our present conniving corporate-freeloader class capitaist system. No matter what system we have. An authority of force government is necessary. Like we have now, that props up this state capitalist system. So, please dont make assunptions like "you think everything will fix itself". That is capitalist free market fairytale land stuff. Cmon man. Worker owned market makes the most sense. Snd that doesn't mean, everthing should be commodified either
@endcorruptioАй бұрын
@titovalasques Wow, you extrapolate so many assuptions. You shouldn't assume, because you make an ASS out of U and ME. Who said "everything will fix itself "with worker owned markets? That is one part of a possible solution, with of course regulation and democratic governance, as an authority of force, and social benefits
@endcorruptioАй бұрын
Conniving corporate-freeloader class capitalism is a scourge on society. Worker owned markets are the future. Econmic democracy
@SpikePickardАй бұрын
what have we got that machines and AI does not, and what is capitalism if not a machine, a soul destroying paint by numbers life
@JohnSmith-zn4ufАй бұрын
Dutch sounds absolutely HORRENDOUS
@joshsilva6450Ай бұрын
it could be for you. not for everyone. not for me. you could have spared us this!
@johnnynick9115Ай бұрын
Any society that requires that government initiate FORCE to redistribute resources from those who produce to those who do not produce is immoral. The initiation of FORCE is always wrong, regardless of motives.
@someonenotnoone27 күн бұрын
Property as we know it has been almost exclusively claimed through the initiation force. So you seem to agree with all the people saying that the world is vastly unequal and unjust and we need a huge reset.
@PacificSword5 күн бұрын
@@someonenotnoone this is the right answer. you don't feel the force of the system, gradually stealing from the populace, but that doesn't mean it's not there
@5353JumperАй бұрын
No, authoritarianism and oligopoly make us miserable. Capitalism, socialism, communism and such are all pretty irrelevant to citizen prosperity. The economic models are all subject to greed and centralized power favoring an elite few while stealing from the general citizens. Pushing for a genuinely representative benevolent government is the solution to citizen prosperity. THEN, that government can choose the mix of economics that provide the best benefit for the citizens. The best form of government structure humanity has found to create and maintain a citizen government is a democratically elected representative government with lots of citizen participation. Capitalism, socialism, communism all function better for the citizens with democratically elected representative government. Capitalism, socialism, communism all fail the citizens under dictators, monarchs, fascists, oligarchs, corpratists, and religious doctrine. So we need to focus the conversation toward better citizen representation and stop talking about irrelevant and impossible economic models. All three of those economic models are propagandized to create a false loyalty to any one of them. The missapplication of those models into industries they do not match is how pockets of influence, wealth and corruption are created by the greedy elite. Government run bakeries are as stupid as for-profit electricity grids. A mixed economy run by an intelligent government that represents the citizens is the obvious solution so lets stop talking about anything but that please.
@uwayn982924 күн бұрын
Wow your solution is shit bro. There will always be corruption in capitalism because the economy is tied closely to politics. That’s not something happening under socialism/communism since there is nobody that has enough power to corrupt. Communism is essentially anarchism, which is the solution. Not your shit mixed economy
@WaryofExtremes9 күн бұрын
So, she's basically talking about corruption...which any style of government/economic system can have. At least in some countries, you can quit, whistle blow, etc etc and aren't sent to slave in mines or rot in a gulag if you disagree with the government. I also didn't hear about any people having to sell dead loves ones as human meat, like what happened in some parts of the ussr when widespread flawed agriculture science and bureaucrats running farms caused a massive famine. Letting successful food producers keep owning and running farms has benefits...more than shipping them off to mines does.
@jermainelong1843Ай бұрын
I'll take capitalism over any form of socialism any day but thanks anyway.
@mikeridgeview955729 күн бұрын
What's your problem with socialism?
@petereames304129 күн бұрын
@@mikeridgeview9557 Read history
@jonathansaunders669728 күн бұрын
@@petereames3041 I I know you have never seen a true pure form of capitalism, socialism, or the original poster is speaking from indoctrinated propaganda ignorance...and I bet you and Jermaine call yourselves Christian too
@PacificSword5 күн бұрын
You act as though those are the only two options. Some pure idealized form of those isms. This perspective is quite useful to the power establishment and makes it easy to control us through fabricated strawmen.
@jermainelong18435 күн бұрын
@PacificSword No. You're extrapolating too much from a single sentence. I don't believe in any ideals in this world, but regard free market models as the better option overall. Socialist / Marxist etc societies always end up under severe tyranny which makes a mockery of any notion of people power or equality.
@paulmosca4351Ай бұрын
""Why don't we have a public, decentralized, democratic financial system that would allow ordinary people to prioritize the kinds of things they want to see and the kind of society they want to live in? Why not have a democratic, global Green New Deal that would empower communities across the country to have a say in how we achieve goals like Net Zero? We should build out our democratic systems and institutions so they are not just limited to small, infrequent elections that happen once every few years. Instead, democracy should be woven into the fabric of our society. That, I argue, is how we truly address the challenge of taking back control. Thank you very much." - Grace Blakely. I am in full agreement with this direction of governance.
@greenleaf1635Ай бұрын
She is exceptionally intelligent and remarkably articulate; my compliments. Fantastic episode! Thank you so much for this!
@WaryofExtremes9 күн бұрын
So, she's basically talking about corruption...which any style of government/economic system can have. At least in some countries, you can quit, whistle blow, etc etc and aren't sent to slave in mines or rot in a gulag if you disagree with the government. I also didn't hear about any people having to sell dead loves ones as human meat, like what happened in some parts of the ussr when widespread flawed agriculture science and bureaucrats running farms caused a massive famine. Letting successful food producers keep owning and running farms has benefits...more than shipping them off to mines does.
@anotherhuman33Ай бұрын
The closest we were to free market capitalism was late 19, early 20th century. It is not coincidence in those years most things we use today were invented. Telegraph, TV,Cars, Planes etc, everything else we use today such as facebook, youtube are modifications of those inventions. Grace Blakeley idolises people like Lenin which is dangerous, she falls under the same category as Lenin did, educated, privileged people who think they know better what is good for ordinary people. She might have good intentions, but when these people get into power, the story is always the same, Mao, Pol Pot, Lenin to name a few.
@paulsoutham2454Ай бұрын
...says somebody who didn't have to live through two World Wars, has cushy workers rights, weekends, holidays etc. that didn't exist then. You need to thank your lucky stars you're alive in this day and age rather than back then!
@DurgenheimАй бұрын
I had a thought today about how much pain we’re all going to experience under neoliberal capitalism in the years to come. The desire for endless growth is going to lay waste to economies because these dominant multi-national corporations have simultaneously eroded wages while increasing prices. A market economy cannot function when a majority of the populace has no expendable income.
@pauleaton3578Ай бұрын
We in the UK have no more money to give. No wonder the average person in the street can't afford an EV. Governments need to wake up and see that neoliberalism is finished
@DreamteamCarloАй бұрын
13:56 Ik zou deze vraag als presentatrice niet op je showreel zetten. Mijn God... Maar top dat jullie Grace Blakeley hebben binnengehaald, geweldige gast! 👍
@filbertneon3813Ай бұрын
Don't fall for this bullshit! All systems can work but man is not able to do the right thing so it's us! Not some system or religion. Mankind generally lacks the ability to be fair and kind and it will ruin any system!
@uwayn982924 күн бұрын
Because you do not believe in cooperation. Game theory
@oneness1_Ай бұрын
This woman talks 100% truth and sense. Pleasure listening to her😊
@WaryofExtremes9 күн бұрын
So, she's basically talking about corruption...which any style of government/economic system can have. At least in some countries, you can quit, whistle blow, etc etc and aren't sent to slave in mines or rot in a gulag if you disagree with the government. I also didn't hear about any people having to sell dead loves ones as human meat, like what happened in some parts of the ussr when widespread flawed agriculture science and bureaucrats running farms caused a massive famine. Letting successful food producers keep owning and running farms has benefits...more than shipping them off to mines does.
@majdavojnikovicАй бұрын
i lived in socialim, i lived in capitalism, you believe me - socialism is better.
@lib1007Ай бұрын
I disagree. I live in both and socialism really sucks.
@majdavojnikovicАй бұрын
@ maybe that perticular form sucked. not the one i know.
@ppazpppaz8618Ай бұрын
For a socialist political analysis try the wsws
@WaryofExtremes9 күн бұрын
You've probably lived where the country has capitalism but a lot of taxes and benefits, and corruption was low. Some European countries have specifically said Americans have to stop calling them socialist, because they're not.
@majdavojnikovic9 күн бұрын
@@WaryofExtremes no. I lived in socialist federative republic of Yugoslavia.
@jitheninАй бұрын
Greed is the primary cause of this, can we educate corporates & government's? May be MORE POWER to GRACE 👍❤️
@AvdMasdey20Ай бұрын
Will she give up all her book sales income and live like a janitor
@RnanknАй бұрын
Is there something wrong with how janitors live?
@oneness1_Ай бұрын
Your comments reflect a highly stupid source😊
@rustyspottedcat8885Ай бұрын
... i love it ...
@1313steamrollerАй бұрын
Capitalism only works for the richest few. For everyone else, it is an apocalyptic dystopia. There is no such thing as a free market.
@ppazpppaz8618Ай бұрын
Try reading wsws
@someonenotnoone27 күн бұрын
@@ppazpppaz8618 Try feeding yourself in a capitalist world where no one wants anything from you.
@WaryofExtremes9 күн бұрын
@@someonenotnoone Then, like many countries, you have capitalism with some taxes and some benefit programs... Like northwestern European countries that people erroneously call socialist.