it's kinda rare to find covers of ■37shikakuzakana's songs so it's very surprising to me that someone even made one of this 2024 remake! oh and your voice and the MV you made at some parts here looks awesome, very well done!❤ oh and also i really like how the voice changed at the last chorus!!❤
【Regarding the jump cut after the washroom break】 【EN / JP】 (En) As some of you folks may know from my Twitter post (announced in CN only) after the initial 'incident' regarding this livestream: I had a severe lactose intolerant attack mid-stream and was trapped in the washroom suffering. Therefore, I could not end the stream in time and left it for an hour longer than it should(FYI I was REALLY fighting for my life back there). As a result, I've removed the extra hour in the VOD. Stay safe out there my fellow lactose intolerant soldiers. (JP) この配信に関する 「事件 」の後のツイッター投稿(CNのみで告知しました)でご存知の方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが: 配信の途中でひどい乳糖不耐症の発作に襲われ、トイレで苦しんでいました。 そのため、配信を時間内に終わらせることができず、本来よりも1時間長く放置してしまいました(本当に命がけで戦っていました)。なので、僕がVODの余分な1時間を削除しました。 乳糖不耐症の兵士たちよ、無事でいてくれ。