INSIDE A TORNADO in Battlefield 2042
@pollefrasvane 54 минут бұрын
I would like to see the menues allso on the linkplatforms, so i can understand the hole better
@rel3elskum336 Күн бұрын
Good video.
@thejimmichanga2913 19 сағат бұрын
I appreciate it my man. I need to get that spark to get back to Starfield. I SEVERELY burnt myself out pulling a 300 hr run all within a few months. Im actually working on some elden ring content right now, but WILL get back to Starfield very soon. I've been writing down idea's.
@rel3elskum336 17 сағат бұрын
@@thejimmichanga2913 well this video is denser than most other videos that just talk about individual planets. I've heard of elden ring but haven't played it.
@thejimmichanga2913 16 сағат бұрын
@rel3elskum336 Been working on a video detailing/showcasing all the various manufacturing you can do in Starfield with all the fabricators. More than likely that will be my next Starfield video.
@dpgsince85 2 күн бұрын
while this looks sick, it seems like a lot of work that gets removed after NG+. is there a recommended NG+ level where youd actually like to stop progressing?
@tylergames1277 3 күн бұрын
Ive watched one minute and 22 seconds. This is exactly what Im looking for. If it delivers, you are the f$%&ing man!
@stevemccann4166 3 күн бұрын
Think HV is in another dimension. I believe the grav drive or whatever it is on the space station that has been corrupted will act like a grav drive with artefacts loaded. Whereas that takes you to Unity, this one once repaired, will take you to their planet. Hence the reason why no one knows where their planet is even other Va’ruun like Andreja though space has been vastly explored. I also think that’s a young Andreja holding out her Groat dagger in the trailer.😃
@Hellfire666 7 күн бұрын
Do you really need all these resources? I'm at level 25. I've built a home base. I've made over 700000 credits just looting. I have so many resources at my base that I installed a mod that expands the amount my storage crates hold 10x, otherwise you have dozens of crates. All this without setting up outpost mining. I have found great gear , spacesuits and guns so no need to mod them yet. Maybe there is something later in the game that requires more resources?
@ricksanchez3218 16 күн бұрын
Do you ever have issue where you start filling up with too much of the same resource in your main hub? I was under the impression resources harvest at different speeds, do you just have to start dumping stuff til the resource you want trickles through?
@thejimmichanga2913 15 күн бұрын
Really comes down to the number of extractors your using for each resource and what type (commerical/industrial etc)
@chrisbrick 17 күн бұрын
most important part how many hour per 1 slept????
@beverlynchampion-xw1nx 27 күн бұрын
Your outpost is almost like mine lol I wish it was a mmo and we can trade. Because I have the biggest outpost in the known systems lol.
@Ryarios Ай бұрын
Btw, those big swarming foxes on Schrödinger III are the only place, outside a few vendors, to get luxury textiles that I’ve found. They all drop it. Just in case you’ve been looking for them for your crafting. Spent a half hour hunting them and got almost 200. Because they swarm!
@thejimmichanga2913 Ай бұрын
Thats helpful for anyone who runs across this comment!
@Ryarios Ай бұрын
The game needs to add a distributor network that sales product for cash. 😁. You could end up putting Walter to shame! The first gazillionaie!
@Ryarios Ай бұрын
Can you daisy chain extractors? Say have one water extractor connected to all the structures that need it and if you add another one, connect it to the first water extractor and be done with it? Or do you gave to connect it to all the other structures. I realize you can use storage tanks and that’s fine if that’s what you have to do.
@Andy_from_de Ай бұрын
I'm already using Charybdis II as my organic ressources supply planet. In fact I named my outpost on there "My Little Farm". I never checked the other planets in the system, so I actually have a network of outposts in different systems, and Eriadni II being my main hub. But it's a hassle to manage. I will make it my priority to re-locate everything to Charybdis. This looks just sooooo much easier to manage! Thanks for pointing that out.
@luvslogistics1725 Ай бұрын
I wish u can link outposts to colonies and link them based on what resources are demanded
@luvslogistics1725 Ай бұрын
You can’t use a link for both incoming and outgoing?
@thejimmichanga2913 Ай бұрын
Sadly no. If you could it would make life a lot easier. Still very possible to accomplish everything with careful planning
@jetteroheller Ай бұрын
One thing that bothers me about it is one of the die equals 7.
@thejimmichanga2913 Ай бұрын
Definitely odd. My roomate use to always point that out back in 2009. He still brings the schecter up to this day as his favorite guitar I own.
@Gminor7 Ай бұрын
I have a few hundred hours in the game & have watched a couple dozen outpost videos - only just now after watching 2 of your vids has it suddenly made sense why I would want to do this. As my favorite comedian, Brian Regan, said: Somebody throw a tarp over me, I’m a moron! I def hope we get a robust FO4 style Starfield settlement system, whether through DLC, non-paywalled mods, or both.
@falkenherz1708 Ай бұрын
Most resource rich planets have an extreme condition, i.e. you cannot build outposts on them until you substantially advance your outpost skills into the last tier.
@mirandela777 Ай бұрын
Folks, just use Inara Starfield, there you can "see" any system you pass through, with ALL available resources, and most important, ALL the resources who can grow in greenhouses & animal farms, more important than minerals... And, as a general rule, DO NOT chose places with only Al or only Fe - search for planets who have BOTH these resources on the same spot, (intersecting biomes, usually "mountains" & "craters" - land BETWEEN them and find a spot where both are present ) find that sweet spot where both biomes come near, so you can have extractors for Aluminum AND Iron in the same base. Build DOUBLE big containers, connect the top one to fabricators, have the lower one always filled. Iron and Aluminum are the "core" materials, your first base should start with those. Later on, you should build in-sys cargo link for all basic resources ( Cu, Fl, Ti, etc) all directed to that "main" base, so you can have access at ALL the resources present in that system IN ONE PLACE.
@shiner421 Ай бұрын
I didnt find this guide to be clear on why I would start on a planet that didnt have aluminum or cobalt?
@thejimmichanga2913 Ай бұрын
I'm not sure what you mean.. I showcase a metric ton of cobalt and aluminum in my chain coming from different planets within my system here. The key is, and the purpose of thie vid is don't focus so much on finding a singular planet with everything and focus more on finding a solar system that has everything. That way you can funnel everything to one planet via cargo links.
@Brentt777 Ай бұрын
They may have a lot of resources on each planet but you will only actually get a few resources for each outpost. It's what kind of ruins it.
@thejimmichanga2913 Ай бұрын
Depends on what you're trying to do in your outposts. If you end up setting up fabricators you end up using A LOT of different resources. If you're just using the resources to fill cargo contracts and to build up your outpost, then yeah, not much variety is required.
@TheDlaw84 Ай бұрын
I don't normally press the like button on videos but you asked so nicely! It was a well made video. Thanks
@Nuverotic Ай бұрын
Biggest shipping company in the entire system. Still just a LLC. LoL
@thejimmichanga2913 Ай бұрын
@b101uk9 8 күн бұрын
there are some very large private companies IRL that are LLC or equivalent with billions of revenue Aldi (supermarkets), Bosch (engineering, technology and automotive), Ineos (4th largest chemical company in the world), Ikea (furniture etc), ZF Friedrichshafen (automotive gearboxes etc), Mars (confectionery etc) to name ones you probably know, there are many other you probably don't as they are so big and hold multiple company's.
@user-ir5gw9qq5w Ай бұрын
For those who do not know how to pronounce the system name, it is ka-RIB-dis, a Greek mythology monster paired with the Scilla, SIl-ah. You can summon your ship from where it is parked by going onto the ship building pad and entering build mode and then exit. Ship will appear on your pad.
@armyofhardcore5146 2 ай бұрын
where is the location of the farm?
@agentxsnow 2 ай бұрын
u r chanel is amazing , make more videos 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍clear clarity , very helpfull
@thejimmichanga2913 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! I'm working on it. Sadly this update screwed up a lot of my outposts for some od reason
@Brentt777 2 ай бұрын
The production rate doesn't even matter. You will have far more than you will ever use, even using no increased production. You can also buy most resources in the home city.
@tejarex 2 ай бұрын
To prevent over import on some items, one should be able to either sent stuff out to separate storage chains, by labelling what a chain will take, or set desired and max fractions of each item being sent. Anything at max should not be imported.
@gigasoftgaming 2 ай бұрын
After a while, stuff gets clogged up in the chain
@thejimmichanga2913 2 ай бұрын
Definitely will clog yourself if you don't have enough room for storage expansion on your main planet. Copper is showcased. It's very briefly in this videos, but it's being received natively from my main planet, not through a link.
@gigasoftgaming 2 ай бұрын
@@thejimmichanga2913 I rewatched it and saw it, that's why I deleted copper from my post, lol I find when you transfer multiple items in one cargo link, after a while it gets clogged up, for example, sending aluminum and helium 3, if I put my aluminum with my iron and make a builder for Adaptive frames, eventually the helium 3 fills up and no more aluminum shows up to make the adaptive frames unless I clear our my helium 3, that was a basic example but I had this issue back at launch I just wish Bethesda would allow us to automatically stop sending an item if full so it focusses on the other items
@nickbellomo3362 2 ай бұрын
The cargo system is a pain. Im in the middle of this even before seeing this video.
@CreepyCat. 2 ай бұрын
Tom is recording and playing Fractal’s Axe 3 since AvA Lifeform’s. How would you imagine this is exactly what blink is using?
@thejimmichanga2913 2 ай бұрын
He uses a fractal live, not in the studio. This album was recorded in Travis's studio alongside Kevin Thrasher. They quite literally said in multiple posts that they were using Thrashers SLO packs from STL Tones to record the guitars.
@CreepyCat. 2 ай бұрын
@@thejimmichanga2913 yeah okay! Why did his own guitar engineer / producer say that One More Time was done with Axe Fx 3? Wonder why he’d lie to people…
@thejimmichanga2913 2 ай бұрын
@CreepyCat. what do you think a fractal is? You load IRs and patches onto it (hence Kevin's SLO100 packs). All can be loaded onto the fractal. It's not like a fractal is a tube amp with its own specific sound characteristics that needs to be dialed in. You can load 1000s of IRs and amp models onto a fractal. The whole band is literally in the photo, in the studio, where Kevin says the albums guitar tracks primarily come from his 90s slo100 presets. Kevin was the sound engineer on this album and is the one credited for engineering. Travis produced the album. The engineer and producer are not the same thing. Whether the presets are loaded onto the axe3 and recorded through a micd cab, or whether it's straight through the interface into the DAW, the 90s slo100 presets (which are slo100s daisy chained to a few different heads), its still thrashers 90s soldano presets. It doesn't mean 100% of the album was recorded using them, but it's pretty common knowledge at this point months after the album launch that they used thrashers presets for most of the albums guitars.
@CreepyCat. 2 ай бұрын
@@thejimmichanga2913 whoa friend, I own an Axe 3. You can load IRs into it, but its models are proprietary. Most company’s making modelers keep their code close to the chest, and FAS definitely does. Their modeling is highly regarded as one of the very best. The model characteristics may vary by a small percentage, but they most certainly are unique even if only a little.
@CreepyCat. 2 ай бұрын
@@thejimmichanga2913 at any rate check out Aaron Ruben. He’s Tom’s guitar man and he has tweeted / said on IG / Reddit that he used axe FX 3 for Tom’s guitar work all over the place, including podcasts. After how you tried to school me on what a “fractal is” I’m not sure I care for this conversation anyway..
@Boss-gk1ym 2 ай бұрын
Thanks man, great video, very informative 👌 If I can make a suggestion, the Hyla system also has an abundance of recources. Just like your recommendations, the Hyla system also has all the resources you'll ever need!
@parag_jk 2 ай бұрын
You forgot Hyla. It has the most resources with 32 in total. Every essential inorganic resource can be found in this system.
@milordas 2 ай бұрын
if would be nice if you could manage how much of each different resources would be shipped, as ie. you sending Al,Fe,Co who can grant it would be send 33% each, not 100% Al and 0% rest
@milordas 2 ай бұрын
Designated storage bins should be implemented to the game
@AlejandroLuzGrimaldi 3 ай бұрын
Is there anyway to replicate this presets with the Pod Go? Buying IRs or downloading some presets or snapshots??
@zeljkoklepac3180 3 ай бұрын
Super. Update your own outpost network and ships collection with the GoldStar 3 and the GoldStar family of ship designs wich will bring securety and top defence agains pirates and other ships that wants to attack your network. Have some free fun in mounting legendery Ship defence with the GoldStar DREADNOUGHT or other GoldStar ships desings. They did not get destroyed not a single time eaven from the start of the game against battleships. Have a nice day
@zeljkoklepac3180 3 ай бұрын
Nice. Add the GoldStar 3 legend Ship to your ships collection. And have fun building it for yourself to have for yourself and to upgrade more etc..... Have a nice day
@ansleyrvservicedepartment336 3 ай бұрын
2 WEEKS, waiting for a new video man!
@thejimmichanga2913 3 ай бұрын
Introduce to you all, crazy neighbor on his work acct ^
@matthewpeters9944 3 ай бұрын
I just started a outpost in the Charybdis V planet with I think 6 resourses. might expand more in system. As I havent gone NG+ yet
@biggranpa 3 ай бұрын
Good stuff. But I have a question. Why put the Hub on Charybdis III? Seems it has way too much going on, plus it is a violent planet as far as creatures go. Why not just ship that stuff out to one of your small outposts that doesn't have much going on? You know a nice quiet flat place with lots of room. Build the hub there.
@malepagamer7281 3 ай бұрын
@pyromethious 3 ай бұрын
Is there a chart that shows the list of systems / planets / moons and their resources?
@nathanthreshie199 3 ай бұрын
This game should of had a smithing skill tree similar to skyrim. Make your own weaopns,armour, improve on quality of them. WHats so hard about giving us gamers that?
@thejimmichanga2913 3 ай бұрын
I think the biggest let down for my surrounding weapons/armor is the loot pool is uninspiring. I miss doing a dungeon, cave, ruin, etc and getting a unique weapon. Now there's just the same weapons w/ slightly different stat boosts. Unique weapons are exceedingly rare compared to fallout 3, skyrim, oblivion etc.
@QRedknight 3 ай бұрын
Make a ship with as much storeage as possible. Go into a system that you have a quest in or something. Go to the different planets and start mining. While that’s happening go do your quest. I’ve had as much as 4 or 5 locations. When you you’re done with that go pick up your settlements and move to the next quest and do the same thing.
@rowanrobbjr.6160 3 ай бұрын
Amazing video
@madelineshockley5906 3 ай бұрын
I am impressed Sir. I'm a newbie and started outposts, I get confused always. My big problem is re-doing my original. connections are all wrong, wish I could start from beginning. Fixing is harder than starting anew. I was going to give up, but I'm going to stay with it now. My cargo on ship is full, not sure how to empty it before going to links.
@thejimmichanga2913 3 ай бұрын
You can delete anything within an outpost and get the materials used back. You can also delete the entire outpost from the outpost module that you planet. I'd delete all your extractors etc individual first before deleting the outpost though to get your mats back. That being said, If you follow this guide you should be up and running in no time. Just take it slow. You'll free up a lot of space from your ships cargo just by building a couple outposts. Also make sure you check your misc tab in your ship cargo at a vendor. When you make changes to a ship, it puts a lot of misc junk in the cargo haul that takes up space. Sell it off every time this happens
@madelineshockley5906 3 ай бұрын
@@thejimmichanga2913 Thanks so much.
@lordvalinar774 3 ай бұрын
Am curious; Does distance of systems matter? (Like say I have my outpost on Bessel 3-b (iron, aluminum, nickel, cobalt); if I get another planet to bring in He3 for an Inter-System Cargo Link to bring already established base materials to another system across the map (does that distance matter)?
@thejimmichanga2913 3 ай бұрын
I've never did helium links because I've never needed to using this method. I doubt diatance factors into anything. I may place my last 4 outposts in a different system just to play around with the helium links, though I still have some pretty good unused planets in my current system
@lordvalinar774 3 ай бұрын
@@thejimmichanga2913 Yeah lemme know how that goes! Am curious (still playing around in "first" game - haven't gone NG+ yet) but not sure I want to commit to an outpost system until the "final" universe) So am doing some research, asking around, etc. before making any commitments there ^_^ Would appreciate the info <3
@mattsharpey361 3 ай бұрын
THE most annoying bug in this game is going into NG+ with Outpost Management maxed and it resets to zero as soon as you hit NG+… Stuck on 3 per base links forever, can’t advance it because the skill that is supposed to give you 6 is maxed but reset. This is on Xbox, it has been reported and acknowledged a thousand times and 6 months later it is still not working 🤬
@thejimmichanga2913 3 ай бұрын
Interesting... I didn't have anything invested into Op management until after I ended ng+ and had 4 or 5 of these outposts down. That's a weird bug, and quite an unfortunate one, especially if you don't get your perk points back.
@mattsharpey361 3 ай бұрын
@@thejimmichanga2913 points are still maxed, it’s the effects that stop working at NG+ which is a disaster.
@jeffintx 3 ай бұрын
Can confirm that this is also true on PC. Most annoying.
@changedmind416 3 ай бұрын
This is fantastic. I started several outposts but they're mostly in different systems. I was thinking of sending helium t.. well it's complicated. What you've done is way cooler and I'm probably going to copy it. Thank you!