Theology Thursday - Sacrificial System
Theology Thursday - What does God want
Theology Thursday - Death Penalty
Theology Thursday - Pastors
Theology Thursday - The Exodus
Theology Thursday - Unity
2 ай бұрын
Theology Thursday - Public Sins
Theology Thursday - Thorn in Flesh
Theology Thursday - Esther
3 ай бұрын
Theology Thursday - Judges SWORD
Theology Thursday - Friendship
Theology Thursday - Other Gospels
Theology Thursday - Tower of Babel
Theology Thursday - Worship Music
Theology Thursday - Common Grace
Theology Thursday - Faith
7 ай бұрын
@michellestephens7225 2 күн бұрын
Where did the name Jesus come from? Jesus was not his original name. Yeshua is the original name of Jesus. If we we go back 2,000 years and ask for "Jesus" nobody would know who he is. The New Testament was originally written in Greek, and Jesus' name Yeshua was translated into Iesous, in Greek for Yeshua. Then Greek was translated into Latin and the Greek name Iesous became Iesu in Latin. Then Iesu became Jesus when the New Testament was translated into English. That's where the name "Jesus" came from. The English translation of Yeshua. The Bible was first translated into English by John Wycliff, a Catholic priest, in the 1300s a.d. As the English language evolved the English Bible was updated by William Tyndale, also a Catholic priest in the 1500s, preserving the name Jesus. Tyndale who was executed by the Catholic church for updating the translation of the Bible into English. John Wycliff was not executed because he came from an elite family and was given a proper burial when he died. But when William Tyndale was executed about 200 years after the death of John Wycliff, the Catholic church dug up the bones of Wycliff and burn it with Tyndale's body as both were considered heretics for translating the Bible into the common people's language. So the name "Jesus" only first appeared in the Bible by the works of John Wycliff in the 1300s. Before that Jesus' original name was Yeshua. Many Christians fuss about God's name Jehovah, but that's understandable because they are not interested in God, only in Jesus. But they do not either know the history of the name of Jesus who they worship. If the name Jehovah is wrong, then the name Jesus is wrong too because it is not really Jesus' original name. Besides, Jesus very clearly said that those who worship him instead of worhiping his Father, are his enemies. MATTHEW 7:21-23 Jesus himself prayed to Jehovah to glorify Jehovah's name. JOHN 12:28-30 And people heard Jehovah's answer to Jesus' prayer, that He will magnify His name, for their sake. Not only did Jesus pray to his Father to glorify the Father's name but Jesus also taught his disciples to also pray to God for His name to be hallowed. LUKE 11:1-2 Before Jesus was executed he pleaded with tears to Jehovah to save him from death. HEBREWS 5:7-9 And Jehovah did save Jesus from death by resurrecting him back to life because of Jesus' reverence and obedience to God. HEBREWS 5:7-9 Jehovah-English Yewah- Hebrew Yawah - Arabic Iechovah-Greek Iehova- Latin Yehwowah- Chinese Ehoba-Japanese PraYahowah- Thai Geova- Italian Ihowa-Maori Jeova-Portuguese Iehova- Romanian Ieova-Samoan Iehova-Tahitian Jehofah-Yoruba uYehova- Zulu Are the Bibles translated into over 1,000 different languages including the names, wrong? Are dictionaries in different languages, including names, wrong?
@vincekhchow3405 4 күн бұрын
Jehovah is God real name
@FemiAdewusi-kt5oj 7 күн бұрын
Jehovah is Jesus. Act 4:12 states that the ONLY name given under the heavens is Jesus.
@ChiliMcFly1 22 күн бұрын
Upper case and lower case is so you can study the Bible with the concordance of the book Strongs.
@S.R.M. Ай бұрын
Adonay was never pronounced "edonay," causing the hybrid name: YeHoVaH. The word used was eloah, meaning God. So YHVH with the vowels of eloah caused the hybrid name YeHoVaH.
@S.R.M. Ай бұрын
“Jehovah…” (Yehovah) It is widely used in many churches. It is considered by many Christians to be hollowed, and many beautiful hymns also endear it, however, this name “Jehovah” is a concoction of man. Therefore, it is a “mongrel,” a “hybrid,” and it is “fantastic,” a fantasy, and it is “monstrous!” There is something very wrong with this euphonious name Jehovah. Therefore, the name of Jehovah was a name never revealed by the LORD. The facts have only to be known to justify this verdict. What are the facts? Ever since the Babylonian invasion of the Kingdom of Judea, and the enforced diaspora of its noble class in 597 BCE, the Jews have had a strong penchant for hiding the name of the LORD (YHWH) from the Gentiles, thus preventing them from potentially profaning the LORD’s name revealed to Moses (specifically the name of YAH, “HaYAH”, as found in Exodus 3:13-15). YAH is “the name which is above every name.” Readers in the synagogues would inadvertently attempt to pronounce the LORD’s name, as there were no vowels in the Hebrew words within the Hebrew Bible [or known as “The Old Testament”] when coming upon God’s name: YHWH. Later, the Jewish clergy developed the practice, around the 1100s of adding Hebrew vowels created by the Masoretes, to the Tetragrammaton [Gr. word for the four consonant letters of the LORD's name]. The vowels were taken from at least three other Hebrew words, namely, Adonay (meaning Lord, with the vowels of a-o-ai causing the hybrid name YaHoWaiH, or later shortened to YAHWEH), Eloah (meaning God, with the vowels of e-o-a causing YeHoWaH later Jehovah or Yehovah), and Elohim (meaning Gods, with the vowels of e-o-i causing YeHoWiH, as shown in Strong’s Dictionary of Bible Words # 3069). These hybrid names were never meant to form any legitimate name for the LORD but were placed there to remind the readers in the synagogues to say, “Adonay” instead of attempting to pronounce the LORD’s actual name. How was this euphonious name, Jehovah, propagated? Later in Medieval times, the Roman Catholic Church was known to raid Jewish synagogues, take their gold, and the Hebrew Scriptures [the Old Testament], and persecute Jews. Raymondus Martini was a 13th century Dominican friar and theologian. He is remembered for his book called “Pugio Fidei” (in the year 1270 CE). Finding the absconded Hebrew Scriptures in the Dominican Library, and believing he had discovered the name of God, he used the name Iehovah (or Iehova) in his book not understanding that these vowels were not original to the LORD’s actual name. The name and pronunciation of “Jehovah,” (and also the name Jesus unknown until the 17th century) were essentially unknown in the years before 1520 CE, when introduced and propagated by Peter, Galatinus (1450-1540), he held the office of penitentiary under pope Leo X. His chief work De Arcanis Catholicae Veritatis, a book, written at the request of the pope, the emperor, and other dignitaries, in the year 1516 CE, as he also used the name Iehovah in his book. The name Iehovah was altered with the addition of the letter J, which was a recent addition to the English alphabet in the 17th century. Galatinus also did not know of the Jewish practice of adding vowels from an entirely different word. He did not know that the vowels found around the Tetragrammaton YeHoWaH were from the Hebrew word Eloah, and if he did, he did not care. Noted Bible scholar J. B. Rotherham, essentially stated, “To give YHWH (Latin: IHVH and later JHVH) the vowels of the word (ELOAH) to remind the Jewish reader to say, ‘Adonay,’ and to be pronounced by the Christians, ‘Jehovah,’ is about as hybrid a combination as it would be to spell the name of Germany with the vowels of Portugal-viz., Gormuna” (The Emphasized Bible, J. B. Rotherham, Kregel Publication, 1994, Pp. 24-25). Jehovah in its present hybrid form has only existed since the 17th century. Fact: The LORD’s essential name is YAH, and Bible scholars have acknowledged YAHWEH (see Strong’s #3050), as in “Praise YAH,” Hebrew: “Halleluyah!” The English “Hallelujah” is a misnomer. YAH is “the name which is above every name” (Philippians 2:9), and YAHSHUA is the only name by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12), and this name is to be known among every language, and tongue, as the essential revealed name of the LORD according to the Gospel (Philippians 2:11), YAH, as in HaYAH (the I AM). The Savior identified His name as “I AM” (YAH, see John 8:58). The prophet Isaiah identified the name of salvation as YAH (Isaiah 12:2 NKJV). And “shua” means “my help”, as in “my salvation.” To reject the revealed name of YAHSHUA, which was given by the angel (Matthew 1:21) is to stand condemned (John 3:18). YAHSHUA is shortened from the name YAHOSHUA, which is commonly spelled Yehoshua largely due to the Jewish practice of hiding the name YAH, by adding vowels to YHWH, the Tetragrammaton, from the Hebrew vowels of Eloah, which caused the false Yeh, as a result, scholars would consider YAHOSHUA a philological impossibility, however, they are mistaken. What does the name Jehovah mean in Hebrew? Je-hovah, “hovah” in Hebrew means, “Ruin, Mischief, and Calamity” (see Strong’s #1942, #1943). The Jewish Encyclopedia, states, under the name “Jehovah,” “This name is commonly represented in modern translations by the form Jehovah, which, however, is a philological impossibility” (p. 160). The Jehovah’s Witnesses admittedly make a similar reference that the name Jehovah is inferior, in their book: Let Your Name Be Sanctified (p. 16). Undoubtedly, the name Jehovah is not the revealed name of the LORD! Many Christian clergy know the truth that the name Jehovah is bogus. Still, due to their tradition, or the fact that this name erroneously appears in the King James Version of the Bible, they hold to this euphonious name for the sake of their tradition, which makes void the revelation of God (Mark 7:6-7). The Lord has a warning for them, “And now, O priests (pastors and teachers), this commandment is for you. If you will not hear, and if you will not take it to heart, to give glory to My name,” says the LORD of hosts, “I will send a curse upon you, Yes, I have cursed them already, because you do not take it to heart” (Malachi 2:1-2). Satan is deceiving the whole world (Revelation 12:9). Despite being told the truth of the one name of salvation, YAHSHUA, they will hold to the name Jesus and Jehovah, despite never having been revealed by the LORD. Many will reject the name YAHSHUA leaving only a few, and being of the many despite the admonishment: “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). The name Jesus was never revealed by the LORD, or an angel of the Lord, and history proves this, as eminent historian Ernest Renan acknowledged that the Savior was never in His lifetime called “Jesus” (The Life of Jesus, p. 90). The name Jesus, in its present form, has only existed since the 17th century.
@KathyBrawley-sp2tt Ай бұрын
I plan on moving to The area around Phoenix from South Carolina, I searched for a southern Baptist church and I found this website. I have listened to two of Pastor Pauls Bible studies. I hope I can find an apartment near his church. I really want to hear him preach in person. Maybe I will hear the 7 secret spices to make my chicken.
@KathyBrawley-sp2tt Ай бұрын
When we arrive in heaven after we die. Will we see God in the body he created us in?
@KathyBrawley-sp2tt Ай бұрын
I laughed when this pastor, said obey, nothing else needs to be said.😂
@timhartinger183 Ай бұрын
I totally agree! We love this church!! Pastor Paul teaches directly from the Bible, he also adds a little humor as well, maybe this Sunday he will let all of us know the seven herbs and spices to make great chicken!!!
@cindybroussard893 Ай бұрын
You're an excellent example of the biblical pastor. We love you and Jerri! Thank you for your great preaching and teaching.
@stephencameron2099 2 ай бұрын
Moses, Exodus Route from Egypt, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai Location in Arabia, Ten Commandments Holy Land Site
@stephencameron2099 2 ай бұрын
Check the biblical facts and what has already been discovered as to where the Exodus crossing really was from those who have been there;
@tlk0216 2 ай бұрын
Lord is not a name its a title
@MrDirtybird777 2 ай бұрын
Of course in your biased commentary you neglected to mention that we ALSO don't know the correct pronunciation of Yeshua (Jesus) but you have zero pagan problems with using that name daily 😉 The One True Almighty God, Jah the Father- Yahweh (English-Jehovah) The Almighty God of the 66 inspired canonical books of God's Word the Holy Scriptures. -Isaiah 45:5- WEB [I am Yahweh, and there is (no one else.) Besides me, there is (no God). I will strengthen you, though you have not known me,] [YHWH ] 4 consonants form of the divine name occurring nearly 7000 in Bible .... Reference King David 1100 times Yeshua/Jesus around 330 times. The 66 canonical books of God's inspired word the Holy Scriptures. which biblical scholars to say it means "he causes become", "he becomes anything" "i am anything" - necessary to achieve his will or purpose.. Which indicates His Godly wisdom, power to move events toward his divine will. YHWH, YAH, JAH, YAHWEH, YAHOVAH. [Jehovah- English] Hebrew/ Aramaic words have meaning. Found in hebrew theo-phoric names- Elijah, Adonijah, Yeho-shua, King Yəhōšafat and Prophet Isiah-Yəšaʿyāhū King Yəhōšafat ("Yahweh has judged") Elijah's name means “Yahweh is my God” John-Jehonathan or Yehōnātān means (Yahweh has given) Jesus name in Hebrew/ Aramaic- Yeshua (Salvation) Yeho-shua ["Joshua"- English] meaning -(Yahweh is Salvation) Jesus name brings glory to the One true Almighty God. ( Exodus 6:3) (Psalm 83:18 ) Sha'lom Aleichem in Christ Hallelujah- Praise Almighty Jah you people.
@michaelcramer6960 2 ай бұрын
Another great Theology Thursday. I look forward to them each week. Thank you Pastor.
@cindybroussard893 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, Pastor Paul. I always appreciate your Theology Thursdays, especially when they contain some history. 🥰.
@rosie0970 2 ай бұрын
Jesus said his fathers name is I AM. Why do translators keep finding reasons to change it to other names.
@donnyetta 2 ай бұрын
There was a "J" in the latin alphabet? For real?
@Psychiatrick 3 ай бұрын
Jehovah came from a witness
@TheProgressingPilgrim 3 ай бұрын
Justin Martyr says essentially the same thing in his First Apology when talking about Socrates and how pagan religions suppress the truth of God
@adamlopez3561 4 ай бұрын
Jehovah is the name of God and Jehovah's Witnesses are the true worshippers
@firangele8094 4 ай бұрын
Amen, 🙏 Very good explanation. Thank you very much. May God bless you. 🙏🙏🙏
@manuelflores2044 5 ай бұрын
I may be wrong but I believe you said YHWH was the Hebrew written text and JHVH was the Latin translation. At about 8:30 you start to say that JHVH is the written Hebrew. You have contradicted yourself.
@jahtruthdefender 5 ай бұрын
So "there is no J in Hebrew" Who in the world says that? This fallacy is so ridiculous when you consider all the other Hebraic names we say Jehu, Joshua, Jerusalem, Job, Jonah, Joel, etc It's English that's why you wont find "J" in Hebrew. At 6:05 notice no logical explanation given why the vowel "A" is changed to an "E" and the "I" has disappeared yet claims the vowels of Adonai are used. This is deceptive to claim the vowels are used when in fact it is clearly a false claim. Again obvious the name is not in the bible, Jehovah is the Latinised form. Notice you won't find YAHWEH in the bible. You will find YHWH but that is not the same as pronouncing Yahweh any more than Jehovah. Sorry but poor research and arguments made
@SojournerDidimus 6 ай бұрын
How do you see Oceans as good in theology? Personally I see some metaphor used that is neither originating from the Bible nor explained in the song itself. As such, whenever it is sung, I am silent, as I cannot say an Amen to it.
@rosemariego8965 6 ай бұрын
Admin deleting comments with references can't prevent people from knowing God's name because God will be the one to proclaim his holy name. You are against God's purpose Malachi 11: 1; John 12: 28
@CrabtreeJK 6 ай бұрын
What an amazing job working through this difficult discussion! You brought to light many issues and things to think about. Here are just a few of my favorite pull quotes: "Public worship music needs to be singable by a lot of people who are together." - Dr. Smith "Even Amazing Grace was new" - Dr. Smith ----great point, great quote Music History Nugget: This debate has been raging for almost all of notated music history. You can more specifically blame the 1700s for the development of the terms secular and sacred. The Enlightenment era, the Classical era in music history, started to distinguish music sung in church verse music sung for pleasure. The terms used to mark the different styles are secular and sacred. Church music, up to this point in history, was the driving force in the development of new styles. With the growth of Enlightenment ideas came a growing trend for church music to favor traditionalism - easy melody, four-part strophic, homophonic (hymn) writing. Interestingly enough, the composers within the Catholic church adapted popular, "secular" styles of writing that were being used in theatrical performances. The protestant church, in particular the movements in America, adopted the New England Psalm-Singer (1770) written by William Billings, which looks a lot like hymns that Charles Wesley wrote. You might call this the "Worship War" of 1700. Burkholder, J. P., Grout, D. J., & Palisca, C. V. "A history of western music." 10th ed. New York, NY: W.W. Norton, 2019. pg 486. (It was serendipitous that I was building my lecture for a University class while you posted this video! Your direction inspired me to add a little something to help bring this idea to our current time. Thank you!)
@peterrivera5784 6 ай бұрын
"YHWH" comes from our first breath in at birth "YH" and breath exhale "WH" in giving reverence to God... and when we die and take our last breath here on earth, we are giving reverence to God's name for the last time "YH-WH" on earth...and when we appeared before the LORD in His presence for the first time, again, our first word out of mouth will be "YH-WH"... So, whether we believe in YHWH or not, we are forever giving reverence to His name ...
@enefaanwokolo4259 6 ай бұрын
If the name Jehovah was not invented by the Jehovah witness and is found in many bible translations even more frequent than the King James Bible ( e.g. The American Standard Version of 1901that has it more than a 100 times). Why is the impression given that it is a Jehovah witness invention?
@hameedkatoor7469 6 ай бұрын
What's the personal name of God in the Bible? Jehova? Yahvey? Elohim? Eli ? Adnoi? Lord? Father? Eshu?
@hameedkatoor7469 6 ай бұрын
Who is God brothers and sisters Read Qur'an The last Testament of God Chapter 2 verse 255 Chapter 59 verses 24 Chapter 57 verses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chapter 112 verses 1 2 3 4 You will know the truth and the truth will set you free
@hameedkatoor7469 6 ай бұрын
Say,He is Allah The one Allah, The eternally Absalute He begets not ,nor is He begotten And there's none like unto Him Qur'an Chapter 112 verses 1 2 3 4
@timhartinger183 7 ай бұрын
Always a great message! Paul is a great pastor!
@isaaclwalker 7 ай бұрын
You are mistaken, but this is a mistake many people have made. The ancient Hebrew sources said that the name was pronounced Ya-Ho-Wah. This name may have been derived in the way you explain, but it was the original name. In Hebrew the name means, I was - I am - I will be. Ya -Ho- Wah. We Christians know Jesus by this description. The book of Revelation says that He is the Lord God who was, is, and is to come. Yahowah or in the English Jehovah.
@lenbejimenez150 7 ай бұрын
wrong conclusion purely expeculation. In Hebrew God's name is Yod He Vav He. YHWH is wrong translation. J is same in Y in English pronunciation. so don't misled. the German first translate Bible before it become in English. so they pronounce J the same in Yod in Hebrew. there's no wrong in that. Americans have local sound in alphabet. that why it's diffult for you to accept that name of God is J in German translation. and also search theoporic names. it clearly explain that God's name are three syllable. Jehova is right translation
@luboxing 7 ай бұрын
Good to see you, Dr. Smith!
@johncolage1651 7 ай бұрын
Even a Christian cannot brush aside the worship of Jehovah as God. In Revelation 1:5 the Son of God called himself "Jesus Christ, 'The Faithful Witness.'" When on earth as a man he was a Jew, an Israelite, to whose nation the words of Isaiah 43:10 were written: "'You are my witnesses, ' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'even my servant whom I have chosen.'" Jesus demonstrated that he was a faithful and true witness of Jehovah God. His genuine disciples today must be the same kind of witnesses, Jehovah's.
@carloszuniga2872 8 ай бұрын
Can anyone tell me where to find YHWH + Adonai = YHWH? No one to this day know how YHWH is pronounced. However great explanation.
@TheMinecrafter414 8 ай бұрын
Well done
@puchito74 8 ай бұрын
Who coined the name “Jehovah” and when?
@gloriosatierra 8 ай бұрын
@908spank 8 ай бұрын
So what about Jehoshaphat Jesus Jehu I think only Satan would want this rhetoric to continue The whole Bible would be false. Another thing that's interesting a lot of the profits names start with j e or have vowels in them Can you explain that concept. Maybe just maybe the Jews that knew the name wanted to have their children's name as close as the name Jehovah So should we say the whole Bible teaching is wrong?
@MommaBear-ml5zx 8 ай бұрын
Hallelujah literally means "Praise Jah" in English. We've already established God's name IS Jehovah in English.
@MommaBear-ml5zx 8 ай бұрын
Very simply put when William Tyndale translated the Hebrew and Greek scriptures into ENGLISH he spelled Yehovah as Iehouah. There was no "J" in old English and "v" was todays "u" and "u" was todays "v". Whether it be Yahweh or Jehovah either is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT AND TRUE ANYONE saying differently don't believe, they for THEY have distorted the TRUTH. I pray their motive is due to lack of correct knowledge/information rather than out of malicious intent.
@TheMinecrafter414 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for teaching! Learning history and the truth is so rewarding in a world full of lies and deceitful people. Following Jesus will give you all the truth we need.
@rilla607 8 ай бұрын
Sorry to burst your bubble but JW’s already know this. They also know that no one knows how ancient Hebrews actually pronounced the name. My question is would it make any difference to any one if JW’s started pronouncing the Devine Name differently? Also, do Mandarin, Spanish, German, or any other language pronounce ‘Jesus’ incorrectly?
@unc1589 8 ай бұрын
We err when we try to fix God’s enigmas. God‘s name was never Jehovah or Yahweh . Since “…There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” Like it says in the book of acts. YHWH was a place holder till Christ came. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow correct? Then what’s the purpose of these other names? Have we ever asked ourselves that? Jesus never called His Father Yahweh or Jehovah. “Jehovah “ never instructed anyone to “witness” for Him. Although it is an understandable translation mistake we must pause and ask ourselves if we are out of line. Is this blasphemy? More like mass deception. But we are not deceived! I never sing “there’s no god like jehovah” Or yahweh songs. But I understand why others do. It’s called religion! Religion has kept more humans out of the kingdom than any other source. Jesus hated religion. Called the “religious leaders” vipers! Said they’d cross land and sea to make converts. Called those converts “twice the son of hell” than they were. Religion tells God what He is. The first religious act of mankind was what? Adam and Eve covering their own nakedness. (We got this!) Till God took away their false covering and replaced it with the skin of a sacrifice. Time to pay greater attention to what we claim to believe.
@bh826 8 ай бұрын
with all respect pastor, you are only slightly correct in this but greatly wrong about the name, why it is not pronounce and His name and the origins of it. This is what happens when unlearned christians try to interpret a Jewish bible. You need to watch Nehemia Gordon's teaching on the name Yehovah...
@bmoshareholderappleshareho855 8 ай бұрын
The name Jehovah was invented by a Spanish monk several centuries ago. His name was Raymundus Martini. It actually says so in the Jehovah's Witness book Aid To Bible Understanding. But don't take my word for it. Look it up yourself.