@bruh-sf4gw 13 күн бұрын
bath mentioned!!! im there
@breadeater6255 14 күн бұрын
I'd like to add another honorable mention: Hobba Goblin. "Hobba Goblin who?", You may ask. Then I answer, "Hobba Goblin these nuts."
@bagelgeuse5736 16 күн бұрын
Misread the title and got excited. I quickly realized my mistake and got way more excited.
@altair-tf8fp 16 күн бұрын
@pingnick 19 күн бұрын
@richardscissors1645 21 күн бұрын
While I never used, “Baby Rudin”, I did learn Real and Complex Analysis from Rudin’s graduate-level book with that name. His 2-page proof of the Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym theorem was jaw-dropping in its elegance. I did have the pleasure of teaching calculus out of Serge Lange’s A First Course in Calculus and Calculus of Several Variables. Both volumes were similarly terse as Baby Rudin. We covered a traditional years worth of material in 2/3 the time.
@yfidalv 26 күн бұрын
0:41 technically with a little complex analysis you could do the sin(x) derivative with the chain rule and exp(x) derivative :)
@artkalbphd 23 күн бұрын
That complex analysis requires the derivative already be defined, which in turn requires sin(x).
@cmcgl 28 күн бұрын
Nice interview, I enjoyed listening
@snuffesnuffs7777 28 күн бұрын
ich bin hier und du bist mein Sofa...
@tylerduncan5908 28 күн бұрын
Obligtory "PIVOT!" comment
@pierreabbat6157 28 күн бұрын
Sofa, so good!
@johannesh7610 28 күн бұрын
Pretty cool! Seeing that there are fractals like this with hausdorff dimension still equal to 2, I'd say, yes every knot can be embedded in such a fractal. We can probably even construct such a fractal around a given knot?
@Trizzer89 29 күн бұрын
It would seem that you just need to add another dimension corresponding to the center of the couch and then you have to integrate that over a curve. So basically a quadruple integral. But it isnt quite that simple. Or maybe you just maximize the area corresponding to every single angle from the center of the couch. Basically the same thing in a different order. I wouldnt want to work for a month on the problem though unless I'm getting paid 8k or more
@alexmijo 29 күн бұрын
@userphd 29 күн бұрын
Coherent. I always thought about how the symbols we use to understand the organizational structure for information is designed to be legible on paper since that’s the longest used vessel for scribing human knowledge. 3-d models get closer to understanding the physical dimensions but same problem with metaphysical interactions. non reductive chaos theory helps kinda. knot theory v interesting
@GrinninPig 29 күн бұрын
One time we had to cut a couch in half and put it back together
@beeslovehoneyDJ Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@K----- Ай бұрын
Good video. I'd suggest investing in a better microphone for future videos if you want an easy way to increase quality with relatively little effort.
@garad123456 Ай бұрын
Question from the audience is writing a compiler for this possible / significantly harder than writing an interpreter?
@3zk1i_93 Ай бұрын
Is Typefuck the new python killer in 2025?
@samuelgunter Ай бұрын
my favorite type of typed system
@stephenliao63 Ай бұрын
Little endian is not the least “bit” stored first, it’s the least “byte”
@artkalbphd Ай бұрын
Sorry, that was poorly phrased on my part.
@james-s-smith Ай бұрын
At 2:05 you use the word "pedanticism", while at 2:48 you use the word "pedanticity". While your attempts at pedantry are admirable you are no match for a true pedant like myself. :P
@SpySappingMyKeyboard Ай бұрын
@operationsresearchgoblin Ай бұрын
I would tweak the formula a bit, since each candidate doesn't need 50% to win due to 3rd parties always getting 1-2% of each state's votes. All you need as a major party candidate is your opponents votes + 1. Therefore, in my mind, it would better to find what value of w is required in the remaining votes to bring the difference to 0. Then to find the win probability, maybe run a hypothesis test comparing the likelyhood of getting w vs the current vote share? Throughout the night, I had an excel sheet going, and it was interesting to see the w values going up and down based on the increased reporting % and the swings in the votes.
@henry-db 2 ай бұрын
The fact that every single number is spelled out makes me both wonder whether you typed this entire thing, and worry about your mental sanity. Good joke, btw, although I saw it coming from the very beginning.
@artkalbphd 2 ай бұрын
I didn't type out the entire thing, I was too tired after the 3 hours of recording the music live.
@AndrewTyberg 22 күн бұрын
Sounds like a task for ChatGPT
@DrSimulate 5 ай бұрын
This is a very nice and compact overview. Thanks for sharing this!
@Flourish38 5 ай бұрын
This is really good! I had a feeling it would be from the thumbnail/name combo, for some reason. The cadence you tell this story with feels very natural and compelling. Also, I had never heard of the Buckingham pi theorem before, and it is super interesting!! I'm more on the computational side of things, and dimensionality reduction is always a really big deal there, so I'm sure I'll get to use it at some point.
@AllemandInstable 5 ай бұрын
nice compact and useful video
@jhhn369 5 ай бұрын
Solid video man
@jhhn369 5 ай бұрын
The ending was super fun
@thelonglinest 5 ай бұрын
Like a lot of other commenters here, I independently thought of "factor space", and to me it's the most natural way to understand what multiplication actually is from an abstract algebraic point of view. I majored in math but I was kind of disappointed that it was never taught in my courses. Cool vid overall
@IamLeFishe 5 ай бұрын
really interesting topic, do you have additional ressources to go more in depth in this subject ?
@martimlopes8833 5 ай бұрын
I disagree, if we didn't have multiplication, we'd end up with Presburger arithmetic, it'd be complete and we would have algorithms to prove any formula we wanted! Jk, cool video!
@Boxland_ 5 ай бұрын
Lets write 1=[ ], and 2=[1]. Then 2 = [ [ ] ]. It's like the integer definition all over again.
@titouant1936 5 ай бұрын
My ears can now rip, bye, didn't even continue the vid
@KendrickLamar4 5 ай бұрын
: HILARIOUS! [I think they want a short-way to connect things they learned about, like that is the whole-picture. I saw the video, I think that this is making fun of. Honestli, kind of like the einstein-people to some degree for me, but I know why that stuff works statisticalli for their systems that they build, and that is not the wrong-part. That is how their systems basicalli work, but also I found a grammar-component of making things factual. I like my work with making aether a physical-di-mension, the Michaelson-Morley experiment confirms that the aether moves with the earth because the aether is the earth, like the gravity of the earth and the magnetism of the earth and the mass-particles in some type of condensed-standing-wave of this material, and temperature being a frequency of the condensed aether knitted together with itself. Mine works and I have had the top-scientist in the world, : Postmaster-General: Russell-Jay: Gould tell me that my work is correct, and I already knew.]
@apteropith 5 ай бұрын
this factor-space is ... very logarithmic number theory isn't really my thing, but i am fascinated by certain kinds of rotational algebra, and at least one algebra for rotations along the surface of a paraboloid (embedded in the null-cone of a minkowski-space, encoded in a geometric algebra) has interesting properties allowing it to model co-ordinate translations with the same multiplicative structure as rotations, instead of addition (but still being additive in a linear projection) ... i actually really doubt this would make number theory any easier, but one made me think of the other, and i'll have to contemplate a bit on _why_ it wouldn't help ... and i don't actually remember how to represent scaling operations in this model, which would be essential here edit: apparently dilation involves two successive inversions with the same center but different radii - that would definitely complicate things a little
@chrimony 5 ай бұрын
Bonus points if you remake this video without the obnoxious music and link it in the description.
@elunedssong8909 5 ай бұрын
All 4 numbers are divisible by 30, was my answer to your first question.
@MonzennCarloMallari 5 ай бұрын
Yet another illustration that everything is linear algebra
@jontedeakin1986 5 ай бұрын
You need to balance your audio levels. Ruins an otherwise good video
@the_frog_army 5 ай бұрын
great example of a video that would be a shallow and straightforward 8/10 dropping to 2/10 due to not being edited properly
@purplenanite 5 ай бұрын
Isn't this also equivalent to: "if a,b,c,d exist such that det([a!,b!],[c!,d!])=0" ?
@AsiccAP 5 ай бұрын
314th view 👍
@SobTim-eu3xu 5 ай бұрын
"Hard" is only that you cannot say "this theorem is true bc bla bla", bc numbers is not finite set I'm in number theory tho
@IvanKaspirovich 5 ай бұрын
I thought it ll be Taylor expansion of special theory energy with gamma. It can be expressed as a summ of mc2+...
@TepsiMorphic 5 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed hearing Verdi's requiem out of nowhere. You don't here that everywhere. However it almost woke up my brother xD
@skyjumper4097 5 ай бұрын
i immediately disagree cuz addition is kind of the base for everything but yt shoved this vid infront of me so many times that it cant be that bad
@KendrickLamar4 5 ай бұрын
[Why would you include AI (Artificial Intelligence) in a equation for energy as you say? I don't get the joke. Did someone say that Artificial Intelligence will fix how Einstein's-Equation for when it's wrong? What they call Einstein's-Equation has mass(aether^2÷length^3), pressure/stress(aether^2÷length^4÷turn^2) (43,200seconds=pi-radians) and maybe temperature with the pressure, power(aether^2÷length÷turn^3), momentum-concentration(aether^2÷length^5÷turn) & energy-concentration(aether^2÷length^4÷turn^2). & I had to find the di-mensions of physical-constants because my university told me that there are seven-base-units and I knew there had to be connections between some of them. So I started with lectricians, fining charge(coulomb) as aether÷length & magnet(weber) as aether÷turn. I view you linked an aether-song. Aether comes from the sun in di-rect-character-form, making the voltage, charge & movement in the same di-rection alike what happens in between the plates of a capacitor. The aether pours down like a river that rushes past us while we stand on grating with a pressure like riding the surface & when we step off of grating start at zero-speed and the river forever gives us it's velocity on the surface based on how long we ride and get sped up. But I think there is more-things that the aether can form into than those forms and if those are happening near us, they might be a part of what makes something move, which seems to be their point. Do you think that the einstein equation shows everything? Do you think the einstein equation is correct in the concept of curved-space when length is defined as the di-stance between two-points? I think they might be lining up their coordinates with some alternate-lines of force rather than the kind that we view with metal-filings over a magnet. I never thought his equation had all the things though. But do you think their way of thinking can show how magnets, charges, temperatures and masses work? I don't think that the General-Theory of Relativity was made for Power-Lines. For Power Lines I needed to find Charles P. Steinmetz's-Work.]
@buttersquids 5 ай бұрын
@KendrickLamar4 5 ай бұрын
@@buttersquids [What type of question is that? One time I was sitting in high-school-chemistry and this kid walked into the class and said "where is the mr. teacher?"" type-stuff and then we didn't say anything and looked over at the teacher getting something out of his desk and then he just said "okay" with a big-o and walked away. It was so funny.]
@KendrickLamar4 5 ай бұрын
@@buttersquids [Do you know the joke? Can you tell me so I can know if this is funny? Who said stuff like this? Did you want to have a conversation with me? I guess you can at my website. But my questions were for the maker of this video technicalli, although questions from other-viewers are also welcome with me.]
@KendrickLamar4 5 ай бұрын
@@buttersquids [I think I found the Joke if it is the Lex Fridman AI Podcast. I will listen to it, and I will get back with my say on whether I think this is funny, which I just chose to speak about.]
@KendrickLamar4 5 ай бұрын
@@buttersquids [I can't figure out how it's suppose to be funny. I saw a couple minutes of the Lex Fridman and they were talking about quantum which einstein people keep saying doesn't mix. I saw a artificial einstein video but that was just talking about computers doing general relativity all on their own, I think.]
@m1k3y_m1 5 ай бұрын
Lets ignore all the obvious flaws and try to find a meaning in it: A typical server rack has a weight limit somewhere above 1000kg. That would be the energy equivalent of 10^20 Joules. Im not sure how much engergy the AI might be worth, but it will definitely be absolutely insignificant. And thats the moral of the story. AI is cool and all, but it won't solve our issues.