@robertlafleur5179 7 күн бұрын
Hi Bert, this is the calculations I did for the Sun's altitude and azimuth for *December 15, 2024* at Union Glacier Camp. They agree with your video that is for *December 18, 2024.* Thanks. UNION GLACIER CAMP 79°46'S 82°52'W SUN ALTITUDE AND AZIMUTH DECEMBER 15, 2024 UTC ALTITUDE AZIMUTH 00h 21°25.2 257°29.6' 01h 18°55.3' 243°03.8' 02h 16°43.3' 228°46.9' 03h 14°57.4' 214°35.2' 04h 13°43.9' 200°25.8' 05h 13°07.2' 186°17.2' 06h 13°09.5' 172°08.9' 07h 13°50.7' 158°00.4' 08h 15°08.3' 143°50.8' 09h 16°57.6' 129°38.7' 10h 19°12.2' 115°21.2' 11h 21°43.8' 100°54.1' 12h 24°23.0' 086°12.8' 13h 26°59.4' 071°12.3' 14h 29°22.2' 055°48.7' 15h 31°20.6' 040°00.6' 16h 32°45.0' 023°50.3' 17h 33°28.1' 007°24.7' 18h 33°25.8' 350°53.8' 19h 32°38.5' 334°29.3' 20h 31°10.4' 318°21.0' 21h 29°09.3' 302°35.3' 22h 26°44.8' 287°14.1' 23h 24°07.8' 272°15.7' 24h 21°29.1' 257°36.1'
@exsappermadman25055 7 күн бұрын
"Don't argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"....
@bulwinkle 7 күн бұрын
Yet again, a nice one Wally.
@robertlafleur5179 7 күн бұрын
It's not Wally, it's Bert.
@bertrickles15 7 күн бұрын
Thanks (I suspect you said Wally by mistake, but just in case, I’m Bert)
@sphaera2520 6 күн бұрын
Or have we stumbled onto a hidden conspiracy. Wally and Bert are the same person! There’s no evidence both have been in the same room at the same time proving they’re different people. Flat earth confirmed. I’m kidding, obviously.
@marcg1686 7 күн бұрын
Nicely done. One cannot fail to notice that the FE community is already implementing damage control measures like 'a 24 hour doesn't prove a globe'.
@bertrickles15 7 күн бұрын
It shouldn’t be hard if it really was flat… yet, here we are, and all they have are things contradicting other things. For that reason, it’s nice to keep them flerf tears flowing.
@realcygnus 7 күн бұрын
@dp1381 7 күн бұрын
Your representation of what we should expect to see on a flat earth is inaccurate. If the earth is flat and the sun is outside the firmament, we should expect to see the sun set and rise again, though it will never be completely dark. Various FE proponents have demonstrated this many times; I believe the optical effect is known as ‘coffee cup caustic’. I understand you think FE is stupid, so why misrepresent it?
@bertrickles15 7 күн бұрын
I’ve seen those claims and even some demonstrations but if it doesn’t match observations, it’s wrong. FE is not stupid if it can be modelled, but rejecting the only model that does match observations is. You say my representation is wrong, ok fine. Come up with a flat earth model that is capable of making predictions and I’ll represent it.
@do_notknow_much 4 күн бұрын
...What version of flat earth? ...There are many versions of flat earth, many of them say, "we don't make claims, while yet making many claims." ...Put the various flat earth versions together and come up with some consistency! Can't misrepresent that which does not a have a definitive model. ...I looked up 'coffee cup caustic" There appears to be reflections. High altitude footage shows one Sun, no reflections off a dome of any kind. Also, if there was 'reflections' happening, tall mountains would be showing some sort of reflections off of the dome. ...There is one Sun for our Earth. And there are no reflections off of the dome. The movement path of the 24 hour Antarctica Sun is opposite of the 24 hour Arctic Sun. That doesn't work on a flat planed earth with its sun moving left-to-right around the north pole. ...Papa Flerf Eric Dubay, DITRH and many others have made definitive 'claims' about Antarctica. Now many flerfs want to make excuses, move the goal posts and come up with 'reasons' that don't hold to observations. Sounds like, so far, Jeranism is the only Papa flerf trying to put forth some intellectual honesty for this experiment. (By the firmament in the Bible translated means sky, vast space, expanse. Not a rigid dome.)
@AlexZander688 3 күн бұрын
...There is no evidence of 'coffee cup caustics'. High altitude footage shows no coffee cup caustic lighting effects on Earth's surface. No reflections off of the Dome. High altitude footage shows one Sun. Particular camera lenses show some lens flare effects, but that is not coffee cup caustics. ...There are many versions of flat earth. They all have various claims. Can't misrepresent something that has no definitive model. And the various flat earth models lack proper quantitative science to go with the claims and beliefs.
@AlexZander688 3 күн бұрын
The Antarctica Sun and star movement path being opposite of the Arctic Sun and stars is still a problem for flat earth claims. ...Changing direction or location on the flat planed earth does not change the counter-clockwise movement path of the Sun and stars 'appearing' to do the opposite because you are near the perimeter of the flat planed earth. ...A smaller scale experiment can be done using a Domed Sports Stadium to demonstrate one star movement path over a flat planed earth. ...Place a light source at middle-top of the stadium dome to represent Polaris. The sporting field would represent a flat planed earth surface. ...Now move some light points counter-clockwise around domed sports stadium's version of Polaris. ...No matter where you position yourself on the sporting field and your observing direction, the points of light would move in a counter-clockwise direction. ...You literally have to change the observer(s) orientation. Two observers on a spherical Globe surface, with two separate hemispheres, accomplishes the clockwise/counter-clockwise dichotomy. ...On a flat planed earth surface, the observer literally has to stand on their head to observer the counter-clockwise/clockwise dichotomy.
@AlexZander688 3 күн бұрын
Coffee cup caustics are not observed. High altitude footage does not show any evidence of coffee cup caustics lighting effects on Earth's surface, no observations of reflections off of the sides of the Dome. High altitude footage shows only one Sun. Particular camera lenses show lens flare effects, but that is not coffee cup caustics. ...Flat earth has many claimed versions. There is no definitive flat earth model. Difficult to misrepresent flat earth claims when there is no definitive model. Flat earth models lack proper quantitative science to back up the claims/beliefs/hypothesis.
@arthursgarage6550 9 күн бұрын
No clue if you're still interested, but I may be able to help, I am self taught in differential equations so I may not be the most helpful, but send me that link in the video and I'll see what I'm able to do and I'll get back.
@bertrickles15 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for offering to help. I can't go back right now to remind myself what that link was but my email address is available in my about tab. I did start trying to do this back in the day but put this project on the back burner for other priorities, wanting to bring it back out from time to time. I only got as far as looking up the equations for a pendulum swing and put those in a spreadsheet, so if you can dig up the other forces such as Coriolis, etc, that would be great. My guess is, we need pendulum vectors, Coriolis vectors, even a formula to convert a perfect sphere latitude to an oblate sphere (i.e. my latitude measuring local star declinations very likely won't match precisely my distance from pole to equator and would affect the the angle towards the center of mass). A few of those factors could probably push simulation predictions down into the 8th or higher decimal place.
@arthursgarage6550 6 күн бұрын
@@bertrickles15 So, I've found the original link you had. So, I'm not a programmer computery guy, so I'm just curious if you know how to model differential equations in code? It would certainly take a bit of rigor to make these formulas work for an oblate spheroid as it completely changes the coordinate system that's used, but it is possible.
@georgemontgomery5786 9 күн бұрын
On a globe earth, the shadow of a vertical gnomon should circle completely around the gnomon's base. On a flat earth, the shadow should never fall north of the gnomon's base.
@bertrickles15 9 күн бұрын
During a 24 hour sun, yes.
@SwaaallaFE 12 күн бұрын
I was told there might be more penguins. I was thinking today that a big V could be drawn on the snow for the range of a FE sun path
@bertrickles15 12 күн бұрын
Sorry, no penguins this time.
@thegrumpyoldmechanic6245 12 күн бұрын
Everyone needs to spend some time on the Antarctic Logistics website. The "experiment" has been done by more than 300 skiers.
@The-Final-Experiment 13 күн бұрын
Great stuff and great suggestions, thanks!
@pretentiousjackal 13 күн бұрын
1:29 Those lines look more like dangerous crevices from the glacier breaking. I think the camp is actually the area with the buildings that got split between the two aerial photos (-79.76,-82.85). It matches with union glacier camp maps I've found online. This location is much closer to the mountain, Mount Rossman, and fiddling with photospheres from google maps make it seem like it either barely covers or barely doesn't cover the sun.
@bertrickles15 13 күн бұрын
Possibly an update to my update is in order? I’ll take another look at the area provided. The math should be similar to see what the elevation angle is for what a different location would be.
@realcygnus 13 күн бұрын
@MarkMichalowski 19 күн бұрын
Interesting vid - but the whole thing is a ridiculously expensive and impractical way of doing nothing that either side would agree as "evidence" for any view that wasn't their own.
@SwaaallaFE 19 күн бұрын
This video needed more penguins
@bertrickles15 19 күн бұрын
I wanted to put a LOT of penguins with assault rifles and borg like headgear but I didn’t want to spend weeks doing photoshop.
@SwaaallaFE 18 күн бұрын
@@bertrickles15 lets make some so you can add any time you want
@bertrickles15 18 күн бұрын
@@SwaaallaFE sounds like an idea. I think I’ll give the spec for the file in a day or so and let anyone provide submissions… Edit: it’s a glorified equirectangular PNG with the sky part as transparent… nice and big if you want to see lots of detail, but not TOO big.
@babotond 13 күн бұрын
@sphaera2520 19 күн бұрын
Can’t you/whoever’s going just agree local noon is defined by the moment the sun is at its highest altitude? This works well for every situation except when directly at the axis of rotation on equinox where in theory the altitude would be constant.
@everybodylovesballs 18 күн бұрын
If you're at the poles, the altitude will be constant over every 24-hour period (ignoring tiny changes in the sun's declination over that time). But I agree otherwise and that definition should be true on a flat or globe Earth.
@babotond 13 күн бұрын
not just the equinox, it's any time of the year.
@badensnaxx5804 20 күн бұрын
That big fat zero reveals so much about flat earthers & their Antarctica claims. They've collectively scored just enough IQ points, to realise they've been cornered by TFE. Damned if they go, damned if they don't go & they're fuming over it, their excuses are so desperate it's embarrassing.
@bertrickles15 20 күн бұрын
@The-Final-Experiment 20 күн бұрын
Incredibly useful, thanks!
@bertrickles15 20 күн бұрын
No problem, I even have more on the way but it will take time to put together.
@The-Final-Experiment 20 күн бұрын
@@bertrickles15 can't wait!
@josleys 20 күн бұрын
Why do people, especially flerfers, refuse to believe date from the time and date website? I have stated repeated ly that the Final Experiment project is a waste of time and money, as there are much simpler ways to show, without a shadow of doubt, that Flat Earth is BS. But if it has to involve Antarctica, consider this: Look at the time and date website for a place in Antarctica. Mc Murdo is a good choice. Look up the sun position there in December. Time and date shows the sun being up all day. What kills FE is that the midnight sun is in the direction dead SOUTH! That is towards the rim of FE, so where is the sun?
@bertrickles15 20 күн бұрын
I know, I know… the mental gymnastics they are doing now since the experiment was proposed are quite dizzying to watch. Their way out of the midnight sun south of you over there problem is they think it’s a reflection off the dome… or something. I’d say trying to convince them is futile at this point.
@josleys 20 күн бұрын
@@bertrickles15 ....but they will have a chance to put some graffiti on the dome where it meets the ice!
@MaryAnnNytowl 24 күн бұрын
Feeding the ever-starving Almighty Algorithm!
@bertrickles15 24 күн бұрын
Thank you ever so kindly. Seriously, ever since some pointy haired boss decided to turn youtube into a cash cow that relies on monetizable videos they messed up the recommendation algorithm so bad, it it’s not click bait or has 100k + followers, it’s not worth them recommending and channels stagnate quickly, making the situation worse.
@The-Final-Experiment 26 күн бұрын
Are you following what we are doing?
@bertrickles15 26 күн бұрын
I am following. I wish you success in your endeavour, would wish you all the best to end the debate yet the possibility it won’t is always too real. I even had an idea that could possibly make it more robust and could hopefully demonstrate authenticity of the location. When I make a video about it, I’ll let you know.
@The-Final-Experiment 26 күн бұрын
@@bertrickles15 perfect, thanks!
@bulwinkle 27 күн бұрын
Comment for the algorithm.
@FlatEarthMath 27 күн бұрын
Excellent work! 🙂I found the trajectory of the moon to be very confusing, and tried to make some sense of it. Then I realized that I've never been to Antarctica, and that your visualization and the actual footage is EXACTLY what one would see, looking just west of due north. Your math, geometry, and programming mojo is strong.
@bertrickles15 27 күн бұрын
Why thank you. It was only possible by finding a reasonably accurate model that others derived for me for all the various things. I settled on RA/DEC as the native coordinate system and transform accordingly, depending on purpose. The trick I first had to solve was converting RA/DEC to x/y coordinates for the overlay. Although that part wasn’t overly complicated I did hack it up quite badly in my prototype (this) app and implemented a "good enough" solution. It’s probably not overly efficient but it gets the job done.
@FlatEarthMath 27 күн бұрын
@@bertrickles15 I know a bit of programming, and I know a bit about geometry. Repeat with Earth shape and a bit of computer graphics. But you take it to a whole new level! 😎
@bertrickles15 27 күн бұрын
@@FlatEarthMath kind words. Sometimes just working away at something with a set goal until you accomplish it can do wonders.
@fepeerreview3150 Ай бұрын
5:50 Very nicely done. Kind of makes one wonder why the Flat Earth flights go so far out of their way. At this point there is such a vast library of high quality debunk material available online that anybody who is willing to give Flat Earthers the time of day probably wants to be duped.
@bertrickles15 Ай бұрын
And therein lies the problem of social media. Somebody posts something that makes no sense and they can still find others to fall for it… maybe these short videos can go on things like TikTok, etc. Anyway, the FE map doesn’t really solve any practical problems, yet, the flerfs swear by it.
@Sol.Revolver1966 Ай бұрын
@michaeldamolsen Ай бұрын
Wow, they are getting dangerously close to being shut down by the penguin army guarding the ice wall.
@jacksonsneed7689 Ай бұрын
For those who don't know, 99% of KZbin flerfs are FAKE FLERFS, grifting their gullible and undereducated religa-flerf followers for cash, clicks, and flerfy clout. They don't believe in any of this nonsense, as demonstrated by Oakley's texts & DMs (" . . . don't use that argument, it proves the globe!" -Nathan Oakley, 2018 🤣), Flatzoid's hot mic admission that he's: "just playing a character", and very, VERY SOON evidence will be made public proving that L.E.O. is also a FAKE FLERF. Let's not forget that Witsit is also a CONFIRMED FAKE FLERF, as is Dubay, Jeranism, Mikey, Brian's Logic, Bev, Sargent, and QE. It now appears that Taboo Conspiracy is also a FAKE FLERF GRIFTER. I thought he was a religa-flerf (true flerf), but nope, YET ANOTHER GRIFTER CLOWN. Flat Earth, just like young Earth creationism, is a straight up grift, with the movement's leaders being scammers who prey on the ignorant for cash, clicks, and clout, and in the case of the creationism grift, for POWER AND CONTROL. So 'Bah!' for me religa-flerfs, since it's clearly the only thing y'all are capable of doing without some grifter telling you what to believe and how to act. I SAID 'BAH!' YOU PAVLOVIAN SMOOTH-BRAINS!! 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 🌐🌎🌍🌏
@sissyfus6181 Ай бұрын
Wow, hardly an inconvenience! You make it look easy.
@bertrickles15 Ай бұрын
@Earthislife1031 Ай бұрын
These are excellent!!! I'll give you credit in my next video im making for Jarenism!!!
@bertrickles15 Ай бұрын
Thanks. I look forward to your take on all this
@bulwinkle Ай бұрын
Comment for the algorithm.
@Exit311 Ай бұрын
@Marques2000 Ай бұрын
On a globe makes more sense? Who would have known...
@sissyfus6181 Ай бұрын
That's a big whackload of planes. So how many of those MFing planes have MFing snakes on them? It's just a question of probability ain't it?
@davidmaurice5992 Ай бұрын
This is awesome. I have worked in aviation for almost 30 years. I could be working anywhere from Costa Rico to Quebec. I am constantly on Flightaware watching the airport I am stationed at and also the airport nearest home to keep an eye on the weather.
@Earthislife1031 Ай бұрын
I might use this on my channel if that's ok.
@bertrickles15 Ай бұрын
I can do better. I can give you a copy of the original video files. If you’re willing to wait a few days, I can make you even more globe videos centered at different locations (let me know lat/lon coords below). You can say things in your own style and address any point you want. I still have the primary source images and the computer will do all the lifting.
@Earthislife1031 Ай бұрын
@bertrickles15 Ok that's perfect. I'll let you know.
@bertrickles15 Ай бұрын
@@Earthislife1031 The animations I made already are on my KZbin videos hard drive and should be available for as long as it lasts. However, I'm curious if you still want me to make you new animations from different locations on the globe projection (that I didn't render already). I'm thinking of deleting the source files from my hard drive. It's taking up a good 25GB.
@Earthislife1031 Ай бұрын
@bertrickles15 if you could make ones showing these specific flights on a flat earth and on a globe, that would be awesome. QFA27- Sydney to Santiago QFA28- Santiago to Sydney QFA63- Sydney to Johannesburg QFA64- Johannesburg to Sydney QFA65- Perth to Johannesburg QFA66- Johannesburg to Perth LA800- Awkland to Santiago LA895- Santiago to Melbourne
@bertrickles15 Ай бұрын
@@Earthislife1031 Sure, no problem. I'll see how I can get those flights highlighted on flightradar24... Otherwise, what I can do is get the rendered Mercator map from flightaware, along with its route data. I can then animate from there which might be nice..... I can trickle some animation videos your way in the coming weeks until we find a format that works with what you want to do and once that happens, I should be able to blast through those flights fairly quickly. For now I will reclaim that disk space by deleting the 24 hours worth of cropped images and if you don't mind, send me an email (available from my profile page) or send me a DM on twitter/x (@qbertblue). I'll keep you updated with things as they happen and send you links to a spot on my google drive where you can grab the animations.
@MarkMichalowski Ай бұрын
Great stuff, Bert (and Dave, obviously!)
@bulwinkle Ай бұрын
Comment for the algorithm.
@FixedFace Ай бұрын
4:11 by their logic one should be able, when living at a certain point, to look up and see the bottom side of the moon?
@bertrickles15 Ай бұрын
On the one hand, yes, on the other, they will give all sorts of excuses like “it’s just a light in the sky and don’t ask so many questions”.
@filker0 Ай бұрын
Fantastic work! Might be interesting to see side-by-side using the azimuthal equidistant projection with the globe, showing that the flight paths make more sense for one than the other. Also, though the dataset might not allow it, set a different color for some aircraft to make it easier to track them visually along their paths when things get dense.
@bertrickles15 Ай бұрын
That done entirely from the playback of the flightradar24.com site. I can animate for different projections but tracking specific flights is not so easy. I’d have to recreate the view that was captured with their dataset that they don’t make readily available.
@DaveMcKeegan Ай бұрын
Great work Bert, it looks great 👍🏻
@bertrickles15 Ай бұрын
@realcygnus Ай бұрын
@sissyfus6181 Ай бұрын
Great work! How hard would it be to write code for the curved adjacent? ;-)
@primonomeultimonome Ай бұрын
Even computer displays are flat. The code must be flat too.
@MonochromaticLightsource Ай бұрын
Loving the soundtrack Bert.
@bertrickles15 Ай бұрын
Thanks. I have about 30 (or 50?) KZbin music library tracks downloaded at the ready to pick from. I went with some of the lesser picked ones this time.
@MonochromaticLightsource Ай бұрын
@@bertrickles15 Interesting! That was an enjoyable experience watching aircraft flying great circle routes around the globe.
@fepeerreview3150 Ай бұрын
I'm posting this in response to Wybenga's comment, but separately, since his reply string has gotten so long. Besides, it may be of general interest. Does Bert's lamp post method also work to measure the height of a mountain? Yes, it does. Mountains were routinely measured this way. Google "How was the height of a mountain measured" to see images of how it was done. This works even though the base of the mountain can't be seen by the surveyor. And the measurements obtained this way have been proven to be reasonably accurate, as they match the more accurate satellite based measuring systems we have today.
@TB-xx8vj Ай бұрын
Yes you can use a flat earth and trigonometry to calculate the actual heights of mountains as well. So earth is measured flat. Good job.
@fepeerreview3150 Ай бұрын
@@TB-xx8vj It's all a question of scale. IF the Earth is curved, and the surface "drops" at 8" for every mile, then to observe a mountain from a mile away, there would only be 8" of drop, something that even very good standard surveying equipment would most likely miss. IF, on the other hand, the Earth were flat, it would be no surprise then to get a very similar measurement result. Curved or flat, the tools simply wouldn't be accurate enough to pick up that 8" difference. Using typical vision based surveying equipment, the old school theodolites and such that were used when the mountains of the USA were first surveyed in the 19th century, and which continued in common use up until the early 1990s, you simply wouldn't have accurate enough tools to detect curvature over a 1mile distance, by measuring the height of a mountain. Using the satellite based GPS based equipment we have now, we can be much more accurate, which is why the official heights of so many mountains have been revised over the last 30 years.
@TB-xx8vj Ай бұрын
@@fepeerreview3150 earth is so biggie it's measured flat. Gotcha.
@fepeerreview3150 Ай бұрын
I enjoy your videos and the detail you get into. I like to do similarly in mine. It's fun to explore the various topics with rigor and work out all the details. But I have a hunch that we're being a bit fooled by the Flat Earthers. I suspect they find pleasure in saying something glib and nonsensical, in 30 seconds, and then watching us spend hours and hours showing them exactly how they're wrong, constructing models, demonstrating the geometry, discussing the laws of physics, yada yada yada. I think it makes them laugh up their sleeve, making us work so hard when they just sit around on their fat asses selling stupidity and getting donations.
@bertrickles15 Ай бұрын
I agree. For the most part, I try to ignore them, but every so often I decide to address them directly. Sadly I forget the lesson I learned earlier and I need to be reminded. For this go-around, I made these two videos just to whip up a couple of flerfs and laugh at their antics. The pendulum is about to swing back the other way.
@fepeerreview3150 Ай бұрын
@@bertrickles15 Keep doing what you're doing! I enjoy every minute of it. I do it too. I just try to keep in mind that I'm only going to put my time into it if it's something that truly interests me on its own merits. And yes, it's fun to point and laugh a bit at times as well.
@TB-xx8vj Ай бұрын
For the simple-minded confused about haversine formula. The maps used for navigation were created from flat earth elevation angle measurements of Polaris. That was used to create the celestial sphere model, which has an equatorial plane as the flat earth and a sky sphere going around it. The globe concept was created from imagining that when Polaris is at its minimal elevation angle, there's an equator and a new hemisphere. They simply imagined that from the ground position of Polaris to the equator concept was 1/4 of a sphere. So 6,215 was multiplied by 4 to get a 25,000-mile circumference. They projected all of the continents onto globes. Then, they used a cylinder to wrap the globes around and roll back out flat, creating distorted maps. So now to get the distance between two locations on maps using latitude and longitude coordinates, the haversine formula is used to correct for the radius value that was incorrectly inserted. You can choose to ignore the flat earth elevation angle measurements that created the globe and maps and pretend that Haversine proves a sphere concept. But you need a flat earth for it all.
@josleys Ай бұрын
Riley, we never heard so much BS in one comment as in this one!
@sissyfus6181 Ай бұрын
"For the simple-minded confused about haversine formula" That would be YOU. Finally got something right.
@TB-xx8vj Ай бұрын
@josleys Not Riley. Show some respect.
@sissyfus6181 Ай бұрын
@@TB-xx8vj "Not Riley. Show some respect." HA! LMAO!!! YOU have clearly demonstrated over time you deserve NONE!
@josleys Ай бұрын
@@TB-xx8vj Why?
@bulwinkle Ай бұрын
Comment for the algorithm.
@TB-xx8vj Ай бұрын
Did you use a horizontal reference plane and trigonometry to calculate the height of the lamppost? That's a flat earth measurement.
@0LoneTech Ай бұрын
Nope. 1:21 He used a Haversine formula distance calculation, not that it matters at the distance he was working on.
@TB-xx8vj Ай бұрын
@0LoneTech 00:40 timestamp. Is that a horizontal baseline and a right triangle 📐? Yes.
@0LoneTech Ай бұрын
No, but your dishonesty is clear and I am not going to humour it further.
@TB-xx8vj Ай бұрын
​@0LoneTech that is not a horizontal baseline at timestamp 00:40? That is not a right triangle 📐? You are a liar.
@hartmutholzgraefe Ай бұрын
Come on, show us that you can do actual quantitative math, and not just some random qualitative claims: by how many pixels would that axis at 0:40 dip over the distance shown in that graph?