Notion tour and a book talk
6 ай бұрын
@sanriscribbles 2 күн бұрын
The author of this story has been called out multiple times about being problematic and has handled it inappropriately every time they've been called out. Their other story "don't look back" feels the same as bm/bs with all of the icky abuse and violence, but it had a large following and afaik it will never be finished because the author cannot handle being called to be accountable. Really enjoying your perspective on these fics!
@babybookworm2859 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment! I believe it given the response on this one that I talked about. I think I'll be staying away from them from now on. I wish I would have known about all this before I read it
@sanriscribbles 2 күн бұрын
(i need you to read lionheart. its a wip but i promise you will think about it forever)
@babybookworm2859 2 күн бұрын
(thank you for the recommendation I will look for it)
@serine4044 2 күн бұрын
I've read "sometimes" , it was sweet ...I read draft of living death and it was good but incredibly sad .... My favourites are "bus stop" by mermelade fever and "Ice" by Senlinyu ... both so good I enjoy rereading them every other day ... I can't wait for the review of détraquée when you finish , it's beautifully written, I kinda put it on hold 😅 it's so long and I was impatient to read other things but definitely gonna go back to finish it
@babybookworm2859 2 күн бұрын
Okay well I obviously love Senlinyu so I should read Ice for sure! I haven't heard of Bus Stop, I'll look that up haha maybe I will find one I can read every other day too! And yes, I'm making my way through Detraquee! I've been switching back and forth between reading and listening so I can get through it a little faster :)
@ueokatalita5340 3 күн бұрын
Firstly, I am so sorry if my English is not that good, but I'll try my best to comment anyway! 🤣 I wanted to start this saying that your videos are amazing and I am currently obsessed with every each of them! I really love how you put your opinions in a very organizing and clear way that it's so easy to comprehend (even for me that English is not my mother language). After seeing your video it kind of gave me courage to put a review on my good reads account for this fanfic. The first time that I read this I was freshly returning to read Harry Potter's fanfic again, and after so many people on TikTok started to recommend it, I thought it wouldn't be that bad, right? So many people are complementing and give amazing reviews towards it that I thought it would be safe zone to be in. The thing about fantasy is one thing, but this pic it's a bit beyond that. For me, Draco's doesn't redeemed himself in any time. And the first spicy moment that they had was awful and hard to read. He was awful and for me was totally SA, it was brutal. All of the after moments of Draco's arm situation, and self harming was really discomfortable. I'm usually easy to read and watch dark and deep stuff, but this was something that was memorable, not in a good way. Well, thank you so much for making this video, and please, continue to upload more content about this! I don't really have any friends to talk about this kind of stuff and it would be really nice to have someone to share my thoughts about it too! PS: I loooooove your hair! It's really beautiful, and seeing you making nail art for me was really relaxing too!
@babybookworm2859 2 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this sweet comment! I really appreciate it and I loved reading your thoughts. I also don't have many people to talk about with this stuff, that's why I made these videos! So I love talking about it and hearing other people's opinions. And if you read this fic and also understood my mumbling English, I know you're very good at English so don't even worry about it haha. As far as your opinions on this fic-- I totally agree. I also read some dark stuff but I wasn't prepared for what I also considered to be SA, and I did not like the way it was written, like that was okay and acceptable. The self harm, the her having to save him from himself, all of that was too much for me, and just like you I didn't see any people saying "hey this was a little too much, here's why" when I was looking around at recommendations. Just like you said, it was memorable and not in a way that is good. I'm really happy to see someone else agrees with me since I didn't see this opinion around. If you watch my other Dramione videos you can see some good recommendations without all that stuff :/ Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
@MamaGG16 5 күн бұрын
SO LONG. I pushed through till the end, I usually read a book within 2-3 days. I had to actually put it down for a couple days and talk myself into finishing it. I couldn’t stand the constant talk about thrifting and mental health lol I have no problem with talking about mental health but it’s seriously every page.
@babybookworm2859 5 күн бұрын
Yes the thrifting talk!!! We get it, you have money but still have mOrAlS ugh
@TayDeco 6 күн бұрын
You are too funny! I kinda wanna read Detraquee but it seems like a wholeeee thing omg I don’t know if I’m ready to commit to that. I wouldn’t get anything else done lol
@babybookworm2859 5 күн бұрын
It doesnt seem like a whole thing it is a whole thing 😭😭 728k words it's gonna take me months
@TayDeco 5 күн бұрын
@@babybookworm2859 maybe I’ll start it once it gets cold out haha
@xloveisallahoax 6 күн бұрын
Seconding the audiobook suggestion for Detraquee! karma_cookie’s audiobook on ao3 is FANTASTIC. I would switch back and forth sometimes when my eyes/brain got tired lol. Detraquee takes time for sure but it is so brilliant! Also I adore the fact that you checked out pacificrimbaud’s oneshots! There’s a ton on here that I haven’t read yet so you’re adding to my TBR 😊 love these videos so much!!
@babybookworm2859 6 күн бұрын
I will definitely check out the audiobook. I also really like switching back and forth. Just lifestyle-wise sometimes reading works better and sometimes listening works better. I'm looking forward to getting further in it! And yes I think of all the oneshot/short story authors pacificrimbaud was definitely my favorite so thank you for mentioning them to me!
@marissacottrell 6 күн бұрын
Détraquée is so good! And so, so long. I was absolutely giddy reading it, though. Highly recommend the audiobook, it includes the songs and paints a great audioscape
@babybookworm2859 6 күн бұрын
Gah the audiobook is such a good idea!!! I didn't even think of it. Thanks!
@katamattyon 11 күн бұрын
When I was middle grade age my go-to books were the Spooks series by Joseph Delaney and the Demonata by Darren Shan (the second one is pretty gory tbh). I've heard from Aussies and Americans that Deltora Quest was great but it isn't available here (UK) nowadays, maybe it was at Scholastic fairs back in the day. I do want to find it one day out of curiosity though.
@babybookworm2859 6 күн бұрын
I've seen spooks around but haven't read it myself. Ill look into those! And it's too bad it's hard to find Deltora in the UK. I knew it was slightly niche but it's sad that something is rare in a whole country. It can be so hard to get into a new series if they aren't readily available or at the library.
@bigpooper4156 14 күн бұрын
@babybookworm2859 13 күн бұрын
You can make a rant review on the second half lol
@xTeeak 18 күн бұрын
Measure of a Man !!! I was sobbing/laughing/happy or heartbroken during that book multiple times .. it is heavy and beautifull .. another one (I just finished) is Selfxconclusion (which is not as epic as Manacled) but to me has the best characterization of both Draco and Hermione I have read so far .. both of those books are full (and I mean sopping wet full) of psychological trauma and heavy healing so I would really advise to read through the tags and warnings before diving in :)
@babybookworm2859 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment! I read measure of a man and I have a video about it, it wasn't my favorite. I haven't heard of selfxconclusion though, I'll look into it!
@InsertUsername94 19 күн бұрын
I don’t remember anything about Red Rising other than dnfing the audiobook probably within 25%, excited for the video though ❤
@InsertUsername94 19 күн бұрын
You definitely made it farther than I did 😅 I have been out of my hunger games/divergent era for a while so no wonder I failed to get into the story. Your critiques of a Marty Stu mc and becoming the enemy do not entice me to try again and I know we all love hot angels but that isn’t a deep character arc :( maybe future books spice things up in a more interesting way?? Hope you can enjoy your nails again soon, I was very impressed at your skills in your BM/BS vid
@babybookworm2859 18 күн бұрын
I thought about not picking it back up MULTIPLE times before 45% mark believe me. And yeah I love a hot angel as much as the next person but sorry for also wanting him to have a single dynamic character trait 😮‍💨 I'm also out of the dystopian genre and have been for like 10 years but I feel like I can still get behind it if it's done well. Maybe I'll just reread the greats. And thanks about the nails 💛 they are my one hobby (beside reading) so I will power through
@TayDeco 20 күн бұрын
Girl you made me laugh so much you are too funny I love it. I loved DM & Mortifying Ordeal… I am going to start disappearances next because of your review!!!! I didn’t like Secrets and masks (a lot of demented violence I dnf at 32%), ten out of ten was meh and meet your match was meh. I liked remain nameless it was fine and I liked isolation a lot if you haven’t gotten to it.
@babybookworm2859 19 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed! And yes maybe we have similar taste, I hope you like disappearances. I'm looking forward to isolation!
@xloveisallahoax 24 күн бұрын
Hahaha yeah I also tried this one and couldn’t do it 😅 from what I understand, it’s iconic in the fandom because of the time it came out (I want to say mid 2010’s?) like isolation - a lot of the fandom was younger at the time and the high-school quality of it hit really hard (like Isolation) - I could be totally off on this though so don’t quote me on it haha. But I think that why it holds a special place for a lot of people - nostalgia etc. Now we’re all a lot older and the average fic is very different but we wouldn’t be where we are today without these stories building the fanbase and laying the groundwork for the more mature stories we have nowadays ❤ The author onyx and elm was posting a new story recently called Don’t Look Back which people were saying was very good (it was still a WIP so I hadn’t read it yet) but they have since pulled all of their works form the web which is really sad and now no one will know the ending. Hopefully they come back! Anyways, I’m still out here screaming about Detraquee, Soft as it Began, Lionheart, One and Done (+ any/all of pacificrimbaud’s one-shots), Beginning and End (of the Wait and Hope universe), Bloody Slutty and Pathetic, Teach me How to Forget … etc etc etc I have so many recs tell me what you’re in the mood for but if you’re looking for quality writing and in depth characters who feel like real people, gorgeous realistic character and relationship development, and insanely beautiful prose and masterful intertextual references I cannot stop repeating Detraquee Detraquee Detraqueeeeeeeeeee 😂❤
@xloveisallahoax 24 күн бұрын
Jumoed the gun and commented really quickly because I was so excited haha then pressed play again and got to your note with the actual publishing dates 😂😂 I guess I thought it was a little older than it is 😅 lol but regardless I do think it’s one of the first fics that a lot of people read which is why so many people recommend it. [ I DNF’d though so I definitely agree with you ]
@xloveisallahoax 24 күн бұрын
Also I ADOREEEEE these in depth videos so much! 😁 you’re always spot on with the commentary, critique, and dissection! I love this content haha
@babybookworm2859 24 күн бұрын
Sooooo good to hear you agree haha. I think you have a good point though even though it wasn't published that long ago. It's nostalgic and I know first fics hold a special place in everyone's hearts. I don't read WIPs either but I'm sorry to hear that they pulled all of their work, I hope they put it back on, I'd try a different one of theirs if it was more up my alley characterization-wise. Its funny you mention pacificrimbaud's work because I recently looking up some shorter fics for palate cleansers and I saw SO many people recommending their work, so I downloaded a few. I generally am not so into oneshots just because I love a slow burn etc but I just read The Seduction by senlinyu and it was pretty cute so I'm looking to try some pacificrimbaud's next. and YES thank you for reminding me I have to pick up Detraque! You seem like you know my taste so I'm sure I'll like it! Thank you for the recommendations and the sweet sweet comments!
@ryliem.3512 26 күн бұрын
I've been looking forward to another Dramione video from you! A couple of thoughts: Firstly, I absolutely loved the format of this video-it was perfect to have on while I cleaned my apartment, so lovely. Secondly, I was curious about this fanfic given its status in the fandom, and I have to say, I completely agree with your opinion on *the line* and how easily we can slip into glorifying or romanticizing abuse in literature, especially in this fandom. Lastly, I noticed you mentioned Wait and Hope in your Dramione overview video. I'm about halfway through, and while I can't give a full opinion just yet, I'm absolutely loving it. It has the angst and complex emotions without crossing *the line*, and the perfect touch of fluff. love what you're doing <3
@babybookworm2859 26 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this comment!! I appreciate it so so much! After posting a video with opinions I always start to get nervous that someone is going to get mad at me so I really appreciate you saying all that. Yes wait and hope is still on the list, the ever growing list 🥲 I actually don't remember where I got the rec though so it's good to hear you say you like it
@MarieMandes 27 күн бұрын
thanks for wasting your time so i won't waste mine!!
@babybookworm2859 26 күн бұрын
You're welcome I live to sacrifice myself 😌
@InsertUsername94 27 күн бұрын
BM/BS does seem to be a type of dramione classic, and while I was drawn in and at times affected by the story, I completely agree with your criticism. There’s so much cringe in this one, and it goes darker than I think it needs to be (for an 8th year fic, especially). Lots of icky feelings, but strangely compelling 😅 I recently found The Fixer-Upper Club by CharliPetidei and I highly recommend for an 8th year fic that took a different approach. It is way lighter story and does not bash Ron but develops Hermione in an interesting way through her relationship (Also read The Fallout and am attempting to bind it I loved it so much, can’t remember if you’d already tried that one).
@babybookworm2859 26 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment, and I'm glad to hear someone agrees with me, I don't know how popular/unpopular the opinion is but, yeah, I know this fic is pretty well known. And I kept forgetting that they were literally 18!!! I hated that!!!! And I haven't heard of the fixer upper club, I'll add it to the list. I want to bind some soooo badly but it seems so daunting. And the fallout is one of my next ones!
@LiciaM 27 күн бұрын
I wish I could remember the name of the ff where Draco is forced to be dorm mates with Hermione and she has him read about MLK jr to highlight pureblood hypocrisy. I do think some readers stick a little to hard to their own expectations of characters, when the point of fanfiction is fans making the story go how THEY want. Do i get annoyed when they make the characters too immature... sure. Do i think some works take trauma/toxicity to far... definitely. But outside of torture corn disguised as dark romance (believe me i have run into some that were a hard pass/is this writer okay territory), I'm okay with most variations of characterizations.
@babybookworm2859 27 күн бұрын
Hmm could it be Isolation? I haven't read it but I know it includes forced proximity/roommates. I agree that some people (maybe me? lol) want the characters to be a certain way too much, like they want it to be their exact idea of cannon. I don't mind different takes at all, but in this case the trauma was a little outside of what I like to read, especially since it felt like it didn't have purpose in the story (obviously there is no purpose to trauma, but to write it in a story where it causes the guy to mistreat the girl so much, and she just accepts it? Weird). I definitely feel for authors though, in some ways it probably seems like they can do no right.
@InsertUsername94 26 күн бұрын
Seconded that that sounds like Isolation!
@Allennoah12 Ай бұрын
Things are getting kinda "Sirius". Lol
@babybookworm2859 Ай бұрын
@@Allennoah12 prospects are Black
@tedders2993 Ай бұрын
Weasley bashing is illegal.
@babybookworm2859 Ай бұрын
I'll allow it if it's Percy
@tedders2993 Ай бұрын
@@babybookworm2859 Percy's redemption arc was valid, therefore it's a legal grey area.
@babybookworm2859 Ай бұрын
@@tedders2993 uh oh guys in the gray area are my weakness 😮‍💨
@xloveisallahoax Ай бұрын
Okay, I. Love. This. Video. OOTP was my favorite book for yeaaaaaaaars. I remember going to the midnight release at Barnes and Noble the night came out and absolutely devouring it over the next 36 hours. It absolutely captivated me. I’m pretty sure I got to the end and then started from the beginning again haha. #12 Grimmaukd place, The Order of the Phoenix members, the visit to St Mungos and both sequences in the ministry (the trial + the end sequence in the department of mysteries)did such a great job at expanding the universe and intrigued me so so much. The tragic death of Sirius was so heartbreaking and I absolutely cried reading it. The final showdown where Voldemort and Dumbledore fight in the main hall was sooo exciting to read with the depths of their magic. And then the Ministry finally being forced to eat crow and recognize that he IS back. Ugh it does such a good job of elevating the tension, darkness, setting the stage for the high of the the final two books. I also remember how real and relatable Harry’s extreme mood swings felt at the time as (a moody teen myself) but now I can look back on it and laugh a bit. Can’t wait to watch the rest of these videos! The movie did this book NO justice at all. I’m curious how the new HBO series will go
@babybookworm2859 Ай бұрын
Thank you for the kind comment and I love hearing the experience from someone who remembers the release!! I'm so jealous of you, I remember release of the sixth but just barely. I agree that this book rounds out the world so wonderfully, it has some political fantasy elements that make it feel so much more realistic. I agree that I think Harry's emotional outbursts are so on theme and perfect for readers age. PLUS I love the reveal of the prophecy, it comes just in time when more skeptical readers might be thinking "okay but why does Voldemort keep going after this kid?" and gives such great lore to the story.
@MarieMandes Ай бұрын
i have just finished reading OotP, and I am sooooo surprised that !! Harry Potter !! is my favourite character so far. Sassy, bold, also slightly emotionally unavailable, and has a hidden dark side. I don't understand why so many fanfictions are written about Draco, we have such a golden source right here.
@babybookworm2859 Ай бұрын
Iconic take and so true. I agree that Harry is such an awesome character and a great protagonist. And to top it all off he's so SO sassy. Find some harry fanfiction and let me know lol
@nikaknack Ай бұрын
Hey! So I just found your video… I am extremely new to the fan fiction world and recently after re-reading the books and re-watching the movies, I really wanted to see a love story between Hermione and Draco, so my question is, what would be the recommendation for a first fan fiction reader? Like what’s your go to, if you have one? :) thank you in advance!
@babybookworm2859 Ай бұрын
Hi! So exciting! It depends what you're looking for within the niche. If you want something book accurate and overall most similar to the books, id suggest the disappearances of Draco Malfoy. Not much spice, overall similar writing style to originals, and starts when draco tries to kill Dumbledore and goes from there, rewriting the end of sixth and whole seventh books. If you want something high stakes and more dark and overall more mature than the original books, id suggest The Auction. They're both (all) available on archive of our own. Let me know what you think!
@nikaknack Ай бұрын
@@babybookworm2859 this is amazing! I’ll probably start off with the disappearance of DM, I want more of that classic wizarding world vibe, also I don’t think I’m quite ready for spicy stuff or a much more darker tone to the world yet) thank you so much, I really appreciate it the help!!!
@nikaknack Ай бұрын
Hey! So I just found your video… I am extremely new to the fan fiction world and recently after re-reading the books and re-watching the movies, I really wanted to see a love story between Hermione and Draco, so my question is, what would be the recommendation for a first fan fiction reader? Like what’s your go to, if you have one? :) thank you in advance!
@aaliyahpope5541 Ай бұрын
@AshleyLethifold-u2k Ай бұрын
I can't find Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, do one of you guys or@babybookworm2859 have the site of it? Sorry. anyways love your videos <3
@babybookworm2859 Ай бұрын
It's on AO3 so 💛
@AshleyLethifold-u2k 22 күн бұрын
@@babybookworm2859 thank you so much!!!
@AshleyLethifold-u2k 22 күн бұрын
@xloveisallahoax Ай бұрын
This review KILLED me 😂😂 I felt exactly the same way about this story. You had me cackling. Hermione drove me ABSOLUTELY INSANE “not a thought in her head” hahah Poor Draco
@xloveisallahoax Ай бұрын
Also I left a comment on your other video but I highly recommend Detraquee by Hystaracal! I actually really think you’d enjoy it as someone who also is a big fan of the original books. It’s very much a Hermione story for a long time but Draco is always in the background and the eventual Dramione endgame is SO SO believable and satisfying. It’s such a human story. Also I love these videos!!! I’d love if you made more I’d eat them up haha. This long form discussion is so hard to find for the niche genre I’ve found myself in 😅 and you do an awesome job at giving fair well thought-out and supported commentary and critiques!
@babybookworm2859 Ай бұрын
Exactly!!! I could take her place 😤😤
@babybookworm2859 Ай бұрын
Omgomg that sounds so good!!! Thanks for the recommendation, I'll add it to the list!! And I appreciate your words too. I feel the same I'm like I don't want to be on reddit for hours but I DO want to talk about dramione!!! I'll put more out as I read them, thanks for the view ☺️
@MarieMandes Ай бұрын
not remembering the books that are read is SO relatable!
@babybookworm2859 Ай бұрын
Ugh I know it's the worst!!! I'm like "I read that book six months ago, I loved it!! Please don't ask me why"
@xloveisallahoax Ай бұрын
“It felt confusing for the sake of being confusing” 😂😂😂 honestly I had the same feelings about Parade of the Sun hahah but the odd Lost quality to the island ultimately kept me reading The Fallout by everyThursday has a similar jump in jump out quality to the writing but I actually quite enjoyed the story arc
@babybookworm2859 Ай бұрын
I did like the nature of the island and that's why I kept reading too. In the end it didn't pay off for me 🫠 unfortunately
@xloveisallahoax Ай бұрын
You have HAVE have HAVE to read Détraqueé by Hystaracal!! I’m absolutely of the same opinion to you - it has to be believable to canon, I’m picky with characterizations and relationship development hurdles. I generally avoid any Hogwarts era fics because it just not believable to me and I don’t like reading about kids (this starts in 6th year but runs through the war and beyond). This story though. THIS STORY. It’s absolute LITERATURE. And this is CANON Draco and Hermione to a T. It is so believable and everyone is so three dimensional and real.
@xloveisallahoax Ай бұрын
The length was intimidating at first but honestly I just wanted it to go on forever haha. The breadth and depth of this story is like none other I’ve read before and it’s hard to move on from 😅
@xloveisallahoax Ай бұрын
Also recommend Lionheart to feel the magic of the original books from an entirely new perspective (AU where Lucius dies when Draco is young and how growing up without that influences might affect his path-it’s so good) Beginning and End by mightbewriting is another gorgeous Draco POV story - his redemption arc is great in this. Also want recommend Soft as it Began & Teach Me How to Forget & all one shots by pacificrimbaud (I also love One and Done by her - Love and Pther Historical Accidents is her most popular work and it’s extremely well written but the miscommunication drove me insane)
@germanpancardo7683 Ай бұрын
Can someone give similar recs to the Worst Witch?
@ryliem.3512 Ай бұрын
Love and Other Historical Events is so fun im excited for you! It has that banter from batmobile with the fun hijinks, but a little lower stakes. Also the way you deliver all of this info is so satisfying you could totally start a dramione podcast lol
@babybookworm2859 Ай бұрын
Wow thank you! I'm flattered! I'm so happy to have other people to talk about dramione with 🤗
@busanhyung Ай бұрын
Wow the cover photo is super cute!
@Shari.L.E 2 ай бұрын
Hiii! I have to watch this vid after part one!! This book was sooooooo sooo sooo long, but I love it 😍I think you may like Secrets and Mask, I read it months ago and I can't get over it.
@Stephanie-ym6wv 2 ай бұрын
I'm jealous that your Libby has the audiobook! I really enjoyed reading it - I especially liked seeing his self awareness/reflection/growth throughout. also found myself laughing in the epilogue 😂 Thanks for the review!
@elziboba 2 ай бұрын
I had to watch the whole video it was so entertaining to listen you talk about this fanfic, we should have more people just talk about fanfics. I have never read it but there just so many fanfics out there that sometimes it’s nice to have a review of some ❤thank you for sharing this with dramione shippers
@babybookworm2859 2 ай бұрын
That is so kind! I really appreciate the comment. I feel the same way that it's just great to have discourse about these!
@minhanhnguyen1872 2 ай бұрын
Have you read isolation by bex chan ?
@babybookworm2859 2 ай бұрын
I haven't but it's on the list!
@jacybrazil816 2 ай бұрын
I am obsessed with these videos! Iv found my people! 💜
@yurinaily1326 2 ай бұрын
DMATMOBIL is my all time favorite. Nothing comes close it's soooo fun and so believable. But it's definitely explicit what are you talking about 😂 there's like an entire chapter of smut. The tub jets??? The whipped cream???????
@yurinaily1326 2 ай бұрын
I do love Disappearance of Draco Malfoy too. The chapter with Ron in Azkaban was so good and so unexpected. And I like everyone's characterization in it.
@babybookworm2859 2 ай бұрын
😭😭😭💀💀 I'm sorry!!! I forgot!!!! I have to read it again anyway so 😌
@babybookworm2859 2 ай бұрын
LOVE the Azkaban chapter 😫 make me love Ron fr
@SM-jg3wj 2 ай бұрын
What a time for this video to appear on my timeline!!! 😭🤩 … I was soooo confused about this book; if I should start it or not coz it’s so darn long. And the reviews have been mixed on goodreads. I am intrigued but I will really have to be in some vacay ideal mood to start this monstrosity long book. 😭 wish me the best and thank you for such a detailed and meticulous review. 💜✨
@babybookworm2859 2 ай бұрын
It really is so long 😫 and it kind of feels like .. for what?? Anyway if you DO get a week/month/year off to read it, please do! And let me know what you think!
@SM-jg3wj 2 ай бұрын
YOU REALLY REALLY NEED TO READ “TIMELESS” by “alexandra_emerson” on AO3. There is also spin-offs to it. You can literally read all of the series it’s that good. But do read “Timeless” and “Anywhere”. I haven’t read a better and more cohesive time travel dramione fic ever. It was wayyyyy better than manacled in my opinion. At least for me. There is no loopholes which is usually common with time travel. Every thing ties up perfectly by the end. The rollercoaster ride with this fic is sooo good. And the amount of strategy and notes that the author has put into it is just pure amazing. Do read it if you ever get time. Also, about “the right thing to do/the wrong thing to do” I just didn’t like those works bcoz there was just toooo much pansy and Draco in it for me. I mean I get it that it was flashbacks, but I just hate when the ship I am reading for has majorly detailed intimate scenes with other people. It was just not needed even tho it was shown that he was imagining hermione the entire time or something but that just gave me a bad ick. Even in auction, I was not okay with him bringing pansy and doing stuff with her at the party even when he polyjuiced her as hermione. The author of this series is just really high on OC drama and I hate that. It’s not even true to any of their characters from cannon. Also; I will never understand making hermione a virgin despite dating Ron (clearly being endgame in the books), while Draco who didn’t even give pansy the time of the day in actuality and just mentioned her once at the Yule ball by his side, gets to be this Casanova. I hate how this contemporary trend of virgin FMCs and Casanova MMCs has reached Harry Potter AUs now. Hermione was honestly not that much of a prude and Draco was by no means a hoe. I hate how much pansy and Draco drama is inserted to make something spicy, it’s just icky. And why isn’t the same courtesy extended to Ron and hermione? Draco dated pansy and he isn’t a virgin, but hermione is one despite dating Ron for years. That’s just sexist in my opinion. That’s why I can never enjoy this series as much as other people do. The auction is so good plot-wise but the overly cheap plot devices that have been used to cause jealousy is off-character and just disturbing. I am sorry for ranting so much. I just had to get it out. Btw I am so excited to have found your channel. It’s so good to see dramione channels. 💜 hope you make more content. Would love to know about your reactions to other dramione fanfics or get recommendations. I do hope you read “timeless”.
@whimsydaze 2 ай бұрын
Saving for later because I actually started MoM two days ago 😂
@babybookworm2859 2 ай бұрын
Depending on the type of reader you are you'll either be back tomorrow or in two months 🤣🤣 good luck! Hope you love it
@ArdillaINC 2 ай бұрын
Here is my current top 5 from what I’ve read this year so far: The Bracelet Between the fall Osculum Annuum Breath Mints and Battlescars Turncoat
@InsertUsername94 2 ай бұрын
This video is a great outlet for my Dramione spiral that started with Manacled and hasn’t slowed since…I just finished Bloody, Slutty, & Pathetic and it was amazing (heavy E, sxx). I’m excited to watch part 2! I think our taste might be similar enough because I DNFd Remain Nameless. I did love the Narcissa/Lucius characterizations by Lovesbitca8 so our tastes might diverge a bit there. I love the notes on Ron bashing and Patronus reveals, great metrics to rate things by! I did really enjoy the Politicians Wife, kind of like how I like messy indie movies. Hoping to get an idea of what to read next, I’m thinking of Green Light but still on the fence
@InsertUsername94 2 ай бұрын
I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on Hermione characterizations for any future fic videos you do
@sheeatsfood27 23 күн бұрын
Green Light is very well written
@therealskylark 2 ай бұрын
listen.... this one's a Commitment with a capital C. it's called "royal blood" and it is phenomenallll..... not much smut but the BEST plot ever read. amazing!
@missautumn764 2 ай бұрын
I read one, but I cant remember the name. It was addicting though, and really pretty long. Maybe you'll name it and I'll remember.
@missautumn764 2 ай бұрын
It was The Fallout. :)
@debrec4266 3 ай бұрын
I think i understand your point but part of what makes great reviews is people explaining their reasoning, it would be worse if they just put a 3 star review no comment. I also believe when it comes to buying books for kids, if a parent knows what Goodread is, it will understand that what makes a great 5 to 6 books isn't the same as a good book for all audiences and would look up additional resources. Goodreads might need a difference between professional and user review like metacritic or maybe an age bracket recommendations, that will also help recognize review bombing. Your comment of young adults wanting to adults felt so on brand that it was amazing, your point even if I disagree are very important and would like to watch more of your content ❤.
@katpizo 3 ай бұрын
we have the same dramione taste 🫶 haha would love to see a pt 2!
@purplebutterfly2113 3 ай бұрын
Skip the line feature is typically given to books that are anticipated to be popular so that more people can borrow it in a short time period. The fact that it wasn't checked out means they reaaally overestimated its success 💀💀
@annasarieva3361 3 ай бұрын
I love Manacled and Secrets and Masks. It is not as good as Manacled, but it came close. Like Isolation, all three from The Right Thing To Do universe. I did not like Breath mints so much. Cannot wait to see what your thought are on your TBR list.