@einossi5490 2 ай бұрын
Hammer geiles video aber Was mich jetzt interessiert wenn man als dj anfänger sich nen gut klingenden lautsprecher holen will würdest du diesen empfehlen oder einen anderen (spiele meistens 50er 60er 70er usw 2010er schlager etc )
@kaiaussachsen 2 ай бұрын
Der DSX112 ist von der Abstimmung her eher für Pop/Dance. Mit etwas EQ davor kann man ihm sicher alles beibringen. Als Einsteiger Budget PA wird es für den Preis nicht viel besseres geben. Mich stört das Grundrauschen der HT etwas aber bei "Partylautstärke ist es nicht zu hören.
@p.t.972 5 ай бұрын
Danke für dein Beitrag zum PA Lautsprecher. Mich hätte deine Meinung zum Klang schon auch sehr interessiert, da du schon sehr Wissen klingst wovon du da spricht. Trotzdem danke top Video
@kaiaussachsen 5 ай бұрын
Hallo, ich habe zu diesem Zeitpunkt wo das Video gemacht wurde, extra noch nichts zum Klang gesagt da ich gern etwas Ausführlich teste. Mittlerweile kann ich aber sagen sie Klingen für Pop und Dance Musik ganz passabel. Sind auch als Fullrange nutzbar wenn es nicht gerade in Richtung RnB und HipHop geht aber da mit starken Pegeleinbußen. Für Feiern mit 50 Personen in kleineren Räumlichkeiten hatte ich sie jetzt schon mehrfach im Einsatz und es Funktioniert. Mit Sub oder auch 2 (ich nutze die DSP18 von Thomann) im Subbetrieb kommen sie natürlich erst richtig in Fahrt. Leise Musik mögen sie nicht, die günstige Endstufe und die Hochtontreiber Rauschen schon merklich. Ich habe, wie im Video schon erwähnt, extra Noppenschaumdämmung eingebracht, was sie etwas Weicher klingen lässt.
@dandaniel3488 4 жыл бұрын
It's not broken. Or so it seems. If you've fixed it in the meantime and it turns out to be broken, sorry, it's okay. If not, look on the net to see how the distance between the gears is adjusted.
@dandaniel3488 4 жыл бұрын
Did you go to the settings somehow, and did you bring the gears very close together? I know that the connection between them is made by the belt. I also have an iexos 100. And I adjusted it in turn. Don't be very pretentious and don't ask for very fine adjustment when you have a belt. It's a big mistake for Explorer. It will never provide the rigidity of direct connections between the gears. But even when they are directly coupled they have a certain play between the teeth. Just reload the links a bit and it will be ok. If, however, you have not changed the connection between the gears and it is about a bad setting of the Explorer, look on the net for what you will find how to adjust the gears. Good luck!
@kaiaussachsen 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your Advise. I and the Customer Support of Explore Scientific sorted the Problem out. Theay are really Awesome in case of Customer Support. At the end it was the Power Supply i used and the fact that it was too Cold outside for the Battery Pack. I dont had this Failure anymore since i got a new Power Supply. I also adjusted the Gears but that wasnt the Case...
@curry02 4 жыл бұрын
@@kaiaussachsen what was the solution? I have reached out to them because I am having the exact same problem.
@kaiaussachsen 4 жыл бұрын
@@curry02 in my Case it was the power Supply i used. It was too weak, not enough Amp´s
@curry02 4 жыл бұрын
@@kaiaussachsen I actually ended up trying that last night and now it works perfectly! I had a spare 12v 5 amp power supply.
@francescoq66 4 жыл бұрын
mi hanno detto che c'è una pista che non conduce bene corrente sulla scheda va baipassata la pista
@Sharpless2 4 жыл бұрын
Get in contact with Explore Scientific. I heard lots of great things about their customer support. I just ordered this mount as a faster solution for when i just want to play around at night. If you dont mind me asking, did you use the mount for AP yet? If so, were you guiding, what focal length and max exposure time you could get without trails?
@kaiaussachsen 4 жыл бұрын
Im already in Contact with them. The video is only for showing the Failure to Explore Scientific. Without Guiding, only the 3 Star Alignment i can do up to 1:30 Minutes on 600mm, sometimes 2 Minutes.
@Sharpless2 4 жыл бұрын
@@kaiaussachsen awesome, thank you for reply. Hopefully youll get it sorted out with them. I dont have any guiding and my FL is 660mm, that really gets my hopes up.
@Sharpless2 4 жыл бұрын
@@kaiaussachsen hey, i got another question. How do you polar align this mount? Im having a hard time doing that precisely enough for imaging. Also, did you have to set your time back 1 hour? Seems like i have to do that because while doing alignment, the mount is always way off by the same distance.
@kaiaussachsen 4 жыл бұрын
@@Sharpless2 i use a Laser Adapted to the Pipe that should use to Polar align. It works really good. I havnt Adjusted the Time, i use the System time of my Tablet.
@Sharpless2 4 жыл бұрын
@@kaiaussachsen alright, thanks for the help!
@Derpinguin44 10 жыл бұрын
Mein Deutsche ist schlecht, aber... das ist schöne. Sehr schöne.
@kaiaussachsen 11 жыл бұрын
bei 10psi ca 950-1000ps, bei 30psi etwas über 2000ps und die 1/4 meile unter 8 sekunden bei über 280kmh...
@oOOpIIIqOOo 11 жыл бұрын
Wieviel ps schaffst du bei 10psi?
@oOOpIIIqOOo 11 жыл бұрын
Super geil!