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@willhart6110 9 жыл бұрын
Science has no business in the God argument. Science is about the study of the natural universe, things that can be observed, hypothesis that can be tested and reproduced. Science is about a method, which cannot possible even addres the issue of first causes, the ultimate nature and reality of the is hubrise for scientists to claim otherwise...
@sergeysemenov7703 9 жыл бұрын
Весьма Хорошо!!!
@dallasmcquarrie1937 9 жыл бұрын
The universe is all that exists within the space-time continuum, including time and space itself. As the world's top physicists now tell us, the universe, including space and time and itself, had a beginning. Before that beginning of the universe, no thing, not even space or time, existed in any sense at all, least of all in the sense that we understand 'existence.' That is to say, all things that we say 'exist,' exist within space and time. Period! Full stop! When there was no space or time, no thing - nothing - existed! Thus, the universe, including space and time, was either created or simply came into being out of nothing. Science also tells us you don't get 'some thing' from 'no thing.' Indeed, it is axiomatic that no thing is its own cause, and that includes the universe! That leaves creation as the obvious and only plausible explanation as to where the universe came from. Scientists also used to think life itself 'spontaneously generated,' but the theory of the 'spontaneous generation' of life was got together and decided to change themselves to create life! As the scientists who deciphered the 32 billion bit genetic code now tell us, the notion of life as we know it on this planet coming into being without a 'first cause' is simply impossible. Thus, as well as the universe, at some point after it's beginning, life in the universe was also either created or popped into being out of no thing! The universe, including space and time, has a definite beginning ... and so did life. To argue otherwise is to abandon science in favor of personal preference, superstition, magic or what have you. And, as always, the choice is yours ...
@dallasmcquarrie1937 9 жыл бұрын
You don't get 'something' from 'nothing.' No thing spontaneously generates itself. The best scientific minds tell us that the universe did have a beginning, and it has been expanding ever since. This means there was a time when the universe was not in existence. 'God' is the label that is commonly applied to whatever it was that brought the entire universe into being out of nothing. However, the simple fact that 'God' created the universe does not, in and of itself, validate Jewish, Christian or Muslim beliefs about God ... but it does show that the denial of any sort of God is a scientific and intellectual dead end, unless you want to also hold that 'things' spontaneously generate themselves out of nothing. For what it's worth, belief in magic does predate Judaism, Christianity and Islam ..
@koreanamestiza553 10 жыл бұрын
The problem with us people is we can't accept any truth even if the evidences are already obvious just because they do not coincide to what our minds are wired to believe. Have you ever wondered why everything in this world seemed to be designed for a purpose? Have you ever thought why the sun and the planets were designed to be spheres and not squares, rectangles, etc.? Have you asked yourself why it seems they stayed on their orbits, not clashing with each other and are placed in considerable distances? If no One designed this, we would have been all doomed. Our Sun may have burned us alive and smashed to our planet if everyone claims that everything just falls into place and did their thing. Have you ever thought why our minds work like a computer, and how is it that we are able to think? Even if you just focus on this material world, not in a billion years will you ever form something if you do not initiate it. Only one answer remains to be seen: all of these existed because of a Creator. God bless you!
@Richie8614 10 жыл бұрын
This is truly heartfelt davening
@lolamills9686 10 жыл бұрын
ryan rdb said: "It's hard for me to accept that there exists a conscious entity, transcendent of the universe, making "intelligent decisions." I'm just wondering if someone has an *non-pseudoscientific* postulate for this aspect. It's my rationale that humans still lack the level of intelligence (to comprehend) & scientific discoveries (to explain) the creation of the universe. To me, the existence of "god" is just a human's primitive & archaic theory. If a "god" created the universe, what created god?" You're making a wrong assumption here. Everything we see around us has a beginning and an end, so far as we know. It does not therefore follow that nothing can exist that DOESN'T have a beginning or end. Just because it's outside our knowledge, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. People in earlier centuries might have scoffed at germs because they were outside their knowledge: didn't mean germs didn't exist. You ask for a 'non-pseudo-scientific' postulate, but the question you pose is unscientific itself, since it is posited on the idea that humans know everything there is to know, and there is nothing outside what we already know. In fact, it's kind of a stupid question unless you're still in your teens. I wouldn't have asked this even back as an agnostic.
@mojalefamotsoeneng3697 10 жыл бұрын
What you fail to mention is that Flew believed in a diestic God and never embraced Christianity. Why would you leave that out?
@DeIcedhtims 10 жыл бұрын
Long before Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris, there was Anthony Flew. The world's most Notorious Atheist who changed his mind and became a firm believer of God.
@4gsl 10 жыл бұрын
If something created God, He would not be God. God is, by definition, the only cause without a cause. Logic demands that such an non-caused cause exists; otherwise, nothing would exist.
@1xeruam 10 жыл бұрын
that's magnific! Baruch hashem!
@marksterling324 10 жыл бұрын
@ryan rdb - The first postulate is that God transcends time and space. This would have to be the case since the creator of anything cannot be part of the thing it has created. Therefore, God is not created, he simply "is".
@Y227 10 жыл бұрын
Prof. Michio Kaku recently said: "I believe in the God of Einstein, the God who created what came first and the laws of nature"!
@MrOrange121 10 жыл бұрын
One can't have a law with out a law maker. DNA is an extremely complicated code for life that dwarfs binary hands doown. To reiterate, one must have a programmer to write the code for life a la DNA. One thing I must agree with you is that trying to use human logic restrained by ego, emotion, preconcieved notions AKA being human, would be totally pointless in t/rying to understand the totality of reality. Are you Athiest btw?
@8i6B0i1 10 жыл бұрын
In the begining (time) god created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter) if he who creates the 3 dimentions we live in is not greater than how is he less? if you write a book is it going to be greater than you? or are you greater than your creation? If you beleive your brain chemistry was made by chance... how can you trust your own thoughts?
@bmecalgary 10 жыл бұрын
His first sentence is fundamentally wrong! No atheist would assert that they can prove there is no god. They simply state there is no evidence that a god exists! The burden of proof is upon the one who makes the assertion. If there is no evidence then the assertion is denied!
@Lasse3 10 жыл бұрын
no he's saying according to the belief in a creator of the universe, the creator itself created time, along with this universe, he is not affected by his own laws' he is eternal and their for requires no creator. So your silly little rant about creators having the need for a creator is a weak strawman.
@MoMoMack 10 жыл бұрын
You can believe in a singular source for all of creation without believing in "the bible." It's liberating.
@alexsurguy 10 жыл бұрын
Doesn't matter if he is known or not, it is what he is saying that matters. You probably don't even understand a word he said.
@Chaingeeazi 10 жыл бұрын
Funny how people ask who created God (the Creator), but never ask where all the matter & elements came from that decided to come together & come to life all of a sudden one day, or all the ENERGY needed to create this matter. The bible says "God is the abundant source of all dynamic energy." - Isaiah 40:26. Hmm, wonder how they knew that almost 3,000 yrs ago...
@fittzie 10 жыл бұрын
And because he believed in some kind of Creator means he's right? Stephen Hawkins doesn't believe there to be a creator, he is easily a scientist who is on par with the intellect of Einstein, so is he right?
@ConnorsGenisis 10 жыл бұрын
He's a Deist. Deists still have all their work ahead of them, but they have no quarrel with Atheists. Or, rather, antitheists.
@SatchmoSings 10 жыл бұрын
My favorite Atheist is Matt Dillahunty.
@Godskingdomwithin 11 жыл бұрын
"God does not play dice." was Einstein's response to Quantum mechanics theory. He at first, could not wrap his head around the idea of "chaos," in the Universe..
@omarreza420 11 жыл бұрын
A load of bull? " the universe was created by natural forces" think of that word forces, what forces DNA to self replicate a unseen unmeasurable FORCE. Causality nothing moves on its own unless it forced. And yes you need to think about death.
@BloodOfYeshuaMessiah 11 жыл бұрын
SHOCK NEWS - THE HIGH PRIEST OF ATHEISM , RICHARD DAWKINS SAYS HE IS NOT AN ATHEIST ! On 23rd February at an Oxford University debate Richard Dawkins , the rebound atheist, declared himself to be an AGNOSTIC ! WOW ! Here we have the High Priest of the new atheist movement saying he's NOT an atheist but an agnostic. Maybe in a few more years he might change his agnostic religion to Christianity like other former atheists C.S Lewis, & Flew !
@Caldari021 11 жыл бұрын
Infinite regression of causes in the past is absurd when you reason it out to reason's completeness. Atheists tend to believe that the universe has always been, and that seems reasonable to them; However, Christians believe that God has always been and therefore the first cause of the universe; so then, you can't sit there and say it's unreasonable to believe that God has always been, when atheists believe that the universe has always been because they believe it's reasonable.
@KSinGuam 11 жыл бұрын
Why is it that you feel the need to throw insults around instead of continuing what could have been a thoughtful debate? Are all atheists this way? Actually, the correct answer to B: is this. B: Take a look at our DNA, you fool.
@ZantiMisfit198 11 жыл бұрын
This man was an atheist probably before you were ever born . Dawkins, Krauss are the new "head atheists" , the flavor of the month if you will.
@bumbumDK 11 жыл бұрын
Yofe meod. Toda rabah for posting.
@bzabrisk 11 жыл бұрын
You're too young. Flew used to be the most famous atheist.
@nightlightabcd 11 жыл бұрын
max - That's what all the Christians say. That the universe is too complex for our feeble minds to comprehend. This is a load of BULL. We may never understand everything in the universe but we can certainly understand that everything in the universe was, and is, created by natural forces.
@koreanlyte 11 жыл бұрын
no, there is no creator of the Creator. that's why he's the Creator, with a capital C
@LexHarrison 11 жыл бұрын
I remember hearing about Anthony Flew on the radio being a well known atheist back in, 2005, that came to the realization of God's existence due to the immense complexity and order of DNA containing such enormous amounts of information and it's perfect order that it was apparent DNA would have required a designer to have achieved such complexity with such accuracy..
@beginization 11 жыл бұрын
I think Intelligent design is a great theory as evolution cant answer how life started, but these evolutionist atheist see it as not science and wont allow the study of it incase it disproves the theories they have so much invested in..
@TheAlaskadorable 11 жыл бұрын
Einstein is an Atheist
@3234POKER 11 жыл бұрын
One thing that may help is this. A video game designer can make physics and ingame laws to which the character model is bound to but the creators laws (The game designer) but the game laws do not apply to the creator
@Tripletmomtx 11 жыл бұрын
This brought tears to my eyes B'H
@solaphyde 11 жыл бұрын
He was famous before you were born. He was attempting to debunk God before Dawkins and Krauss were sperm.
@eudeteschwinden4895 11 жыл бұрын
@StevenFeinstein 11 жыл бұрын
Gorgeous, magnificent. If only my synagogue could have any one of these chazzanim.
@mcfrdmn 11 жыл бұрын
Tov me'od !
@andrewwoodfill1252 11 жыл бұрын
?A DNA code far morre complex than All of Worlds Software COMBINED!!???? Their are primitive DNA codes with maybe a few 10,000 units. Pretty simple really. The complexity of interactions derived from them that keep even the simplest cell going another story. However, the complexity of the whole is much more than just the sum of its individual parts. Look up "Emergence"
@ajr993 11 жыл бұрын
Unbelievably wrong conclusion. The first organism did not even have DNA; it had a very simple version of RNA which was sophisticated enough to allow it to reproduce. IF you have billions of monkeys banging on a typewriter, eventually one will write a great novel. If you have trillions and trillions of planets in the universe, eventually organic molecules will come together in such a way to form that first RNA strand. Its not even unlikely given the size of the universe.
@amandine512 11 жыл бұрын
The first sentence is completely wrong so I won't be surprised if the rest of the video is filled with errors. No thinking person has said "Science proves there's no god". You can't disprove god just like you can't prove leprechauns don't exist.
@arcticfoxsa 11 жыл бұрын
Flew's positions seems to me is that "things are currently complex, therefore there has been intelligent design." But complexity in itself is insufficient, as Darwin pointed out in Origin of the Species, complexity can be achieved through gradual accumulation and adaptation. What intelligent design requires is irreducible complexity, which has never been demonstrated.
@GSpotter63 12 жыл бұрын
You can't make the 30 or so amino acids required to make even the simplest replicating life form without the information contained in DNA, but you can't make the DNA without a replicating life form to slowly build the extremely long strand of DNA (AKA information)over millions of successive generations. The only way this system can work is if the information in the DNA was there first.
@myerbingle2864 12 жыл бұрын
I respect a man who can publicly declare he's changed his mind based on new evidence or new experience, very commendable. I don't think, however, you can equate someone saying he/she believes in intelligent design to saying they believe in the God of a specifi religion. Moving from a belief of intelligent design to giving that intelligence specific (as religion does) needs an entirely different body of evidence.
@br33anoia4321 12 жыл бұрын
If you don't know then you're agnostic.
@br33anoia4321 12 жыл бұрын
God was not created. And yes, this answer jibes with science: (1) The principle of "cause and effect" only exists within TIME. (2) The Big Bang was not just the origin of matter and energy, but of space and time itself. (3) Therefore, the "cause" of the universe must be something which is not "caused" itself. (4) Curiously, the bible is the only ancient book which correctly posits that God exists outside of time and is uncaused