Nayanbhai Joshi Shastriji Shastri Shri Nayan Kumar Joshi is a Famous Bhagvat Kathakar. He is a very perspective Brahman. He has completed his studies in M S University and Masters in Astrology and Astronomy. Since involve in this particular field from very small age he has taken the task that this knowledge should benefit all the people. After achieving fame in the different parts of our nation He has also achieved fame in many foreign countries like England, Dubai, USA, Malaysia, Singapore and many more. He has also being an wonderful Orator and has been called by many famous institution for Pravachans and Seminars on the impact of Astrology and Astronomy on our lives which would bring success, on our health, Satisfaction, Happiness, Intellectual wealth and many more topic are discuss and the methods to obtain it are given by Shastriji Shastriji has also conducted many program on television and many of their famous article has been published in the Newspaper and Magazines. He has always been ready to help