@Aasha383 10 күн бұрын
I get tired trying to explain my situation. But thanks.
@costicle123 16 күн бұрын
It’s effing horrible, I’m so sorry
@costicle123 16 күн бұрын
I feel like I’ve been in an emotional flashback for years….
@eileensianez6766 Ай бұрын
My panic attacks are super rare but they pop up out of nowhere. They feel like I landed on this super strange demonic planet! Everyone looks and acts like I look like a monster or something. The only ones that are like angels are certain kids and certain animals. I'm a scared person at these times but I hide it with a bad attitude towards those that seem evil. Very strange I know! Music helps though and forcing myself to sing!
@eileensianez6766 Ай бұрын
Your voice is soothing.
@llRocketll Ай бұрын
I just had the longest emotional flashback I’ve had in a long time. I’m on mood stabilizers for bipolar and it’s doing what it’s supposed to but I’m having what I think is the crash at the other side of the flashback. It feels similar but I can feel emotions which is different than the way I experienced constant depression for years. I’m hoping it goes away soon cause I was just starting to feel happier w out hypo mania than I have in a long time. Thank you for this video.
@alerdman2002 2 ай бұрын
I was walking through Home Depot light bulbs on display were crackling and I stopped immediately because it triggered a flashback but it was a happy flashback I even had a smile on my face but I couldn't place the event I couldn't figure out where it was from and I stood there wanting to know what I was trying to remember there was no memory to it it was just a happy reflection of something
@janiemiller825 2 ай бұрын
This video is very good… so thx for sharing.. 🙏 This is spot on info. It’s what I’m dealing with & how I’m feeling
@kourosh234 2 ай бұрын
@carolinewolf565 2 ай бұрын
Thank u for the information
@jclcrow2621 2 ай бұрын
Your videos are well done and very helpful especially when I’ve lost perspective due to my traumatic experiences. I lived through eighteen years of violence, humiliation, parental drug and alcohol abuse, sexual humiliation and degradation, financial insecurity, guilt, shame and fear. I developed a lot of ineffective reflexes to try and compensate for the neglect and humiliation. I’m much older no but continue to experience CPTSD on a daily basis. It never goes away.
@rose-pz1is 3 ай бұрын
Best explanation of panic disorder so far. And your voice is so calming
@jimenasanchez7529 3 ай бұрын
I feel your pain in your voice. I know this video is old. I pray that you are healthy and well these days.
@bri3449 3 ай бұрын
Are you married?
@purplepatch7 4 ай бұрын
This is extremely helpful... maybe more helpful than anything else I've ever seen. I've been told that I might be have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and multiple autoimmune disorders. I really feel that the root if it all is CPTSD. So many of our symptoms are the same regardless the diagnosis it almost seems as if it's the degree of symptoms but at the core trauma causes so many mental and even physical disorders. Healing and hugs to all of you ❤❤❤
@tonivaripati5951 4 ай бұрын
Obviously Fake Cures for PTSD are all over You Tube, plenty of Fakes offering you a solution,
@Luke-Emmanuel 5 ай бұрын
ptsd brains are 12 to 20 percent smaller in the hippocampus, causing poor memory and poor emotional regulation , aside from an overactive amygdala. exercise like aerobics 3 times a week for a year grows the hippocampus by 2%. Also trauma healing and vocally expressing ones traumas emotionally removes the traumas stuck in the amygdala and send sit to the front of brain where no anxiety is attatched to the memory. Yoga or meditation helps in moments of needing calming the vagus nerve and reset the amygdala. Foods that are not biologically meant for your body type, blood type, dna type or ayurvedic type, will cause inflammation and irritation in the brain and body , triggering all the traumas as well as the subtle inflammation on the brain and amygdala. So many "diets", genetics, true ayurvedic body type(including if u have a dual dosha , which can only be found out by an Actual Professional ayurvedic practicioner), this is how u heal as well as if there is trauma, releasing those traumas , by trauma and trigger journaling for a few months throughout the day and getting to the roots of them all. Thank you for such a great video. Sad but true, your gun representation is a great representation, and i have shared this vid to a few support groups and i will share your quote as well. Thank u bro, with the van gogh pic.
@PGISME 5 ай бұрын
Who is the peroson the narrator is quoting? Juda Thurman?
@LurkingLinnet 5 ай бұрын
@penelopebranson3621 5 ай бұрын
I am sitting here, so frustrated after hearing the phrase that confronting our fears weakens them / this may be true in some cases, or with some people, however, with people like me, I find that panic attacks that seemingly come out of nowhere and are hard for me to explain to myself, cause me to put myself down brutally forever. Each new panic attack is another reason to strongly dislike a part of myself and question why an otherwise normal healthy person would have this type of cruel reaction. I’m in my mid 60s now and have done meditation, yoga, purely holistic, diet, raw diet, exercise, neuro biology, talk therapy, cognitive therapy, hypnosis, and this has been an ongoing quest in my life - to rid myself of panic attacks. I have never ever once lost the fear or weakened the fear of anything I have tried to confront, rather it, just deepens the contempt I have for that part of myself since I can’t make sense of it. Hearing you tell me how I should feel Makes it worse as if I am some type of a freak. I’m so tired of these platitudes and sayings and phrases that are supposed to get you somewhere. Thankfully, I am happily married and I don’t have any drug or alcohol problems and I am working constantly on self forgiveness for just having panic attacks. You may want to rethink telling EVERYONE that confronting your fears weakens them. I will add that cognitive therapy has been the most helpful of all of the previously mentioned modalities. I have the great book called when panic attacks and have to do some lengthy processes here and there to get through things. I send prayers to anyone else struggling with CPTSD.💐
@patriotpizzaman 3 ай бұрын
I found peace in the Lord Jesus Christ. I made a complete surrender to God's will and my panic attacks relented. The surrender was completely genuine because I knew in my heart I couldn't go on of my own accord. Nearest thing to a "Footprints in the sand" moment as you'll ever see. I pray you seek his help and find his mercy.
@penelopebranson3621 3 ай бұрын
@@patriotpizzaman thank you…I liked hearing your story although I have been a practicing Christian my whole life. Live right / take care of others and lean towards the humanitarian way of life. It doesn’t seem to have any effect / prayers go unanswered regarding panic- though I don’t lose faith. Some people tell me to garden - some say psychedelics ( drugs) some say medication. To each his own and I’m happy you have found peace- accepting God and Christ / prayer etc has not changed a thing for me when it comes to panic.
@mikelabomusic7782 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. As am American, I’ve had to take my health care in my own hands over my lifetime due to lack of access to good care. So it’s been ALOT of internet searching, book reading, and youtube. This is the second video of yours I’ve watched today and I’m so grateful for the simple, effective, and well-sourced information. I also appreciate the small amount of personal disclosure that was particularly helpful for me. Thank you. Peace.
@mikelabomusic7782 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. I have been struggling for most of my life with no idea this was at the heart of my condition. Last night, I had an experience while breathing to calm myself. I’ve used this practice for years. After an hour, the pieces fell into place and I understood that this wide variety of episodes I’ve been experiencing over the years are panic attacks related to cPTSD. It’s one idea I have been considering among others. Thank you so much for this video as your descriptions of the elements of this condition have helped confirm some things for me I now have alot of hope for treating this. Thank you so very much and I wish you well. Peace
@Esto0_potat_0oo 5 ай бұрын
I used to have a lot of maladaptive daydreaming to go out of reality.We were locked up in a small room for hours until our parents came back from work and then we got greeted with yelling and beating because we did something what would bored kids do draw something.Now i understand ll Its all set up around feeling safe or creating safety.I don't know if i should be thankful that i was abused because now i can predict peoples behavior and avoid escalation of situations or i should be angry that i have all these issues.
@katieklb1025 27 күн бұрын
@dotdashdotdash 6 ай бұрын
Honestly the thing that has always helped me the most is caring for & owning a cat, or dog. They give me a sense of connection to someone else (yes in my eyes a cat or dog is a person in the sense they are a sentient being with individual feelings & needs). The loss of connection to others in depression is for me the worst aspect, yet connection to other humans is not always possible, especially in today's world. So animals for me are very therapeutic. If owning one is impossible because of money then it's still possible to volunteer for rescued animals.
@dotdashdotdash 6 ай бұрын
I pray that you come back to the channel and resume uploading videos
@Kelly-sh5yr 6 ай бұрын
@ChocolateSarahPinkLove 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! Your resources may help me heal my life.... I saved your videos and I will learn about what you're saying. ❤
@killyGHILLIE 6 ай бұрын
I was just thinking the other day about how your videos helped me so much over the last 2 years. I hope that you are doing well
@CherryRoberts-sq5yb 6 ай бұрын
You are my favorite video is I hope you keep putting more out. I get more out of what you have to say than any of the other sites could hang in there. You're in my prayers
@CherryRoberts-sq5yb 7 ай бұрын
I have looked and looked for a site that resonates with me and my intellect. And also my abuse and patterns. I hope you keep making these videos. Because, as soon as I came across your channel I am hooked. I love your soothing voice and your absolute transparency! Keep up the good work. What helps me with my depression? More than anything is med's and trying to stay in gratitude l o l
@AB.926 7 ай бұрын
Thank you. I have been avoiding going out and keeping my room dark. And it’s gotten worse I think now that I don’t go to work. I was looking for what was wrong with me. This video really helped.
@loveurlife4ever1 7 ай бұрын
Thank you. “Lex Fridman is dangerous” 18 min inspirational video on KZbin ends w the poem “if” by R Kipling Which is best, Law abiding citizen, forest gump, green mile 51st dates Hancock click or Stepbrothers
@markisthegreat3432 7 ай бұрын
You are all loved. Spread seeds and they WILL sprout.
@johnpatterson6448 7 ай бұрын
That’s a lovely painting of the WW1 soldiers (in the kilt) but I feel that CPTSD should be considered separately from wartime PTSD. The latter is easy to understand. The key element to factor in is size. Life experience. When you are little, even small upsets have a proportionately larger impact. And big events have a massive impact. A child does not have the broader processing power - or agency of an adult. Though even for adults in WW1, agency was restricted. You got shot for ‘shell shock’. So, like a small dependent child, running away was not an option. Though I know someone who ran away when he was 10.
@ben_jammin242 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@VI-VI-VI 8 ай бұрын
how the fuck do you function well enough and trust for all that shit to be the first step? outside trained support??? a nice safe home and a trusted friend??? fuck this shit
@carolinek2526 8 ай бұрын
I finally know what is wrong. I have been hospitalized 4 times because of this, been though months of intensive treatment for my trauma, and have been on an alphabet of different psychiatric medications with no improvement. In fact after all this extensive treatment I finally broke and lost my job. Cptsd was never suggested. They professionals didn’t know. I’m 44 years old and for the first time I have hope.
@stanislavagrueva5060 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. I hear you. And I feel like I know you. Because what you say, even in your voice, I know this world. I live it every day. For many years. Till my 30th year, I had no idea what was happening, complete mysery and coping with addictions.When I found out and became to live consciously, the real challenge began. Although I have major improvement, I find myself still in it, still affecting my decisions and views of myself. Paralyzing, seeing no sense in life ,no willingness, nor purpose.The wounds are just immense.the consequences of them. It is so sad that no matter how much I try, no matter how much it seems like it is changing, it is not. This poison has soaked into the fibers of my being. I have everything I need to get out of it. But the depression energy itself is resisting tremendously to let me get free. I hear you. Thank you for having the syrenght to put out these videos.
@stanislavagrueva5060 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. I hear you. And I feel like I know you. Because what you say, even in your voice, I know this world. I live it every day. For many years. Till my 30th year, I had no idea what was happening, complete mysery and coping with addictions.When I found out and became to live consciously, the real challenge began. Although I have major improvement, I find myself still in it, still affecting my decisions and views of myself. Paralyzing, seeing no sense in life ,no willingness, nor purpose.The wounds are just immense.the consequences of them. It is so sad that no matter how much I try, no matter how much it seems like it is changing, it is not. This poison has soaked into the fibers of my being. I have everything I need to get out of it. But the depression energy itself is resisting tremendously to let me get free. I hear you. Thank you for having the strength to put out these videos.
@stanislavagrueva5060 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. I hear you. And I feel like I know you. Because what you say, even in your voice, I know this world. I live it every day. For many years. Till my 30th year, I had no idea what was happening, complete mysery and coping with addictions.When I found out and became to live consciously, the real challenge began. Although I have major improvement, I find myself still in it, still affecting my decisions and views of myself. Paralyzing, seeing no sense in life ,no willingness, nor purpose.The wounds are just immense.the consequences of them. It is so sad that no matter how much I try, no matter how much it seems like it is changing, it is not. This poison has soaked into the fibers of my being. I have everything I need to get out of it. But the depression energy itself is resisting tremendously to let me get free. I hear you. Thank you for having the strength to put out these videos.
@stanislavagrueva5060 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. I hear you. And I feel like I know you. Because what you say, even in your voice, I know this world. I live it every day. For many years. Till my 30th year, I had no idea what was happening, complete mysery and coping with addictions.When I found out and became to live consciously, the real challenge began. Although I have major improvement, I find myself still in it, still affecting my decisions and views of myself. Paralyzing, seeing no sense in life ,no willingness, nor purpose.The wounds are just immense.the consequences of them. It is so sad that no matter how much I try, no matter how much it seems like it is changing, it is not. This poison has soaked into the fibers of my being. I have everything I need to get out of it. But the depression energy itself is resisting tremendously to let me get free. I hear you. Thank you for having the strength to put out these videos.
@stanislavagrueva5060 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. I hear you. And I feel like I know you. Because what you say, even in your voice, I know this world. I live it every day. For many years. Till my 30th year, I had no idea what was happening, complete mysery and coping with addictions.When I found out and became to live consciously, the real challenge began. Although I have major improvement, I find myself still in it, still affecting my decisions and views of myself. Paralyzing, seeing no sense in life ,no willingness, nor purpose.The wounds are just immense.the consequences of them. It is so sad that no matter how much I try, no matter how much it seems like it is changing, it is not. This poison has soaked into the fibers of my being. I have everything I need to get out of it. But the depression energy itself is resisting tremendously to let me get free. I hear you. Thank you for having the strength to put out these videos.
@stanislavagrueva5060 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. I hear you. And I feel like I know you. Because what you say, even in your voice, I know this world. I live it every day. For many years. Till my 30th year, I had no idea what was happening, complete mysery and coping with addictions.When I found out and became to live consciously, the real challenge began. Although I have major improvement, I find myself still in it, still affecting my decisions and views of myself. Paralyzing, seeing no sense in life ,no willingness, nor purpose.The wounds are just immense.the consequences of them. It is so sad that no matter how much I try, no matter how much it seems like it is changing, it is not. This poison has soaked into the fibers of my being. I have everything I need to get out of it. But the depression energy itself is resisting tremendously to let me get free. I hear you. Thank you for having the strength to put out these videos.
@stanislavagrueva5060 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. I hear you. And I feel like I know you. Because what you say, even in your voice, I know this world. I live it every day. For many years. Till my 30th year, I had no idea what was happening, complete mysery and coping with addictions.When I found out and became to live consciously, the real challenge began. Although I have major improvement, I find myself still in it, still affecting my decisions and views of myself. Paralyzing, seeing no sense in life ,no willingness, nor purpose.The wounds are just immense.the consequences of them. It is so sad that no matter how much I try, no matter how much it seems like it is changing, it is not. This poison has soaked into the fibers of my being. I have everything I need to get out of it. But the depression energy itself is resisting tremendously to let me get free. I hear you. Thank you for having the strength to put out these videos.
@stanislavagrueva5060 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. I hear you. And I feel like I know you. Because what you say, even in your voice, I know this world. I live it every day. For many years. Till my 30th year, I had no idea what was happening, complete mysery and coping with addictions.When I found out and became to live consciously, the real challenge began. Although I have major improvement, I find myself still in it, still affecting my decisions and views of myself. Paralyzing, seeing no sense in life ,no willingness, nor purpose.The wounds are just immense.the consequences of them. It is so sad that no matter how much I try, no matter how much it seems like it is changing, it is not. This poison has soaked into the fibers of my being. I have everything I need to get out of it. But the depression energy itself is resisting tremendously to let me get free. I hear you. Thank you for having the strength to put out these videos.
@stanislavagrueva5060 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. I hear you. And I feel like I know you. Because what you say, even in your voice, I know this world. I live it every day. For many years. Till my 30th year, I had no idea what was happening, complete mysery and coping with addictions.When I found out and became to live consciously, the real challenge began. Although I have major improvement, I find myself still in it, still affecting my decisions and views of myself. Paralyzing, seeing no sense in life ,no willingness, nor purpose.The wounds are just immense.the consequences of them. It is so sad that no matter how much I try, no matter how much it seems like it is changing, it is not. This poison has soaked into the fibers of my being. I have everything I need to get out of it. But the depression energy itself is resisting tremendously to let me get free. I hear you. Thank you for having the strength to put out these videos.
@strongerbetterfitness3776 8 ай бұрын
Will you do more videos? This are helpful. It looks like you stopped posting for sometime now.
@angusmerrell1465 9 ай бұрын
The beautiful and or interesting pictures help me with my depression... Thanks...it's 4 years since you posted this...I hope you're well or even ok. A
@Keith-tz2jy 9 ай бұрын
I'd rather die
@xbemos 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for validating who I am. Peace kind friend 🙏