Romans 14 WFBC
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Romans 13 WFBC
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Psalm 28 WFBC
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Romans 10 WFBC
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Romans 9 WFBC
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Romans 6 WFBC
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Romans 5 WFBC
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Romans 2 WFBC
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Introduction to Romans WFBC
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Romans 1 WFBC
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@Concreteowl 8 күн бұрын
It's not clear if she is dead when he is cutting her up. And some translations call her concubine but he refers to her father in the story as his father in law. So she is probably his wife but he has a low opinion of her as she keeps trying to escape him. He is also an unreliable character as he changes his story when relating afterwards to make himself look better.
@Seawitch907 16 күн бұрын
Because god hates women!
@kimdoucet1654 Ай бұрын
What I don't understand is that many people went to this pool and this man stayed there for 38 years and he obviously saw the waters get stirred. If people were not healed by the waters, why did he stay and why did people keep coming to the waters? I mean I have heard that years ago in the 20's people believed that the Hot Springs in Arkansas had medicinal healing and so people would go to it from all over the United States. But of course, over time people realized that the springs did not have the ability to heal so that trend died off.
@Hannah-jk3dk Ай бұрын
This man is nameless and he has a foolish behavior eating, drinking and sleeping for three days and on the fourth day he leaves late. He ignores advise by his worker to go to Jerusalem due to bias yetvits nearer. Lucky as they enter a city an old man sees them and takes them home. He loves comfort and gives up his cocbine as a sacrifice for his comfort. The father to the woman acts as a sheep and a serpent just giving comfort. Yes he welcomes him which is good but he entices him to stay with such craftiness its frightening. Its like a sheep being taken to slaughter. The woman on the other hand is a sinner, not married, a whore and rejects herself by returning to her parents. The man follows him but ends up rejecting her. She seems to me to show a picture of Jesus being followed and rejected by man and sacrificed. Women are often treated badly and second class. We need to be alert.
@eclipsesonic Ай бұрын
What's interesting about this verse is that, even the manuscripts that do contain John 5:4, about 20 Greek manuscripts have an asterisk or an obelisk next to the verse, implying that even the scribes that copied the verse questioned its authenticity.
@logos37 2 ай бұрын
sad to say that with what this church has been teaching regarding the Rapture series all the way to the Now completed Progressive Cov. THeology series connected to the End times-Revelation series has been great. Being in Los Angeles, a huge cosmopolitan with thousands of churches does not meet the classic biblical teachings with an Amill foundation. That Christ is in a way The true Representative of Israel the nation and what it was supposed to accomplish, the church has (strangely now broken into pieces of denominations) in a way been given the power to take on the mission in a new way being rooted IN Christ and partakers of a heavenly calling seated with him in the Heavenlies. THe church as the continuation of Israel is groundbreaking and if powerfully preached about in this Manner will cause Jealousy upon the Jews as Paul strangely puts it and No One has talked about this Jealousy and what that really really means!!! John Mac church is biblical yet its theo-foundation which is Premill to say the least is what prevents me to be a part of that fellowship. and when He preaches that the CHurch like all the rest say has disapeard becuase of the Rapture in Revelation ch. 4. upsets me. How can there be likemindedness in the Spirit when that is taught. Thier understanding of this NT/OT theology is problematic. Pray for me that I find a good church here in Los angeles. TO Christ be all the GLory.
@danawaldrop4930 2 ай бұрын
They ignore the Book of Enoch and The Q Gospel but put this gay stuff in there? smh
@Outspoken.Humanist 2 ай бұрын
Nonsense. Neither Genesis 19 not Judges 19 refers to mankind being evil without Christ. That is just biased foolishness. The crime of Sodom is explicitly laid out as a failure to care for the needy and a lack of hospitality to strangers. The abominable actions were not homosexuality (a concept which did not exist at that time), or female substitutes would not have been acceptable. They were a corruption of the natural order, whereby sex was always something done 'to' another and men were never to take the passive role as it risks upsetting the natural order of society. Therefore forcing men into that position was a form of oppression and a part of the poor treatment of strangers. If this video creator really thinks we would all turn evil without Jesus, how does he account for the flourishing of mankind after the flood? If Pagan societies were so bad, why was the vast majority of the world not Christian and still is? I am an atheist and I am convinced the divine Jesus is fiction Yest II have never raped or killed anyone, or even thought about it. Why not? The numbers of Christians in prison for violent crime is vastly larger than the numbers of atheists. How can that be? Judges 19 is indeed a difficult passage but it is dishonest to impose Jesus on the text just because you believe in him.
@jamgill9054 2 ай бұрын
Why just pull Judges 19? The bible is full of horrific stories! All these horrific stories to achieve what? This video narrator to gleefully announce that we are terrible and deserve God's wrath. Why follow such a god?
@hesavedawretchlikeme6902 2 ай бұрын
I’ve read it. God doesn’t hide the ugly troth of mankind. He is serious about sin, and the particular sins of sodomy- concupiscence restores the tribe of Benjamin.
@rolysantos 2 ай бұрын
This video speaks to what I believe regarding the doctrine of sovereign election. Arminians (free will proponents) cannot accept that we DO have free will, but that is the very problem. From Adam on, man has done nothing with his free will except turn AWAY from God. God gave Israel ALONE His laws and statutes (Psalm 147:19-20) And said "If a man does these things he will live." They were supposed to be "a light for the gentiles." But they were corrupt and if God had not "Preserved" a remnant, NONE of them would have survived. (Isaiah 1:9, Romans 9:29) Hebrews 8 says the problem with the OC was "THE PEOPLE." They did not remain faithful (they turned away) So I turned away from them. So what about the gentiles? God "overlooked the times of their ignorance," purposely did not give them His laws and statutes, purposely "allowed them to go their OWN WAY" and left them "without hope and without GOD." So what was God doing? God was showing us that by our very nature, man goes AWAY from God, whether left to himself OR given God's laws, NOBODY seeks The Lord and NOBODY is able to obey and "live." This is What Paul's message is about when he tells us that the law was given as a "our tutor to bring us to Christ," The law could not be obeyed, it was to show us our helplessness in obeying. Apart from GOD doing a work INSIDE of us, we are ALL hopeless! Which is why God said that HE would make a NEW covenant "NOT like the old one." Where HE puts His laws into our hearts and minds and HE causes us to fear so that we NEVER turn away again and HE gives us a new heart so that we not only can hear and believe but never depart again (Jeremiah 32:40, Hebrews 8, Ezekiel 36)
@byrondickens 2 ай бұрын
Late reply here: Some of the comments really blow my mind! Anybody who reads the book of Judges and thinks that THAT is the blueprint for how we should live our lives - who thinks that the behavior described in it is condoned by God - quite simply doesn't have a functioning brain. The whole book is obviously an indictment of turning away from the law of God and living in a state of anarchy instead. And just in case you missed the point, the author repeats over and over "The Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the LORD."
@busker153 2 ай бұрын
It was recorded because it happened.
@johnloftin2461 2 ай бұрын
Just a roughly mirrored version of Lot and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. It's not that one or the other story is true, but they are both false. It's easy to make this story a proverb if it had been found in a different book (like maybe Proverbs). These are simple stories with no divine significance. It's important to always remember The Protestants are a relatively young religion that is simply a split in Catholicism. Catholics were just a splinter from Judaism. If you wish to make true sense of the OT, I recommend Rabbis. They know Hebrew and their translation is just better and more sensible. I don't believe in their religion either, but christians would be amazed what they might find going the Rabbi route. At the end it's a man made religion from a book compiled by men and then recompiled after Luther did his 95 theses. The common thread is always man claiming divine knowledge that others don't have. Sounds suspiciously cultish.
@projectdesign4675 2 ай бұрын
Clearly (to some), in this moment God is going to have a Church without a spot or wrinkle. So I asked Him "how will I know her"?.......He said "you will be able to tell because of how she behaves in My Presence"! The only distinguishing indicator of a believer is God's Presence in their lives!
@roybeltran1 2 ай бұрын
John 14:6, I am the way, The truth, and the life. No one comes unto My Father but through me. John 14:6. Jesus Christ Messiah says. Said It. Through all versions of all Bibles.
@rethinkingjesus 2 ай бұрын
That is a tame horror story compared to Yahweh causing Israel to kill and cannibalize their own children and seeming to delight in it. (Jeremiah 19:9, Deuteronomy 28: 49 & 52-54, 2 Kings 6:28-29, Deuteronomy 28:57, Ezekiel 5: 8-10, Leviticus 26:27-29, Zechariah 11:9, Isaiah 9:19-20, Lamentations 4:10). I am so glad I follow Jesus Christ who rebuked the priests of Yahweh saying they were of their father the devil. (John 8:44).
@dianevaness4776 3 ай бұрын
The Levite is believed to be the grandson of Moses. The book of Judges points to the conflict between Joseph and Judah. Just proving that Judah would eventually become the head of the tribes. The other tribes would fail miserably to the point of almost bringing them back to the brink of extinction and destruction. The most common repeated sentence in Judges. Everyone did as they saw fit. Oh and Israel had no king. They were immoral and violent, lacking leadership that was Godly.
@bigbowlowrong4694 3 ай бұрын
This guy is most famous for getting rekt by Christopher Hitchens on his own radio show lol
@catalinpetre3845 3 ай бұрын
so Jews tribes were pretty messed up
@theotrotchie 3 ай бұрын
Well worth the five minutes.
@jake4476 3 ай бұрын
You look like Carl Froch
@Robyn-l7v 3 ай бұрын
Finally a video that explains the truth and not like these other videos trying and focusing on the evil parts of scripture then trying to cover it up.
@Robyn-l7v 3 ай бұрын
A lost nation or those who are lost have the mindset that they can do what they want just like we all do at times. We have a sin nature. As Christian's, Non Christians even Athiest will strughle with sin.
@dariciaariana4391 4 ай бұрын
Went here for some clarifications
@4700_Dk 4 ай бұрын
Israel was without a king. Leadership is very important, it will lead to anarchy without a leader. A lesson God was teaching Israel. 🇮🇱
@gravymorales4762 4 ай бұрын
It's not that disturbing not no more disturbing before the things until you get up to that point
@vanjones1749 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for the video your analysis of this scripture is eye opening and helped some to being a better understanding of this hard scripture. Keep up the good work
@SHADZ6523 4 ай бұрын
So being gay is in the Bible🤔🤔 why are Christians mad at same sex relationships🤦🤦 must be why diddy is doing this shit
@munbruk 4 ай бұрын
I guess it was a made up story, a plagiarism of the story of Lut.
@HipHopNerdHarryGusto 5 ай бұрын
Matthew 20:16 "So the last will be first and the first will be last" . The mirroring saints are in named in Thecla and Alba. Thecla story is called Paul and Thecla. and Alba's history is found in old medievil history. His name can still be found in almost every English speaking state, county, city Etc. as Albany, He has a kingdom name after him also. The kingdom of Alba, or Scotland. Alba fits Psalm 45:17.
@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 5 ай бұрын
Yahusha did not walk on water, he was floating on his back to them, and he was teaching Peter how to float on the water but he sank because he could not overcome his fears to allow his body to relax and float just like we are taught in swimming pools until this very day
@WarriorOfTheNarrowPath 5 ай бұрын
According to who?
@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 5 ай бұрын
@@WarriorOfTheNarrowPath he was either floating or treading water because of you look up the Greek for "walking" on the water, 3961. pateó the meanings is "treading" and if you look up the meaning of treading water it is too be upright using your arms and legs to swim/tread through the water. Also do you really believe that if Yahusha (Jesus) and don't forget Peter also, had walked on water it would have been talked about throughout that area just like people were speaking about him raising Lazarus from the dead. But yet there is NO more mention of it, even by the disciples which also didn't even make a big deal about it when he was doing it. They only said "they thought it was a ghost" and that was the end of it. Come on now, it would have been the BIGGEST thing he ever did. Healing is one thing and even raising the dead, but to actually walk on water, him and Peter and it was the biggest talk ever!? I mean think about it when you are treading though water upright you are literally walking through the water. We are reading something from thousands of years ago which has been rewritten many times, and you don't think they could have misinterpreted and mistranslated walking and treading.
@WarriorOfTheNarrowPath 5 ай бұрын
@@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 I don’t have access to safari to look at the Greek for myself, not that I don’t believe you my friend I just want to go research it. Again this is just a discussion and doesn’t really matter to our salvation. But why would a ghost be swimming in water😂 Why would they peak out the boat and be look “oh look at that ghost going for a swim”. Jesus and Peter walked on water and Peter almost sunk because he had little faith. They were in the middle of a storm and in the middle of a body of water, so who would have even saw it?
@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 5 ай бұрын
@@WarriorOfTheNarrowPath there has always been sightings of spirits in the waters of people that have drowned, and even tales of mermaids swimming in the waters as crazy as that may sound. Now I can't tell you what these people saw or thought they saw but I'm just answering your question about why would a spirit (ghost) be in the water. Have you never seen a movie or heard of stories of spirits floating beneath the waters? Look it up those tales go back before Yahusha (Jesus). Also this account in the book of Mark is more accurate than the one in the book of Matthew as many great scholars have proven You can see this just by comparing the water "walking" account in Mark to the one in the book of John. They are both very similar but the one in Matthew is way different than the two. They were actually rowing in a small boat and not a big ship. They use the translation as ship and we automatically imagine a big ship. Now the books of Mark and John also do not speak of him supernaturally stopping the roaring waves. The book of Matthew is more of an exaggeration of this account. Tread the three different accounts.
@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 5 ай бұрын
@@WarriorOfTheNarrowPath I sent you a message lastnight to your last reply, did you receive it? Because I don't see it now on my message board.
@yokkie2846 7 ай бұрын
So good! I wish the whole video were posted here. That would have benefitted us all But, yes. We are all undeserving sinners. This statement deserves our meditation. Only then will we discover the depth of God's love
@HistoricalStoriesoftheBi-qm3te 8 ай бұрын
The biggest schmendrick in this story is the levite. He is asleep while the woman is getting raped. He must have been very tired
@dperkins01 8 ай бұрын
Assertions assertions assertions.
@honestheartedtruthseekerso5133 9 ай бұрын
The story shows that with our the Holy Soirit in YOu Yahshua man is as a beast of the field. The people needed Yahshua in them the only hope of Glory.
@lawrencecarlson2425 10 ай бұрын
Judges 19 is blatant evidence that the Bible was written in the middle east by men with a cultural bias. I'm sure God will forgive us for reading this pornography.
@lesterrawlins3315 10 ай бұрын
Please also do a video on Jephthah sacrificing his daughter, also in the Book of Judges.
@MichaelVFlowers 10 ай бұрын
I did a recent video on this issue that you may also find helpful.
@vincentasks 10 ай бұрын
What if the Hebrew God was created by man?
@planetx5269 11 ай бұрын
There are so many atrocities in the Bible and what you said certainly doesn't excuse any of it. Some of the early Christians believed that the Old Testament God was evil, and he was, and not the father of Jesus, and he wasn't. Quite trying to cover up and put a good spin on this. It was horrible and there WAS no excuse!!
@thomastessier4529 11 ай бұрын
I use the KJV Bible. Even though it is harder to read with all of the thou and thy and language issues, I don't like or trust "newer" Bibles that change the language and or leave versus out or add versus in. It won't be long, in fact it is already happening, that "new" Bibles are already being generated by China and AI and there will be more coming out that conform to the world rather than the world conforming to the Word of God. Satan is going to try and dilute the Word of God until no one knows what to do or what to think, division is a powerful tool. I am staying with the KJV because I have heard how it was translated by a group of men who were afraid of God and did not want to get it wrong. These were all very religious men and I think God has His hand in it as well. Anyway, that's my 2-cents.
@just4roles1 6 ай бұрын
The KJV Bible is not the original bible either. It has been edited and books taken out.
@jeannebouwman1970 5 ай бұрын
The KJV is a political book commissioned by king James to justify anglicanism and his rule
@WarriorOfTheNarrowPath 5 ай бұрын
@@jeannebouwman1970so what translation?
@jeannebouwman1970 5 ай бұрын
@@WarriorOfTheNarrowPath I don't really read the bible in English since my native language is Dutch, and I use either the NBV21 or the Willibrord translation. If you want to make a claim to reading the original then you should read the original Hebrew and Greek
@TearDrop455 11 ай бұрын
This was very good, thank you. It sure speaks volumes of the current times.
@andrewnichols800 Жыл бұрын
Um what part of all mankind is evil do you not understand?
@donnafraenkel7852 Жыл бұрын
It's about male and female hemispheres of the brain and how information gets past The subconscious mind takes three and a half days to pass from right to left, naturally, with programming When you force information from the subconscious mind or brainwash unnaturally , through fear and control,etc, you make the body sick and suffer from illnesses The ideas and thoughts of man should naturally unfold, and not be forced in certain ways which is akin to this energy that is happening here Energy is misunderstood especially when displaying higher science information to biblical era scenarios, but now we can understand that control can happen within and without the body in ways we can only understand now through machines that can see other light and energy within our lives today For instance Moses was told to put a copper snake around a pole which would heal people and it's electro medicine or harnessing the eitheric electricity. How electricity looks like a snake is pretty amazing symbolic representation because it's accurate in the end results of being dangerous 😂
@williambrewer Жыл бұрын
Very good! Thank you!
@TheNecroSodomizer Жыл бұрын
The owner of the concubine was also a huge piece of sh**. When he discovered her body at the door, all he said was “Get up! Let’s go!”, as if she wasn’t horribly assaulted all night. Dude knew damn well what they did to her.
@Robyn-l7v 3 ай бұрын
Necro your better how ?
@yavonne4 Жыл бұрын
It is noteworthy that John 5:4, which said that an angel disturbed the water, is not found in highly regarded ancient Greek manuscripts, such as the fourth-century Codex Sinaiticus. At Bethzatha, however, Jesus cured a man who had been sick for 38 years. Without even entering the pool, the man was instantly healed.
@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 6 ай бұрын
So does that make it not true?
@yavonne4 5 ай бұрын
@@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 it’s true
@mikefrady7965 Жыл бұрын
DONT take the clot shot from evil fauci and billy gates of hell It could very well be the abomination that is spoken in Daniel because our body is now the only temple of the Holy Spirit, not the Jewish temple that is not even yet built or never spoken of to be built in the whole Bible
@roberteigen4499 Жыл бұрын
it is wrong to interpret the Old Testament via the New. Leave Jesus out of the discussion. He was born much later.