Attitude is Everything
3 ай бұрын
Dating advice in 2024
3 ай бұрын
@gibster9624 Күн бұрын
In a few short years I went from being excited about Obama and all this cheer about anti-war to being so completely disgusted when Democrats stood in a room and cheered about killing Gaddafi for the crime of wanting real independence for his country. Never been too fond of Republicans. I remember some old heads getting upset at music I liked acting like the devil wrote it when it was just about a man talking about living in darkness and being called a monster. I was convinced most conservatives, at least the outspoken ones just lived in a bubble and no longer had any sort of humanity left in them. I had a guy who wasn't much older than me tell me AC DC stood for Anti christ devil's church. I just thought what the heck is wrong with these people? Tribalism is a helluva drug.
@jamesnabors3643 Күн бұрын
Americans and Globalist Traitors.
@Thegoodguy2004 Күн бұрын
This is why Trump is getting so much hate
@G.EdwardMartin Күн бұрын
@@Thegoodguy2004 interestingly, I like Trump but it’s the rest of the party that I’m suspicious of. The fact that they don’t like him is why I trust him more.
@Thegoodguy2004 Күн бұрын
@@G.EdwardMartin thats what I was trying to say but you said it better
@G.EdwardMartin Күн бұрын
@@Thegoodguy2004 I’m happy to vote for anyone who seems like an outsider. Not sure how anyone expects to solve the problems by constantly re-electing the same folks who caused the problems.
@saltyyankee5149 Күн бұрын
the IVF controversy is manufactured. There is a TINY TINTY minority of the repbublican party opposed to IVF. There are a few that are having a philosophic conversations about the start of life, but it's not in the realm of law, but thought. The ectopic pregnancy thing falls in the 'life of the mother' and 'viability of the child' category. Whoever those doctors are, they were malinformed on the law. Ectopic pregnancies cannot end with a viable child, so it's never been considered abortion..
@saltyyankee5149 Күн бұрын
adding the base comment, that I agree your core premise that at the top, the two parties try to operate in collusion. I don't know which is worse, when they compromise in ways that make things 5x worse, or when they propose two approaches that are equally horrible but not muddled together. It's just your two examples are flawed. The better example is both parties pushing for military bases and spending, forever wars overseas, and it's only when a radically outside force comes into play that we see it all. There is a reason that the Cheneys of all people are joining in the former anti-war party to keep the conflicts and death going around the world.
@Fromard Күн бұрын
Of course. I've been puzzled for years that people don't see this. There is one party. It's the party of corporations. Go look at who funds ANY politician. They all take money from big pharma and the Military Industrial Complex. Why can't we seem to solve problems like the cost of healthcare and immigration? The answer? Because they are solved. If you look at all the problems through the lens of corporations it all makes sense. Healthcare is expensive because it's good for corporations. We have endless wars because its good for corporations. An open border provide very cheap labor which is good for corporations. There is one party and it doesn't represent you. We no longer live in a Republic.
@DebraGill Күн бұрын
This is a battle of good and evil.
@positivelysimful1283 2 күн бұрын
Overall, yeah they call it the uniparty for a reason. I've never been beholden to any party (even if I have registered for parties sometimes so I can vote in primaries, my main concern is for the country and I focus more on policies I think are good and any candidate of any party I think can get the good policies done). This is why I prefer people like Trump, RFK, Tulsi Gabbard, etc. who don't go along with the status quo and are actually focused on improvements (and boy do they go after them for that; you can almost be sure that you've found the best candidate when the vast majority of D.C. swamp monsters and corporate media hate them). I am suspect of any stories about women with ectopic pregnancies being denied medically necessary abortions; no state, no matter how strict on abortion, considers an ectopic pregnancy abortion unnecessary. I am wary of stories that seem to play into narratives (on either side), and conveniently happen when it's a hot-button political issue.... the stories are usually more involved. I'm going to withhold judgement until the investigations are done. Reps platform isn't against IVF actually; some strict pro-lifers are, but nowhere near the majority of the party. Most are looking for responsible solutions like adoption of fertilized eggs, or not putting so many fertilized eggs in a womb that a woman needs to have a selective abortion. Happy medium. Trump actually champions IVF, as well as organizing some kind of financial assistance for those wanting it. He has said this repeatedly in interviews and speeches. I understand the confusion, Dems have lied about his position on that (as others), for a long time. That's another thing you have to take into account-- majority of mainstream media, social media, and entertainment media are deep in the tank for the Dems (and unlike the minority of those that are conservative, they don't admit their bias; they claim to be neutral). So you really have to go looking for the facts when they blame things on Republicans or make accusations. Most of the Rep party elites are useless, I grant that, but often what people think the party as a whole is doing/not doing is very inaccurate.
@G.EdwardMartin Күн бұрын
@@positivelysimful1283 I feel like people ought to be flexible and vote by candidate not blind loyalty to a given party because of what they once stood for
@positivelysimful1283 20 сағат бұрын
@@G.EdwardMartin I agree, the parties suck. There are a few good people in the two main parties, my vote is usually all over the place-- Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, heck I even voted for the Green Party once. But for the most part, to get ahead political hopefuls have to be willing to go along with the corruption that has infested both parties for so long. You play ball or you're out, and it's hard for the kind of people we actually want running things to get past that wall of corruption. That's why they ousted RFK, he wasn't gonna play ball with their agenda, he was more concerned about the country.
@G.EdwardMartin 18 сағат бұрын
@@positivelysimful1283 I think that’s good. Blind loyalty across the board is not conducive to accountability
@bogtrotter5110 2 күн бұрын
America is destroying the planet. Armageddon is around the corner
@lynnw7155 2 күн бұрын
You have a LOT of misinformation. Have you even looked at the Republican platform? Stopping illegal immigration with the border wall, deport illegal immigrants, stop sending money overseas (and to illegals here) and help Americans in need. Force NATO countries to pay their fair share. Trump has said repeatedly that he is IN FAVOR OF IVF. Abortion laws are entirely in the realm of the states, not the federal government. Trump started doing these things when he was President. He needs a chance to continue. .
@G.EdwardMartin 2 күн бұрын
@@lynnw7155 I like Trump. It’s the rest of the party that I’m suspicious of.
@mrharpable 2 күн бұрын
It never did. It has two big coalitions
@jeffreywj7773 2 күн бұрын
Hi G Edward. Not sure why your video popped up on my YT suggestion list, but I watched it and could feel your concern. I am sure you will get lot's of commentary on how the two party system in this country is broken and not serving the American people. I would like to comment on one specific thing you briefly mentioned, and that is our involvement in overseas adventures and not focusing on our home issues. We are the world's supreme super power. We have been since the end of WWII. The Soviet Empire attempted to challenge us to that title but after forty some years of world confrontation and a president named Ronald Reagan who understood what was going on, we crushed them. So you might say, there is no world power who can challenge us on that level now, why should we care what happens elsewhere? Yes, I know there are those who will say that Russia, China, Europe and maybe even India are economic and military powers in their own right. But I say they are little boys pretending to be men compared to the USA. And of course the Middle East is a constant political and military mess. Given the situation I can see why Americans want to become isolationists. Take care of our own and let the rest of the world sort itself out. Unfortunately that never works out well. We have paid a heavy price for not paying attention to what goes on in the rest of the world. 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are two recent examples that pulled us into world troubles we really didn't want to be involved in. I will be the first to agree with those who say we have made some dumb mistakes with our interventions in other parts of the world. But at the same time I believe we have prevented little problems from becoming big problems, they just don't get recognized like our mistakes. We just need better leadership to prevent those mistakes. And the current two party system does not seem able to provide that much needed leadership. I do see a rising tide of isolationism. In the short term it will lead to better conditions at home, it will just take five or ten years to get things moving in the right direction. It will require the two parties to get their acts together. Or maybe they will fragment into a multi-party system like we see in other countries, possibly with more independent candidates being successful. Unfortunately that means one day we are setting ourselves up to be blind sided by another enemy of our country who we stopped paying attention to out there. Thanks for your video. Good luck.
@Slugbug Күн бұрын
While I don't claim to be an expert on foreign policy, I have concerns over the direction that recent events have taken, especially in the Middle East, and the way the current administration has reacted. Certainly I agree that the US should support our allies and intervention in Gaza to assist Israel against terrorist attacks and freeing hostages is warranted. However, Israel crossed a line when they used weapons that America supplied to also attack Lebanon. Many of those currently in office are hesitant to censure Israel's actions, but are also stating that we need to provide aid to Lebanon. Spending American resources to support two other countries that are using those resources to fight each other is a waste of resources, especially when food and medical aid is desperately needed at home. Many of our allies in Europe are concerned about the war in Ukraine, but (at least as far as the American media shows) the US is shouldering more of that burden than most of the other European countries combined. Europe has much more at stake in that area than the United States, but they don't seem to be willing to put as much into resolving that conflict. Again, I don't pretend to have all of the answers. I don't believe we should become strict isolationists. And I don't believe I'm going to be able to solve all of the world's problems in a KZbin comment at three in the morning.
@billvojtech5686 2 күн бұрын
You're wrong on ectopic pregnancies. No law says you have to take it to term. If doctors stupidly or for political reasons choose to interpret the law that way to make a political point, that's on the doctors. Same with not doing a D&C after a fetus dies.
@G.EdwardMartin 2 күн бұрын
@@billvojtech5686 I don’t know enough about it, but there were for sure 2 women in Texas who didn’t get help until the ectopic pregnancies ruptured. Hard to trust the news and sort of what’s what.
@billvojtech5686 2 күн бұрын
There is the Uniparty and MAGA.
@saradipidik829 2 күн бұрын
bro, no one is going after ivf, trump wants to fund it. its not repub or dem, its globalist elite vs the people. i challange you to actually listen to a trump speech, just one, any one.
@rkba4923 2 күн бұрын
I agree. The Demoncraps have just floored the go pedal and the Repukicraps are just cruisin' along, but they're both headed to same destination.
@G.EdwardMartin 2 күн бұрын
@@rkba4923 sure feels that way…
@GenXMafia 2 күн бұрын
I just think that with everything unaffordable including basic necessities like food, being on the literal brink of WWIII, armies of rapists and murderers and single military aged men flooding across our borders, skyrocketing crime rates, record inflation and the only thing that women give two shits about is MUH ABORTION. Yes there are 2 different parties, with 2 entirely different worldviews. One side is literally communist and don’t deny it, the other is trying to preserve this country and our constitution. Our problem is not the parties it’s our idiotic electorate. When voting became a right and stopped being a privilege that only the best and the brightest among us were able to participate in is when the whole country started going to shit. We MUST have massive and sweeping reforms to voting laws and rights. If you have no knowledge of our history which very few people do, no education, a high school dropout, you aren’t at least 21 years old and you can’t be drafted into the military than you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. What we see happening today is a direct result of giving every mouth breathing knuckle dragging Neanderthal a voice that has zero business having one.
@Crocalu 2 күн бұрын
I think there are several possible explanations. One is that the two parties are one. Another is that people are just very opinionated and divided. Another is that politicians are influenced by entities like big corporations. About your point about IVF and abortion: Trump currently does support IVF and 'abortion-exceptions' for those who want it.
@PHUCKISRAEL 3 күн бұрын
America is the most evil country in the World fools think they are free here and it is a Country that thrives on Genocide . Your a brainwashed douchebag
@themusclebob23 3 күн бұрын
Amerrydickedya is a Communist country run by pedifiles and oligarchs. They indoctrinated you 12 years "that you are free" and how to obey. You are a never will be free in the fake republic... don't pay taxes you have 2 options prison (re-education camp) or deletion if you didn't learn in prison. My suggestion to young men the American dream is to escape it.
@ChristophDeClercq-mj1pk 3 күн бұрын
an opinion is like a asshole: everyone got one and it ussually stinks a lot!
@CraigCastanik 4 күн бұрын
The elites are pushing for a “new world order”! 💩
@gigcleveland9740 4 күн бұрын
Reason why America was great was because we used to be moral. The west in general is good to make wealth. But, as far as culture. Its a cesspool.
@dancoz5477 4 күн бұрын
He lives in an imaginary country. Must be a cult follower. Good luck come November.
@adrian5783 4 күн бұрын
Mate search videos about americans moving to Europe. They couldn't believe , how behind and delusional is the US . - you need to see the World dude 😎, get out from your sadly life and enjoy discover more as hamburgers, guns., gender shitt, Fox Chanel, redneck songs....😂
@adrian5783 4 күн бұрын
You don't know what you talking about. Do you? . You embarrassed yourself 😂
@G.EdwardMartin 4 күн бұрын
@@adrian5783 hey, thanks for the comment! Like, subscribe and follow for more 👍🏼
@adrian5783 4 күн бұрын
@@G.EdwardMartin I apologise to be a little snappy, it's not personal . You are a good man,
@adrian5783 4 күн бұрын
Mr. Stop to consume narcotis, 😂😂😂. America is behind Europe with many years.😂😂😂😂.
@annjohnstonauzet2966 4 күн бұрын
Oh dear!
@jsimm798 5 күн бұрын
Imagine a country that you can walk around saying that you are a elephant just because u supposedly identify as an elephant being the greatest country on earth 😂😂
@adrian5783 4 күн бұрын
@jsimm798 5 күн бұрын
America is literally the worst country on earth.. a country that thinks it has the right to do whatever wherever whenever.. teaches its children to go against the natural order of things.. spend billions on fighting wars that has nothing to do with them while people suffer.. racism rampant.. spoiled people who literally thinks they just have a right to… America is a dirty sick country..
@dkguy55 5 күн бұрын
So what happens if one candidate attempts to subvert the results of the election? Maybe hypothetically encouraging states to throw out the results of their election, encouraging the vice president to reject the certification of the election, or incite a riot to disrupt the certification of the election? Seems like a threat to democracy.
@G.EdwardMartin 14 күн бұрын
Amazon link:
@jenniferscott3176 15 күн бұрын
Marry me 😂😂😂
@G.EdwardMartin 15 күн бұрын
@@jenniferscott3176 😂🙏🏻
@shadoeedl 18 күн бұрын
Those who seek to possess power over others should not be given power over others for it is inevitable those who seek it and get it will abused it
@G.EdwardMartin 18 күн бұрын
@@shadoeedl absolutely. 💯 %
@anthonyalexander5607 18 күн бұрын
you dont have to call it a Christian book. its just a book.
@anthonyrazzano787 15 күн бұрын
It’s a Christian book.
@tootall4716 18 күн бұрын
If you want people to buy your Dark Comedy Novel. You might wanna start with it being funny.
@G.EdwardMartin 18 күн бұрын
@@tootall4716 have you read it?
@Heisablessing 18 күн бұрын
Thank you, this was informative.
@G.EdwardMartin 18 күн бұрын
@@Heisablessing it’s obviously not universal, but it does happen this way often.
@420sam69 19 күн бұрын
We’ll get there one day partner
@G.EdwardMartin 19 күн бұрын
@@420sam69 I’m hoping lol. Might need to achieve grandpa status then it’ll be acceptable
@dustinstanley9134 23 күн бұрын
This is a question for connie next door not the Internet.
@G.EdwardMartin 22 күн бұрын
@@dustinstanley9134 lol
@EliteGlueMan 23 күн бұрын
I have lived in Tennessee my whole life and I still don’t feel qualified
@G.EdwardMartin 23 күн бұрын
@@EliteGlueMan maybe being a grandparent is the main prerequisite. My grandma used to say, “well, that’s as useful as a fart in a mitten.” I just assumed it was a common expression from her childhood lol.
@mrdean2539 23 күн бұрын
Well, since you asked, the general consensus is that you must be in the same place for at least 10 years before trying. If you try at that young age, and it doesn't work, no one will listen to you again, though. Best estimate is 15-20 years.
@G.EdwardMartin 23 күн бұрын
@@mrdean2539 😂😂 thank you for this clear and extremely specific answer
@Kaisarfire 24 күн бұрын
Giving a glowing review and highly recommending your own book? Kinda cringe...
@G.EdwardMartin 24 күн бұрын
@@Kaisarfire you ever made anything?
@Kaisarfire 24 күн бұрын
@@G.EdwardMartin The usual comeback of someone self publishing a book as if they are now prestigious, but only come off as a pretentious ass clown. You combined WW2 fan fiction with bible fan fiction, two genres done to death. Then you put on your best O face claiming how good it was. Why not check off ALL the cringe check boxes?
@KathleenofFaith 25 күн бұрын
Looked for it on Audible. Hope it gets there.
@G.EdwardMartin 24 күн бұрын
@@KathleenofFaith coming soon! Just signed a contract with a narrator 🙏🏻
@KathleenofFaith 24 күн бұрын
Wonderful! Thank you. Can't wait! 🎉
@G.EdwardMartin 24 күн бұрын
@@KathleenofFaith the narrator thinks we’ll have it published within the month. I will message you right away!
@BrionSargent 25 күн бұрын
Are you a Purdue grad?
@G.EdwardMartin 25 күн бұрын
@@BrionSargent my dad is a Purdue grad. We were visiting last year and my shirt got ruined, so we picked this up at Walgreens. Now people shout in public, “Boiler Up!” and I don’t know how to reply lol. Boiler be with you 🙏🏻🫡
@wallybraveheart6896 26 күн бұрын
Don't bs urself he did it to get a phone number
@Heisablessing 27 күн бұрын
Thank you for this knowledge. I read a bit about GMOs, but nowhere did the information state anything about bugs.
@doubleshitake 27 күн бұрын
Absolutely. I’ve known several officers over the years. They all went into law enforcement to help people. I never tar a whole class of people because of the bad behavior of some of their class, but it sure would help if some of them remember they are there to protect and serve.
@G.EdwardMartin 27 күн бұрын
@@doubleshitake exactly. Some of these folks are heroic and do good work every single day. I feel like American isn’t having the right conversations about this subject.
@gunnertequila 28 күн бұрын
Christian historical fiction? AKA the bible?
@G.EdwardMartin 27 күн бұрын
@@gunnertequila I suppose you just couldn’t help yourself? lol
@coolgamingvids3313 27 күн бұрын
I think the Bible is real. It’s no lie that Jesus Christ was a real historical figure, it’s up to you if you believe his miracles were real, I personally believe.
@rissabiagi1570 29 күн бұрын
Hilarious AF 😂😂😂
@G.EdwardMartin 29 күн бұрын
@@rissabiagi1570 😂😂🙏🏻
@ShallaeDeMers 29 күн бұрын
Google translate
@polmcsuibhne7657 Ай бұрын
yes thats what they say to keep the poor calm.....
@kingghidorah6689 Ай бұрын
If you can't enjoy the things you have, you wouldn't enjoy the ones you want.
@G.EdwardMartin Ай бұрын
@@polmcsuibhne7657 I didn’t mean this as “you will own nothing and be happy.” I meant that needing cigarettes, beer, coffee, pills and lottery tickets to get through the day makes you a prisoner.
@G.EdwardMartin Ай бұрын
@@kingghidorah6689 that’s very well said 🙏🏻
@polmcsuibhne7657 Ай бұрын
@@G.EdwardMartin now thats very judgmental dont you think ...all these flowery words do nothing but give comfort to those who have very little ..while millionaires do what friend ...get more than they need......