All beauty comes from God and Prague was lucky to have many Christians filled with the Holy Spirit.
That is exactly right! I felt that "Holy Spirit" and Prague is now at the top of my beautiful cities in the world! I would be happy to live there. That is why I placed the image of Christ the Redeemer at minute 8:-05 of the video, immediately after describing the 1968 Soviet invasion as a symbol of triumph of Christianity over satanical communism. As a child, growing up in Romania, I remember that Romania was the only Warsaw Pact country that did not send an armed force into Czechoslovakia. Ceausescu refused to send troops pursuing his maverick policies. I remember as a child, that we all thought Romania would be attacked next by the Soviets and we were preparing for the invasion. God Save us!
@OlKo-hu4ozАй бұрын
Beautiful city 👍
Yes, Krakow is a beautiful place and Polish people are great! I wish Romania still had a border with Poland as it did for a very long time!
I liked your channel and subscribed to it!
@MihaiCires-fm5whАй бұрын
@MariadeFátimaGuimarães-h6wАй бұрын
@elenadarjoanca59922 ай бұрын
Thank you!🍁🍂
@searose13353 ай бұрын
I thoroughly enjoyed the video. Thank you so much for the tour and mini vacation. My father's family is from near Venice and I'd love to go there but probably won't ever get the chance to meet my relatives. Thanks again ❤
What a wonderful and touching comment. Thank you so much! I hope that I don't step out of bounds by saying this because I don't know your situation. I would encourage you that if it's at all possible, to go see your family in Venice! Regards, Lee
@radufotografu3 ай бұрын
Like a discovery Chanel video ❤
Thank you!
@TehnicGeneral3 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@fremendune3 ай бұрын
The shaky camera movement improves the feeling. The slow voice and narration is the best when it comes to Transylvania. But you need a few interjections along the way. It flows like water, but needs a few stops to bring the audience back in. I love what you are doing and please keep it going
Thanks for the pointers Al. Your comments are coming at a point where I've lost a little confidence in part because I'm starting to suspect my work may appear a bit pompous with the intro, the Google Earth zoom (which is useful because t cements location but I was told by someone that it looks dated; probably is) and the narration a bit overbearing, which it probably is, as well. You're sort confirming that. It's very hard loo at your own stuff with an outside point of view. My goal with these videos is to teach (myself first) in a somewhat classic sort of way and sharing with my viewers what I've come to think of my obituary diary; I'm saying that a bit tongue in cheek. I'm so far behind with my material which has accumulated tremendously this Summer and I feel a bit stuck because as I edit my videos, I never feel quite satisfied and keep erasing and not publishing my work. I think I will just simply not narrate and just let go and publish them as quickly as I can. So the timing of your comments were perfect. I will add that I really appreciate your comments especially since they come from a fellow Dune admirer. Dune is one of my favorite books and movies; all the versions have been great in their own way. Do you have a favorite?
@fremendune3 ай бұрын
@@SUNCOASTSTUDIO Movie wise, I think the last one is good. Prefer the books more if I am honest. Because my imagination will not always be the same as another.
Ditto. Thanks!
@fremendune3 ай бұрын
@@SUNCOASTSTUDIO you know mate, I was thinking over the past week. I think you should keep on doing your voice. But then just a drop with the music when it comes to a great picture that you want to emphasise
That's a great tip. As I continuously review my videos I observe different weaknesses. I experiment in different ways, techniques and technologies, which in part is the purpose of my videos. Always with minimal resources, almost always 100% video mine (music is public but I always give credit to the authors out of gratitude), except for Chamonix, where I show images from the 1924 Winter Olympics, and a few other videos where I may have inserted a public image to add clarity to my story. For example in one of the Bradenton videos, or Kennedy Space I used synthetic voices. To be clear I did that out of necessity. I worked on those videos late at night, I didn't want to wait till the next day and didn't want to disturb the household. My solution was text to voice and found some free websites that allowed me to do that. It worked out well I think and at this point probably high quality synthetic voices are virtually indistinguishable for the vast majority of people. I even considered doing that ongoing. I still might, but I had a fan that complimented me on my voice and speech patterns and encouraged me and probably that gave me enough confidence to give that a try. Other videos I had chatGPT write a synthesis about some place and I just read it which adds a bit of an unnatural cadence to my speech. I might work on reading that more naturally. We'll try that as well. Your suggestion really hits at the heart of the matter which is a more natural approach that is 'thoughtful' and blends even better with the images. I have no idea where I am going with these videos, but basically they are a diary and every time I watch them its like sitting with a friend on a couch and showing them my old family picture album. My job is to constantly make the album a bit more interesting to myself (learning which is fun) and others. Cheers (something I don't typically say, except when I drink with someone, but it feel right saying it to you) :) Are you a fan of Douglas Adams? He's a fav of mine and I suspect you appreciate him as well.
@cristianmoroianu67163 ай бұрын
Brașov the best !!!❤
@zeemke3 ай бұрын
And Le midi is indeed midday, but also refers to the south (eg gare du midi). That’s what it refers to here… needle in the south.
That's a wonderful explanation. It's clearer now.
@zeemke3 ай бұрын
But the t and c in Mont Blanc are silent
Thanks again. I keep forgetting that. The consonants at the end come natural to me.
@zeemke3 ай бұрын
Well pronounced
Thank you!
@cristianmoroianu67164 ай бұрын
Brașov the most beautiful city of Romania !!! ♥️💛💙
You may be right!
@cristianmoroianu67164 ай бұрын
THE BEST !!! ❤❤❤
Thank you!
@radufotografu4 ай бұрын
Amazing voice and description ❤❤❤❤ I want more 😅
Multumesc Radu!
@nicolaeghita91554 ай бұрын
Where is Larry? Iasti unâ hoarâ ti harauâ. U avemu vidzutâ cu nikukira aua tu 2007 cându neasimu la Larry! Hâriosu ti ahtari video!
Nu zburascu ghini armaneaste. Larry a ausit, dorne multu, ama baneaza.
@b.alexandru23904 ай бұрын
Au ras o uzina de 20.000 locuri de munca"Tractotul S.A și au realizat o mare păcăleală,un Mall unde își vând străini gunoaiele,unde multi naționalele străine își freacă mâinile realizând miliarde iar romanul se angajează la ei pe minim pe economie.Suntem o nație de tot rasul.Totul este împachetat frumos pt a va goli buzunarele de bani.Ati ajuns sa munciți prin tari străine pt un pumn de bani ,apoi sa ii cheltuiți în aceste gunoaie de piețe acoperite.
Vad lucrurile cam la fel dar adaug ca fenomenul asta nu e unic Romaniei cu toate ca sunt elemente speciale. Nu vad Romania ca o natie de tot rasul. Romania e la un anumit punct de dezvoltare iar Coresi este un anumit pas in comercilizare de tip global. Faptul ca exista toata zona Coresi construita in 8 ani sau cam asa, de fapt e admirabil. Sunt uimit de ce sa construit aci. Cu adevart uluitor! Ce genereza comentariul tau foarte larg, e o discutie lunga de istorie, productivitate, consumerism, cine beneficiaza, psihologie, politica si tot asa. In balanta, mie imi place Coresi si l-am ales pentru ca este un loc nou, organizat, curat (destul de) si vad familii tinere si mult optimism. Seara, e o placere speciala sa ma plimb prin zona cu Bella , catelul meu.
@vsleriaterhoaca69854 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@zahariaconstantin77385 ай бұрын
Thanks 🤗
@taf20225 ай бұрын
Bravo, well documented, good luck with all your future presentations.
Many thanks!
@paolapulga58805 ай бұрын
Tamara è il paese nel quale sono nata, c’è la nostra casa di famiglia ❤. Grazie per il video ❤
Come potete vedere, Tamara è un posto molto speciale per me. Se mi vedete portare a spasso il mio cane, per favore fermatevi e presentatevi. Il mio nome è Lee.
@adf57396 ай бұрын
Very nice,video,and presentation ❤
Glad you liked it!
Tamara e o hoara musata! Mama e ngropata aua.
@brigitteludwig45726 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@brigitteludwig45726 ай бұрын
What a Story. Thank you and be blessed. 👍❤️🙏
Thank you Brigitte!
@dissapointedvenom2526 ай бұрын
@simimox41816 ай бұрын
@Bomboclat323426 ай бұрын
@robertlupu62066 ай бұрын
Foarte bun videoclipul
Multumesc de apreciere.
@dissapointedvenom2526 ай бұрын
@RapChieuTaiNha6 ай бұрын
"Absolutely amazing, my friend! The scenery is so beautiful."
Thank you so much! It was a lot of fun to put together this video and like all my videos, it's a bit of personal diary that has significance to me and I share with my KZbin friends.
@alexandergolodnikov50136 ай бұрын
@romih.79457 ай бұрын
Very nice!
Thank you! Cheers!
@VinylPanda-NaturallyClean7 ай бұрын
Informative video. As someone from Szeged I could mention more things about it, but what you created is not bad at all. Well done! 👍
Thank you! I really appreciate you saying that. I was driving from Arad to Budapest and decided to stop in Szeged and shoot some videos. It happened that I was there on Monday May 20th around 5PM. It was my second time in Szeged; I had been in Szeged back in 1998 for a few hours. Clearly, there are a lot of changes. I parked my car a block away from the Mora Ferenc museum To my surprise I noticed that there was some kind of event in the park and it felt like a Holiday; probably it was. I didn't want to get to Budapest too late and so I spent about an hour and half in the town and produced the material for the video you saw. I tried to create a video that had a sense of what I saw and felt. My videos are essentially personal diaries that I share with the viewers. Certainly the town deserves a lot more than the little time I gave it. I've seen many places and I liked Szeged a lot. I could see myself living there. It's certainly a good family town and a nice place to grow up in. I'm sure I'll be back. I'll add that today I saw a video posted by the local University. It was more of a marketing or recruitment video but I liked the energy of the students and the feel of the university. It feels like a good place!
@VinylPanda-NaturallyClean6 ай бұрын
@@SUNCOASTSTUDIO If you did it in an hour and a half then it's just amazing! Well done mate. I hope you enjoyed your time there. Because there is some kind of festival every month, you can go anytime and feel like you're on a holiday. 😂🤣 Honestly.
The video was shot quickly but the editing, research, narration, and publishing, well...that took a few more hours. I'm sure I'll be back in Szeged! God Bless and stay well!
@pangeea_ultima7 ай бұрын
Thank you for making my beautiful country known.
I was born in Romania, but left Romania when I was a boy. Vorbesc Romaneste perfect acum (sau aproape perfect; si am un pic de accent). Multumesc de apreciere, si este fascinant ce vad! Ma bucur sa pot imparte ce e de fapt un fel de notite de calatorie cu cei care privesc acest canal. Urmatorul video este despre Cetatea Brasov si dupa aia Sarmisegetusa Regia care am vazuto acum catev zile.
@brigitteludwig45727 ай бұрын
Diese Kirchen ähneln so sehr vom Baukonstrukt.. wow
Die meisten dieser Kirchen wurden vom Zisterzienserorden gebaut, einem christlich-katholischen Orden, der aus Cîteaux in der Nähe von Dijon stammte. Die Sachsen, die nach Siebenbürgen kamen, kamen aus der Region Flandern, weil ihnen vom ungarischen König Land versprochen wurde, der nicht über die Arbeitskräfte oder das Wissen verfügte, um die neu eroberten Länder im Osten aufzubauen und zu verteidigen. Bis zum Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts hatte sich der Zisterzienserorden im heutigen Frankreich, Deutschland, England, Wales, Schottland, Irland, Spanien, Portugal, Italien, Skandinavien und Osteuropa ausgebreitet. Sie waren 200 Jahre lang einflussreich und ihre tiefen christlichen Werte, ihr Engagement für Arbeit und Ordnung haben dazu beigetragen, das christliche Europa zu formen. Thank you Google translate!
@brigitteludwig45726 ай бұрын
Wow. Thank you.
@dura607 ай бұрын
Thank you ✨✨✨🫶
You’re welcome 😊
@brigitteludwig45727 ай бұрын
Intersting. Thank you
You are very welcome. I always like to hear from you!
@brigitteludwig45727 ай бұрын
@@SUNCOASTSTUDIO. Are you born in Romania like me?
Yes Brigette! I left the country as a child.
Do you still speak the old Saxon dialect?
@dura607 ай бұрын
Welkome. Thank you for your effort
Thank you! I appreciate your comment! Multumesc!
@gazoontight8 ай бұрын
Only showed the rich people part of the place. Mostly shows Vaca Key, not the entire city of Marathon.
Generally, I view my videos as a personal diary that I share with my viewers. I spent a day with my son and his family at Marathon and what you see in the video is what I was able to see in the short time I was there. I'm sure there much more to see and I wish I could have done the place justice by seeing and filming more of it.
@bismillahschool8 ай бұрын
it's overdeveloped - like everything else nowadays
It sounds like you're comenting about Coresi in Brașov, Romania. When you mention that Coresi is "overdeveloped," could you please clarify what you mean by that? Are you referring to rapid urbanization, extensive construction, environmental concerns, or another aspect of development in this area? Understanding more details would help provide a clearer context for discussing the situation in Coresi, Brașov.
@davidrte.66410 ай бұрын
My wife and I went to Lake Arrowhead on our first date. We ate at the Chalet, sadly it is no longer there. We have been married 55 years.
Congratulations on your marriage David! 55 years is a real feat and it's testimony to the spirit of true love in a couple! Thanks for sharing! Best regards, Lee
@Snappy6507 ай бұрын
So happy for yall! It’s the best
@brigitteludwig457210 ай бұрын
Thanks Brigitte!
@brigitteludwig457211 ай бұрын
Thank you Brigitte!
Do you ever visit Brasov?
@sorincimpean146211 ай бұрын
I was born and grew up in Brasov. Indeed, the city has completely changed. If you haven't seen the city since 2000 and come now in 2024, definitely don't recognize it anymore.It is a wonderful, green and clean city.And on the place where the coresi mall was built, there was a tractor factory, where at one point more than 23,000 employees worked, including me...imagine this.
I enjoy Brasov, for its history, people, cosmopolitan small town feel and sense of rebirth I feel when I am there. I am generally there at least once a year and the city fits me a like a glove. It's not just an exciting classical European city, but the easy access to the mountains makes it an ideal place for people like me, who love hiking, biking and generally what nature has to offer.
@nadirnomad161411 ай бұрын
Lovely brasov I was 2012 very changed now thanx amazing video
Thank you for the kind comments. I used an Insta360 X3 camera to make the video and very much enjoyed the process and of course sharing it with the people who view my channel. I appreciate all the subscribers. They encourage me to make more videos. I have been busy with other projects, but hope to get back to making more interesting videos soon.
@ELENA-23211 ай бұрын
sînt din Prejmer 😊
Buna Elena! Cand am facut videoul acesta in 2022, am fost foarte impresional de cetatea/biserica fortificata din Prejmer. Am incercat sa aflu cat mai mult despre ea, si facand asta, am intrat in istoria acestor fortificatii din Transilvania incepute din secolul 11. Imi amintesc ca atunci cand am facut videoul, chiar ma batea gandul sa cumpar o proprietate interesanta in centru pentru ca vedeam o valoare nu numai isorica, dar si o oportunitate turistica care nu mi sa parut bine servita.
@WhiteMountainProperty2006 Жыл бұрын
excellent video, well done!
Thank you for your appreciation. I took a look at some of your videos as well and found them interesting I thought that your video about leasing and rental contracts was particularly instructive.
@marydzida Жыл бұрын
I like arrowhead a lot
Thanks Mary. I appreciate your comment. I like this video as well because it combines aerial vistas as well as on the ground video. Lake Arrowhead was fun to film.