How to Speed Up Your Webflow Website
@asadullahasif6155 Күн бұрын
I get you’re right! But please try to open your mouth and use your lips while talking so everyone can understand you😶🤝
@divyv20 2 күн бұрын
Hey Uros ! I loved this video . I work with entrepreneurs like you who have under 10k subscribers to help them to grow to 100k subscribers in under 12 months with proper systems . I actually helped Chirag to achieve 92k subscribers in under 11 months . Could I do a free audit to see if I can help you do the same ? I just think it's really important that more people see your content and want to help you on that mission .
@panaroid9636 3 күн бұрын
@MbonisiM 3 күн бұрын
✅️ 11:27 SEO ✍️
@MbonisiM 3 күн бұрын
There is something about this video 🎦 that make me rewatch. Soon I will figure out 🤔 but I think there's a certain blueprint that is being laid out here. A Website being an Asset, but there is more to it 👀 9:32
@panaroid9636 4 күн бұрын
wish I could dislike again
@terence.pereira 4 күн бұрын
This is like an ad for Webflow. I get it, you make stuff for Webflow and would greatly benefit from saying it is better. You keep talking about "out of the box", but the problem with that is, Wordpress was never built that way and is only now heading in that direction. It is a modular platform that is far more customisable than Webflow is and probably ever will be.
@ivqn 4 күн бұрын
There's a lot of work to do but I would love to come to your level of business one day. Ps what's the company name of your Slovenian friends?
@UrosMikicFlowNinja 4 күн бұрын
The Flowout team!
@sykowhite9465 5 күн бұрын
an idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity - Terry A Davis
@Neverhood. 5 күн бұрын
Samo napred, Uroše! Svaka čast na svemu što si dosad postigao!
@jovanzemun 5 күн бұрын
Samo digni taj 🎤 višlje da te čujemo bolje 😂😊
@7Peja 5 күн бұрын
Hvala sto si podelio svoj dan sa nama. Definitivno cu procitati preporuku za “Buy Back Your Time “ od Dan Martell-a.
@reljasjourney 6 күн бұрын
Cao brate! Jako mi se svidja tvoj kontent i rad generalno, pa sam bas hteo da te pitam ovo pitanje. Hteo sam da te pitam koji bi savet dao nekome ko krece u svet prodavanja webflow sajtova( koliko sajtova treba imati u siviju pre javljanja buducim klijentima, na sta treba da se najvise fokusiras na pocetku itd.)
@panaroid9636 6 күн бұрын
@johannvalverde5757 9 күн бұрын
Sponsored by Webflow!!
@panaroid9636 9 күн бұрын
Stop hacking my computer
@ivqn 10 күн бұрын
It's so interesting to see that these little things can actually make a big difference. That are details which seperates good and excellent web pages.
@nustaniel 12 күн бұрын
All I have noticed is that sites built with either tend to have terrible code. Not to the point of being broken, but it's simple things like using overflow-x: hidden; on the body that aren't done and you get a weird horizontal scroll bar where it has no purpose because a scroll animation pushes some graphics outside the view port. The sites tend to look very samey, same awkward scroll animations, same layouts. Seemingly no thought about if the user has a 1920x1080 resolution or higher, graphics are oversized in several cases and not scaled gracefully to the browser view port. Overall, I think these build-a-website solutions create terrible web developers who seemingly don't know how to do the most basic fixes to their layouts.
@waltermelo1033 14 күн бұрын
sometimes I feel like something would be easier to do in code than Webflow itself. but I keep on Webflow because of the opportunities.
@UrosMikicFlowNinja 10 күн бұрын
Thanks for your comment! I get it, but Webflow offers so many opportunities and flexibility that it usually wins out. It's all about finding that balance, so keep going and good luck!
@Alparshia 16 күн бұрын
Pro make a video a bout from webflow to wordpress migration
@karolekessler 16 күн бұрын
I appreciate you taking the time to make this video. I'm just getting started with Figma to Webflow and was wondering what the thoughts were from a developers point of view. As a designer I never want to a make more problems for my developer. 🙂
@WetheMakers-u2w 18 күн бұрын
you really elevated this video - so well done - made me watch if almost entirely
@UrosMikicFlowNinja 17 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot! What part did you enjoy the most?
@strahinjasuvajdzic5103 18 күн бұрын
Svaka čast brate👏
@TheMaymu 21 күн бұрын
Where are all the links that you have mentioned?
@broykafounddead 21 күн бұрын
Svaka čast stari! Data Goat se čini nenormalno dobrom solucijom za statistike na jednom mjestu.
@samuray500 24 күн бұрын
Well I used them and for who is used to develop components from scratch using Angular or React for example or even Drupal and Wordpress, I find this really really limited. They could add bigger span of properties and also use these properties to filter a Collection list for example. But that's not possible. You can't also nest CMS elements and list goes on...
@maxmarowski 26 күн бұрын
You should compare webflow with wix studio instead of wix. You missing out a lot of things. Please redo this video and make it more deep diving with comparison to wix studio.
@Emmanuel-a292 27 күн бұрын
Great video, but I think a better comparison will be Wix Studio Vs Webflow Wix Studio is a newer platform, that has alot more customization features, making it a closer competitor to Webflow, so a comparison between these two might be more interesting for viewers who are looking at the latest website building options.
@Michael......... 27 күн бұрын
I also prefer Webflow, but seems like you are comparing Wix Editor instead of Wix Studio to Webflow. Would have loved some more in depth differentiation.
@Neverhood. 27 күн бұрын
Zdravo Uroše, Veoma je inspirativno sve što si rekao u videu. Dugo me zanima i Front-End i Back-End, i već imam neko znanje o HTML-u i CSS-u. Razmišljao sam da nastavim tim putem, ali nekako se uvek povučem kada treba da se upustim u programiranje. Iskreno, pre nego što sam počeo da učim HTML, fokusirao sam se na Webflow i posle godinu dana opet sam se vratio na to. Želim da budem Webflow developer, to je istina. Još tada sam naišao na tvoj kanal na KZbin-u, ali tek sada sam te počeo zaista pratiti. Veoma je inspirativno ono što deliš putem svog kanala! Još jednom kažem, želim i hoću da budem Webflow developer. Sada sam ozbiljno počeo da učim Figma-u (reci da idem pravim putem). Molim te, pokaži mi pravac :) Samo da znaš, sledeće godine ćemo raditi zajedno! Pozdrav iz Subotice, Zoltan.
@m7ggy 29 күн бұрын
That’s a hard NO.
@SP-dr7es Ай бұрын
Coughing baby (wix) vs Nuclear bomb (webflow)
@mahmudzar Ай бұрын
Wordpress + Bricks builder beats Webflow all time. (In my opinion😅)
@aleksandardawidpetrovich4539 Ай бұрын
Idemoooo Ай бұрын
cool Video Uros
@ivqn Ай бұрын
Nice video, I agree with everything you said, especially that audit architecture is very important. Even most people don't think about that, and they are just focusing on the best website design, which is, as you said, not necessary.
@MercadeoDigitalco Ай бұрын
web flow is EXPENSIVE -- this is why it is NEVER going to evolve in 80% of use cases
@muhammadsaad8678 Ай бұрын
Can we use a different payment provider withe ecommerce, like PayU, other than stripe and paypal. If yes, what is the most covenient way?
@jmg9509 Ай бұрын
15:30 22:00 - High converting landing page/home
@Stachio_Editing Ай бұрын
druzee ne mozes mi to radit onaj prosli video sa onim editom i sad ovaj stil...
@KunalKumar-bf5ts Ай бұрын
@UncoverEd197 yep
@shinobi_coder88 Ай бұрын
Hi Uros, I think for some parts of the designs in a template in Figma, we still need to use the plugin to set the Responsive breakpoints on top of Auto-layout in a Section Element in order to have the Responsiveness in Webflow after the syncing. And as for individual elements like Card and the pre-built layout from the plugin itself, we still need to adjust the responsive font's sizes (Typography) across different breakpoints in Webflow too Maybe it's just useful for syncing the design systems like Variables
@Homemprazer Ай бұрын
Vc sofre de mongolismo ?
@entrepreneurweb3.019 Ай бұрын
Je te suis depuis le début, toujours aussi qualitatif
@perisicnikola37 Ай бұрын
Wow. More fascinating than I thought. Keep going
@uialexk Ай бұрын
Video editing, animatiosn and tutorial are off the charts! Great work!
@mhmm29 Ай бұрын
insane edit, amazing VSL!
@Tonemind Ай бұрын
What software and templates are you using for the Video animations? Please share, we're community here.
@CoffeeingsCsip Ай бұрын
I want to know that do people buy food and drinks recipes from a website online ? . How about creating a digital product on a website and selling it as a food and drink recipe ? . Will people buy a food and drink recipe from a website as a digital product ? . What is the point of view regarding this ? . Any suggestions ? . Thank You .
@Zine_Ouali Ай бұрын
This is not video editing, it's teamwork. No single editor can complete such a task alone. unless they don't care about time. and $1.7M agency owner would care about time.
@TheMarkonee Ай бұрын
Iman Gadzhi level content! Amazing!😯 Samo cepaj majstore!