@themasterseye 4 күн бұрын
This actually did a good job of convincing me not to buy the book. I look to these sorts of books more for inspiration than I do for stats and abilities. I dont mean that in a nasty or negative way, you didnt do anything wrong. I am actually appreciative of the opinion you provided. INow I dont have to buy the book just to be disappointed with it just being monster re-writes. If I ever find it for sale somewhere it would be worth grabbing, it isnt worthless by any means, just not worth the heavy price books come in at nowadays.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 4 күн бұрын
I'm glad you got good info out of it. 😉 I enjoy a good monster book full of all new creatures too. I just have a hard time getting them into my game, because I just don't have enough prep time. 💁‍♂️ Thanks for the comment, though. 👍
@TwinSteel 5 күн бұрын
@henchmansmemoirs1487 4 күн бұрын
@andrewhaldenby4949 6 күн бұрын
Subscribed ty
@henchmansmemoirs1487 6 күн бұрын
Thank you!!! 😁
@paulsager6289 9 күн бұрын
Can’t believe I listened to the point where i’m up to date on your whole campaign diary. It’s been an entertaining ride full of behind-the-screen insights that are highly educational for a wanna-be DM. Thanks for doing this and I look forward to more!
@henchmansmemoirs1487 9 күн бұрын
Thank you. I just got married and I'm in the process of selling and buying a home, so there might be a lull in Drakkenheim videos, but I'm hoping to occasionally post DM advice videos during the summer.
@anonymouse2675 9 күн бұрын
I really like this. It will come in very handy in the campaign I`m working on. My players wanted a war themed campaign, but I still needed to figure out how to make encounters more interesting than just throwing lots of enemies at them... This will help tremendously.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 9 күн бұрын
Great! If you've ever played Shadow of Mordor/Shadow of War, you might see how the Death Star Hustle could work with any mission behind enemy lines or inside an enemy camp. 👍
@anonymouse2675 9 күн бұрын
@@henchmansmemoirs1487 No, I never did play those, but I`m already thinking of ways to use it. Yep I noticed that, and if I make most of their "missions" Behind enemy lines, well then... This does sort of give me a direction to go in as far as coming up with additional encounters. Instead of rolling all the Sneak in, steal the McGuffins, kill enemy bosses, blow up base, escape into one mission, It could instead be spread out to several. For example, blow up the Iron Golem factory could be one, steal the prototype McGuffin(one is a reflavored Mizzium Apparatus) could be several of them, and in Dirty Dozen fashion assassinate the enemy leaders could be a couple more. Maybe destroying key infrastructure might be another, like a bridge or something. At least I now have an idea were to go from here. I especially like how it could also be used as a mechanic for dealing with those pesky meteor storms.
@anonymouse2675 9 күн бұрын
Because my players wanted something different. They voted on a world with a planetary ring, Roman like cultures, WW2, No guns or gunpowder(Ruins the immersion they said), Airships, Mushroom Forests, etc... Now I gotta figure all this out. I mean how do you have WW2 without guns? For example, they wanted a Planetary Ring. How would this effect the world? Well, long hot summers with nights that are almost as bright as day, because the ring would act similar to a full moon that fills half the sky. Long cold winters that are very dark, because the ring would block most of the sunlight like a giant pair of sunglasses on the world. The rings would also occasionally rain down meteor storms, so no large cities exposed on the surface. Cities would be more like Petra, Derinkuyu, Pueblos, or carved out of mountains. If I add bright glowy magic rocks to light up a city, then I can make it work. On the plus side, any old ruin is now automatically an old school dungeon crawl... Something none of these guys have ever experienced. I decided to make lots of canyons where the bottoms are fertile rainforests, with the cities carved into the walls, and up top is mostly inhospitable waste land inhabited by nomads. WW2 can be accomplished by using the Artificers Repeating Shot Infusion as an enchantment on all military crossbows, basically turning the light crossbow into the M1 Garand and the hand crossbow into the 1911 pistol. If I take the Bust Fire mechanic from the automatic rifle in the DMG and slap it on the heavy crossbow I can basically make a machine gun. Reflavor Grenades as "Alchemical" and now we can have WW2 without breaking the Immersion of it being a fantasy world. I can throw large numbers of enemies at them by using swarm mechanics on the enemy units. 10 enemies per unit, one initiative roll, one hit point pool, multi attack, one special attack, the enemies space is difficult terrain, etc... Officers would be a separate initiative, and be much harder. My real problem isn't the world building so much, as it`s coming up with enough WW2 or at least War themed encounters. So far what I have is to rip off the Dirty Dozen/Suicide Squad Movies for the first "Mission" by having my players recruited out of the prison, go to boot camp to be trained (gets them proficiency with the weapons and gear, plus the Sharpshooter feat and the Archery fighting style to make the whole thing work), then they get to jump out of an Airship using Rings of Feather Falling(Parachutes) D-Day style to raid the enemies main research base, steal the prototypes, blow up the base and escape. Think Clint Eastwood`s Fire Fox movie and the Wolfenstien video games. Okay, that's one. I can rip off Bruce Willis`s Tears of the Sun by having them rescue a prince from one of the nations that were being invaded. That`s two. But for the life of me I can`t think of any more... Right now I kinda feel like I`m beating my head against a wall.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 9 күн бұрын
That sounds amazing!!! So many great ideas, and I love how you are including your players in the world building. Don't forget that you can still get input from them to flesh things out. Bounce ideas off of them and get their feedback -- not about specific adventures, but and how to implement some of their ideas. Have fun!
@anonymouse2675 9 күн бұрын
@@henchmansmemoirs1487 Actually, your video on how to run escape scenes will be extremely useful, and might just pull this whole thing together for me. You can see how much that advice could be adapted for this campaign. Not just for the escapes but for a lot of the combat sessions in general, and for the environmental effects. The Meteor Storms will now have a timer for them to either seek shelter, or create it. If I put the Mold Earth cantrip on a shovel, I can call it an Entrenching Tool. They can use it to dig "Fox Holes" to escape the Meteor Storms. While I purposely gave everyone a way to do AOE/Multi Target damage and theoretically can throw unlimited waves of enemies at them, I mean I literally have an army... Now I have a direction to take it in that's slightly less scripted and railroady. Give them the objective and let them handle it their own way, just use timers before more enemy reinforcements arrive etc... and have them get out. Or I can use timers for how long before their own reinforcements get there. This would let me use a version of the Siege of Bastogne, hold out till reinforcements arrive. I still have a lot of work to do, but this will help greatly. It will also help me by giving me more room to adapt on the fly, which was one of my big concerns.
@Zr0din 11 күн бұрын
Now, the first 3 floors of Scarlet Citadel are EXCELLENT. I cut them apart and treat them as 4 different lairs (Crypt, Cerial KIller Lair, Mad Scientist Ooze Lair, Mad Scientist Time Lair and a Raid on a Dwarven Horde that is trapped and inhabited by Half Trolls- but if you go too far in you get swarmed by insects). LOL, Scarlet Citadel has a 3rd level bypass as well. Why? Because the Story of the Scarlet Citadel isn't part of the surface levels. It REALLY starts at the 4th level where you encounter the factions and the main people that are causing the problems you are there to fix. Looking forward to your 5e Abomination Vault series!
@henchmansmemoirs1487 10 күн бұрын
Thank you! I wish I had time run Scarlet Citadel and all the other megadungeons I showed on screen.
@paulsager6289 12 күн бұрын
i’m only an aspiring DM, but I would have preferred a ruling in which the Metal “construct“ would have been somehow affected by the heat metal spell. Perhaps it would work as a kind of analgesic, enabling the automaton to move more fluidly. Or it would’ve just made the creature sweat. Something more creative and less legalistic. Just my inexperienced two cents. by the way, I’ve listened all of this way through this formidable campaign diary, and this is as good a place as any for me to tell you I really like your retelling of the gameplay and the peeks behind the screen you provide, which offer quite a few insights. I admire your vast erudition and your commitment to your personal dark fantasy vision.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 11 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! That's very kind of you. I like your idea of Heat Metal having a creative effect, too. I just didn't want to set a precedent for future encounters that I would regret.
@albertmitchum8293 12 күн бұрын
Thanks again for another informative video! Lots of good ideas
@henchmansmemoirs1487 12 күн бұрын
Thank you! I hope my Tuesday night Ravenloft group likes it...
@eran5005 14 күн бұрын
Very interesting ideas! Nothing is as exciting as a ticking clock, and players love it even if they find it stressful. Just need to be strong and enforce a time limit IRL as well, or my players will sit and discuss the next 6 seconds round for 60 minutes x)
@henchmansmemoirs1487 14 күн бұрын
Thank you! Yeah, I really push the players to decide fast what they are going to do when I use the Innsmouth Hustle.
@johnjackson4483 14 күн бұрын
Great take! One of my most common frustrations in an ongoing game is losing the thread and realizing nobody remembers what the motivations or goal was for getting into a dungeon.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 14 күн бұрын
#same It's a big problem. Hopefully focusing in on shorter quest "loops" will help? I'm going to be giving it a try in my next two campaigns. 👍
@DainisKaulenas 14 күн бұрын
I miss Mighty Deeds, just FYI, but this is great content - thanks!
@henchmansmemoirs1487 14 күн бұрын
Thank you! I miss Mighty Deeds too!
@Grimlore82 17 күн бұрын
My main reasoning is The Forgotten Realms is by far the most commonly known. This comes with so many expectations. After decades in the hobby, I am just so burnt on FR.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 17 күн бұрын
Me too! That's why I'm running campaigns that feel thematically different from Faerun.
@zacharybigger4144 19 күн бұрын
Ive actually been homebrewing a prison escape for a session 0 with a bunch of brand new 5e players. This is a fantastic way for me to up the tension! Thanks!!
@henchmansmemoirs1487 18 күн бұрын
That's great to hear! I hope it comes off perfect.
@Wrist832 20 күн бұрын
I have a artificer who's planning on crafting a delerium powered rifle during the course of the campaign. I think having new delerium powered technology emerge is really interesting and cool!
@henchmansmemoirs1487 19 күн бұрын
I totally agree. Later in the campaign, one of my players switched to an artifacer, and we've been having a lot of fun with it!
@albertmitchum8293 22 күн бұрын
good stuff, as always, thanks!
@henchmansmemoirs1487 21 күн бұрын
😁 I hope you get some use out of it.
@MemphiStig 22 күн бұрын
You know who should use FR? Ed Greenwood. It would feel weird showing up at his house to play, and he's running an Eberron campaign. Actually, the fact of FR is great. It's been around forever and it's fully detailed. But imo it shouldn't serve as more than an example of what's possible. I don't think most gamers should even aspire to its scale. It's too big, too much, for most. You'll never need all that. Create or steal or adapt what you need and let that be your world. Anything else is basically just dead weight slowing you down. I'm not saying don't think or plan or prep. I'm saying less is more. Unless you're Ed.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 22 күн бұрын
It would be pretty funny seeing Greenwood run a different setting. 🤣
@VestigialLung 23 күн бұрын
My answer is usually a combination of both proposed with the addendum of if I want to run generic fantasy, I’ve digested enough fantasy media that I don’t really need to do any conscious worldbuilding at all, and I certainly don’t need to learn the history of a setting that’s as uniquely boring to me as FR (YMMV; obviously it hasn’t become the “default” D&D setting because it doesn’t resonate for people). FR’s problem for me is that it’s a remarkably deeply developed world that didn’t need to be anywhere near this deep.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 23 күн бұрын
Good ideas. The Forgotten Realms definitely isn't for everyone.
@demonic_myst4503 24 күн бұрын
I like some the aditions in demons and devils in the book i love the actuakl in lore catagorization of the demons evolving aspect and standadising demons and devils to have actual racial traits and abilities that all of their rave have its inspired me give those traits to others of their kind or prefer use those demons and devils over tha actual ones in official matedial
@henchmansmemoirs1487 24 күн бұрын
Yeah, I noticed they got very creative with differentiating the fiends. I liked it a lot.
@demonic_myst4503 24 күн бұрын
@@henchmansmemoirs1487 i liked how they took lore like evolving demons and gave it mechanical aspects in the soul devouring
@user-cx7kg6ok9b 24 күн бұрын
I'm not sure I see the point of that question. The obvious answer is "because I don't want to...which is why I'm creating my own world." You can't build a world - for stories, for games or whatever, based on just one question. That is the snake-oil salesman's pitch. That is the grail of the terminally lazy and it never amounts to a memorable world or good gaming. That said, the only ONE acceptable question is "What do the players want?" Base your world on what your players want and it will be, at the very least, an enjoyable game.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 24 күн бұрын
Well, my suggestion was to get focused on what makes your setting unique. Maybe it doesn't work for everyone, but it's really helped me.
@Drudenfusz 25 күн бұрын
I also prefer to run more thematic games, but for me that is more than just creating a mood board. And as an aside, witch hunts are not a middle ages thing, those happened after medieval times, mostly after modern book printing and translations of the bible into other languages than Latin happened, and thus a fracturing in belief threatened the orthodoxy.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 25 күн бұрын
Thanks for the correction. 👍 My Ravenloft Church of Ezra is also inspired by the Puritans and that era of church history. Along with some stuff from the Reformation, and a lot of Bloodborne too, probably. 🤭 "Thematic" is a good word. I should have used that in the video. Thanks for watching!
@henchmansmemoirs1487 25 күн бұрын
Also, if they didn't have witch hunts in the middle ages, how do you explain that Monty Python scene? 🤪🧙‍♀️🦆
@NormanDimmick 26 күн бұрын
Solid video, and I feel like it also alludes to a question I often find myself asking, which is: why am I running this game in D&D? At least for me, system can't really be separated from setting, especially with something like D&D, whose rules and mechanics are VERY MUCH tied into it's default settings, and demands either removing/ignoring a lot of things from play or doing some heavy reflavoring if you want to get away from the feel of those default settings. Even if I have solid reasons for not using the Forgotten Realms as a setting, D&D's mechanics demand that my homebrew world have some very Forgotten Realms, generic high fantasy flavor, so if I want to stray away from that, it's always worth asking if there's any point in trying to wrangle D&D to fit when there are tons of other wonderful TTRPGs that might fit what I want to do better. Could I homebrew D&D into a steampunk setting full of high fantasy races? Sure, and maybe Eberron skews close enough to what I want for me to work within it's framework, but if I'm deadset on things like firearms and machinery, maybe it's better to just run Tephra, which is a system all about steampunk with high fantasy races, and will have more fleshed out, playtested rules for those things. I think a lot of people get this idea that new TTRPGs are hard to learn because D&D is hard to learn, but there are TONS of rules-light options you can pick up in an evening, and even a lot of crunchier systems are still much easier to learn than D&D thanks to a more cohesive vision and less of a weird mix of new mechanics and legacy mechanics from older editions.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 26 күн бұрын
Great points. The rules you pick definitely alters the way the game feels. And some rule sets lend themselves to certain styles of games. Thanks for the feedback, I might need to make a whole separate video about that.
@divermarv 26 күн бұрын
Good video, and good question.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 26 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@WyldJezter 26 күн бұрын
respect for the tick figure!
@henchmansmemoirs1487 26 күн бұрын
@doomhippie6673 26 күн бұрын
Why not use the forgotten realms? They are too colorful, everything is in there and so everything loses meaning. Nothing is special. You want to play as a walking pile of manure? Well, in modern Forgotten Realm you might actually be a favorite with the people in the village because - hey, everything is okay. You are into emo drow? We got you covered. Orcs and bugbears are cuddly little or big besties, magic everywhere. Every frickin farmer has a magical sickle +2000 of total and utter destruction. Just no.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 26 күн бұрын
I read you loud and clear. 🤪 My point was to focus your world-building on what makes your campaign setting unique when you're prepping to run it at your table.
@TYOjoe 26 күн бұрын
id rather make my own world and remember that than have to remember/look up a whole bunch of stuff about a world i dont know at all
@henchmansmemoirs1487 26 күн бұрын
I can totally relate!
@jasonhare8540 26 күн бұрын
It always helps me to create the map first and then create a story that fits it using the surroundings. Maybe I'm doing it backwards 🤣
@henchmansmemoirs1487 26 күн бұрын
😄 That's one way to do it!
@KillerKabel 26 күн бұрын
I'm getting into it for the first time and I'm having a good time with a 'dialogical' approach like this, but with more tools. I've found a nice place on Google maps that really inspires me. I'm using my dice as much as possible. I'm using various tables. I'm heavily relying on Golarion as well. I'm having chat gpt talk through the world design with me, and generate vistas of my descriptions. I feel more like a middle man than a director. 😂
@henchmansmemoirs1487 25 күн бұрын
That's super creative! In the OSR there's a lot of people using random tables as ideas generator to get them started. Then they just let their imagination fill in the blanks. 👍
@geyks908 26 күн бұрын
What a lovely question !
@henchmansmemoirs1487 26 күн бұрын
Thank you! I'm trying to help DMs focus their worldbuilding efforts.
@miked.9364 27 күн бұрын
Seems kinda wierd that it's either Freedom so go play story games or Specific Feels. FR is still vague enough I can easily make a Specific Feels campaign. For me that has been the problem with D&D setting, so generic. Drasgonlance started off great but after D&D D&Ded it, it became bleh. Birthright was almost something. 1. Map. Without a map both DM and Players will lose interest quickly. 2. Gods. Make them unique 3. Classes and Races. Limit them. Just because there is some book with <insert race/class> doesn't mean you have to allow them. 4. Talk big, play small. Explan vaguely about whats out there, detail the small area around the players. That way you can freely change something according to whats happening with the players. 5. Time. Have time have actual meaning. Does it not break fun when the weather/season is always the same. Or doing something has no time limit. 0. World in Motion. Do not have Plots. Allow the world to move without the players. It sucks as a player when some DM gives you '3 plot hooks' to chase around. And nothing happens with these "plot hooks" until the players act upon them. I'm sorry I can go play any number of video games and do that.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 26 күн бұрын
All good points.
@Xyronyte 27 күн бұрын
The "kitchen sink" is exactly the reason I never want to use the forgotten realms. I don't want to run my PG-13 desert nomad campaign, and have my player say "My character is a lolth-sworn dominatrix and you have to deal with it because it's cannon" or some other 100 year old crap I've never even heard of, let alone approved
@henchmansmemoirs1487 26 күн бұрын
Very relatable!
@ahorseofcourse7283 25 күн бұрын
You can just say, "Not at ny table." The only canon that matters is what the DM doesn't veto.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 25 күн бұрын
@VanNessy97 27 күн бұрын
Not the answer being "because I don't have a copy of the Forgotten Realms" 🥲
@henchmansmemoirs1487 26 күн бұрын
There isn't even an official 5e Forgotten Realms book! But there's so much online, you can run the setting without a physical book.
@josephsalaba8290 27 күн бұрын
Honestly after being a DM for almost a decade now, I haven't found such good and straightforward advice on homebrewing worlds. Oftentimes it can be really difficult to know what to actually spend time creating, and advice like "spiral outward" is great for encounter design and general session prep but doesn't really help with the actual *creation* of the world. Having the several step checklist you recommended simplifies the process and makes things much clearer. Thank you!
@henchmansmemoirs1487 26 күн бұрын
I'm glad you found it helpful! Game on, brother!
@termicrafteron2794 28 күн бұрын
The question is "why don't you buy this book and use its contents instead of coming up with something on your own?
@henchmansmemoirs1487 27 күн бұрын
Kind of. I'm really saying "Focus on on what's going to make your campaign setting stand out." I think by highlighting the elements that drew you to a particular feel, you can focus your campaign prep.
@hygro9625 28 күн бұрын
LMAO! That's was a great and surprising question.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 28 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@Zr0din 29 күн бұрын
Because one of my players knows the Realms better than I do, and I may give a bad clue or something that leads them astray. There is so much to the Realms that even with all the videos and such, I can't catch up.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 29 күн бұрын
I agree: the fleshed-out campaign settings can be intimidating. That's another reason why I lean toward homebrew ones. I usually use something existing as a starting point, but I like there to be a lot of unanswered questions.
@Xyronyte 27 күн бұрын
It's still better than pathfinder for this, where their setting "prior adventurers" already canonically solved half of the world's problems, so new PCs feel like generic sidekicks in late-stage MCU
@henchmansmemoirs1487 26 күн бұрын
🤔 I can see that. Have you checked out the Doomed Forgotten Realms? It's an adventure where basically all the three official WotC adventures went wrong and now Vecna rules Faerun. It's a very cool series.
@Xyronyte 25 күн бұрын
@@henchmansmemoirs1487 that sounds fun!
@jacksquatt6082 Ай бұрын
Dude... "Bee-stee-air-ee" not "BEST-ee-air-ee." They are BEAsts, not BEsts.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
🤔 Are you sure? It's spelled bestiary, not beastiary.
@Zr0din Ай бұрын
Prepping for a convention right now and this showed up. Excellent advice. Action-able!
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
Which convention? Are you going to GenCon this year?
@Zr0din Ай бұрын
@@henchmansmemoirs1487 I'm not ready for the big stage. I run games for the local conventions in Chattanooga. We have a good 5 fan/game/cosplay conventions a year.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
That's cool. We're up in Nashville. Maybe I could drive to one of those conventions sometime?
@jordanwhite8718 Ай бұрын
I feel like the thing with legendary resistances is that the DM was never supposed to tell players that it used its legendary resistance. At least I never tell my players that that’s what the monster does. That way the monster seems genuinely intimidating rather than the DM is just giving you a swift kick to the nuts.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
Good idea. I usually roll in the open, so my players usually know what I need to roll to make the save. So it wouldn't work at my table, but I do think it's a good idea.
@cygnar2006 Ай бұрын
These videos are definitely helpful, thank you. I'm slowly prepping to run this campaign and seeing how your party handled things has been very useful (and entertaining) so far. Right now I'm debating on using a different system to run this in (Savage Worlds, Shadow of the Demon Lord and Shadowdark are the contenders). From what I've seen, 5e just makes it too easy to bypass certain situations instead of thinking their way through them.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
I'm a low-prep, lazy DM. So converting the whole campaign to another system sounds like *way* too much work. I do love the SotDL system, though. Anyway, I'm glad you're getting value out of our content. 😃
@robertvanark1800 Ай бұрын
Thanks! This was pretty helpful. My group is still only level 3, but I read over this one a ton trying to figure it out. I did see the solution you mentioned on Reddit where the user displayed the map isometrically, making the (possible) 3d solution more apparent. I’m considering making the L shape be the hall extending vertically, making it obvious something is up there, and they could see the statue if they peek up there. When the light hits the statue and it slides back, I’ll have a staircase form. I play a lot of Doom, so self-building staircases just seem natural.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
I love it! Great idea. There's just no explanation in the book about WHY there is this vertical shaft right there. Is it supposed to make the vault difficult to find?
@WilliamSlayer Ай бұрын
Page 147 describes the puzzle fairly well IMO. The map doesn't show doors because they're NOT doors. It's a wall with a small glass 'porthole' (like a ship window). My biggest dilemma was that there is NO SUNLIGHT in Drakkenheim. The Haze prevents sunlight...so how do you make the mirrors work?! I fixed a lot of the problems with one change. Let the Daylight spell work. Once that happened my group was off to the races. I placed a staircase in the shaft upwards to the archives to make that area work. Glad your players came up with a clever solution! 👏
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
Thanks! If they are not doors, that's fine. But the map should at least show where are the portholes are. I also stumbled describing the sunlight coming down on the statue when I've never described sunlight in the city. I've only ever described the Haze and the overcast conditions. 🤷‍♂️
@Zr0din Ай бұрын
I have been waiting for this one... Thanks again for sharing your experience. You know I love your stuff. 1. @3:33 The Door Problem: The jpg maps that are sent with the Kickstarter have the doors properly highlighted in color where the maps in the book/pdf kinda merge with the wall and look just like wall. 2. We need a table of contents that applies to the Drakkenheim KZbin where certain events take place so ambiguous issues are not so difficult to deal with. How did they deal with it in the Series? I'm sure this list or spreadsheet is out there somewhere but I haven't found it. 3. I was hoping in the VTT that there would be some awesome dynamic lighting and reflections solution programmed in, but it doesn't seem to be. Looks like the GM just has to reveal the areas as needed when they reflect the light in certain locations.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
1. Oh really? I just have the book to work from so I didn't know there was a better version out there. 2. Some way to quickly check out what happened in the original campaign for different areas would be *great*. I haven't watched/listened through that, so I don't have the advantage of those episodes. Thanks for the feedback, as always!
@cygnar2006 Ай бұрын
Gooey Cube is a company that does exactly what you are describing. Lots of handouts and NPC art right inside the campaign box.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
Fantastic! I'm gonna check them out.
@blackperson6969 Ай бұрын
Bro W tips keep it up👌
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
Thank you. I've got more DM tips videos in the works!
@albertmitchum8293 Ай бұрын
This is a great tool to help immerse your players in the game world.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
Thank you! I'm doing for all my future campaigns.
@MikChaos Ай бұрын
Steamforged Games Local Legends did a great job of this with NPC portrait cards and a separate booklet with all of their info in.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
That's so cool. I want to see more publishers get on board with this.
@jonpalmer4518 Ай бұрын
This!!!!!! As someone who doesn't take notes in my campaigns, the NPC visuals bring back 99% of the pertinent / relevant information. Also makes it more of an immersive experience...and isn't that one of the main goals of the game?? Kuddos to you for the time and effort you put in to your preparation! I'm sure your players appreciate it!
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@ericknapp2016 Ай бұрын
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
@jonpalmer4518 Ай бұрын
Knuckleheads🤔 Seems like they had a pretty good plan for a bunch of knuckleheads.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
I say that with love...
@WilliamSlayer Ай бұрын
I recall the adventure module saying that during the daytime the Lord of the Feast "rests inside the cathedral to keep the voices in his head quiet" ...and so always imagined when prepping that the party would find a way to confront him on the inside... That is NOT what happened, but that was due to players not wanting to be foolish and confront him 'in his lair'. Because you felt obligated to use the map I think you homebrewed and contrived a great scenario that forced the players onto that map. It sounds like they had an epic battle and will take a great story away from it!
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
Thank you! So was your party level 8? And were they able to handle the Lord of the Feast?
@WilliamSlayer Ай бұрын
Yes they were lvl 8 and they arranged for the battle to be our around Shepards gate (yes the HL one) so the SO and HL could take on the rest of the Garmyr. The fight lasted...aprox. 6-8 rounds even with the Lords Legendary actions. (My party had 6 PCs)​@@henchmansmemoirs1487
@MikChaos Ай бұрын
My group is 7 pcs so they should be able to handle the Lord of the Feast when they get to him.
@henchmansmemoirs1487 Ай бұрын
Ah, the old action economy. Seven PCs is definitely a bum rush. Best of luck!